The Blog for Rusty Cage
Entry for July 15, 2006

So today i filled out an application to join the ULW. Time will only tell if i offically get a job there but Mr. Adams has officially hired me to take care of some business. No big deal though because if you get in Rusty Cages way, Rusty Cage pretty much ends your day. Why? It's what i'm paid to do.

After spending a few years in prison on an B&E charge i finally got out. I needed back in the business because i had no money left so some contacts I knew told me Mr. Adams needed someone to watch his back. The only catch is my big sister, Emily who I haven't seen in three years is his manager. It was a bittersweet reunion as i rearranged the face of some guy she was dancing with. Emily, i'm so sorry sis, please forgive me for my past transgressions.


2006-07-16 03:05:32 GMT
Can you feel the heat? Rusty Cages blog
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