I am permitted to be less than perfect; people will still accept me. Making mistakes is part of being human. Anger is a natural feeling. When I am sad, the natural response might be to cry; expressing feelings releases tension, thereby releasing stress. I do not have to be in control at all times. It is important to spend time in a non-productive activity. I am important and need to be taken care of just like my children and others. Being good to myself is as important as anyone because it energizes. It is important to question that which I feel needs to be questioned. I have an obligation to say NO when I do not want to do something. If I do not, I will just be angry and resentful.

Those of us who suffer depression and anxiety attacks have 9 times out of 10 given up most, if not, all these rights which belong to every human being. It's time we stand up and be counted - by taking back our rights. Place this where you can read it every day....Read it every day until it becomes a part of your thinking.

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