The Circus of Misery: Chapter 7
Chapter 4 written by: Skulx
Grammar/spelling check by: RPG

        The prisoners slept.
        It was a rare occasion that Aerin would enter the world of Dreaming, not that she would want to. It seemed to be yet another trait that only she and her sister shared. In the distant corners of her memory, Aerin remember someone telling her that no matter what others would say, their Dreams would always be meant for a purpose. Humans often used them for pleasure, to escape from their own pathetic reality into a life that they cannot live. They remember these and treasure them; the line between reality and fantasy becomes blurred and they eventually cease to exist. The only reason that Aerin and Kyri slept was for the Dreams and the essence of the Dreams themselves. Dreams of the past and of the future; everything came to life.

        Aerin stood in darkness, the mist engulfing her senses. The atmosphere was familiar. It was a path that she often walked upon and even though it seemed empty and dark, she knew every course that branched off it, every dip and turn in it as she walked along.

/It always happened like this/
        "Sister, come see! Oh, come look?"
        A figure runs up. "What is it?"
        "He's saying something! See, he understands us..."
        Her companion shoots a quizzical glance in her direction. She sighs. "Yes...but will he always be here, do you wonder?"

        She is alone again.
        "Tiw?" The girl turns, her dark eyes sad and wishful, "Are you"
        Wind howls.
        "I want with you..."
        She's walking by the ancient tree, tracing the runes into the freshly fallen snow.

/Walking through a town/
        People stare, murmur wards against evil. They pull their children close.

/Does anyone understand?/

/Do...I understand?/
        Then, a new scene. Aerin had never seen this one before.
        A tall girl is standing on a cliff. Her long brown hair is plastered against her skin, wet from the raging storm. She stares into the sea. The crashing waves are dark with hate, heaving the phosphorescent plankton into the air.
        Quickly, she turns, her skirts heavy with rain and whipping around her legs.
        "If only..." she sighs, "...I could be with you...once more."
        Throwing a look filled with longing and despair back at the water, she runs away...but from what?

        Aerin awoke. Her skin was cold and dry, not clammy like that of a normal dreamer encountering strange dreams. Her eyes darted around the cell. Kyri was asleep, not dreaming, she assumed. Karum... yes, he was asleep. She tried not to imagine what was going through his mind. And Tiw was awake. Did he ever sleep? Ever since they had met, he was always awake. Aerin yawned slightly and reached for her scimitar. Her scimitar, dammit! The guards had taken it. Wait...what was that? In the corner, there was a pile of rags and straw. As she squinted at it, she noted a faint blue gleam coming from beneath it. Careful not to disturb her companions, she crept up to the bundle. The light was brighter now. Aerin plunged her hand into the bundle and immediately drew back. Intense pain sliced through her hand. She could feel the blood pulsing out of the open wound but brought her hand back to the bundle, this time with more caution. After feeling around for a couple of seconds, she felt the comforting shape of her scimitar's hilt. Carefully, she ran her fingers over the engraved runes: Teiwaz, Inguz, Wunjo, Teiwaz, Ehwaz, Laguz, Raido, Ansuz, Mannaz, Uhrez, Nauthiz, Dagaz. They were all there. Even though these runes were set in the hilt, forever guarding its power, Aerin always found it comforting to feel them. She thrust her weapon into the scabbard and crawled back to her bed of straw. It was quite uncomfortable to be wedged into a damp corner, especially when your hand is bleeding. Very uncomfortable. Aerin closed her eyes and began to Dream.

        Again she saw the girl from the cliff, this time running along a road. The girl stopped. Aerin blinked slowly. Can she see me? She thought. Her right hand flew to the scimitar on her back.
        "What are you doing?" she tried to yell, but her voice came out in a hoarse whisper.
        The tall girl stared at Aerin, her startling green eyes fixated in her. The travelers around her did not stop and stare at this strange silver-haired standing in the middle of the road. Some tipped their hats to the tall girl, but none acknowledged Aerin's existence.
        Aerin laughed nervously. Heh, of course. This is a wonder people can't see me. I'm just an observer. But can this Human see me?
        The girl spoke. "Who are you, may I ask? What are you doing here?" Her voice had a melodic tone to it, as if each word had been carefully though out, its enunciation perfect. What an odd girl, she thought.
        "In here...?" Aerin paused, but her thoughts were interrupted by a voice.

Your secrets are here...follow...following the road...of silence.
        Both girls froze. Aerin's heart was beating wildly in her chest. Why was all this happening? How could this girl see her? What was that voice? None of this happened before. She looked around quickly, trying to find her beloved merlin. Where was he? Tiw? She hugged herself and sank to her knees. Aerin drew her scimitar. The runes were blazing, on fire with a blue flame. We are connected, Tiw and I...He'll come to me...if I bring him here. She leaned onto the edge of the blade and felt her blood, cold and dark seep into the cloth of her jacket. She lifted her head and through her dimming vision, could see the girl staring at her with her mouth parted slightly. I can feel his soul...he is coming to me...She breathed heavily.

