

by: Bridget


Rating: PG-13

Warning(s): violence, language, adult content

Spoilers: Set immidiately after TPM

Catagory: Alternate Universe, Action Adventure, Drama... possible romance

Disclaimer: Lucas owns everyone expect Callisto and Odome. And it's a crying shame about Obi and Qui, darn it!

Archive: Yes to QJEB, M_A, OKEB, Coriella, Council of Denial and if anyone ELSE wants it! GREAT! Just ask me!  I"m not aware of all the great fan fic sites. Just tell me and I'll say yep!. I get big happies seing my stuff up!

Feedback: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! And in detail (privately) if you love me! For the love of God, give me something!

Part One

Obi-Wan Kenobi watched through the laser wall, the fight with his master and the Sith Lord. Brimming with anticptation and worry, she lightly bounced from foor to foot, waiting for the wall to come down so that he could fight along side. He did not like the weariness he could see on his master's face. While Qui-Gon was an excellent swordsman and well attuned with the Force, he was not as young as he used to be and the Sith Lord had the atvatage of being younger and well in his prime.

For a moment, Obi-Wan's breath caught in his throat, just as the laser wall was coming down as Qui-Gon took a blow to the head and was momentarily caught off guard. Darth Maul grinned and moved his saber toward's the older Jedi's mid section....

... and was met with a blue saber and Obi-Wan flung himself forward, blocking the would-be killing blow. Qui-Gon regained his senses and resumed his guard. The fight was now turned back more to the side of the Jedi. Darth Maul, while an excellent warrior, was now outmatched. In between the laser walls, Obi-Wan had some time to rest physcially while he waited to jump back into the fray. Maul was getting tired and that would leave him open to weakness. He would have to be careful.

The younger Jedi moved forward with a force that knocked Maul back a few steps. The older Jedi attacked with equal strength, though not quite as energetic as he was as tired as Maul was now. This was not going as well as he hoped. Perhaps he had been to hasty in coming down here. One he could have taken, but both of them was proving difficult.

The blue blade sliced down from above, cutting the dual saber in two. Maul flipped and rolled to the left to retrieve the still functioning half, but Qui-Gon Jinn had been antipating this. With an infliction of the Force, he pushed the weapon out of the Sith's grip and into the melting pit.

Defeated, Maul flipped back up to his feet, poised to attack. The two Jedi stood ready to intercept and of his blows, but they were armed and he was not. As much as he hated to do this, Maul had to admit he would have to retreat. couldn't very well kill them if he was dead.

**Patience, my young apprentice.**

Darth Sidious was right. Patience was a virtue. He still had much to learn from his master. He would start by remebering all the would happen here for...

"Next time," Maul growled. And as quickly as he appeared, he vanished in a black flash.

Obi-Wan disengaged his light saber, wiping the beads of sweat off his forehead. "Are you alright, Master?"

Qui-Gon, who was equally, if not more exhausted, nodded. "I am, Padawan. I am just... tired." He shook his head. "My friend, getting older is not as graceful as it appears."

"That's not true," Obi-Wan said with a patronizing smile. Qui-Gon look over at him with one of those looks and waved him off with his hand. The apprentice was about to say more when he stopped. "Master, I do believe this war is over?"

Qui-Gon nodded. He too sensed the cease firing. He also sensed Anakin was farther way... but all was well now. "I would appear so. At least this part."

"Master?" Obi-Wan asked.

"It would appear my suspicious are correct. The Sith have returned. This will not be pleasant in the future, my young apprentice. We must be careful. I still sense a distrubance in the Force. And this latest encounter proves it."

"Yes, master. What happens now?"

Qui-Gon smiled. "Now, Obi-Wan, we rest and make sure the Naboo are well. then we wait. It's all we really can do."

Obi-Wan smiled and supported his master as he walked. While the future was not particularly bright, things were looking up.


Tatooine may be hot during the day, but at night, like most deserts, it was icy cold. All the heat which had blanketed itself on the land during through sunlight hours was now gone. Heavier clothing was required for those who wanted to venture outdoors at this time of night, but few did. Mos Espa was not exactly the safest of havens. Only the incredibly strong or the incredibly stupid went outside without good reason. Toughs roamed the roads of the community and Tusken raiders waited in alcoves for easy prey to wander by.

Callisto Lin sat on a low cliff overlooking the port and was just above a group of about ten Tusken Raiders. They knew she was there and she knew they were they. Neither of them particularly cared. They had developed an understanding about two years ago when Callisto had been traveling alone and a group of fifteen had attacked her with intent to plunder. Quickly, they realized a grave mistake had been made. She had, in a matter of minutes, had immoblized them and all and made it perfectly clear that she could have killed each and every one of them if she had felt like it. The night after that had happened, she traveld in fear of retailiation, but it had never come. They knew she was a danger, but only if prevoked. And she knew better than to wander into their territories now that she had a vague idea where they were. As time went on, she seemed to be allowed into their areas, just so long as she was just passing through. They were, after all, still afraid of her.

Most of Mos Espa was. Most of the time, Callisto was very quiet, rarely caused any sort of trouble, but if trouble went and found her, well, that was different. To put it mildly, she never started a fight, but made quite sure that it was finished and in the shortest amount of time possible.

