
First Time for Everything

by Sherrie Kidder


Disclaimers: Most of the characters portrayed here do not belong to me. They are the sole property of Jedi Master Lucas....I'm just borrowing them. I'll put them back when I'm done...promise!

Rating: Defintiely rated-R


Setting: Coruscant. Obi-Wan Kenobi around age 17 or 18.


Concentration furrowed his brow as he attempted to keep up with his sparring partner. So far he was having no luck. His arms, shoulders, and torso were already covered in welts and they were not even half way through this session. *Crack* His partner's wooden saber slipped under his guard and smacked against his ribs--again! <<Great, dead again>> he thought to himself.

"Hold!" a strong voice just behind his shoulder commanded. Instantly Obi-Wan and his partner froze in their tracks. "Obi-Wan, you shame me! Where is your concentration?" Master Qui-Gon demanded.

Obi-Wan shoulders drooped, as if his master's words has struck him straight in the heart with a lightsaber, which of course is how Obi-Wan felt. It wasn't as if he was *trying* to fail, but the distractions plaguing had become increasingly more than he could handle.

Qui-Gon stared down the broken bridge of his nose at his young apprentice, as if appraising, judging, and evaluating Obi-Wan's very worth. Obi-Wan cringed again, then tried to straighten his shoulders to meet his master's gaze and wait. The wait seemed interminable. Finally Master Qui-Gon turned and began to walk towards the doorway, "Follow me, apprentice."

Obi-Wan glanced back at his sparring partner before following his master. Behind him he knew the other padawan was smirking. <<I'll wipe that smug look off his face someday!>> Obi-Wan swore to himself. Obi-Wan stepped aside for a brief moment to grab his cloak and lightsaber from where they hung on the wall of the dojo.

"Obi-Wan, step lively," Qui-Gon called as he stepped out of the room. Obi-Wan quickened his steps and followed his master out of the dojo, through the corridors of Jedi Temple, and out into the bright Coruscant sunlight.

"Where are we going, Master?" Obi-Wan couldn't hide his curiosity. Qui-Gon turned and looked at his apprentice, but kept going without so much as a syllable.

Around them, the Coruscant skyline shimmer and glowed. Down the steps to the main boulevard they went, past small shops and glimmering residences. After what seemed an eternity, Qui-Gon ducked into the entrance of a small biodome. Obi-Wan followed quietly.

Inside, the air was heavy with moisture and the scents of living things. Lush foliage crowded the small biodome. A small stone trail led from the entrance into the thick of the miniature jungle. Master Qui-Gon strode ahead, pushing the leaves and branches out of the way as he went. Behind him, Obi-Wan fended off the battering branches as they snapped back in the wake of his master. Determined as a gorm bull, Obi-Wan kept up with the Jedi Master.

Suddenly the stone path opened out into a small cleaning in the center of the miniature jungle. The circle was not much bigger than Obi-Wan's room back in the Jedi Temple; barely large enough to call a practice circle. Qui-Gon halted in the middle of the clearing. He pulled his cloak from his shoulders, tossed it to the side, took his lightsaber from his belt and ignited it in one fluid movement, his body already in a fighting stance with legs splayed and shoulders squared.

Obi-Wan didn't have but half an instant's warning, and even then he could not seem to get his body to cooperate. His arms were still trapped under his cloak and his lightsaber still hooked to his belt when he felt the tingle of a saber just under his throat.

"You're dead, Obi-Wan," his master spat. "Where is your concentration, young padawan? It should be in the here and now, yet I sense in you a lack of awareness. Have you found me to be an inadequate master?"

"No...no...of course not!" Obi-Wan stuttered. "These last years have been all that I could have hoped for. I've learned so much! But...." Obi-Wan stammered to a halt, his eyes dropping to the ground."

"But what?" Qui-Gon demanded.

Obi-Wan steeled himself. Obviously, he was not going to be able to keep this secret from his master. "But lately, I've been....having....difficulty sleeping, Master." There. It was done.

