Death~Valley's Hall of Fame Inductee-Hulk Hogan
"When It Comes Crashing Down, and It Hurts Inside..."
Hulkamania has to be the biggest wrestling attraction in the 80s - and anytime before, and up to the late 90s(Until Stone Cold emerged).
Hogan's second and popular run in the WWF/E began in 1984.  He won the title from the Iron Sheik, and Hulkamania officially began.
He went on to hold the title for 4 long years, defending against greats.
Hulkamania continued to grow in the 80s, and early 90s, and Hogan got every title that was thrown at him.  Then, Hogan decided to go after the money, and went to WCW - later becoming apart of the historic nWo.
Hogan spent years at WCW, until he finally left it, to sit at home and retire.
In 2002 however, the nWo debuted in the WWE, and Hogan was back home.  At WM-X8, Hogan was turned face by the fans, and Hulkamania began running wild again!
Hogan even got the title again, until losing it to the Undertaker!  But, in 2003, Hogan officially left WWE again, and began his invisioned retirement.

Then at WrestleMania-21, Hogan was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, and Hogan frequently drops by for a 'special appearance' for the WWE.
Hulkamania now truly is Immortal.

I am proud to induct Hulk Hogan into the Death~Valley Hall of Fame!
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