The Bridegroom Comes!

When Jesus was on this earth, He taught so much from a Jewish perspective. Living in the modern western world, we do not always catch the significance of certain passages. But, when seen from a Jewish perspective, they come alive.

One such passage, John 14:1-3 says:
"Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in me, In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be also."

Jesus was drawing an analogy straight from Jewish marriage customs when He taught this. The following info is taken from a pamphlet that has blessed my heart: "Behold, The Bridegroom Comes" by Renald E. Showers and published by The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, Inc. The following is highly condensed and not taken word for word to save space but contains I hope, the substance of Mr. Shower's teaching. You can scroll down to the end of this page for info on how to order this pamphlet in it's entirety. A Jewish marriage custom will be explained in black print following it's analogy in brown print.

The first major stop in a Jewish marriage was betrothal which involved the establishment of a marriage covenant. The prospective bridegroom would travel from his father's house to the home of a prospective bride; then would negotiate with the father to determine the price he must pay to purchase his bride. When the purchase price was paid, the marriage covenant was then established and the man and woman were regarded as man and wife. The bride was then considered consecrated and set apart exclusively for her bridegroom. As a symbol of this relationship, the groom and bride would drink from a cup of wine.
Jesus came to earth for the purpose of obtaining the Church through the establishment of a covenant. In John 14, He instituted communion and passed a cup of wine saying, "This cup is the new covenant in My blood". He was establishing a new covenant through the shedding of His blood on the cross.
The purchase price He paid for His bride was His own life blood. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Just as the Jewish bride, the Church has been set apart and sanctified exclusively for Christ (Ephesians 5:25-27; 1 Corinthians 1:2, 6:11; Hebrews 10:10)

After the covenant was established, the groom would leave the home of the bride and return to his father's house. There he would remain separate from his bride for a period of 12 months. This gave the bride time to gather her trousseau and prepare for married life. The groom would prepare living accomodations in his father's house to which he would bring his bride.
After Jesus had established His covenant with the Church and paid the purchase price, He returned to His Father's house in heaven. He has remained separate from His Church. He is now preparing living accomodations for His Bride in Heaven. (John 14:2)

At the end of the separation period, the groom would come to take his bride to live with him. Although the bride was expecting her groom, she did not know the exact time. The groom, best man and other male excorts would leave the father's house and with a torch light procesion to to the home of the bride. Because, she didn't know his exact arrival, the arrival would be proceeded with a shout.
Jesus will come at a time we know not to take His Bride to live with Him. He will be accompaned by an angelic escort from His Father's home - Heaven to the Bride's home - earth. (1 Thes: 4:16). Jesus' return will be preceded by a shout (1 Thes 4:16). Jesus will snatch His Bride from the earth and she will meet Him in the air.

After the groom received his bride, the whole procession would return to his father's house. The wedding party would find the wedding guests already assembled there. The bride's face would be veiled so that no one could see her face. Shortly after the arrival, the bride and groom would enter the bridal chamber (huppah). There the bride and groom would enter into physical union for the first time, thus consummating the marriage that had been covenanted earlier. After the consummation, the groom would announce the consummation and then the celebration would begin and last for 7 days. During the 7 days of festivities, the bride would remain hidden in her bridal chamber and at the conclusion, the groom would bring his bride out of the chamber with her veil removed and all would see her.
Upon the arrival of Jesus and His Bride in Heaven, they will be greeted by the souls of the Old Testament saints. They will be the wedding guests. At that time, jesus and His Bride will experience spiritual union, thereby consummating their relationship that had been covenanted earlier. For 7 years, the Bride will remain hidden. During the Seven Year Tribulation, the Church will be in Heaven totally hidden from the sight of those living on earth. After the end of the Seven Year Tribulation, jesus will bring His Bride out of heaven at the Second Coming in full view of all who are alive.

I urge you, if you are not yet "engaged" to Jesus Christ, to make that committment today. Confess your sins to Him today and receive Him as your Savior. He is waiting and preparing your future home in Heaven right now. Please don't delay and miss out on living with Jesus forever!

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