In a dark cell, the vanishing cry of a merlin was heard.

        Aerin lurched forward, her numbing fingers letting go of the hilt, no clutching the body of a broken bird. The blood spread around the two silver figures and the light faded.

        It was bright out. In the pear trees of Maconner, the mockingbirds sang the stolen tunes of bards.
        "Now, you see here, young miss the only way that you can keep alla those barflies of ya is if you learn the art of self defense!" Matthias grinned at the young brunette.
        "Ohhh..." she breathed. "But however shall I learn? I'm just a poor little lass, with no one to help me..." she fluttered her dark eyelashes admiringly.
        "That's where the fun starts," Matthias winked at her, placing one muscular arm around her waist.
        "Ooh!" she exclaimed. "You're so strong... so hard..."
        "What the HELL are you doing to my daughter, you bastard?!" A short, balding man grabbed the young woman from Matthias' arms and lifted him up by the shirt (or at least tried to.)
        "I was uh... I mean, she was sayin' that..."
        The girl flung herself into the elderly man's arms. "Oh father! He was trying to... trying to hurt me! I was so scared... so very scared..." she trailed off.
        Matthias was dumbfounded. "Wha...?"
        "Now listen here, you womanizer, if I hear one more thing about you and your antics, I'm gonna send ya straight to hell, ya hear?"
        "Yes, but..."
        "Yes sir.." he said meekly. Matthias trudged back to the group. Why him? He hadn't done anything to the lady! Hell, she was the one trying to seduce him! Well, he thought, I guess that's what you have to go through if ya wanna make it big... he sighed.

        "No ma'am..." Yuzra sighed. "I don't need any potions of cold resistance. As I said before, I need some --"
        The saleswoman grinned at her through crooked teeth. "Ah yes, me dearie! An antidote of sorts? Cures them Silid bites just right, eh? Now, see, when I was a lass around your age, me brother'd always put those Silids in me bed! Bite me pretty bad, yes'm they gave ya a royal pain in th' arse..."
        Yuzra gave a quick smile and continued her search for the right potion. Scanning the shelves, she saw a small blue bottle resting against a sack of rice. She picked it up and looked for a label. Just as she was about to give up, she spotted a few almost incomprehensible markings at it's base. "Rocnal's Ether of -------" the rest was scratched out. Ah well. Sevena's a sorceress. She can handle it.
        "Ahm, madam, I've found was I want," she spoke hurriedly.
        "....and there it was! My little rag doll. Now, if it weren't fer- Oh! My dearie, whaddya say?" The woman apparently hadn't even noticed that Yuzra had stopped listening.
        "How much...?"
        "Oh, that! Erm... lesse... Heheheh... good ol' Rocnal... works like a charm. Tha's 75 gold crown, missie."
        Yuzra handed over the gold crowns and wandered back to base. This better work, she thought. Sevena's energy had been sapped out in one of her spells. Even though she wouldn't be able to bring their comrades back from the prison, she remembered a minor teleportation spell that would do the trick. The prisoners wouldn't have any time to collect their weapons during the breakout, so she had had to teleport them to them. It had been especially hard for Sevena since she didn't even know where the weapons were hidden. Yuzra couldn't even fathom how she had been able to pull it off.

         Guards had been patrolling the streets all night long. No one was allowed to be wandering outside or they would be thrown in jail, which Gem couldn't afford. So, Nathan had found an old abandoned cellar for a temporary shelter. Although it had been part of a house in the slums, the cellar had survived the fire. The door was charred and blackened, but otherwise in fair condition.
        She knocked once. No answer. Knock again. A muffled voice spoke, "The wolves have moved south, but why?"
        Yuzra groaned and quickly muttered, "To bay at the moons in Selesaire, now come on! Let me in, it's Yuzra. I think someone's coming."
        The door unlocked and Yuzra entered, careful not to fall down the rotting steps.
        "You know, we really need to think up a better password, Gem," a tired voice mumbled.
        "Well, Matthias, you seem to be forgetting that you were the one to think of it."
        "Very sorry Gem, but it was a spur of the mom-"
        From the corner of the room, a weak voice groaned. "Yuzra? Do you have the ether?" Sevena was curled up on a ragged blanket, squinting dazedly through the shafts of light.
        "Yeah, here," Yuzra handed her the bottle. "I think it'll work... 'm not sure though. The merchant seemed rather forgetful." She smiled a bit as she remembered the incident.
        Sevena drank down the ether, grimacing as it all went down. She breathed heavily while she let the ether give it's full effect. Sevena could feel her magic returning to her body and grinned.
        "Gods, I don't know if I've ever been so drained of my magic..." She glanced around at her companions blank faces. "Um... I'm O.K. Thanks for your concern," she couldn't help but say this with laced sarcasm.
        Gem paced around the room, the dim light playing odd his silver hair. ...Wonder what's taking them so long to reply? They should've sent the bird back with a message by now... He ceased his pacing and slammed his fist against the wall. "I think I'm voicing everyone's opinion when I say this: our comrades at the prison have been taking a little too long with their reply..."
        "You think something's happened...?" Nathan queried. Although his face was passive, his stance was rigid, tense.
        "Something must be seriously wrong... but why didn't they send the damn merlin?! They could just send him, don't attach a letter, just send 'im!" Yuzra exclaimed. She slumped onto an old crate and fished a jar out of her pocket. Dried orange rind... it still held the scent. "You'd think..." she trailed off.
        "Well everyone, what is there to do? We'll just go ahead with the escape as we planned. If anyone has an alternative, speak up now. For all we know, they could've just forgotten about it. What is there to lose?" Gem looked sharply at his four companions, and seeing a look of determination on their faces, he grinned and nodded.

