

By MasterHawke, 1999


DISCLAIMER: If you want the whole thing read Part One, 'cause nothing's changed, although I'm still hoping!!!!!


MLORI 5 Mining Colony

Shan-Dowe followed the mayor across the docking bay still stunned that her worst fears had been realized--- *Danni T'Ure was here* ---She looked up as she heard the mayor speaking to her.

"We've left your Padawan's quarters alone, Master Kwai, we thought you would prefer to deal with their belongings yourself."

"Thank you, Mayor Ploni." Shan slowed a little as she fought against the grief that threatened to overwhlem her.

<Courage, Shan, I am with you.> Qui-Gon's mental voice lent her the strength she so desperately needed.

"Thank you for your assistance, Mayor." Shan bowed slightly, "I can find my way to their quarters."

"Of course, Master Kwai. If you or Master Jinn should require anything at all......."

"We shall let you know." Shan started to turn away, then she stopped, "Have you recovered their bodies?" her voice was quiet.

"No, we haven't. What we found we placed in their quarters." Mayor Ploni bowed his head, "I'm sorry that we couldn't do more for them." He stood watching as the two Jedi slowly walked away.

Shan led Qui-Gon to the quarters that she had briefly shared with her Padawans, but once she got there she stopped.

<Courage, my friend.>

Shan straightened her shoulders in resolve and opened the door. She slowly entered the dark quarters and found the light panel beside the door. The lights came on to show a living area with three doors coming off of it. Shan walked into the room and stood there, she closed her eyes and opened her shields bringing herself into focus with the Force. Slight traces were still there, Shan's discomfort at leaving the girls alone; Keira's assurances that all would be fine; Deain's buoyant personality. Shan walked over to the closed door and opened it slowly. She entered the room to find it in slight disarray, she smiled sadly, the girls hadn't had a chance to straighten up. She left the room and noticed two piles of clothing stacked on the table in the living room. She walked over, knelt down and touched the piles softly, she bowed her head and reached out with her senses.

From the doorway Qui-Gon watched silently as Shan moved around the room, he held his emotions in check, making sure that he would be ready if she needed him, but leaving her alone at the same time. He watched as she knelt in front of the table, he felt her surprise and he was at her side instantly, <Shan, what is it?>

<Qui, do all Jedi's bodies disappear with death?> Shan's head was still bowed, but there was a underlaying spark of excitement.

<Not all of the time. Why?> Qui-Gon laid a hand on her shoulder.

"What makes the difference?" her voice was soft and questioning.

Qui-Gon sat down and stared at her, "It depends on if they've prepared themselves for death or not." He reached out with his mind again, <Shan, what is it?>

Shan looked up at her friend with merriment twinkling in her eyes, <I know they're not dead.>

"What? Shan, are you positive?" Qui-Gon searched her face for answers.

Shan nodded as she reached into the pile of clothing to pull out the utility belt, she opened one pouch to show that it was empty.

Qui-Gon arched an eyebrow in confusion and shrugged.

"We always carry rebreathers, Qui, I made it standard equipment about five years ago."

Qui-Gon smiled, "If the rebreathers aren't here, then they were being used."

Shan nodded, "Qui, they are alive, and we have to find them."


CORUSCANT---Jedi Temple Living Quarters

Jedi Master Jareth Tra'ske woke with a start, he could feel his padawan's fright from here. He stood, gathered his robe around him and entered her room. "Jesson, what is it?" He laid a hand on her shaking shoulder, <The dream again, Jesson?>

Jesson Corwine shuddered, her small body shivering in fear, "<Yes, Master.>

Master Jareth gathered her into his arms and comforted her, <Relax, Padawan, it will be okay.>

<But the dream.....>

<Will be revealed in time, my young apprentice.> Jareth held her as she fell asleep. He had Chosen twelve-year-old Jesson Corwine to be his Padawan Learner just four months ago, he hadn't known at the time that she was a dreamer, and that she could dream the future. But her talent was causing her problems, she didn't know how to control the dreams yet, she had been dreaming the same dream for two weeks now but was not able to focus it. He laid her down in the bed and covered her up again. Jareth laid a hand on her forehead, <Sleep, my young Padawan, sleep and dream no more tonight.> He stood and left the room, pausing at the doorway to make sure she was still asleep, he nodded silently and left the room.