Qui-Gon's head jerked back as if struck, his eyes blinking rapidly as if in sudden confusion.

"Is that all, Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon asked in genuine puzzlement.

Obi-Wan ducked his head sheepishly, "No master, that's not the half of it."

"What do you mean, Obi-Wan?"

"I've...I...well..." Obi-Wan's young face blossomed bright red. He screwed his eyes shut, clenched his fists, and let if all come out in one a rush, "I've been having these dreams about some of the female students and I can't seem to control my focus anymore when I'm near them." He took a deep breath and let out a hard sigh. "That's it, master, I'm a failure. If Master Yoda were to know of my dreams, I'm sure I'd be striped of my apprenticeship and sent back home in disgrace!"

Qui-Gon stared deeply at his young apprentice for what seemed like hours. <<Please, Master, say something>> Obi-Wan pleaded with his eyes.

Qui-Gon snorted softly as his face slowly broke into a shallow smile. "Then I guess it's time."

"Time for what, Master?" Obi-Wan had visions flash through his mind of arcane ceremonies being performed at the temple, all with the express purpose of divesting him of his apprenticeship and banishing him from the fellowship of the Jedi.

Qui-Gon placed his large hand on his apprentice's young shoulder, "You will see, Obi-Wan, you will see." Obi-Wan saw the glint in his master's eyes and wondered what demon had suddenly possessed the Jedi Master.

"But first," Qui-Gon lighted his saber again, "you need to finish the lesson you began this morning."

With some trepidation, Obi-Wan shrugged out of his cloak and lighted his saber.


Two hours later, both man and boy were dripping with sweat. The humidity in the biodome left Obi-Wan feeling lightheaded and saturated to his bones. But he had to smile inwardly; the techniques he had been instructed to learn this morning had finally been perfected. Even his master seemed pleased with the style Obi-Wan had employed to accommodate the techniques to such a small fighting circle. Qui-Gon had always emphasized the need to learn techniques in different surroundings--you never knew if you would need to employ them on a hanger deck or a small backstreet ally. Best to be prepared for both! "Good, good," Qui-Gon murmured as he parried Obi-Wan's blows.

Qui-Gon finally stepped back from the center of the clearing and switch off his saber. Obi-Wan felt a sigh of relief sweep through him as he too was able to relax out of the fighting stance and switch off his saber. "You've done very well, my young padawan," Obi-Wan felt a surge of pride at his master's words. "But don't let it go to your head," Qui-Gon admonished.

With that, Qui-Gon gathered his cloak from where it lay on the ground and made his way back out of the biodome, leaving Obi-Wan to follow as best he could.


After a hot shower and a good meal, Obi-Wan felt almost as good as new. He sat cross-legged in the meditation suite he shared with several of his fellow padawans and let his mind replay the practice session in the biodome, trying to absorb and remember all that he had learned. In the back of his mind, he heard the door open, and bare feet slap the floor to his right.

He cracked one eye open part way to see who it was and felt his breath catch in his throat. It was Dar-Kem, one of the students who's face seemed always present in his recent dreams.

Dar-Kem sank to the floor next to Obi-Wan, her eyes closed and her breathing regular. The girl worn a long, loose gown, typical for her sex. The shapeless robe did nothing but taunt Obi-Wan. He could see the nipples of her breasts poke against the soft material. One shoulder of the robe hung at the very edge of her shoulder, exposing the soft skin of her collar bone and the rise of skin just above her right breast.

Obi-Wan squashed his eyes closed again as he felt the blood start to rush to his face. <<What's wrong with me!>> He shifted his buttocks on the floor as the strange and sudden tightness in his loins made him uncomfortable.

<<How can she be so calm?>> Obi-Wan was nearly gasping with the sensations flooding his body. <<Focus! Focus determines reality!>> Obi-Wan chanted to himself in his head, trying to drowned out the fire in his groin.

