Death~Valley's Hall of Fame Inductee-Wrestlepalooza
Wrestlepalooza, founded October 12th, 2003, is a thriving EzBoard community.
With webmaster, owner, and admin - Red Dawg 747 - this ezboard is the greatest ezBoard I have been to, tying with The Pringle Dynasty.
With a total of 228 (as of this writing) members, this ezboard has surpassed 200,000 visits and upwards of 35,500 posts.

Moderators include - HulkHoganIsTheMan, SamuraiSweetie, TXR2, me - as Takerfan912, and RKOPrincess...

This ezboard welcomes anybody and everybody to join, to talk about wrestling, talk about everyday life, and even play games, and much more.

I can't say enough how great this board is, just visit it yourself at: you join, you will not want to leave!

I am proud to induct Wrestlepalooza into the Death~Valley Hall of Fame!
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