
"Now I Know" Part 4/?

by: Laheara


TITLE: Now I Know 4/?, just to let you know, this is going to be a LONG story.
AUTHOR: Laheara
ARCHIVE: Corellia, StarCheer, My homepage, anywhere, just ask me first
ERA: "Jedi Apprentice" period, Obi_Wan is 13
RATING: G (no bad language, mild violence, no sex)
SPOILERS: Refers to all 3 books in "Jedi Apprentice"
SUMMARY: Obi-Wan's second official mission with Qui-Gon, and returning to the Temple as a Padawan. Bonding between Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.
THIS PART: The pair reaches Recellan and run into trouble.
FEEDBACK: YES, please.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own the SW characters (i.e.: Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan) George does. But I do own everyone else they meet here.

The last half-hour passed without further incident. Qui-Gon monitored the streets and Obi-Wan directed his attention skyward while the guards still circled the politicians.

Obi-Wan moved closer to Qui-Gon. "Master, do think the mercenaries will fire on us when they find us? The terrorists must have told them we are Jedi by now."

Qui-Gon gave his apprentice a sidelong look and returned his attention to the streets before them. "It's hard to say. They know that regardless of whether they were aware of our identities, the Republic would not look kindly on attacking its representatives, Jedi or otherwise. Keep your eyes and ears open and your senses alert. We won't be safe until we're back aboard the ship and half way to Coruscant."

Obi-Wan knew his master was right. It was going to be a long trek through what was left of this city. "Yes Master."

Qui-Gon nodded slightly nodded and surveyed a new group of debris and rock ahead. Then both Jedi noted movement beyond a pile to the left. Obi-Wan turned quickly and motioned for the group to get close to the ground and the guards to be on alert.

Senator Wallan made his way to the front to lean next to Qui-Gon. "I recognized the color of the jacket as one of our city medical people. They're likely coming back from one of the shelters on the outskirts where the most damage was done."

As the figure got closer, they began to see details. A young human girl, about Obi-Wan's age, maybe older. Long dark brown hair pulled into what appeared to have been a ponytail, though several small wisps of curled hair hung loose. She was dressed in the typical red jacket of the planets medical personnel. She was tall and seemed to be getting around with unusual grace. Then Obi-Wan noticed, under the medic jacket she was dressed in the traditional clothes of Jedi.

One of the politicians leaned forward, "She can't be a medic, she's too young. But where did she get the jacket?"

"Likely stole it from a dead medic worker," snorted one of the others.

Obi-Wan moved to get a closer look. "Master she's...."

"Yes, I know. I suspected as much by how she was getting around this area without incident," Qui-Gon observed.

"Another Jedi? Here? Why?" Obi-Wan asked.

"I'm not sure. I assumed we were the only ones the Council had sent here. We need to get her attention," Qui-Gon noted quietly.

"Yes, but how?" Obi-Wan asked. He reached out with the Force to the girl. She immediately stopped and looked around. Then she stood perfectly still and responded to the call by throwing out a wave of her own. The wave hit Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, respectively, about half a second apart. She was definitely a Jedi, by the strength of that wave and the control used she was an apprentice like Obi-Wan.

Then, the sound of thunder came out of the sky. Both Jedi instinctively looked up to movement coming their way. Out of the sun's glare a medium sized white and black ship came into view. Qui-Gon signaled for the group to dive behind a partially blasted wall. "The mercenaries have finally arrived. Everyone stay together and out of sight." He watched as the guards herded everyone together in small group flat against the wall. Satisfied they were in control, he waved Obi-Wan closer and leaned the far side of the debris pile. The mercenary ship descended on the bombed out quarter, its engines loud as it slowed. Immediately its sensors picked up movement. It turned, taking aim at the young apprentice and fired its onboard blasters. She quickly flipped to avoid the hit but was blown off her feet by the force of the blast. She was on her feet again in a second. Her natural instinct would have been to run for the other Jedi to cover her. But her training kicked in. She could sense that others were with them and could be hurt. Not wanting to give way their position, she headed away from them.

"She's covering for us," Qui-Gon observed, carefully watching the events before him.

"Master, we have to help her somehow. That ship is gaining on her fast." Obi-Wan watched helplessly, searching for some way to help his female counterpart.

