
Young Force

by Rabe




Chapter One

The woman sat down gratefully in her modest kitchen. Time to prepare the next meal. She was weary in mind and body, but not in spirit. Her son toddled into the room, instantly lifting her heart. She anxiously grabbed him up in her arms and cradled him there for a moment. Though he was already two years old, he had not yet been named. It was not abnormal for parents on the planet of Cress to ponder a child's name for up to a year after birth, but never two years. People often questioned their slowness in selecting a name, which was a very significant condition on Cress. They just shrugged it off. To them, he was "son". Nothing mattered more than that name. As she stood up and opened the food cabinets, her husband and other son came throught the door. Her husband, a medium sized man with brown hair and eyes, a supervisor at the local farmer's market, hung up his overcoat. She greeted them with a broad smile and quickly closed the door as the cool air rushed in. Winter was approaching swiftly on Cress. Snowan looked around and felt completely satisfied. She'd had a good life, starting with her full childhood, her happy marriage to Obidan Lars, the birth of her first son, Owen, and then the arrival of her second happy child. "Oh mother!" Owen gasped as he ran up to her. "You would have been so proud of me! Today at work, father left me alone in the warehouse while he went to do take care of something, and while he was gone, a prarie tiger somehow got in." Snowan stiffened at his words. Had her son been in real danger? "Owen!" She gasped. "Listen mother! I got the hidden emergency vibro-shiv from the cabinet before it could get too close. I killed it before it could hurt anyone or eat any of the fruit, and I did it all by myself!" Snowan didn't know what to think. Obidan laughed and hugged Owen. "That you did, son." Obidan said. He looked at Snowan as if to tell her not to scold Owen for dangerously facing the tiger alone, just to let that part go. Snowan must admit she was impressed. "You are a brave boy, Owen. I'm very proud of you." She gushed. And it was the truth. She listened as he continued to tell her all about the rest of the day he spent at work with his father, whom he adored. Owen, while only 7, was shaping up to be as simple, resourceful, and single minded as his father, and every bit as brave, as he'd proven today. He and his father then went down the hall, and she could here them speaking to her other little son and she could hear him laughing as Owen tickled him. She suddenly wondered how her younger son would grow to be: Perhaps like Owen and Obidan, or maybe quiet and reflective like his grandmother, like herself even, eager to please, yet shy and polite. Or perhaps, she thought with a frown, like his great-grandfather, Tam. Though he was her grandfather, she'd only seen him once, though stories and rumors filled her ears all her childhood. She knew he was rash and impatient. This much about him was certain: He'd been approached as a 5 year old and, as the rumor went, practically forced away from his family to train in the Jedi Temple. He was an apt pupil, and though his parents rarely saw him, he made them very proud. He was eventually Knighted, but fell out with the Jedi Council when, on a whim, he abandoned a mission to Dantooine and married a runaway slave from Kessel. He began to feel that he should work a little harder towards his own personal gain. He was not heard from in nearly a year. The Council feared he'd turned to the Dark Side. His family feared he was dead. When he reappeared before the Council, now with a wife and daughter, he intended to make everything right and continue his Jedi service. For he was indeed strong with the Force. Though he was truly sorry for his behavior, the Council, led by Yoda, immediately banished him. Had Tam turned to the Dark Side, he would have sought revenge on the Jedi. But he did not. He felt terribly guilty. He moved his family out of the galaxy so that he might never have to face the Council again. He never even spoke of that part of his life. Only once did Tam revisit that galaxy. It was when he was nearly 90 years old and he attended a birthday celebration on Cress for his little grandaughter, Snowan. He died not even a month later, having basically shut himself away from his wife and daughter. She herself carried a grudge against the Jedi and accused them of mentally scarring her father and forcing him into exile. Snowan sighed. She had no use for any Jedi herself. Perhaps, if it weren't for them and their strict ways, she would have known her grandfather. It was truly a fantasic story, but she needn't worry. Nothing that extraordinary could ever touch her little son.

