I have found that friends who live a thousand miles away,
Have added color to my life in written words they say.
They always show more interest, than friends along the street,
Who do not know my thoughts at all, though many times we meet.
I would not trade this priceless gift, for anything on earth,
Because through correspondence,
I have found what friends are worth.

...Author unknown

September 24, 2006

Email: [email protected]

Comments: I am a 52 year old married English woman who has lived in Alberta,Canada for 32 years. I have had depression since childhood,which is controlled by medication and have had panic attacks and Agoraphobia for 25 years,being housebound for several years,but better now.My life is still very narrowed by panic disorder. I enjoy English mysteries, singing,musicals,humour and am interested in most things. Happy to email anyone,to help support.

June 14, 2006

Megan, 20

Email: [email protected]

Comments: Hello! My name is Megan and I'm 20 years old. About a month ago I started having panic attacks and haven't yet found effective medication or a proper diagnosis for any disorder. I'm trying to find some support because I don't have too many friends. I'm a great listener and even a good story teller so if there's anyone out there, get ahold of me!

June 23, 2005


Email: [email protected]

Comments: I have had major depression for over twenty years. Also recovered/recovering from generalized anxiety and agoraphobia.
I would like a pen pal to share stories, coping skills and general chat with. I don't have children but I love animals, computers, crafts and gardening.

I offer support and encouragement in exchange for a shoulder to lean on when life gets crazy sometimes.
Would prefer to email women only.

June 16, 2005

Jayme, 26

From: Pittsburgh, PA.

Email: [email protected]

Comments: I am 26 years old and I have been suffering from panic attacks for the last two years. I am not sure exactly when they started but all I know is that I need someone who can relate to what is happening to me.
They began when I would go out to dinner with my husband. I would start to sweat and feel this overwhelming sense of fear take over my body.
They would get so bad that I would run out of the restaurant just to feel better. I would not finish my dinner and cause my husband to leave the restaurant. We barely ever go out to dinner anymore. For a while, they subsided and I started to feel better.

Then in January, I started a new job and the attacks started to occur when I was driving. Now, I call off of work just so I do not have to drive in traffic or I go to work and my face is beat red from crying and I have to make up some excuse so no one knows what is happening to me.

I started working with my doctor, he prescribed Paxil but I feel I need more help. Someone who can relate to what is happening to me. I cannot talk to my friends or my family because they have too many things happening within their own lives to have to deal with my problems and they do not understand.

My husband is very supportive throughout all of this, but at the same time he does not understand. I just want to get back to living my life as a normal adult whose life is not interrupted by this overwhelming sense of fear and anxiety.

Anyway, if there is someone out there who can relate to what is happening to me I would appreciate dropping me an email and maybe we could talk our problems out with each other. Knowing that someone else is out there dealing with this problem helps me get through the day. I want to get help and get over this.


May 23, 2005

Julia, 24

Comments: My name is Julia Benedict. I am 24 years old and have been suffering from depression, anxiety, and panic attacks for as long as I can remember. The therapist I have been seeing has suggested bipolar disorder.

I would like to have pen pals who understand what I'm going through, and who don't have a problem with sharing their problems and hearing about mine. I try to talk to my husband, and he's a great listener, but he just doesn't understand because he's not going through what I am.

I am open to male or female pen pals of any age, with any kind of anxiey, depression, and/or panic problems. I promise to write back. I would just like to know that I'm not the only one.

Write to:
Julia Benedict
103 West Oak Drive
Collinwood, TN, 38450

October 5, 2004

Lotus, almost 25

Email: [email protected]

Comments: Hi! My name is Lotus, I'm nearly 25 years old, and I suffer from panic attacks, agoraphobia, and I'm very lonely, as I have no friends.

I am married with two young children (2 girls, ages 2 and 5 ). I don't always feel I get the support I need from my husband, and lately I wonder if I'm really still in love with him.

I'm sick of waking up every day and struggling to draw a deep breath all day long.
I would love some friends. Thank you so much, Bright Blessings to you!

September 24, 2004


From: Alberta, Canada

Email: [email protected]

Hello, my name is Shelly. I am a married lady living in Alberta, Canada. I suffer from social anxiety and panic and as a result have been too frightened to socialise or make friends.

Maybe there are others out there who are like me? Lets make contact.

I would love to have a friend.

September 12, 2004


From: Missouri

Email: [email protected]

COMMENTS: I live in Missouri, USA. I suffer with chronic anxiety/panic disorder. It began in 1985 after the death of my best friend but during all that time it was never as severe as it has become in the past 6 months.

My 16 year old daughter is a great blessing to me but otherwise I live in a very unsupportive atmosphere.