The ship fired again. The blast hit the ground near her, bringing the rest of an already crumbling wall down on her. The girl dodged most of the rubble with well honed Jedi speed and reflexes, but was pushed by some falling rock onto a shaky building-less floor above a large basement.

Luckily she didn't seem to be harmed by the rocks. But as she started to get up.... the floor cracked under her weight and that of the former wall. A second later, the platform shattered and before Qui-Gon could even warn her, the young Jedi disappeared from sight with a rather muted yell, a loud clatter of falling rocks and floor boards echoing after her.

Qui-Gon quickly assessed the situation and reaching out through the Force to the girl. A wave of assurance came back; she had survived the fall and landing. Both Jedi were relieved.

Obi-Wan move closer to Qui-Gon and said in a whisper, "I'd say it's about 30 meters away. We can't send one of the group or the guards. You have to stay here to care for them. The Senator has to get back to Coruscant alive. We can't leave her there to die. That leaves me." Qui-Gon looked at his apprentice disapprovingly, but Obi-Wan was adamant. "I can get there and help her out while you cover us. We have to find out what happened to her Master, why they were here and if there are any other survivors where she came from."

"If I may Master Jedi, the young man is correct," the Senator stated matter-of-factly. "If not the mercenaries, the terrorists will most certainly kill her. Even a Jedi wouldn't last long against those people. You see what they did to this planet,"

Qui-Gon fought down a surge of fear and worry. He couldn't argue with Obi-Wan's logic, and the Senator was also right. But he was just starting to let himself feel for Obi-Wan, he didn't want him taking these kind of risks so soon. He briefly remembered their talk last night aboard ship and how he had felt.

Obi-Wan must have felt the fear and worry from his master for he sent a wave of calming reassurance. He could handle it.

Unfortunately, Qui-Gon had been through enough dangers in his life to know nothing was for certain in a situation like this. But he was a Jedi, and a Jedi's first duty is to the mission, everything else second. The mission was to get the government officials safely off world so they may speak before the Senate with Wallan.

Qui-Gon was never one to let numbers decide for him. Risking one life to save 12 was reasonable, but it also seemed beneficial to try to save this girl. Of course his strong conscience would allow no more. "Alright. I'll draw the ship to the clearing over there." Qui-Gon pointed to the clearing beside them about 15 meters way. "When it turns, you run for the girl and get her out." Then he gave Obi-Wan a stern worried look and put a hand on his shoulder, "Be careful Padawan. I will not be happy if I have to rescue a rescuer."

Obi-Wan gave a smirk that was pure Obi-Wan and prepared for the run. He took off his bulky outer cloak to free his legs, and checked the path for any entanglements to slow him down. Qui-Gon positioned himself for the bolt to the clearing, and just as he was to take off, Obi-Wan, with mock surprise, whispered, "Why Master. I didn't know you cared about me yet...."

Qui-Gon didn't have time to think about the remark; he needed to get the mercenary's attention before it could fire at the basement again. He had one of the guards surrender a blaster for the initial shot. He would then rely on his lightsaber. Looking to the clearing, he ran back to remind Obi-Wan to wait for the turn.

It took about two minutes to reach the clearing, and Obi-Wan noted that the ship's sensors picked up the movement. It abandoned its basement victim and held to toward to prey. As the ship turned, Senator Wallan whispered, "Good luck and be careful."

Obi-Wan nodded and responded, "Thank you, I will." When the ship was facing away, he took off as well. He felt out the path through the Force before leaving and quickly got through without any problem. As he neared the basement, the girl sent a warning to watch out for shredded metal. He saw it and quickly jumped over it. When he reached the basement, he found the girl waiting for him just below what was the floor. He gave her a hand and pulled her to the surface. Neither said a word. They took off running back to the pile Obi-Wan had come from.

Once there, they allowed themselves to breathe and watched Qui-Gon holding his own against the ship. He'd already damaged one thruster and was working on the second. When the ship fired again he deflected the bolt into the thruster. The ship started to shake with only the maneuvering jets keeping it aloft. Then it took a dive into the crater about a 200 meters away.

A cheer when up from the crowd as it crashed, and before they knew it, Qui-Gon was back with them. Obi-Wan silenced the group with a look, then said, "Well done Master. How long will it take?"