Again he cracked an eyelid and stole a glance at Dar-Kem. This time she was stealing a glance too! Only instead of making eye contact, he choked to see she was looking at his lap! Obi-Wan followed her glance only to feel his heart stop. The lump in his lap was as blatant as a lightsaber in a dark room. Embarrassment crashed down on Obi-Wan, raising the temperature under his collar a few more degrees.

He shifted his glance one more time back to Dar-Kem's face. This time their eyes locked! Her face went deep red before she was able to pull her eyes away from his. Her breath was ragged and her bottom lip was clenched tightly between her teeth. <<Oh god!>> Obi-Wan thought, <<I've corrupted her as well! I'm not fit to be a Jedi Knight much less an apprentice!>>

His composure completely lost, Obi-Wan rose and stood on wobbling legs, almost falling as he turned to leave the meditation chamber. Absorbed in his efforts to control his throbbing cock and questionable balance, he ran smack into another human just outside the door.

He looked up, just slightly higher than his own eye level, into two pools of the darkest brown he could remember seeing. He took an involuntary step back. The face surrounding the eyes swam into focus. It was Master Ashdee, Dar-Kem's mentor. Obi-Wan felt his throat seize. There behind Ashdee was his own master, Qui-Gon, his face dark and inscrutable. <<Oh, no! I'm done for!>> Panic welled up in his chest as every ounce of ardor shriveled and drained out his toes.

"Come with me, Apprentice Kenobi," Master Ashdee said, taking his elbow and drawing him away from the meditation chamber.

"Master?" Obi-Wan croaked, pleading his master with his eyes to save him from whatever terrible fate the woman had in store for him.

"Go with her, my young padawan." Qui-Gon's eyes were already on Dar-Kem who had been standing silently in the meditation chamber the whole while. "She will not hurt you.....much."

The last bit was so soft and quiet, Obi-Wan wasn't sure if he had heard it correctly. It certainly didn't comfort him any. But it was too late to ask his master just what in the Seven Hells he meant by it; Master Ashdee was already pushing him down the corridor in front of her.

Master Ashdee continued to propel Obi-Wan through the twisting corridors of the Jedi Temple until he had lost all sense of direction. Down through the levels they went, deeper and deeper into the bowels of the temple. Fear began to rise in his chest. "Calm yourself, apprentice," the woman laughed, "We're far from your precious Seven Hells. and we certainly won't be going anywhere near them."

<<That's supposed to calm me?!?>>

An interminable time later, the woman stopped before one of several plain doors set back from the corridor. She retrieved a small electronic device from her belt and inserted it into an aperture in the door. Silently the door swung open. Obi-Wan felt himself pushed inside. The door closed behind him with a soft *snick* and he was alone in the dark room.

Feeling to either side of the door, he finally located the light pad and activated it. Soft, glowing light emitted from the four corners of the small room. Looking around, Obi-Wan found himself in a the midst of a riot of colors. Small tapestries woven in mesmerizing colors and patterns decorated the walls. There was no furniture to speak of, no chairs, no tables, only pillows and cushions of every size, shape, and color imaginable, some with tassels, some with fringes, some covered in velvet, and on and on. The floor itself was covered in a deeply luxurious carpet of darkest crimson and as he took few steps into the room, he noted that the padding under the carpet must be at least 2 inches deep.

He glanced about the room, wondering just what he was doing here. That a room like this existed within the temple, he would never have guessed. The luxury of the room was far out of alignment with the rest of the Jedi order. Even if his own master had told him such a room existed here in the temple, Obi-Wan felt he would be hard pressed to believe him.

He felt her presence before he heard her voice and he whirled to face her--and promptly fell on his ass.

It was her all right, but never in even his wildest dreams had he imagined that a woman could look like *that*! He shook his head, trying to clear his mind. Master Ashdee stood before him in a long caftan the colors of a Coruscant sunset, her long hair no longer bound behind her head in a tight bun. The drape of the caftan and the long wavy hair seemed only to exaggerate the curves of her body. The look on her face spoke volumes. Obi-Wan felt himself going tight again.