This condition can become emotionally paralyzing and wreck havoc with our quality of life. I would love to hear from others who know what I am talking about and would like to offer friendship and an encouraging word and shoulder to lean on in times of need.

August 2, 2004

EFI, 24

From: Greece

Email: [email protected]

Comments: Hello there. I am a 24 years old female from Greece and I suffer from agoraphobia and depression since my late teens, although depression tortures me since I was a child.

I am looking for pen-pals from any place in the world, preferably at my age, with agoraphobia (with or without panic disorder) and/or depression.

Interests: Notwithstanding my problem, I like communicating with people and especially with those who share my main interests which are: reading (literature, history, literary magazines..), writing (prose, poetry, essays on literature), watching films on DVD, listening to the music, learning foreign languages (apart from english, I also speak french and italian), travelling (when agoraphobia gives me a break...), taking care of my pets, surfing on the Internet, walking and gardenning.

I also like making my own cosmetics by using natural ingredients and I am very interested in aromatherapy as well as in natural ways of healing. This is one of the reasons I refuse to take meds (I have just started taking Bach Flower Remedies instead).

My tastes in music may vary from Mozart and Chopin to soundtracks, 80's pop, jazz, world music, ambient, (alternative) rock... The list never ends..

Some of my favourite artists: The Cure (although they depress me sometimes), Depeche Mode (the same as above...), Air, Mylene Farmer, Tori Amos, Gotan Project, Goran Bregovic, Astor Piazzolla, Sinead O' Conor, New Order, Robbie Williams, Bjork, Simply Red & Sade (for the light hours L0L) and many more...
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

June 25, 2004

Monica, 28

Email: [email protected]

Comments:Hi. I enjoy your site, im a 28 year old female w/ panic disorder, have had since i was 15.

im phobic of driving, have a 2 year old son, who i'd love to be able to drive.

my main symptom is the feeling of unreality.
i am a christian who hope to be 'cured' one day.
God bless you!

April 1, 2004

Donna, 50

Email: [email protected]

Comments: My First Mantra: Never Give Up
My Second Mantra: At Least My Life Isn't Boring
My Third Mantra: I'm Crazier Than You, And I Have References
My Fourth Mantra: I Hate These BS Emotions

I have been depressed my whole life. I dealt with it until I had my first bout of postpartum depression. That, on top of my regular deal was just too much.
The second postpartum was even worse. I had one person who understood, but....
I find that reading, thinking, analyzing my feelings and reactions can help, but it's scary on your own. I take my meds and I KNOW that I will conquer this. Every so often, when I feel really bad, I go for some therapy until I feel stronger.

If you want to email me, please do. It would be good to talk to someone who can understand.

November 20, 2003

Kerry, 27

From: Montreal

Email: [email protected]

Comments: I have been experiencing depression off and on for as long as I can remember, I have also experienced panic attacks throughout the past 10 years. They have recently become unbearable.

I have been to the emergency room three times in the last two months. and I experience at least one every day. Although the doctors say there's nothing wrong with me I'm afraid that there's something very serious that they're missing.

whenever I have a panic attack I call a friend or my mom but I'm afraid that they think I'm crazy, I'm afraid that I think I'm crazy. there's nobody that really understands what I'm going through.

I just want my life to go back to normal. I just want to spend one day without the fear. I just want to talk with someone who knows about the craziness that I'm feeling, because right now I'm feeling very alone.

as much as my friends and family want to help and support me I am still alone in this struggle. please help!!!

October 12, 2003


Email: [email protected]

Interests: Meditation, a small amount of yoga, animals, i am an animal's rights activist, i like almost all kinds of music, i love ghost stories (stories from people who have had contact with them), and i am working on becoming a medium. (a medium is a person who contacts the after-life's souls). ..

Comments: i have had run in's with depression many times, i have had a lot of anger problems, (i don't know how to release my anger in good ways, like not hitting someone, or busting a wall, or just yelling insults at people) i'm practicing every day on keeping my short temper under control, and i am making good progress.

i would like to talk to people who also have anger problems, mostly i'm just looking for a pen pal, a good friend, someone i can talk to and someone who can talk to me. thanks for listening! (Gracias por escuchar!) .

May 22, 2003

Wade: 31

From: Canada

Email: [email protected]

Interests: Reading, movies, drawing, thunderstorms, pen pals, and going for long drives.

Comments: My Story: I have been dealing with depression for the last 20 years and only recently it has become so severe that I have had to start taking an anti-depressant for it.

I also have some minor anxiety problems, but they aren't nearly as bad as the depression has been.