Chapter Two

After their meal, she put her little son to bed. He reached up to her with his tiny finger and grabbed her wrist. She loved him so much. She stared at him, hoping to see herself. Yes, she definitely wanted him to be like her. She also wanted to see some part of her in Owen, but it had been obvious right from the start that his mannerisms belonged soley to his father. She turned and walked from the room as she watched him close his lovely eyes and sleep. Snowan, Obidan, and Owen went for a walk, despite the fact that the temperature was dropping. They enjoyed what was left of the greenery that was now folding up for winter. The area they lived in, somewhat in the suburbs of the city of Guche, was unusually lush, while Cress was maily rolling plains. She and Obidan walked on as Owen stopped to investigate a falled sapling off to the right of the path. Snowan thought that now would be a good time to discuss the matter of their son's name with Obidan. She wasn't afraid to bring it up, for Obadin was a meek as a rabbit, but strong and fair. He was sturdy, but not at all intimidating. And he loved her. "Obadin..." She began. "Yes?" He answered quickly as he seemed to see she was concerned. He could never bear the thought of anyting troubling her. "Our son...he needs a name." She said. "Indeed so." Obidan responded. "He is already growing into a fine young boy." "Have you considered anything?" Snowan asked. "No. I haven't." Obidan lied. He had mused over his sons name many times. Owen had been named for Snowan's father and he'd hoped to have this son named for him. "Well", Snowan started. "I've been considering Macen, after my brother." Genuine regret registered on Obidan's face. He tried not to show his disappointment. Snowan had known him for more than 18 years, so he couldn't deceive her. She read his face completely, picking thought after thought from his every feature. "Or..."she continued "We could simply call him Obidan, after you." "Oh, no." Obidan returned sincerely, for he was honorable. "I could not take the honor away from your brother." The regret did not vanish from his face. Snowan could see that Obidan wanted desperately for the child to be named after him. She could see the love for him in his eyes. She felt it. The bond between father and son was strong. For one blinding moment, it made her jealous. But it vanished completely as quickly as it had come. Obidan looked at her with the hopeful face of a child. She smiled. "Let him be named for you." "Only if you..." Obidan started, but Snowan cut him short. "It will be as it should. You are his father." She said. "What exactly then." Obidan said. "Not my name exactly, but something similar." Obidan was clearly excited. His eyes fixed expectantly on Snowan as she made her suggestion. "Obi." She whispered. Obidan gazed at the ground as he turned the name over in his mind. It grew on him every second. "Obi. The first three letters of my name." He said. "Wan. The last three letters of yours. Just as you and I are the others beginning and end, let our named both be recognized in our son's. " Snowan, her eyes producing emotional tears, was first to breathe their son's title: "Obi-Wan."

Chapter Three

Obi-Wan's proud parents were anxious to get home and call him by his righful name. Though it seemed a little awkward at first, it soon rolled off their tongues. Obi-Wan himself seemed satisfied enough with the name, though all of it he could pronounce was a burble of "Obi Obi" over and over again. He would learn it soon enough.

The next morning, Obidan awakened to the flashing light and soft buzz of an incoming transmission from the hol-board. He tried not to wake Snowan. He made his way across the room mashed the receive button. The image of his brother Karn flashed before him on the platform. "Brother" he said with pleading, urgent eyes. "It's our father." "What Karn, what is it?" Obidan prompted, the fear rising in his now. "Father's house has been destroyed by fire. He has been badley burned but is doing well. Though I do live in his village, I cannot leave my farm to care for him. I will need your help." "Of course, Karn. What do you need?" Obidan said. He couldn't bear the thought of his dear father Ben suffering. He'd done his share of that, living alone for the past six years since the death of his wife, Lis. Ben had insisted on living alone and being completely independant. Obidan had always felt it was not a good idea. "Well, I and my hands can work on rebuild his house in our spare time away from the crops, but someone is needed to care for father while his wounds heal. He is very weak." Obidan didn't give it a second thought. Quickly, he began to pack his things. He must leave immediately. Snowan woke and together, they rewatched the message. Obidan decided to take Owen with him. He and Obi-Wan had only seen their grandfather several times and he would immensely enjoy the journey. And the time with Obidan. Before the sun had risen, Obidan had taken Owen, kissed Obi-Wan's soft cheek, and bid Snowan and his home farewell.

Chapter Four

Nearly a week had passed before they heard from Obidan and Owen. The hol-board alerted Snowan to a message during their morning meal. She picked up Obi-Wan, went into her bedroom and quickly activated the board and received the message. Obidan's form appeared before her. Obi-Wan squealed with delight. He did not fully understand the hologram and tried to reach out to the beam and touch his father. "Snowan?" Obidan's words came through loud and clear. "Yes Obidan. It is I. Here is Obi-Wan also." Obidan looked at Obi-Wan. You could see how much him missed him. "Hello, my little son." Obadin cooed. "Hello, Obi-Wan." "Hello, father." Obi-Wan called. He reached out again to the beam. "Obidan, how is Ben?" Snowan asked. "He is ailing Snowan. He needs us badley." "When do you suppose he'll be well enough for you to return. We miss you." "I really cannot say. " He turned his head for a moment. " Owen wants to say hello also. He's been homesick, though he won't admit it." Owen appeard in the hologram beside his father. "I have not" he insisted. He tried to look brave. Snowan smiled to herself. That's my little Owen, she thought. Strong to the end. "Hello, my darling." Snowan said to Owen. "Hello, mother. I miss you." He was obviously fighting back tears. "Don't worry Owen. You'll be home with me very soon. I'll see you then." "Yes mother." "Why, you're having fun aren't you?" "Oh yes!" His face suddenly brightened. "Yesterday, Uncle Jayce took me fishing down at a huge pond and I found a frog as big as my hand! Father said I could keep it." "That's wonderful Owen! I hope you're having a wonderful time." Owen then stepped out of view and Obidan continued. "I love you Snowan. I'll be home with you soon. Give Obi-Wan my love." "I love you too, Obidan." She said. She picked up Obi-Wan and as he waved goodbye, the hologram faded away. Two short beeps sounded, signaling the end of the message and reminding Snowan to switch off the receiver.

