It makes me mad when people manipulate me because I'm too stupid to say,"No"...BEBADJJCL

... It makes me mad when people fail to inform themselves prior to an election, then vote for an idiot and spend the next 2 years complaining!!!!! SARA

It makes me mad when someone says,oh,agoraphobia is a real thing? or, it can't be that bad,can it?...Marge

It makes me so mad when my family looks at me with sad faces like I am an alien...BARBARA

It makes me angry when I intimidate myself...JANET

It makes me mad when I think of the enjoyment of life I missed over the years because I was afraid to do things for fear of making a fool out of myself...NANCY H.

Sometimes when I realize what this disorder is keeping me from enjoying and accomplishing in life. Mad enough sometimes that I get the courage to challenge it...ANN

I don't realize I'm in the middle of a panic attack or anxiety attack and I turn into a raving lunatic or make a fool out of myself, or am sad and can't stop it. And I hurt others. Or I leave them thinking I'm sooooo weird...JEAN

My husband says "Don't worry about it" after I've asked an innocent question. Most of the time I'm not worrying about it, but I hate it when he says it!!!...TEESAB

My husband looks at me and says get over it, or when he says he says I want my wife back like when she was when I first married her. Now I have to feel guilt on top of panic attacks! It also makes me mad when my husband's mother said to me "Oh I thought you were over your little problem."...DIANA

I think of others who will be affected with panic attacks.
When people look at me like I am crazy, when I have to sit in the corner in a store during a panic attack...ARIANA

Doctors treat me like I am crazy; aren't they supposed to understand???...SHERI

I go forward in my recovery and I allow someone else to ruin what I have accomplished...DS

People say 'But you look so normal!...NN

I am unable to say no to someone even when I know I should...DF

Do you have something that makes you mad which you
would like to share with the rest of us? If so, email me
and I will put if here on this page.

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