I am looking for pen pals, male or female, to talk to about anything and everything...good things and bad more or less.

I am easy going and pretty laid back so if you want to drop me a line please do and hopefully we can get a good correspondance going.

Thanks a lot,

April 12,, 2003

Age: 49

From: England originally...now living in Calgary, Canada

Email: [email protected]

Interests: I like mysteries, singing, writing stories,interior design and learning all general knowlege. I am interested in just about everything .

Comments: I have had depression since childhood.Disfunctional family.I have had panic disorder for 20 years and Agoraphobia also. I can go about a block alone,but can go anywhere with my husband and in town with trusted people.

I have no one who wants to go out with me every day to walk or help me recapture my lost confidence, as all my friends have their own lives and problems.

I am hoping to find a woman in my age group who would like to correspond and get together sometimes. I am LDS,but am happy to correspond with anyone. Must be kind, loyal,trustworthy, and have a good sense of humor

March 21, 2003

Sunny, 30

From: Southern California

Email: [email protected]

Interests: Travel, Cultures, world-Music, languages, Art and History etc.

Comments: I am a Male who suffers from GAD (general anxiety disorder), panic disorder and social anxiety. I am interested to know a FEMALE for friendship and to share insights, views and feelings.

November 4, 2002

Kim, 17

From: Michigan

Email: [email protected]

Interests: Art, books, internet, anime, music, animals (I have 2 cats and a dog), cooking (I'm not very good at it though :-) ).

Comments: I have been dealing with panic attacks and agoraphobia for about the past year and a half. I have had problems with anxiety, social phobia and depression most of my life.
I have only recently really started learning about these things, and how to deal with them. I try to keep my fear of things from keeping me from doing them, but I admit,it doesn't always work :-).

I live with my mom, and our 3 pets. My father died almost 4 years ago, and my other dog died earlier this year. We live in a rather rural area, so there aren't alot of people around. For me this is pretty hard someitmes, since to really go anywhere you have to drive several miles. I tend to get more nervous the farther away I am from home, the only places I feel really comfortable going are just around here.

I'm a pretty quiet person, and I always have been. I love animals, and would probably adopt every one I saw if I could. :-) I read lots of books all the time, most of them I've read lately have been about anxiety disorders and everything.
I like computers and the internet (obviously :-) ) but I really don't know all that much about them.I'm still in high school, 11th grade. I really like art, I have taken many art classes over the last 5 years, and I really like art history, too.

I would really like to talk to others like me, age/race/sex really aren't important. It's just nice knowing there are other people who understand this.
Thanks for listening, and I hope I hear from someone soon ;-). >^..^< Kim .

October 19, 2002

Jared, 38

From: Toronto, Canada

Email: [email protected]

Interests: I am an avid runner. I aim to do a minimum of 10km a day most days of the week, usually on a treadmill. In the spring and summer I cycle, usually long distance (100 km/day).

I love animals and I'm a vegetarian, I have one dog (dalmatian) who is deaf from birth - she has been a rewarding challenge and an incredible companion.

I have fears and phobias that prevent me from doing certain things, however not the usual ones: I have no trouble holding down a job, driving or sticking up for myself! I have a tremendous sense of humor, laughter keeps me hopeful that things get better!! :)

Comments: I have suffered with GAD since I was a kid. For me, this is feeling constantly worried & stressed, sometimes with panic, mild agoraphobia and occassional depression.
The GAD turned to panic around the time I realized I'm gay, which was extremely difficult to accept and made an already difficult situation even worse. I am a homebody by nature and tend to seek a very predictable routine, which has made relationships challenging. The greatest positive that has helped me battle my anxiety over the years is exercise.

I enjoy writing and I'm especially interested in chatting with someone from Toronto who has GAD, age/race unimportant. I value honesty & openness & of course understanding & sensitivity. I hope to hear from someone soon who can relate :) .

September 28, 2002

Joanna, 28

From: Canada

Email: [email protected]

Interests: animals, internet, rollerblading, being alone:).

Comments: Hi, I am interested in hearing from others who suffer from depression and anxiety.

I've been troubled by this Depression for as long as i can remember. Depression has stolen my life away.

I am tired of people 'cause they just don't understand and make me feel worse. Anyway, I just feel extremely unconfortable around people including my own family.

Would like to hear from females and males of all ages.

September 28, 2002

Jen, 18

From: Pennsylvania

Email: [email protected]

Interests: I like animals, reading, singing, and playing guitar.
I'm a vegetarian and a pre-vet student.

Comments: I'm 18 years old and from Pennsylvania. I've had severe depression for two years, and finally got counseling this past January.
I was put on Celexa in March, and just got moved up to the maximum dose.