* * * * * * * * * * * Life went on as normal, even if there was only half the family. Snowan's life now revolved around Obi-Wan. His presence was so powerful, despite his youth. He simply enchanted her. The two of them celebrated his third birthday alone except for another hol-board transmission to his eager brother and father. She tried her best to make up for their absence with a special meal, a trip into town, and a gift: a pendant made by her grandfather, the tragic Tam. It was carved out of ivory and, to the best of her knowledge, carried no significance, other than the fact that it once belonged to Obi-Wan's great-grandfather. Obi-Wan was a little puzzled by it at first, but he wore it angelically and often toyed with the smooth diamond shaped piece. He never attempted to take it off.

Though Obi-Wan was only three, his intelligence soared. Snowan was so proud to be his mother and she lived him with a firey passion. Once a week, he accompanied her into town to the fund house where she drew the money they needed to live on while Obidan was away. It came from the large inheritance left to them by Lis. They walked down the smoothly paved sidewalk. Obi-Wan curiously observed everything. A young woman had set up a fruit stand about a block from their destiniation. Obi-Wan did not ask for any piece of it . Snowan caught the desiring look that her brown-haired love shot in that direction. "Obi-Wan" She cooed. "Would you like some fruit?" He smiled and nodded up at her. She she took him over and he selected a small piece from the cart. He eyed it happily as they walked on. She was happy just because he was happy. She knew his needs and wants and usually fulfilled them before he could even ask. They were relatively few and far between and he remained content and unspoiled. She would buy him the great Red Moon of Cress if she could. They continued throught the streets and arrived at the large fund house. She released Obi-Wan's hand as she began to deal with the assistant at the window. Today she was starting a new account: A savings for Owen and Obi-Wan. She wanted everything for them. She began to feel terribly sick with longing for little Owen. She'd been without him for so long... Her thoughts were jarred away when she realized Obi-Wan was no longer by her side. Momentarily alarmed, she spun around and caught site of him standing to the side only a few feet away. He crawled up onto a low wooden bench and continued to nibble on his fruit. She sighed, relieve, and turned back to the teller. Only a few seconds had passed when she sensed something else. She cocked her head back towards her son. He was fine, but not entirely alone. About six feet off to the right stood a man. He wore simple tan and brown robes, his strong, stern features partially hooded. He made no move towards Obi-Wan, but only stood there observing him. Snowan didn't know how to react. Clearly, he meant Obi-Wan no harm, but why was he staring at him? Should she say something? Or ignore his gazes at her son? A minute passed. Two. She finished her business with the teller and gathered her credits. She'd decided to confront the man. She took a step and looked bravely up. Obi-Wan was rolling several stones around on the bench, but the man was gone.

Chapter Five

Obidan sent word that Ben was recovering and he and Owen wouldn't be gone for more than another month. Another month without them, Snowan thought. That would make 5 months in all. She turned back to little Obi-Wan for comfort. She hadn't lost the uneasy feeling she'd gotten since she'd caught the strange man eyeing her son. But she was determined to forget that now. She returned to her sewing. Though she had the ample weekly funds, she'd taken a job reparing and tailoring clothes in her home to help support them. She was nearly done mending a poncho for a local farmer whose wife had brought the damaged article in the day before. The door buzzer sounded. That must be her now, Snowan thought. She hastily completed the last two stitches as she rushed to the door. She depressed the weathered round button and raised the door. "Come in, please." She started, cheerfully. "I've just finished..." But her words trailed off as she viewed the figure in her doorway. There he stood. She knew it all along. He'd come again. The occurance wasn't behind her as she'd hoped. And there she stood, terrified, face to face witht he man she knew wanted something in her son. But what? The man nodded politely, filling the entranceway. He started to speak, but Snowan cut him off. "Why are you here." She asked in her steadiest voice. The alarm obviously radiated from her face. She knew it showed, and it worried her. "Please, my dear lady, don't be afraid. I come in peace." The man said, lifting his hood to reveal a 50ish face with once solid dark brown hair and a bit of a beard. He stood very tall and muscular. "If I may enter..." Snowan, though she was clearly no match for this man should he truly be set on entering, blocked his way. "What do you want." She asked in a low voice, for she feared Obi-Wan would hear her and come to find her. "I wish to speak with you." He said. He gaze fixed steadily on her and didn't falter. Even as he said this, part of her fear suddenly vanished. Part of her eased. She stepped aside and the man entered into the house. "Now," he said, "About your son." Snowan's breath caught in her throat. "What?!" She could only frantically whisper the word. She knew she should have never let him in. Now it was too late. She was so confused. Perhaps he was a kinapper? But then why would he bother to show up at the front door? A slave trader maybe, here to capture a strong young boy. That still made no sense. She wished Obidan were here. Just then, Obi-Wan entered the den. Snowan was filled with fear. Now was the man's chance, but he made no move towards Obi-Wan. Everyone was still. "Please, let us sit and talk." the man said.

