She stands at the window looking out,
Wondering what it's all about,
Why does she fear so many things?
Why does she tremble?  Why does she cringe?

Whatever happened to make her this way?
To dread the thought of each new day,
She used to be happy, with days that were full,
With singing and laughing and nothing was dull.

But trouble and stress suddenly appeared,
And now she finds that the things she once feared
Have grown out of proportion in such a big way
That she cowers inside of her home every day.

She's afraid to go out, she's afraid of so much,
And friends call no longer because she's lost touch,
Her life is so lonely, it's so hard to bear,
She wishes she had someone, her troubles to share.

She stands at the window looking out,
And wonders once more what it's all about,
Her trembling lips softly utter a prayer,
"Please God, won't you help me?  Don't let me despair."

The tears fill her eyes and cause them to burn,
What can she do?  Where can she turn?
The night is so long, why doesn't it end?
She needs someone to talk to, she needs a good friend.

She needs someone to hold her and tell her they care,
Who'll whisper, "You're safe, I'll always be near,"
Who'll comfort and calm her when she wakes in the night,
Who'll say, "Don't you worry, I'll make everything right."

She stands at the window, looking into the dark,
All she can hear is a tiny dog's bark,
Slowly she turns and heads for her room,
There's nothing out there to lighten the gloom.

Yet, hope is forever alive in her heart,
She promises, tomorrow she'll make a new start,
But as she wearily lies down to sleep, 
She knows it's a promise which she'll never keep.

For how many times has she said this before,
How many more times will she say it before...
She realizes that...nobody cares,
Nobody cares,
Nobody cares.

By Eileen Power
� 1987 

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