
The Night After...




Disclaimer: George Lucas owns the characters. No copyright infringement is intended.


Laying upon his bunk in the quarters given over to the new Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker lay looking through the small window at the starfield and the distant skyline as he drifted close to sleep. Anakin hugged his bedding closer to him, not because of the chill night air on Coruscant, but out of loneliness. He rolled a few times and finally rolling towards the wall, lay there thinking about all that had happened over the period of many hours past. Winning the pod race, gaining his freedom, leaving Tatooine, worse yet, leaving his mother. Thinking about her brought tears to his eyes and he choked a sob back, trying not to alert his master. But at the same time not caring, as it appeared from first glance hours earlier that Obi-Wan did not care to have the boy along. "I see we've picked up another pathetic lifeform." He could hear the younger voice of the Jedi saying to Qui-Gon Jinn, his real master, now deceased. Anakin felt his face, still warm and tingling from the slight heat burn from being so close to Qui-Gon's pyre. That was when the internal damn broke well and good and he broke out in long choking sobs that he stifled by burying his head partially in his pillow. He was therefore startled to feel the mattress on the bed give slightly as Obi-Wan sat down and slowly placed his hand on Anakin's shoulder. Anakin, startled, gasped in mid sob and sat up slightly. He saw Obi-Wan sitting there, his body framed in the moons light. The Jedi made a slight motion with his hand and the lights came up just a bit. Anakin was thus more startled to see tear streaks on his masters face as well.

"It's all right to grieve, Anakin, crying gets out the anger and frustration that is balled up within from events. And we have had our share of events haven't we?"

Anakin nodded slightly. His own voice cracking as he spoke. "Master, what are we going to do now?"

"First, we are going to rest, then tomorrow, you begin training, but for now." Obi-Wan reached out and hugged the boys slight frame to him, the act surprising Anakin, but the warmth of Obi-Wan reaching inwardly and causing Anakin to seek the security he needed so badly. He and Obi-wan cried out in the night their grief and frustrations at the galaxy in general. After several moments, Obi-Wan gently laid the boy back down, Anakin nearly asleep now. "I was taken from my parents when I was but a year old so I really don't remember them well, but Qui-Gon was more a father to me than the one who caused my life to begin. Qui was also more of a mother to me than the one who carried me all those months. Still, I can't readily give up Qui-Gon and for me, It will take a while to recover. Until then we both, will walk in the Force and work through this as best we can. Qui-Gon loved me as a son, I'm sure of that, and if you will, I will try to be as much a father, a teacher to you as you will permit. Now go to sleep my young Padawan. Dream well, and remember with pride the one who freed you so that you can free many."

Anakin fell into a deep sleep now as Obi-Wan pulled the covers up and around him. He stood then and walked over to his own cot and lay down thinking of all the events as well. Then looking at the ceiling. "Master, wherever you are, please look over me, help me to help Anakin be all that he wants. Most of all, help me to keep from making the mistakes I have made."

"The mistakes he makes will strengthen him, but be mindful, young Jedi, that you're dealing with a boy who is in truth more than double our power. When he comes into full knowledge of the Force he will be formidable. Remember that and train him well...I will be close to you always. Death cannot sever that bond, just take it to a new level of existence." Qui-Gon said through the ether.

With that Obi-Wan straightened a bit in bed as he listened and then at the end, started to drift off into a deep slumber himself. Two jedi, one a padawan with a slight smile and one a young tried Jedi with a smile and ease on his troubled brow.



Part II By Daibhaid O'Broder


Waking to a gray dawn, Anakin walked still agrog in sleep to the small window that was the quarters only aperature to the outside. He turned after looking over the city-planet of Coruscant and shivered. His dreams of the night before was of him visiting the city, but he was unlike anything which walked the paths and hallways of the buildings. He did not catch sight of himself in anything reflective, but everyone who approached him were respectful and somewhat obsequious in their manner. The dream was a continuous cacophony of images, each one differing and unique. There was a grand difference to the city which was noticeable. Many people he met in the corridors were dressed in what appeared to be uniforms of a strange type with rank insignias similar to toys he had played with as a child of much younger years. Small blocks of colour not unlike the building blocks his mother still kept in her hope chest.

Shaking his head to dispel the vision and the pain brought on by thoughts of his mother he turned back to his bunk and sat there as Obi-wan was slowly waking. The young Jedi looked over at his new apprentice and smiled. "Up early, I see. Good, may as well get used to it, I foresee many early mornings for us."