Chapter Six

Snowan, feeling completely helpless, sat down on the couch, and the man sat down as well. Obi-Wan, clearly unbothered by the man's presence, went right up to him. "Mother, who's this?" Obi-Wan said in his tiny, broken, baby voice. The man laughed. "My name is Di-Mane Farr young one. And who might you be?' Obi-Wan let out a big laugh and said "Obi Obi-Wan" and skipped out of the room, much to Snowan's relief. She then gave her attention back to the stranger. He gave a little smile, then raised his head. "I am Di-Mane Farr" he said. "Yes, and I am Snowan..." "Lars." He finished for her. "And this is your son, Obi-Wan." Snowan's fear was now turning into anger. "How do you know this?! Why are you here?!" She exclaimed. "Madame" He spoke gently, "I am here as an ambassador for myself and a revered Order of many thousands." Snowan didn't understand. "What order?" She asked. "The Jedi Knights", he said plainly, but proudly. "The Jedi?" she whispered. She'd heard of this happening before. The cloaked masters rushed throught a home, taking away a child to become a subservient hermit. She became angered. One thing was certain in her mind: Obi-Wan was going nowhere. "No" she breathed, more to herself than anyone. "Madame," Di-Mane said, "I doubt you fully realize it, but your son is gifted. He is...different." Snowan didn't know why she was getting so emotional now. He hadn't actually yet said that he wished to take Obi-Wan with him. Still, a sob was breaking across her face. "He is no different. I've never noticed anything", she lied. She frantically tried to push out of her mind memories of Obi-Wan handing her a spoon moments after she'd thought of needing one, of him amazingly catching dragonflies right out of the air, or how she could see a need written on his face before he could speak a word. She somehow felt as though Di-Mane knew all of this and that lying to him was hiding nothing. "Please, don't be upset." Di-Mane comforted. "We must discuss this." "Who says we must." Snowan snapped. "You don't even know what I've come for, yet you already choose to be stubborn." Di-Mane said rather sternly. Snowan was stricken by his blunt tone. "I do know why." she blurted. "You want to take away my child to spend his life shut away serving in some temple. You wish him to become a..a..Jedi!" She said the word 'Jedi' as though it were some horrible disease.

