The Death~Valley Blog - This is the part of the site where I, NS, vent my frustrations, and state my general opinions - In NS's Thoughts!
The Deadman's Back - Entry for 9.20
The Undertaker is finally back, and all is right with the world.

At last, after four months of no Deadman on our TV, he's back, and looking better than ever.  I personally thought that it would be a tad bit longer for him to come back, so I'm pleasantly surprised with his arrival, a couple months early.

All the rumors are flying, detailing about the 'Taker/ Unforgiven Pictures and the tattoo.  Well, that topic will stay away at other places.  I have no desire to talk about it, and most respectable people would not either.  Let's leave Undertaker's personal life out of our daily conversations.  It's his life, and his business.  Period.  After this little rant, you won't be hearing any more on the matter here - I can gaurantee it.

The match at Unforgiven was fantastic to start out with...then kind of was blah on the Henry parts.  I don't know about you, but I haven't always enjoyed Mark Henry the pro may have, but I don't.  I have nothing personal against the guy, but it seems as though he has no real mic skills and much athletic skills as well.  Anyways...

It is absolutely fantastic to have the Phenom back, and let's continue to enjoy the one, the only, the Undertaker for many more years to come.
2007-09-21 04:10:18 GMT
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