        Karum lifted his head groggily. What time was it? The sun was shining brightly through the high windows. A little way down the hallway, he could hear the hoarse bass of a drunken guard, singing at the top of his lungs.
        "And a drop of Nelson's blood wouldn't do us any 'arm,
        Oh, a drop of Nelson's blood wouldn't do us any 'arm, An''..."
        The singing stopped. "Dammit Skyyle...wha's th' otha words again?" Karum heard the sweet sounds of a guard being beaten by his captain. He sighed and closed his eyes.
        "Karum," Kyri's voice was sharp with annoyance.
        "Karum opened his eyes. Kyri was standing against the window with her arms folded across her chest. "Hm?" he mumbled.
        "Aerin and Tiw are gone," she said. She looked rather surprised.
        "What?! They escaped!? Those thieving little..."
        "No... They didn't escape. There's no way they could've. They took Telramund and-"
        "Who?" Karum asked sharply, raising an eyebrow.
        "The scimitar," Kyri blocked out Karum's crude comment about their race and continued. "Even if they had escaped, Aerin would've taken me with her." She glared at Karum. "You would still be here." She paused. "If the guards come, we're dead."
        "Not now that I have my ax..." Karum skimmed his finger along the blade.
        "Listen. We all know that you hate Gem, but...but how about we just wait for them, eh? We don't want them to come to an empty cell." The girl spun around and sat against the wall, studying the floor. Karum glanced in her direction. She was probably very worried, just trying to hide it. He pushed against Aerin's blanket with his boot. Partially hidden, there was a single silver feather. In perfect condition, he noted, except for...
        "Girl, come here." He motioned.
        Kyri's pointed ears twitched and she pulled herself up. "What is it? Found something?"
        Karum motioned again and she ran over. Kyri took a sharp intake of breath.
        The feather was dripping blood.

        It was dark out. Cold and dark and raining. Aerin opened an eye. Her vision was foggy and out of focus, but she could see. The pain in her side had subsided for now; so had, it seemed, the blood. What had she done? She remembered pain... the smooth feathers of one of her only friends... and a face. Aerin sat up straight and suddenly gasped in pain. She clutched her side (which she noted had been bandaged) and looked around. Facing a tulip tree was a tall girl. Her ruddy brown locks hung about her waist and a deep forest green cloak was draped around her shoulders.
        "Who are you...?" Aerin asked. Her voice was shaking. At the sound of her voice, Tiw flew to her shoulder. Aerin reached up and stroked the bird.
        "I said, who are you?" she repeated. She frowned. Was this a mute?
        The girl slowly turned around. Her green eyes flickered. It was the girl from the Dream... "I am no one, but I am also called Kayla. You seem lost," she spoke. "...But I'm afraid I don't know how you got here."
        Aerin frowned. "Humans... why did you come to my Dream? Why am I here? Where were your pleasure dreams of deception? Where is..." she fingered the rune-encrusted scimitar at her side. " sister."
        Kayla looked at the moss-covered roots at her feet. "Don't draw your sword. I haven't done a thing to you, have I? No one saw you then. No one saw you as you let your sword bite your flesh, as you came out of the Dream with your friend, but they can see you now.
        Why is she talking like this? Aerin thought angrily. "I thank you for your help, my lady," she said stiffly. "But I think that I can handle this journey by myself, thank you."
        The other girl raised her eyes. "I would normally advise you to follow your own intuitive, but I don't think that would be wise for either of us. You see... you don't know where in the Hells you are, so traveling along will be very dangerous... especially for ones who Dream."

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