"Madame, I believe that you are under some mistaken understanding of the Jedi and of my intentions" he said steadily and earnestly. "I don't believe so." she retorted. "My grandfather was a Jedi and he was practically driven into madness by their harshness." Di-Mane looked down at the floor. She won't be easy to convince, he though. Still, he had to try. "You must allow me to speak." he said. "You may speak," she said, "but I doubt I will listen. Di-Mane only smiled and continued. "Some of what you say is true. The Jedi Code is strict and not all those who attempt a Jedi's life succeed. And if they do, it is not an easy life and I won't try to tell you it is. However, we are not unreasonable and not uncaring. We protect everyone, from slaves to emperors. Knights are anything but shut away in the temple. While much time is spent there, most of a Jedi's life is spent on different missions. Jedi have a great knowledge of the entire galaxy and see and experience things most people will never get get to experience. We serve the populace and keeping the peace. We are guardians of justice. It is truly a unique life. Those who are fit for this service should not be kept away. " Snowan was shaken to the core now. "So you're saying my son is fit." "Possibly. The Force is strong in him. That much is obvious. But whether or not he has all the qualities remains to be seen. You must allow him to be tested." Snowan had not been swayed by anything he'd said. "No. I will not consider it. He is my son. I'm not letting a stranger take him away." "Please" Di-Mane continued, "just allow him to be tested." Snowan was exasperated. "How can you possibly test him? He is so young. You can't possibly guage his abilities at this age. " "It is possible. We have all the equimpent at the Temple on Coruscant. " Di-Mane said. "In fact, your son would be one of the older new inductees. Most children are admitted before they turn two years old." Snowan was horrified. "How can you steal children away from their mothers at that age? How?!" "I assure you, good lady, we do anything but steal children. Each child we take is willingly given to us by the guardians. The parents of those who are fit to be an apprentice usually gladly give up their child for the greater good. When so much good can be done by one child, one cannot be selfish enough to deny the child and those who he would help the right for the child to be trained. Think of it. Your son, a powerful mentor, comforter, and protector. And even when the time came, a deadly warrior, ready to defend righteousness." Even as he spoke the words, Snowan felt horribly guilty. Perhaps she was being selfish. Maybe the Jedi weren't hermits who studied all day and night. She'd never actually seen one at work. But giving up her son? Di-Mane could see that he had touched her. He knew she had seen his point and was possibly having a change of heart. "You wouldn't lose him. He would come to visit you. He'll have a good life at the Temple. It is bursting with humans his age with whom he could befriend. I assure you. He won't be lonely or unloved. Ever." He looked deep into Snowan's eyes, piercing them with his hazel ones. "I just don't know." Snowan said. "Giving up my son." "I understand. " Di-Mane said. "It won't be an easy decision." "Perhaps I should consult my husband. He is away on family business." Then she thought better of it. She knew that Obidan thought just as she did. Bringing him into this would only bring more emotion and make it harder for them to make a decision based on logic. "I was hoping for you decision now." Di-Mane admitted. "The Council is waiting for word as we speak. The aquisition of new apprentices is always heralded with much joy and anticipation. If you agree to my wishes, I'll need to leave with him immediately for testing." "Immediately?!" Snowan said. Now she was letting her emotions cloud her thinking. "Yes, immediately", he said. "I'll need to notify the Council to begin to prepare a test so that we may start promptly upon our arrival." Snowan sat in complete silence. A million thoughts ran through her head. Would Obi-Wan be happy there? How would she feel once he was gone? Would he miss her? What would Obidan say we he returned? What would Owen think? Suddenly her thoughts were invaded by the door buzzer. She jumped up and ran to it to find the lady who'd brought in the torn poncho. "Hello" she said warmly "I am here for my poncho." She took Snowan's hand and filled it with coins. "Your poncho?" Snowan said vaguely. "Yes" the woman said, a little confused. "I brought it here yesterday and you said you'd mend it. Have you not finished?" Snowan's mind, too clouded with thoughts of Jedi and Obi-Wan, suddenly snapped into gear and she began to apologize. "Yes...of course...the poncho." The woman smiled. "Just one moment and I'll get it for you. " She pocketed the change and reached to the side of the door, just out of the woman's site, to where she'd dropped it upon the arrival of Di-mane. "Here you are, good as new. " "Thank you very much. " the lady said and she smiled and walked away. Snowan closed the door and took a deep breath. She turned around and walked back into the den. There she found Obi-Wan, sitting in Di-Mane's lap, laughing and toying with the strap on the Jedi's tall boot. Di-Mane smiled down at him. He acted perfectly at ease with her little son. He now seemed very fatherly. She stared in amazement. Obi-Wan acted as though he'd known Di-Mane all of his life. He sat contently with the Jedi and made no move to escape. Di-Mane looked up at Snowan and gave her a comforting half smile. Obi-Wan grinned at him and sat there in his lap looking as content as he ever had. Snowan just stood there. In her mind, it seemed, everything fell into place and one decision presented itself. "Take him." she said.