*It was dark* But she felt no fear at the darkness. *Danger was here* But she was not afraid. *death lurked here* *sadness came with it* But she felt safe, her Master was here. Jesson stood looking out over a vast expanse of space, stars glittered in the distance, asteroids tumbled silently through the heavens nearby, flashes sparked and exploded as they collided with one another. *There was danger here* But not for her, for someone else. She reached out tentatively for the feelings again, gasping as they came into focus for the first time. *Two Jedi stood shoulder to shoulder, sabers lit and in a guard postion, behind them crouched two young women, injured and hurting. ~I must help them~ Jesson thought quickly, ~But who are they? Where are they?~ she concentrated on the man, she knew of him, a proud warrior, a valiant fighter, but now his features were creased with worry, his strong leonine face showed signs of fatigue. Jesson stared at the woman and gasped again as she recognized the face of Master Jareth's friend, Master Shan-Dowe Kwai. The Jedi was injured, her left leg unable to hold her full weight, but she knew that lives depended on her expertise as a warrior, her Padawan's lives. Jesson watched as the scene played itself out in her mind. The two Masters protecting the two Padawans, blocking every blaster bolt, letting the Force guide their actions as they fought for survival. Then the inevitable happened, a blaster bolt got through the defenses of the tired Jedi and struck the man on the shoulder, his guard wavered for a second at the pain. And then a shot hit Master Kwai in her chest, felling her instantly. The man *his name was Master Jinn, she remembered, young Skywalker had told her about him* was struck by another shot and he fell to his knees. *DEATH* the cry echoed in Jesson's mind ~There is no death, there is the Force~ *death was not the end of life* For the four Jedi the time had come. ~NO!~ Jesson cried softly, ~It's not supposed to happen this way.~ *But the end was inevitable* ~But this is the future!~ Jesson cried out in anguish, ~It can be changed!~ *There is no time* ~I will change this future!~ Jesson made a promise, ~They will not die!~

Jesson sat bolt upright in her bed, her promise still echoing in her ears, she reached out for her Master and found him asleep in his quarters, her lastest dream had not awakened him. Jesson got up and quickly dressed, throwing her cloak over her shoulders she slipped out of the quarters that she shared with her Master, *There was one person who would understand* she thought quietly, *One who dreamed as she did.* She walked down the hallway until she came to the living quarters of a friend. She rang the doorbell and waited until the door opened quietly.

"Padawan Jesson, what are you doing here? Is everything alright?"

Jesson looked up and smiled at the handsome young Jedi Knight, "I am fine, Jedi Kenobi, I just needed to speak to you and Anakin, if I may."

"Of course, Jesson, come in." Obi-Wan motioned for the young girl to be seated as he went to awake Anakin.

Moments later a sleepy-eyed, tow-headed boy emerged from his room, "Jesson!" the boy ran across the room and jumped on the couch next to her, "It's the middle of the night, what are you doing here?"

Obi-Wan sat cross-legged on the floor in front of the couch, "Yes, please tell us why you came to us." His voice was warm and friendly, his eyes slightly concerned.

Jesson nodded, "Can you tell me where Master Kwai and Master Jinn are at?"

Obi-Wan's eyes widened at the names, "They're on Mlori 5, Jesson, there's been an accident and Master Kwai's apprentices were injured."

Jesson shook her head, "I know that everyone believes that Keira and Deain are dead." Before Obi-Wan could dispute that statement Jesson continued, "They are not dead, but they are injured."

"Your dream? You've finally figured it out, haven't you?" Obi-Wan leaned forward, "Why did you come to us without Master Jareth?"

"I know that Master Jinn was your teacher, Jedi Kenobi, I wanted to speak with you about the ending of the dream." Jesson tried not to show her anxiety but Obi-Wan picked up on it.

"Master Qui-Gon.....he is injured?" Obi-Wan's voice was soft.

Jesson nodded mutely as Anakin gasped, "No."

"Does he die, Jesson?"

"I couldn't tell, but I think so. Master Shan-Dowe was badly injured, so were Keira and Deain." Jesson stared at Obi-Wan, "What should I do?"

"Does this dream happen soon?"

Jesson nodded, "Yes, it does."

"First, we need to discuss this with your Master, Jesson." Obi-Wan stood and walked to the door, "Stay here with Anakin, I'll be back in a moment." He left the room and went to the young girl's quarters. He knocked on the door and waited for an answer, he nodded when the door opened to show the older Jedi, "Master Tra'ske, I think we need to talk."