Confused the Senator asked, "What do you mean? It crashed."

"That is a mercenary ship. They make them to be repaired quickly. The repairs for thruster take the longest which is why I targeted them. But it won't take long before that ship is back in the air. We have to hurry."

"How long?" Wallan asked worried.

"Likely an hour, maybe less," Qui-Gon.

"But we need more time to reach the spaceport," Wallan noted.

"You said it would take two hours to reach it safely. How much further is it from here?" Qui-Gon pushed.

Looking around to gather his bearings he saw what was a war memorial about a 30-minute run from them. "It's about 40 meters beyond that blue and red mass over there."

Everyone followed his gaze. The three Jedi measured the distance; it would likely take them 45 to 50 minutes to get there.

"I came through there," the young woman said. "It's pretty messy; lots of sharp metal shards and deep craters. The debris piles are smaller and easier to get over. It is possible in 50 minutes if I scout ahead to help clear the way for you. But some of those metal pieces are too heavy for one person to lift, I'll need help." "Obi-Wan, you go with her, I'll take up the rear," Qui-Gon said looking over his shoulder in the ship's direction. Looking back at the girl, he remembered he didn't know her name.

The group began moving toward the port again, and sensing the question coming from the girl, said, "My name is Allaira, my Master is Mirdon. We were on our way back to Coruscant and heard about the trouble here, so we contacted a medical team who said they needed transport to the capital. We landed and met the chief medic but before we were able to help him, the attacks started and our ship was destroyed, the pilot killed. We told the medic we could help with his injured, but when we the rest of the team, a building exploded and buried most of the injured and my Master. Fortunately a large dome from a nearby pavilion landed first to protected. They're all alive, but I need to dig them out."

"I understand. Is it on our way to the spaceport?" Wallan asked.

"Yes, we'll go right by them," Allaira said quickly.

Everyone stopped in shock as a loud crash when through the air. Qui-Gon recognized it quickly; "They've started their repairs. He have to hurry now." The group hastily started moving.

It took them about 15 minutes to reach the dome. They could see the outline of the spaceport from where they were now, and everyone was thankful that the mercenaries hadn't found them. They had succeeded in freeing most of the injured before their fears became reality.

Qui-Gon was the first to hear it. Then Obi-Wan sensed his master's discomfort and Allaira, being close to Obi-Wan sensed his. The low whine of powerful engines got closer. Not the loud pounding sound of the ships engines, but still with great power. They were swoops; very agile vehicles that could go places nothing could. The mercenaries were advancing on their location. The ship's sensors probably tracked them until they stopped then launched swoops.

Finally the last of the injured and medics were freed and the group began the trek to the spaceport. It would take about 35 minutes to reach the spaceport, leaving the Jedi to hold off the swoops.

"We should split up. We can watch each other's backs," Obi-Wan suggested.

"I concur. It will harder for them to target us if we're apart. And with them apart, it will be easier for us to defeat them," Qui-Gon agreed.

The three waited until the swoops began their attack run. They then split off in different directions, causing the group to split up. Two went for Qui-Gon, two for Allaira, and three after Obi-Wan.

Qui-Gon was closest to the group heading for the port; Allaira was a few dozen meters from the dome. Obi-Wan completed the triangle, coming in 100 meters from Qui-Gon, and 40 meters from Allaira. During the attack, they were forced toward the spaceport. After 25 minutes, Qui-Gon was within running distance to the spaceport. Allaira had moved closer to Obi-Wan when he had been struck in the shoulder by flying debris.

Suddenly out of the smoke and dust came the thunder of very powerful engines. The mercenary ship had returned to finish what it started almost an hour ago. By this time the three Jedi had managed to either destroy or ground many of the swoops from the first attack.

The technicians had managed to set up the shield used on the capital building, making the spaceport safe from outside trouble. The first shot was at Qui-Gon, causing him to fall to the ground in the wake of the explosion. However, the ship could no longer see its target through the dust and it turned away.

"Senator, we must help them. Our chances of reaching the ship without them is very slim," one of the politicians said.

"Jarson! Daserno! You two go bring him in here. Elacte, get ready to drop the shield. Gentlemen, I don't have to remind you what that mercenary ship will do to this spaceport if they realize the shield is down. Be careful, but be quick," Wallan instructed.