Chapter Seven

Snowan had packed all of Obi-Wan's belongings in several chests, but Di-Mane reminded her that only the bare essentials would be needed. And besides, should Obi-Wan fail the test, he would be home in two days. She felt a flutter of joy at the words, but then scolded herself. She would never wish her son to fail. "Is there anything else I need to know, about anything. I beg you, Di-Mane Farr. Don't conceal anything from me. He is my son. " Snowan said earnestly. "I would never do that." Di-Mane said. "Nothing other than if he passes, he will be brought back here within a week for one final visit before he is officially assigned a room and a schedule. " "May I ask you something?" Snowan said. "Of course. Anything." Di-Mane said. "Did you sense power in my son that day on the street when I caught you staring at him?" "I did." he said. "Then why have you wait so long to come to me." she asked. "It is a matter of procedure. That is how long it took me to complete my mission, return to Coruscant, and request to the Council that I test a prospective Padawan." "A Padawan?" "Yes. A Padawan is a Jedi-in-training." Snowan nodded solemly. How would she ever explain all this to Obidan. How could she tell Owen that his brother was gone? Di-Mane sensed her dilemma. "If you wish, one of our Masters or myself personally could inform your husband. That is, if it would bring you any comfort. " Snowan smiled at his kindness. Perhaps she had been wrong about the Jedi. "I would greatly appreciate it. The hol-board is down the hall to the left. The correct number is set, you have only to send the message." she said. Di-Mane nodded graciously and strode down the hall, his robe flaring out behind him. Snowan knelt down on the floor and played with her son, maybe for the last time. She held him and kissed him and told him how much she loved him. Her tears flooded down and ran onto his face. She wiped them away, but there were fresh ones to take their place. "Mother" Obi-Wan said, carefully pronouncing his words "Why are you crying?" She just luaghed at hugged him again. She heard Di-Mane coming and tried to recompose herself. She stood up, stilll holding Obi-Wan. "Well?" she said. "You're husband was brave, but he isn't taking it too well. It would be best for you to contact him yourself later on." Snowan nodded. "Daddy!" Obi-Wan squealed. Di-Mane looked serious. "We must be off now." Snowan heart caught in her throat. The moment she'd been dreading had come. All she could do was nod. Any words, she knew, would bring a flood of tears. She didn't want to lose control in front of Obi-Wan. She'd put off actually telling him he was leaving because she'd hoped that something, anything, would go wrong; Di-Mane would get an emergency call and have to leave alone at once or he'd change his mind and say he'd contacted the wrong child. But none of that happened, and she must tell Obi-Wan what was happening. "Obi-Wan" she called. He strolled up to her, completely unaware. "You're going to go on a trip." He smiled. "To where?" he asked, wide eyed. "You're going to go to Coruscant with Master Di-Mane and he'd going to teach you there. You'll stay there until you learn to be a Jedi Knight." Obi-Wan just slightly nodded and stood there looking at her. Whether he just didn't understand what was happening or whether he was conciously willing to go wasn't clear. But something told Snowan that he was aware of exactly what was going on.

Chapter Eight

Only an hour had passed since Obi-Wan had left with Di-Mane, yet it seemed like weeks ago. Would the rest of her life be like this? she wondered. She'd talked to Obidan through a hologram and they'd both cried together. Maybe they'd made the wrong decision. Still, something told her they hadn't.

* * * * * * * * *

Obi-Wan was fascinated by everything he saw: the gleaming transport he'd gotten on with the Master, the way Cress looked from space, the bustling Coruscant landing platform, and the man he now took company with. He now found himself standing in the middle of a dimly lit room , surrounded by people he'd never seen. Some of them were different species that he'd never seen before. He was particularly curious about the one who spoke to him first, the small green creature who'd been introduced to him as "Master Yoda." He'd been introduced to the twelve people around him. He was frightened for the first time when Di-Mane stepped out of the circle and left the room. "Don't be afraid" said the man who'd been introduced as "Master Windu" "Yes sir." said Obi-Wan. "Concentrate. " said Master Yoda. "Tell us. How feel you." "Fine. " said Obi-Wan quietly. "Are you ready to begin?" said Master Windu. "Yes sir." said Obi-Wan again. He knew he was about to be tested. Di-Mane had begun to explain that to him on their way there. "Begin, we shall." said Master Yoda. Master Windu, known to his fellow Council Members by the name of Mace, produced a small hand-held veiwscreen and concentrated on it for a moment. "Tell us, Obi-Wan Lars" he began "What do you see. Not in this room, but in your mind. Concentrate. What is in your mind." He knew he had to be a little more explanatory with younger pupils. All of the Council Members knew the correct responses. The image little Obi-Wan should be seeing was a landspeeder. "A landspeeder." Obi-Wan whispered, perhaps a little surprised at this random image he'd called into him mind." "Good." Master Windu said. "Now, clear your mind. What else do you see." "A fish." "Continue, Obi-Wan. Keep telling us what you see in your mind." he promted again. "Another speeder. A bird. A cup. " He did not seem to be tiring. "A chair. A ship. A face. Another ship." he continued. Master Windu nodded and lowered the viewscreen. He looked at Yoda, who nodded also. They all knew; he'd gotten everyone right. Master Windu then reached inside a satchel and produced a piece of wood with many pictures and designs on it. He flashed it before Obi-Wan's eyes, and then hid it. He did not see it for more than a second. "Tell us, young one" Yoda began, "What saw you?" "I saw a piece of wood about as big as your hands." he said, pointing. " It's old wood sir. I know it was because I saw the termite holes on the bottom sir. Somebody had painted a picture of a big green tree on it. Lots of red fruit were in the tree and a pretty purple bird was flying next to it. Something must have happened to it sir, because a section of the wood was splintered off at the top. Did you drop it?" Obi-Wan finished his amazing analisys of the wood with a simple, innocent, childish question. Mace Windu smiled. "That's exactly what happened, Obi-Wan." He smiled at the boy. Obi-Wan smiled back. He wasn't afraid anymore. Not in the slightest. He did feel watched. Every gaze was upon him and he could feel eyes probing him. "You're feelings, Master Yoda." Mace Windu prompted. "Clear, his mind is. Angered he is not. His fear is in control." "My thoughts exactly, Master Yoda." Mace said. "I ask you now then, " Yoda said, "Agree does this Council that this boy, Obi-Wan Lars, is to be admitted into the Temple as an apprentice and candidate to a Padawan Learner be?" One by one, the Council members nodded their heads in agreement. "So it is, then." Yoda concluded. "A Jedi Apprentice Obi-Wan will be."