"Come in, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan entered the room and waited for Master Tra'ske to sit down before he seated himself.

"Tell me, Obi-Wan, what brings you here this late at night?"

"Your apprentice."

Jareth started in surprise, he glanced at the door to her room, reaching out for her he raised an eyebrow when he sensed that she was in another room.

"She's in my quarters with Anakin." Obi-Wan smiled quickly.

"Do you know why?" Jareth was puzzled, how did Jesson manage to leave without awakening him.

"Her dream. She's seen the future."

"And?" the Jedi Master prompted quietly.

"She saw the deaths of Master Qui-Gon, Master Shan-Dowe, and Padawans Keira and Deain."

"But, I thought the two Padawans were already dead."

Obi-Wan shook his head, "Not according to Jesson, but she did say that this vision seemed to be approaching rather fast. And she's worried."

"Did Jesson say where it happens?"

"She's not sure, that's why she came to me, she wanted to know where Qui-Gon and Shan-Dowe are right now."

"Mlori 5."

Obi-Wan nodded, "That's right." He watched as the older Jedi stood and walked over to the window.

Jareth stood watching the lights of the darkened city skyline, "I think we should speak with Master Yoda about this. But I want to talk to Jesson first." He turned and nodded at the young Jedi, "I would like you and Anakin to come with me to speak with the Council."

"Of course, Master Jareth." Obi-Wan stood and followed Jareth out of the room and back to his quarters.

Jesson looked up when she heard the door open, "Master." she smiled at him.

Jareth went over and knelt in front of her, "Jesson, tell me everything that you can remember."

Jesson nodded, "Yes, Master." She told him of the battle, the ending, and of her promise. When she finished she sat quietly, staring at her Master in hopes that he would know what to do.

Jareth ran the information through his mind once again then he stood and held out his hand to his Padawan, "Come, Padawan Jesson, we must inform the Council immediately." He nodded at Obi-Wan, who nodded back.

The four Jedi left the room and headed for the Council chambers. When they arrived they found Master Yoda, Master Windu, Master Adi Gallia, and Master Eeth Koth waiting for them.

Jareth glanced at Obi-Wan who shook his head slightly indicating that he hadn't called anyone.

"Something to tell us, have you not, Master Tra'ske?" Master Yoda asked quietly.

"Yes, Master Yoda." Jareth laid a hand on Jesson's shoulder, "My Padawan has had a dream tonight, one that concerns me with its implications."

"Tell us of this dream, young Padawan." Mace Windu's voice was soft.

Jesson told them everything.

When she had finished the Council members glanced at one another in surprise.

"How know you that the future this is?" Yoda questioned the young girl.

"I felt it, in the dream, Master Yoda."

"So sure are you."

Jesson nodded quickly, "Yes, Master Yoda."

"Why talk to Obi-Wan did you?"

"Because I knew that Master Jinn was his master when he was a Padawan."

"Hmmmm," Yoda nodded, "Go you must, help them you can, but beware, young Padawan, possible the future cannot be changed."

"I have to change the future, Master Yoda, lives depend on it." Jesson glanced up at her Master, "Jedi lives depend on it."

Jareth nodded, "Is there a transport that we can leave on immediately."

"There is a transport on the landing pad, Master Tra'ske, it will take you to Mlori 5." Mace answered quietly.

"I request the Jedi Kenobi and his Padawan accompany us as well, Master Yoda."

"Why?" Master Yoda's ears twitched slightly.

"Because of Master Jinn, Obi-Wan was his Padawan for fourteen years, he may be able to help us locate them."

Mace glanced at Yoda, "Jedi Kenobi has just become a Jedi Knight and has only had his Padawan Learner for a week, yet you wish to jeopardize the both of them."

<Anakin, relax.> Obi-Wan admonished his padawan as he stepped forward to address the Council, "The loss of a Jedi Master is hard on all Jedi, Master Windu, but to lose two of them, especially one such as Master Kwai, will be worse for even the least of the Force-sensitives living in the Temple."

"Go you may, Jedi Kenobi, mind your training you must." Yoda nodded gravely as he dismissed the four Jedi.

"Thank you, Master Yoda." Jareth bowed and left the room with the other three Jedi following him.

"Interesting turn of events." Mace commented.

"Interesting, and unfortunate." Yoda looked up at the other senior Jedi, "Unfortunate indeed."

TO BE CONTINUED...........



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