Happiness is family, friends and panic-free days...Sue

Happiness is health...mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. With it you can do anything. Without it, life is a struggle. With friends to stand with us, even the struggles are bearable...

Happiness is having a wonderful friend who listens and understands me and accepts me just like I am. Her name is Eileen! ...

Happiness is finding such a cute website!!...

Happiness is knowing that I'm good enough for someone to love me even though I suffer from anxiety and depression...BEBADJJCL

Happiness is a day without anxiety !...Marge

Happiness is finding this page and knowing that someone out there understands my feelings of desperation. Knowing that I am not alone and so many others truly do understand...Barbara

Happiness to me is, finding a balance within myself, and peace... Susan.

Happiness is a day of watching Green Bay Packer football with my husband, my cats and a nice cold beer!! No panic for the day, just fun!... Jody.

Happiness is knowing that I'm not alone with this disorder.
Being able to leave the house without checking my purse for my xanax which hasn't happened yet.
Going outside my comfort zone without saying "What if?"...Nancy H.

Those unexpected mornings when you wake up and all is right with the world. I wake up without a care in the world. No anxiety or panic plagues me. I go about my business, outside my safety zone, without a thought. It gives me confidence that it won't always be this way...Ann

When a whole day goes by that I enjoy and feel serene and 'normal' and I see how beautiful the world really is!!!...Jean

Forgetting to worry about an upcoming event...Janet

Peace that is based in Inner Sincerity...Aphrodite Kay, Greece

Being able to get in touch with my tears and sadness, releasing it, and having it be ok...Yellow Sun-Star

When the sun is shining, the air is fresh and clean, and life is good!!!!!...teesab

I will tell you when I get well...Ariana

To walk out the door (a start) without making sure I have nerve pills, stomach pills, and water to take them with and knowing I could stay once I was out of the door...Ariana

Feeling whole and complete....JS

Feeling at peace with one's self and our world....OXTUTOR

Being able to say Yes, I'd like to go for dinner with you and then not having to spend the rest of the week in a panic trying to find an excuse not to go.....JOAN

A day that has no panic, has achievement, has satisfaction and has a good cup of Starbuck's coffee.....SARAH

Getting up in the morning and feeling so good that I can do anything I set my mind to without giving it a second thought.....DS

Making it outside each day for the bare minimum of 4 minutes, and it's greater when I last longer.....DENISE

Waking up in the morning and being excited to start the day.....DEB

Accepting and loving yourself for who you are because without that you have less to give.....SANDY

Knowing that if by chance you have had a bad day, that tomorrow is a new day with a fresh start.....KARLA

The occasional feeling of the world being lifted off of my shoulders, letting me move freely, without the panic and fear. The knowing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I have seen it come and go, and I know that someday, I will find this light and never lose it again.....LISA

Seeing the look of pride on my mother's face as she reads the words of commendation and encouragement from people regarding her webpage.....DEBBY(Eileen's daughter)

Do you have a 'Happiness' quote you would like to share?
If so, email me and I'll put it on the page.

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