Chapter Nine

Obi-Wan was escorted out of the room by two men in robes and taken back to Di-Mane, who was told of Obi-Wan's success. He was proud of the fact that the boy he'd discovered had passed the Council's tests. It was now his duty to see that Obi-Wan was registered with the record keepers and assigned a room. Obi-Wan's entire family history would be obtained and kept on record for future reference and for Obi-Wan to explore once he became older. Though it sounded cruel, one of the more unpleasant jobs of the Jedi Masters was to help to seperate the children from their families and control the memories they had of them. The Jedi would become their family. Obi-Wan had not yet asked about them. That was a good sign. The first thing Di-Mane saw to was the official change of Obi-Wan's name. Unless there was a special circumstance, apprentices were allowed to keep their first names, as those are probably the ones they are most comfortable with. Last names are changed immediately for security and privacy. He took him to to the advisors and after some discussions and consideration, came up with a suitable last name to assign him: Kenobi.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Back on Cress, Obidan and Owen had just arrived from their journey. They all grieved over the ''loss'' of Obi-Wan. They had received word that he had passed the test and was fitting in well. His new last name was now "Kenobi". His parents rejoiced over the fact that the meaningful first name they'd chosen remained. Owen was having trouble understanding the situation. He had never heard of these Jedi and didn't understand why Obi-Wan must become one of them. They received word about 4 days after Obi-Wan's departure that they were to come and visit him at the Temple. Tommorow, a Republic transport would be sent for them. They needed only to pack their things for 2 days. Only short visits were allowed to suppress emotional conflict in the children. Snowan understoon: He is Jedi - in- training now.

Snowan could think of nothing but the visit. She would see her darling child again. She happily packed her things. "Mother" Owen said as he entered the room. "What is it, Owen" she said, seeing the clouds in his eyes. "What'll we see when we get there. Will I be frightened?" She drew her son near her and held him. "Oh, no no son. There is nothing to be afraid of. They are taking very good care of your brother." she told him gently. "Then why are you so sad?" he asked. "I just miss him. " she sighed, "That's all." She then gave him a reassuring smile and sent him along to pack. She thought about it for a moment. They were taking good care of her son...weren't they?