In unison, the men answered, "Yes, sir."

After about a minute, the technician was ready to lower the shield for the rescue attempt. By this time, Qui-Gon had realized their plan, and prepared to meet them.

"On 4. Ready?" A nod from both men and Elacte began the count, "4...3...2...1...0. Shield down. GO!"

The two guards took off in a dead run., Qui-Gon rose to meet them, ignoring the pain from the bits of rock lodged in his left leg.

In seconds Qui-Gon was inside the shield and being cared for by a medic. He was safe, but his thoughts went to his apprentice. Where was Obi-Wan?

* * * * * * * * *

Obi-Wan sensed the danger his master was in and reached out with the Force to make sure he was all right. He was relieved to find the man safe, only sustaining cuts and bruises from flying pieces of rock.

Having lost their first target the mercenaries took aim the two young Jedi. Allaira was able to dodge all the shots from the ship but was unaware of the two swoops coming up behind her. Knnowing Allaira would be incapable of dodging both the ship and the swoops, Obi-Wan ran behind her and intercepted four blaster bolts from the swoops. The two moved back to back, ready for attack.

* * * * * * * * *

The pair held their own very well. Then another four swoops appeared from the left side to join in the surface attack.

Neither one realized what was coming, being so intensely involved in the ongoing battle. Qui-Gon had just enough time to send a partial warning before they were in firing range. Obi-Wan looked up just in time to see them on approach. Allaira deflected a shot from another swoop and turned to face the other one. Obi-Wan used a Force-amplified push to get her out of the target path. Joining the other two swoops, the four new ones came in from high above, striking down with a flurry of blaster fire that dug a crater in the ground. Both Jedi were sent flying in different directions and landed hard.

Allaira recovered quickly, having already been pushed a distance away by Obi-Wan before the bulk of the shock wave hit them. She reached out to her new friend to see that he was ok. Back in the spaceport, Qui-Gon did the same. When they both felt pain, they tried to find a way to help him. Qui-Gon couldn't get out of the spaceport without deactivating the shield again, which would be unwise since the mercenaries would be watching now. It was up to Allaira.

Allaira was a 5 minute run from her new partner. She could the remains of a support shaft just to the side of him. Allaira closed her thoughts to Qui-Gon, so as not to worry him until she knew for sure. The ship took another shot at her and she used the shock wave as a boost to increase her speed. From behind she heard the swoops closing in and willed herself to move faster.

When she reached him, she saw her first suspicions were partially correct. Obi-Wan landed hard into the metal beams used to connect the basement walls to the floor above. One of the beams had gone through his right shoulder,another had ground into the side of his right leg. The leg injury not a serious and could be wrapped to stop the bleeding, but the shoulder was bad. Thankfully he was barely conscious.

She knew she needed cover. The swoops and the ship would be here soon and she scanned the area. There was nothing. Nothing that could be used as cover.

The situation looked very bad. Allaira opened her thoughts to Obi-Wan's master. In seconds he saw the circumstances and knew why she was projecting to him. An intense wave of fear and sadness washed over him.

She felt Qui-Gon's and her own master's fear for their students' safety. They both wanted to run out and blaster that ship to save their charges and end this pointless fighting. But Qui-Gon was weak from his injuries and Mirdon was weak from lack of air in the dome and the exertion of using his healing powers to save to the civilians trapped with him. Both they wouldn't be able to help their students in their present conditions.

As groggy as Obi-Wan was, in that moment he did sense his master's fear and remorse. He managed to send Qui-Gon a brief message: "I love you, Master and I will see you again."

Allaira sent a similar message to her master and said not to worry. She was sure something would happen to save them to make her master feel better, but knowing herself it wasn't likely.

Accepting the course of events as they were, both students centered themselves. Allaira sat next to her injured friend. Obi-Wan sat up and they both closed their eyes. At the last second they looked up at the mercenary ship. It seemed enormous, floating just meters from them. The swoops were flying back inside seeing they were no longer needed.

The ship's guns trained on their target and powered up. The feelings going between the two masters and the two padawans were so intense it seemed they could touch the link.

Then it happened......

To Be Continued
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