A teasing smile played across her lips as she asked him, "Do I pass inspection?" Obi-Wan could only croak. "Come over here, Obi-Wan," she beckoned.

Unsteadily, Obi-Wan rose, uncertain of just what was in store for him. He took a few short steps and was standing before her. Somewhere in the back of his mind he thought to himself <<Funny, I thought she was taller than that. She must wear boots with a bit of heel to them.>> She stood just slightly below direct eye level now, but her eyes were as deep and dark as ever.

She reached up slowly to caress his temple, drawing a line of fire with her fingers down the edge of his ear and along his jaw line to end at his chin. She leaned forward and tilted her head ever so slightly to brush his lips with her. Obi-Wan's breath caught in his throat. She stood back, a low chuckle emanating from deep within her.

Obi-Wan suddenly became aware of his too-tight trousers and the incredible heat in his groin. She seemed to sense his discomfort. "Here, let me help you with those," she murmured darkly.

Obi-Wan felt paralyzed as she began ever so slowly disrobing him, first the belt, then his outer tunic, and finally his undershirt, leaving him only his damnably tight trousers and the soft slippers he had worn to the meditation chamber. As she slipped the undershirt off his shoulders, her fingertips drew more lines of fire across his skin. His breath hissed in his mouth. Her hands flattened out against his chest, fingers splaying out across the firm muscles.

He stood petrified as she stepped back a half pace and slid the caftan off her shoulders. The fabric slid down her body silently and he found himself gasping at her complete nakedness. She stepped back in toward him, leaving the caftan on the floor. With gentle hands, she reached for his own hands and brought them up to her full breasts. He could feel her shudder as his palms cupped the sensitive skin around the nipples.

She released his wrists and slid her hands slowly up his arms, along his muscular shoulders, and down his chest, following the faint trail of pale hair down to where it disappeared under his trousers. With deft fingers, she loosened his trousers then bent forward to place a trail of kisses down his chest as she pulled the trousers down. This time it was his turn to shudder, his breath hissing in sudden and involuntary gasps as she freed him. He stood frozen like a statue, unable to think or breath as her breath on his skin made the hair on his belly and thighs stand up.

He wobbled on knees gone watery.

From her kneeling position, she took advantage of his instability and gently pushed him back onto the cushions. Obi-Wan was so lost in the sensations he wasn't able to counteract her small push and he found himself quickly horizontal.

She stripped his footgear off and slide his trousers off his legs completely. Slowly, ever so slowly, she began tracing delicate patterns with her lips and tongue up his calves, behind his knees, and inside his thighs. Brain numbed, he almost lost complete control of his sanity when she ran her hot wet tongue up his throbbing shaft. It bobbed of it's own volition.

Every muscle in his body clenched and spasmed. His arms thrashed and his hips rocked. He could feel her laughter bubble out of her chest as her breasts dipped and stroked against his thighs. He heard a scream as she took his cock in her hot mouth and only distantly realized it was his own voice screaming. And just as quickly the heat was gone, leaving him gasping for breath and for release.

Absently, he felt her shift and straddle his hips, locking his agonized shaft between them. Her hands pressed against his shoulders, pinning him to the floor. He almost screamed, this time in protest, but she sealed his mouth with her own...tasting...demanding. He drew his hands to her hair and twined his fingers in the loose, heavy strands, pressing her against him. His tongue darted out experimentally, tasting and exploring.

She sat up and gazed down on him from her position straddling his hip. Passion had turned her eyes almost pitch black. She once again grasped his wrists and placed his hands on her breasts. His eyes wide with wonder, he began tracing the soft skin with his fingers, thumbs running tight circles around her nipples. She shuddered, sending ripples through him as well. "Yes..." the voice was a soft whisper, "touch me, explore everything. There is nothing to hide..no shame..."