Anakin smiled weakly, "We always woke before the dawn on Tatooine, that way we could at least get chores done before the suns were too high and the day too hot."

Nodding Obi-wan stood and stretched. "Not a bad idea considering the climate of that planet." Obi-wan then shed his sleeping robe and began to dress. Anakin did likewise and pulling on his tunic he noticed a long and wicked looking scar that ran the lengh of Obi-wan's back from shoulder to waist. Obi-wan turned and catching the boys stare smiled a bit derisively. "My error in a fight not so long ago. I didn't roll quite as quick as I should have. I suppose when it comes to a fight I have never been as quick as Qui-Gon."

"Do you have to be fast in a duel?" Anakin asked as he finished dressing. A silence followed and for a moment Anakin feared he had probed a question he was not meant to ask. Finally Obi-wan straightened and knelt before his padawan placing both hands on the boys shoulders.

"Being fast has nothing to do with victory in a duel, it helps, but the best way to be the victor is to never have to expend the energy of your lightsabre. Remember that, talking is always preferable to bloodshed." Obi-wan explained. Anakin grinned impishly.

"My first lesson, Master?"

Obi-wan nodded and then looking a bit put out sat on his bed and shrugged. "Anakin, I am your master in this order, however, in quarters you may address me as Ben."

"Ben?" Anakin asked clearly puzzled.

Obi-wan Kenobi nodded. "Ben was the pet name of sorts Qui-Gon had for me as he taught me." Standing the jedi motioned to the door and both exited and walked down the close hallway to an intersection and further halls. "We will go to the kitchens now and have a bit of breakfast, then on to your training. You will begin training with a lightsabre today. A powered down one to be sure, but one which can give you a bit of a burn it you aren't careful."

"A burn...what kind of...burn?" Anakin asked thinking back to the pyre.

"Nothing quite that serious..just a bit of a scortch not unlike a light sunburn. Basically it will serve as a reminder of what not to do. Usually students are placed in a group of apprentices and trained together, but considering that I will probably have to take up where Qui-Gon left off, well you and I will train together." Obi-wan said quietly.

Anakin lost himself in deep thought as they walked considering that he would now be part of this young jedi's life and the thoughts came back to him of how Obi-wan initially considered him as a stray and loose baggage. The thoughts momentarily angered the boy until Obi-wan lay a hand on his shoulder. This stopped their walk. Obi-wan, Ben, again knelt before the youth.

"What I said on Tatooine was said in stupidity. I was not considering the ramifications of the future and was just thinking of the moment. You will find that as you grow, you too will make mistakes in things you say. For what it is worth, I'm sorry for what I said, and for what I thought. I suppose that my greatest problem of the past which I will remedy with your patience is my impatience."


"No buts, my padawan, what I said was ignorance on my part and I do apologize. Perhaps you can help me see the error of my ways?" Obi-wan suggested smiling and extending his hand. After a moments thought Anakin took the hand and smiled his own.

Thinking back to that time, and considering the mission they were on, it would be natural that Obi-wan would want to be expedient in finishing what was started, and the sooner they could get to Coruscant the better for the Queen. The detour, podrace and all else to Obi-wan was but an obstruction. Anakin then could understand his position in the scheme of things. He released his masters hand and they resumed their walk to the kitchens. Rounding a corner another door opened and out strode no less than their master, Yoda. Anakin took only a moments notice of the masters quarters, sparse as theirs, not like what he imagined the great master of the Jedi Council to be. Yoda looked the boy over, being just about the same height he could look into Anakin's eyes. The gnomish master smiled and greeted the two. Obi-wan bowed slightly in greeting, but Anakin bowed deeply. Surprised, Yoda flushed slightly.

"Hummm, not necessary to be so. Well you slept, hmmmm?" Yoda asked.

"Yes master." Anakin said nervously. The master walked forward and placed his hand on Anakins arm. The touch was one which Anakin would never forget, a tingling ran through his body and he felt charged with power for the moment. "I am glad that the coucil has accepted me for training."

"Thanks are not needed, but accepted they are. As long as you follow the teaching of your master, then powerful you will be."