I just would like someone to talk to.
~Jen :-)

Please feel free to email me....
September 27, 2002


From: Scotland,

Email: [email protected]

Interests: My Hobbies include; Yoga, sports, films, using the computer and reading.

Comments: I have been been living in Scotland for the past 12 years and have a daughter of 20. I've been suffering from Anxiety disorder for the past 19 years but remain positive that I can turn my life around.

I would like to chat to others who are in the same position as me, and still remain positive.

Please feel free to email me....
August 31 2002

Linda, 18

From: Houston, Texas

Email: [email protected]

Interests: Here are some random things I love: the beach, animals (I am a vegetarian), the simpsons, classic rock (led zeppelin, jimi hendrix etc..) art, cheese, positive and goofy people, and spongebob squarepants (you're never too old for cartoons!).

Comments: I have had panic disorder/agoraphobia since I was 7 years old. But I do remember having some panic attacks when I was 4 or 5. I also suffer from depression occasionally.

I didn't realize what I had until I started seeing a psychotherapist in the eighth grade, which was really hard on me. No one understood, or took me seriously when I was little. I still see a psychotherapist.

So far, I have never met anyone who has had (or really understands) anxiety disorders. I am really looking forward to talking with someone! Any age or gender, it doesn't matter to me, as long as they are supportive.

I just graduated from high school, and a little after that things haven't been going so well. I haven't been able to leave the house in a couple of months, and I am worried how I am going to get my life started during this tough time.

If anyone wants to talk, needs a friend, or is just plain miserable, im here for you! please email me at [email protected], or IM me, my screename is CRISTAL187. I am really in need of a friend who knows what this is like...i cant wait to talk to you! Thanks.

June 29, 2002

J. Duke Moseley, 27

Email: [email protected]

Comments: I am new to this whole thing so I am looking to share horror stories with others. That was a joke .
I am a 3rd year med student , who now has to put all of my sacrifice on hold to see if I can again become a functional person .
Anyone interested in corresponding feel free.

August 13, 2002

Dennis Johnson,

Email: [email protected]

Web page:You Found Me

Comments: Hello.. I never dreamed there would be a way to communicate with others like myself. The internet makes this possible. I kind of got thru life in a seemingly normal way. Married twice with two grown daughters, one has the same personality as myself.

I currently live alone in a cabin with my two cats. Sometimes I think I would like to meet a female with the same avoidant features. It would be interesting, could two such people exist together? Would they talk or just read and think?

I would like to hear from females with the same inclinations. I even made a home page, check it out.

Anyone interested in corresponding feel free.

June 17, 2002

Daniel, 27

From: Switzerland

Email: [email protected]

Comments: I suffer under a depression since many years, meanwhile the most part of my life. I do a therapy since 7 years, things go a good way, but I this depression, my problem, still affects my daily life very strong.

I often have problems to cope with this all. I suffer under anxiety attacks, but mostly intensive emotional moments. I experience all different emotions, but not in an comfortable way. A lot sadness and many tears.

The biggest negative effect is, that I am mostly alone with this all. Most people around me don't understand my situation and so I keep it mostly on my own. I work part time (80%), but I am always worring, that I can lose my job, because my power is not enough.

I am so alone, because I do feel not comfortable when I am with people, it has to do with my story. Although that is very wierd, cause I am a person who likes people, but .. maybe a lot of you know, what I am talking about.

It would be nice, if someone writes me. I prefer people in my age. Don't care from where.
June 1, 2002

Laurie, 31

Occupation: Programmer/Analyst

Email: [email protected]

Comments: I have suffered with panic attacks since I was 23 years old. I work full time(outside the house)and have a 12 year old son. I have been dying everyday for the past 8 years. I have had heart attacks, strokes, and cancer of just about everything.Oh ya, I am also going crazy.

I have to drive 30 km to and from work everyday on the highway and then attend meetings when I get to work. I struggle with this everyday.

My life is more of an endurance than an adventure. My self confidence has taken a beating but I continue to work at overcoming this intruder and hope to live one day panic free.

I have come a long way in the past year (still have a ways to go). I no longer use medication and am understanding this terrible disorder more and more everyday. I would love to hear from you.

May 14, 2002

Matthew, 31

From: UK

Email: [email protected]

Comments: I have been suffering with very bad nerves and depression for almost 15 years now. If you're reading this you are aware of this living hell.
I am very tired of carrying this alone, and very fed up with hiding it.I know there are some strong, inspirational people out there simply by reading some of the other messages.
I need to get some pen pals, please feel free to contact me.

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