He shifted his gaze and his hands, gently caressing the soft skin along her ribs and down her sides...touching her...memorizing her, his courage gathering with every second. She opened her eyes and captured his gaze again, her dark eyes boring right through to his soul. Unsure of how to proceed, he could do no more than look and touch.

<<Like this, my young padawan...>> He could just barely hear his master's voice in his mind. but even as he heard the voice, he could sense that something similar was happening just on the other side of the wall. He could almost see in his mind the ministrations his master was paying to a slight and female figure. Letting his mind follow his master's thoughts, he began to imitate him.

Rolling his hips, he pushed the woman to one side just enough to roll the two of them over. Now in control, he settled himself to one side and began to continue the memorization of her skin and form, but this time with his lips. Starting at the cleft of her jaw and neck, he traced the jugular vein down to where it disappeared under her collar bone. The he followed the collar bone to her cleavage where he buried his face between her breasts. Her hands remained busy, testing out and tracing each rib, each crease, each muscle.

His hands each cupped a breast, so soft, so full. He had to stop for a split second out of fear that he would lose consciousness if he did not take a breath. Control reasserted, even if a tenuous control, he began to gently kneed her breasts, once again tracing circles around her nipples with his thumbs. Ashdee squirmed and sighed when he replaced one thumb with his tongue, slowly drawing her nipple into his mouth with gently sucks. She reached up and began running her fingers through his hair, capturing him and pressing him closer to her.

His inhibition completely shattered, he released her nipple and continued his exploration down her belly, tasting her skin at every point. The smell of her was almost too much to stand. So focused on his own control, he barely noticed that Ashdee was beginning to lose her own. Her mind and body responded in tune with her temporary apprentice.

Obi-Wan again felt his master's presence in his mind, directing and instructing. He shifted his weight to cover her with his body, his mouth coming up to capture her gasps. She needed no guidance, easily spreading her legs and wrapping them around his slim hips. With a deft hand, she carefully guided his ever throbbing shaft between her legs and with one hand on his buttock, drove him home.

An alien sensation originating in his groin crowded out all thought and swept over him. For him, reality *became* his focus and he focused on that reality...to learn it...to live it. He could hear someone's cries echoing in the room. Somewhere a detached portion of his mind identified it not as an echo, but as two voice strung together, one leading, one answering.

He felt Ashdee's hands on his buttocks, grinding him to her, urging him onward. He began to move in time with her guidance. Wave after wave built within him. With it came fear...fear of the unknown. >>Let yourself go, boy!<< his master's voice urged, >>Let yourself go!<<

Ashdee began raking his back with her fingers, causing painfully delightful shivers down his spine. He continued his rhythm, slowly building....building...building until he though his heart would stop. It did.

For only a moment, time seemed to stand still. Every ounce of his being was centered within the woman's hot, tight sheath. His hips bucked once more of their own accord and the pleasure swept over him and through him, leaving wave after slowly subsiding wave behind.

Exhausted, he collapsed breathlessly on top of the woman, slick with sweat and completely at her mercy. All awareness was gone, all propriety long since smashed. He could hear her ragged breathing as he lay atop her, still locked inside the circle of her legs.

After what seemed an interminable moment, she unwound her legs, allowing him to push back and roll to her side. He tried to say something coherent, but only moans escaped his lips. He tried to raise himself onto his elbows, but the room spun and his vision shattered into a thousand pieces. Blackness ensued.


Obi-Wan came to full awareness in an instant. He sensed that something was very wrong. He was not in his room and there was someone else here! He was trapped, tied down, entangled! Brutally he forced down the panic welling in his heart...and almost choked when he realized the true situation.

He opened his eyes to gaze at the woman who lay beside him, her arms and legs entangled in her own. Her own eyes were open and she was smiling at him.

"That wasn't half bad for a first-timer," she chuckled, "but you still have much to learn..."

<<This is going to be a long night>> He thought to himself.

>>Shut up, young man, and do your master's bidding<< came Qui-Gon's voice in his mind.