Anakin, Obi-wan and Yoda now walked the halls at a slower pace to the kitchens. Anakin lost in thought while Obi-wan and Yoda talked about various events that had unfolded. Finally in a break in the conversation Anakin spoke up.

"Master Yoda, perhaps I shouldn't ask this but that thing that attacked Qui-Gon on Tatooine and then at Theed." He cast a nervous glance to Obi-wan who motioned him to continue now that he had stepped into the question. "What was that?"

Yoda walked on with them seeming for a moment not to have heard his question. "A Dark Lord that one was. A Lord of the Sith, a master of the dark side of the Force."

"He looked like a demon." Anakin observed. Yoda's ears seemed to perk up a bit from the boys observation.

"Not unlike that kind he was. Trained to hate us they are, tainted that one was in his own way. Unfortunate as well for the Force flowed from that ones touch. A powerful Jedi he could have been if not for his masters hand."

Obi-wan then paused in his thoughts for a moment and was about to ask a question, then shook his head as they entered the broad doorway which led into the cafeteria of the kitchens. Upon getting their repast and seats Obi-wan noticed that Yoda joined them as well and looked piercingly at the Jedi.

"Yes, question we all do on the council if this one was the master or apprentice. We can only wait."

"Why not go into the system where the Sith live and search out the other, if another exists?" Anakin asked. Yoda shook his head quickly as did Obi-wan.

"Anakin, that system is closed to us. For a Jedi to venture into the Sith System is death. The people who live there have no love for us and never have. Although it was from us they sprung."

Anakin felt many other questions arise but a look from Obi-wan silenced them and he concentrated on his meal. He was surprised at the variety of foods, fruits and vegetables they were permitted. Still Anakin took a small selection.

"You realize that you may have whatever you want from the kitchens for your meals?" Obi-wan asked. Anakin looked amazed. Then Obi-wan thought shamedly about the conditions from which Anakin has come. The sparsness of his mothers home and the merest fact that anything extra or abundant was considered a luxury and something that he would not be privy to on Tatooine.

"I do now. But I feel kind of...well...it makes me feel funny taking more than I would eat when I lived on Tatooine." Yoda nodded approval.

"Good this is, gluttony and greed, paths to the dark side are they. We, a cloistered group were, now in strength do we grow. But remember always from where you have come, it will give your the wisdom, your future to form." Yoda said finishing his slight meal and rising. "Now to chambers I go and confer with the council I must." Yoda paused before leaving the group. "Anakin, in truth, I must speak, when voted did we, I did not think a Jedi you would be...wrong perhaps I will be. Your future is clouded, but remember always. Your future is a path with many ways, decide you must how to walk them best. But never walk the path that leads to suffering, for you or..." Yoda pointed to the windows and swept his hand. "Them. If walk that path, danger, death, and pain you brothers they will be."

Yoda walked off leaving master and padawan to finish their meal. Anakin considered all that the wizened master had said and to the greater part, to his nine year old mind, it did not make a great deal of sense. But he would keep it close and follow it close. It was apparent to him that the council was split in their decision to permit him to be taught. He turned back to Obi-wan and raised his glass of juice as in a toast.

"Master Obi-wan, I promise never to do anything which will make you ashamed of me. If ever I start down the dark path, do what you must. Please don't let me turn into something like that...thing that attacked you and Master Qui-Gon." Anakin's eyes shone brightly with just the merest tearing at the sides as he voiced his oath. The rest of the cafeteria fell into a hush as the power of this boys oath touched each one in turn. Obi-wan astonished at the power this boy had touched his glass to Anakin's.

"Your oath I take." Obi-wan said solemnly. Then smiling unguardedly he laughed slightly as well as lightly. "Now only to less serious talk. Yoda is a wonderful being, a fantastic Jedi, and a powerful one as well, but he is worried about the future of the Jedi and what is going to happen. Everything is not as black as he would paint it, it's just a series of events that makes the council nervous. We are going to have a good time of it all and today you will come with me to the great hall to practice. After we choose your lightsabre."

Anakin smiled in thought now, his mind much lightened by the turn of events and his dream forgotten. He had even forgot that within his dream everything seemed to be somewhat coloured darkly and that he felt the coolness of the air being brushed across his face by something unseen.

Finishing their meal, the two arose and made their way from the cafeteria to the wardroom and then to begin the training, events sweeping along in Anakin's life not unlike the sandstorms of his homeworld.

Copyright ©1999 O'Broder




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