Chapter Ten

The Lars' transport arrived on Coruscant shortly after dawn. Cress knew much of this city, but she'd never actually seen it. It amazed her. She looked back to find Owen and Obidan, and she found them peering over the edge of the rail, Obidan pointing to different ships and building and identifying them to Owen. She knew Owen would love this. The pilot of their ship introduced them to the Jedi escort sent to accompany them to the temple. He was a small, hooded man, and that is all she ever knew about him. A shuttle got them to the grand and gleaming Jedi Temple within ten minutes. In the front courtyard, Master Yoda and Master Windu themselves came to greet them. Snowan was flustered: she'd never seen anything quite like Yoda before. Still, the wisdom he radiated and his calm presence put her completely at ease. "Welcome good people." Master Windu said as he approached them. "Thank you." Obidan said. "Allow to introduce myself. I am Mace Windu, Jedi Master, and this is Yoda, Jedi Master. We are senior Council Members and here to make sure you are cared for." "Thank you very much" Obidan said. "I am Obidan Lars of Cress, and this is my wife, Snowan, and our son, Owen. " "Only a good family such as this their son to be a Jedi gives." Yoda complimented. Snowan blushed. The family followed the two Jedi up the big marble steps and into the Temple. They were taken to the second level. "Here" Master Windu said "is where you'll be staying. Our guest quarters. "Please,"Master Windu said "Make yourselves comfortable here. You may settle in while we ready Obi-Wan for this visit." Snowan was stung by these words. Though these Jedi seemed kind, she couldn't bear the thought of anyone preparing a son to visit his own mother. She tried to push these thoughts out of her mind. She wouldn't be selfish. Not now. "Mother!" Owen exclaimed. "Look at this place!" He pressed his nose to the glass of their window and watched the ships fly by. "Did you see that!" he exclaimed as the biggest transport he'd ever seen lumbered by. "Yes Owen." she laughed. "Can I go down to the courtyard and look around?" "No, Owen, not alone." Obidan said. "Why not. I can take care of myself. I'm 7 years old." he said, puffing out his chest. "Just wait a little while and I'll take you myself." said Obidan. This seemed to satisfy Owen and he went back to pressing his face to the window. About a half hour later, another escort appeared and led them to a large, high-ceilinged waiting area with two large couches, several high metal chairs, and a low table in the center. The three of them sat there for several minutes alone. Snowan heard a noise to the right. She saw three figures walking towards her. She recognized Mace Windu and the diminutive Yoda. And walking between them was Obi-Wan. She jumped up and rushed to him. Obidan and Owen were on their feet also. "Mother!" Obi-Wan squealed as she picked him up. She immediately noticed that her son had undergone some changes since she sent him away. He no longer wore the blue jumper she'd made for him, but a simple, loose, tan tunic. Part of his wispy brown hair had been pulled back into a small ponytail. She and Obidan cradled him together and then sat him down to greet Owen, whom he chattered to excitedly. The two Jedi they now knew nodded graciously and excused themselves. Snowan bounced Obi-Wan on her knee. He seemed as happy as ever. This partly made her sad. She'd almost wished to find her little Obi-Wan sick with want for her. She saw now that his happiness anywhere was all that mattered. She looked up to see another familiar figure enter the room. He bowed and turned to her husband. "Hello. I am Di-Mane Farr. I have already met your wife. I am the one who discovered your son's great talent." he said. "That you have." Obidan said politely. "I am Obidan Lars." "I must tell you." Di-Mane started. "Your son is a great gift to us. " "I am glad to hear that." Obidan said. "He is intelligent, willing, and brave. The Force is strong in him." Obidan nodded, though he didn't fully understand. "A meal is about to be served." Di-Mane said. "I would love for you to join Obi-Wan and myself." They followed Di-Mane into a large dining hall filled with boys about Obi-Wans age. Several Masters were scattered among them. They passed the room and sat down in a smaller kitchen area. "I thought you could have more pricacy here." Di-Mane explained. The cooks came in and served them their meal. They ate in silence. Obi-Wan seemed to have his appetite. Snowan could find nothing amiss with her son. After they finished, Di-Mane took them to see Obi-Wan's room. Snowan must admit that she was impressed. He had a double bed all to himself, nightstand, and a large wooden chest a huge wardrobe for his clothes. Two long widows ran the lenghth of the other wall, allowing Obi-Wan to see the back courtyard and greenhouse. She could feel the thick blue carpet beneath her feet. Everything in his room was a rich dark blue, from the window covers to the bed spread. A table in the corner was covered in blocks. Obi-Wan had obviously been having fun here. Di-Mane excused himself with a promise to return and left the room. Obi-Wan showed them different things in his new room. One drawer was filled with picture books. Another with a stack of fresh tan tunics he'd been given. He even called it "my room." He truly was at home here.

Chapter Eleven

Snowan stood on the Coruscant docking bay once again. Obidan and Owen were at her side. Just as quickly as their visit to the Temple had begun, it had ended. Now here she stood, saying goodbye to Obi-Wan again. This time for good. Mace Windu and Yoda were with them again. All of their bags had been loaded onto the transport for the voyage back to Cress. She and Obidan knelt by Obi-Wan and gave him their final hugs and told them how much they loved him. He seemed to understand. "I love you, my little boy. Do everything the Masters tell you." she whispered. "I will mother." he whispered back. "You behave Obi-Wan. Oh, I love you." Obidan said, embracing Obi-Wan again. "I love you" Obi-Wan cooed to them. Owen came up to say goodbye. Trying to be older like he always did, he struggled to pick Obi-Wan up, as he always did, though he was too small. "Bye, Obi-Wan." He said while struggling to support his brother. "I'll miss you." "Bye bye, O-wen." Obi-Wan said. Owen let him down and moved closer to Snowan. He was afraid. She couldn't help but think of her grandfather, Tam. Was Obi-Wan's fate end up that way? Was he really strong enough to lead a Jedi's life? She was afraid too. Master Windu stepped forward and took Obi-Wan's hand. Yoda gave them a final, reverent nod as if to tell them not to worry, Obi-Wan was in good hands. Snowan stole one final glance at her son as she forced herself towards the ship. 'My son,' she thought. She stopped in her tracks. She sensed her son's reply. ' I love you, mother. ' A sigh escaped her lips. She then took Owen by the hand and followed Obidan up the boarding platform.

The End

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