<<Funny, that's the first time he's called me a man.>> Obi-Wan thought to himself as he turned back towards the woman to do her bidding.


First Time for Everything Part 2, an ABH

by Sherrie Kidder


Disclaimers: Most of the characters portrayed here do not belong to me. They are the sole property of Jedi Master Lucas....I'm just borrowing them. I'll put them back when I'm done...promise!

Rating: Defintiely rated-R


Setting: Coruscant.


Step. Retreat. Block. Sidle. Attack.

And again, step in. Retreat out. Block. Leap. Parry. Attack.

Back and forth you and your sparring partner work on the floor mat. All around you, sounds of wooden practice sabers crack and bare feet smack on the floor. You're just barely holding your own against the older girl. She can't be more than a few years your senior, but she fights like a Master.

Sweat drips down in your face and neck and runs down between your breasts. Your hair is dank and starting to come out of it's tight bun. Your appretice braid has somehow managed to work itself under your collar at the back of your neck and is proceeding to torture you.

You can sense that your partner is finally starting to tire and you both back off for half a moment, just long enough to circle each other, gasping for breath. Just behind your partner's shoulder, you can see him--and it doesn't look good. As you watch, his partner sneeks a practice blade under is guard and hits him smack across his chest. His gorgeously balanced, strong, young chest.....*SMACK*

You lie on your back staring up at the high, domed roof, struggling to get your breath back. Your partner took full advantage of your distraction and neatly swept your feet completely out from under you. Now she's standing over you with her practice blade resting point-on just under your chin. "Dead!" she confirms.

You nod your head. She's won...this bout.

The floor master gestures another apprentice to take your places as you and your partner leave the mat. She puts a compainionly arm across your shoulders. "What's wrong with you today?" she asks. "You're not acting like yourself. Is everything all right?" Real concern tinged her query.

"I'm fine, Dala, really. I'm fine." As you head for the showers, you glance over at Him. He too looks to be finished for the day, and His master doesn't look like he's very happy with his padawan.

Dala catches your glance. A corner of her mouth twitches as she pushes you onward towards the showers. We've got kitchen duty after practice today, so unless you want to scraps *after* were done there you'd better hurry so we can get there early."


Several hours later, you're back in your room feeling much the better for the shower, meal, and the comraderie among the kitchen crew. You sit on the mat near your bed and try to relax and concentrate on your meditations. You can hear your master rumaging around in the common room that separates your two living suites. You can't help but to think that she's making enough noise to wake the dead.

Finally, frustration starting to tinge your efforts, you stand, pull your indoor slippers on and walk out into the main room. "Master Judy, I'm going down to the meditation hall for awhile," you tell your master.

"Very well," she replies. She doesn't seem to be paying you very much attention.

The hallways are quiet at this time of the evening. Most of the temple residents are in meditation or study. It's one of your favorite times to use the communal meditation hall as it's usually empty.

But this time you're not so lucky. You can see someone sitting crosslegged on the floor near the front of the room. But as you step inside, your heart takes a leap! It's Him!

You can barely keep your breath steady as you walk up and sink to the floor beside him. You try and put his nearness from your mind. It's hard, but you're managing. Finally you decide to sneak a peak.

Cracking your eye open just a fraction you look at him. <<Funny>> you think to yourself <<his face looks all red>>. You can't help yourself and your gaze starts to wander down his arm, up his wrists, over his fingertips and back down. Your breath catches in your throat when you notice a slight movement under the robe covering his lap.

Startled, you look back up at his face, which as turned a few shades darker. Your eyes lock on his gorgeous blue eyes. She could feel heat rise to the surface of her face and her breath came in quiet but ragged gasps. Her lower lip quivered from where it was trapped between her teeth.

He stood suddenly, all composure lost, and staggered out the door. A slight 'thud' and a groan from the doorway makes you look up. There in the doorway stand your Master, and just behind her, Master Qui-Gon.

"Come with me, Apprentice Kenobi," your master addresses the shaken young padawan as she takes his elbow and draws him away from the meditation chamber.

"Master?" Obi-Wan croaked, pleading his own master with his eyes. You're drawn to your feet by the confusion.

"Go with her, my young padawan." Master Qui-Gon urges, but his eyes were already you. "She will not hurt you.....much." You're not sure if that was meant for you or Obi-Wan, but somehow you're not very reassured. You try to watch Obi-Wan as he is guided away to some unknown and possibly torturous fate, but Master Qui-Gon moves to fill the doorway with his huge frame.

"Come, girl, you're with me," he beckons, holding out his hand to you.

You stand there staring at his hand like it's made of cheese or something.

He chuckles, "Come now, I'm not going to hurt you. It's all right. Everything will be fine."

<<So it's not fine right now?>> Your mind is going a million light years a second. But you tentatively place your slight hand in his large, strong hand. You feel so small and helpless beside the great Master.

He leads you gently from the meditation chamber and down the hallways in the opposite direction Master Ashdee had taken Obi-Wan. You look up at him, towering above you, and you can't repress the shiver that runs up your spine. He feels your quiver through your hand and looks down at your with a warm and comforting smile. It helps...a little.

Through the warren of the lower temple chambers he leads you. Pretty soon you've lost all track of where you are.

Just when you think this must be some sort of joke, with you as the unfortunate victim, Master Qui-Gon stops before one of several plain doors set back from the corridor. He takes a small electronic device from his belt and inserts it into an aperture in the door. Silently the door swung open. You feel his hands firmly on your shoulders as he pushes you inside. The door closed behind you with a soft *snick* and you're suddently alone in a dark room.

Feeling to either side of the door, you finally locate a light pad and activate it. Soft, glowing light emits from the four corners of the small room. Looking around, you find yourself in a the midst of a riot of colors. Small tapestries woven in mesmerizing colors and patterns decorate the walls. There was no furniture to speak of, no chairs, no tables, no bed. Only pillows and cushions of every size, shape, and color imaginable, some with tassels, some with fringes, some covered in velvet, and on and on. The floor itself is thick with a deep pad and a deeply luxurious carpet of darkest crimson.

You glance about the room, wondering just what in the world you are doing here. That a room like this existed within the temple, you would never have dreamed. It looked like something straight of the novels your Master keeps berating you for reading.

But before you can give the room a cursory going over, you sense another presence in the room. Your turn around....and your heart stops.

Master Qui-Gon is standing before you. No longer wearing the standard issue tunic, he is warpped in a think, luxurious, robe of the deepest, purest blue you've ever seen. You realize the color makes his eyes stand out like fireflies in a dark room. "It's time, girl," his voice is deep and husky.

"Time for what?" you're barely able to croak it out.

Another smile flickers across his face. You can almost sense a flash of understanding behind the penetrating gaze. "To begin your lesson, of course."

<<What lesson could I possible learn in this place?>> you ask yourself.

"This lesson," he intones as he crosses the distance between you in an instant. You can feel your eyes grow wide as he leans over and brushes his soft lips against your own, his large hand cupping your cheek and jaw. Shivers run through your legs and you aren't sure you can stand up much longer. He brushes his thumb across your cheek and locks your eyes with his. "There is *nothing* to be afraid of," he insists. "It's your time to become a woman and join the rest of your sex in understanding your feeling. You cannot learn to move outside your body without first understanding your own body and it's needs and desires."

Your fear starts to ebb. "Obi-Wan...?" you ask. Master Qui-Gon's cheek twitches in a brief smile. He nods his head towards one wall. Closing your eyes, you extend your thoughts into the next room. You can sense your own Master's presense there, along with another....Obi-Wan!

"Yes, my dear, it is his time as well."

"What do I do?" you ask tentatively.

"Anything you want," he answers softly.

"You've done this before." It wasn't a question. He absolutely exudes sexual confidence.

You close your eyes again and try to reach your Master for guidance. In your mind you can see and feel as she ministrates to Obi-Wan. Confidence starts to sooth your mind.

You look up at the Jedi still looming above you. <<Gods, but how can I do this. This is not just any jedi!>>

>>Tonight I am just Qui-Gon. Forget our status, forget our ranks, they mean nothing in this room. I am just a man, and you are just a woman-to-be.<<

Again his hand brushes your cheek and his lips touch your own. Only this time his lips remain on yours, pressing ever so gently against yours. You can feel his lips part as he takes your bottom lip between his teeth and gently sucks your lip into his mouth. Your knees go weak and a wave of sometime indescribeable washes over you.

Your eyes blink back open as he releases your quivering lip and steps back a half step. Taking your wrists in his own powerful hands, he places your fingers along his exposed collar bone. You barely notice that his robe has fallen halfway open. He presses your hands to his chest. You can feel the hair of his chest under your palms, strangely course yet soft. It takes you a few heartbeats to realize he was wearing nothing under the robe!

As fear and doubt begins to rise in your mind, you feel both your master's presense and Qui-Gon's indominable awareness within your own mind, quelling the fear and spreading soothing comfort throughout your limbs.

You can see in your mind as your master touches and explores the body of the young man in the room with her. You start to imitate her, first with your gaze, roaming what you can see. Aware of your examination, Qui-Gon lets his robe fall completely open and shrugs it off his shoulders. It falls with a heavy sound to the carpet. Your eyes take it all in...the fine cover of hair on his chest dwindling down into a fine line across the plains of his muscular belly and down into the curly bush around his cock. His thighs where strong and powerfully muscled and covered in the most delicate carpet of hair she had ever seen. His cock stirred under her visual lathing.

You feel strangely at odds standing before this naked man while still covered by your own caftan. but Mas...Qui-Gon looks to be at ease with himself and the situation. <<How can he be so calm!>>

>>Come, my dove, learn the answers to your questions<< he takes your hand again and places it against his chest. You can feel his heartbeat under the skin. You start your examination all over again, but this time with your hands, feeling every sculpted muscle, every scar. You hear his breathing grow a touch ragged at the edges. You glance up to his face. His jaw is locked and his eyes are closed, as if in stern concentration.

Seemingly aware of the change in your focus, he opens his eyes and looks down at you.

Slowly he brings his hands up to once again cup your face. From there, they travel down along your jugular to the v-neck of your caftan. His large fingers are incomprehensibly gentle and tender as they start to trace the line of the cloth on your skin, across your collar bone and down towards your clevage. Shudders travel up one side and down your other side. He gently slids neckline of the fabic off your shoulders and the entire caftan drifts to the ground.

Fear returns again to your heart. You try to hide your nakedness from this God of a man. He sees your attempt and senses your discomfort. He kneels to the floor and with a gesture, uses the Force to dim the lights until you finally feel safely hidden in the darkened room.

Standing in the semi darkness, you wonder what to do next. >>Relinquish your control, girl!<< your master admonishes from the next room. >>Let your instincts take over. Trust in the moment and trust in Him.<<

You close your eyes and nod your head. Balling your hands into tight fists at your sides, you half expect some sort of physical violation.

Gently he reaches out and takes one of your fists, carefully peeling your fingers open one by one until he holds your hand, palm up, in his careful grip. Raising your hand to his face, he brushes your palm with his mustache. Electricity shoots through every nerve. Softly, he kisses your open palm, then your wrist, slowly painting a trail of soft and ticklish kisses all the way up your arm, stopping briefly at the crook of your elbow before moving on towards your bare shoulder. Your rubber knees are threatening to give way.

As he reaches your shoulder, his hands shift to turn you away from him. The kisses continue across your shoulders to the nape of your neck. Your breath is coming in shallow gasps at the deliciously tortuous sensations he is arousing in you. Your head starts to spin and you find yourself stumbling and falling, only to be caught by strong warm hands guiding you to the floor.




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