One of Raiders looked up at her. She met it's gaze (whereever that was) and then continued looking forward. With her body language, she made it clear to them that she didn't intend to hurt them or impede anything they had planned. She was just resting outside, nothing more. She was one of the few humans who spoke Tusken, but she didn't have anything to say other than "I'm passing." Truthfully, she didn't say much to anyone.

She pulled her brown leather coat tighter around her body. She was freezing. Perhaps she should go home now. On second thought, no. What was the point. why bother getting up and walking all that way just to be doing the same thing she was doing now? Although, she didn have alot of thinking to do and it probably would be easier if she was warmer.

Her plan was pretty much in shambles. Now she had to start from scratch. Many people would say it would be easier to free one slave than two, but that wasn't true in this case. Watto had lost alot of money AND his prized possession, Anakin Skywalker in betting on the Boonta Eve Race. All he had now was Shmi, and he wasn't going to part with her, not easily. She would have to raise alot of money quickly or come up with another plan even faster. For all she knew, Watto might be thinking about selling her friend's mother to help recoup from his losses.

Calissto shook her head. Stay in the present, she told herself. No sense getting all relied up until all the information had been had. Tomorrow she would go to Shmi and see what she knew. Then, she would begin the scheming.

There was a solution to every problem, Callisto believed. Finding the answer to this one only required, thought and patience. The problem came when she had the answer and would have to go into badly tapped resources. She did have option.. it was a long shot, but it had a chance of working. First though, she wanted to check her options and use this as a last resort. There weree a few people who owed her favors.

For a fleeting moment, she wished Anakin was here. He was able to help her find thhe flaws when she thought outloud.

She wondered what that kid was doing now. She smiled. Probably off on some grand adventure or training. She hoped he was training. The boy wanted to badly to be a Jedi, espcially after the dream he had. He had such wonderfl dreams, even if a few of them were a little too fantastic for her.

"I had a dream last night," Anakin had said once. "It was about you?"

"Oh really," Callisto had answered. "What was I doing?"

"You were with a Jedi. You were far away from here and you were happy. I was a Jedi to in the dream... I think. I couldn't tell, it was kind of dark. It was very nice, but you looked sad for some reason."

"It was just a dream, Ani. Dreams don't mean anything."

"Yes they do!"

He had such high hopes. She didn't have the heart to tell him that they were probably all inn vain. He might have a chance, but she didn't. She had been trapped here for ten years and doubted that she would ever escape. Pessimism had claimed her young, and she had done all she could to see to it that it didn't happen to Anakin too. He had been such a bight young lad, so full of hope. Funny how her best and only friend was about ten years younger than her.

She missed him.

Suddenly, she laughed, the sound disturbing the Raiders below her. Imagine, her anywhere but here.. and with a JEDI no less. That boy had an imagination! Callisto hoped she would see him again one day.

As her eyes slowly began to close in slumber, a single thought permeated her thoughts. "You will, and sooner than you think."

She hoped that it was true.

Part Two

Yoda sighed and looked on at the celebration going on in the square of Theed. For the Naboo and the Gungans, thing had been sewed up very neatly. The Trade Federation was off that planet and there had been a peace between the two species. All and all for the sentient life forms of Naboo, it had been a very good day.

For the Jedi, it was not.

Yoda couldn't deny it any more than Mace Windu could. The Sith had returned, there was no question in his mind of it now. Even from the Jedi temple on Corsucant, the aging Jedi master had felt the massive disturbance in the Force generating from the climatic battle in the power generator on the planet. From what Qui-Gon Jinn had relayed to him about the Sith Lord, it would appear that they might be in trouble. The lone warrior had nearly defeated the benevolent master and his apprentice. It had been far too close for comfort. Yoda didn't want to admit it, but such a thing did make him nervous and he was not alone.

Mace Windu walked up and placed his hands on the cool marble railing overlooking the city square. The sun was beginning to set, adding a warm orange and red backdrop to the color festivities exploding beneath them. His features were solemn. Apparently his thoughts weren't all that different from Yoda's.

"This changes things, doesn't it?" Mace said, looking outward.

"Yes," Yoda said simply. "Returned, the Sith have. Certain of this I am."

"Not all the Council members are in agreement. Ki-Al-Mundi is still adamant about it being a renegade of some kind."

"Worried he is. Knows the Sith have returned. Fears for long time they have been. Waiting perhaps."

The other Jedi master leaned against the pillar. "If they have been waiting, they picked a good time. Senate's arguing back and forth, bickering about things that really don't matter in comparison to the needs of the people. Naboo was invaded, and we were the only ones who did anything about it."

"Dark times have come."

Mace sighed. "And it isn't over yet, is it? Of course not."

"Must be cautious, listen, watch. Come again they will. Soon perhaps."

"I hate to say this, but maybe sooner would be better. I don't like this waiting. The longer times go by, the more doubt there is."

Yoda nodded. "Using this, the Sith have. Patient they are. Careful will shall be."

"Speaking of care, there's still the matter of young Skywalker," Mace said with a small grimace. He knew that this was NOT Yoda's favorite topic.

In a very firm voice, Yoda said, "Agree with him being trained, I do not."

Mace sighed and sat down on the railing, looking down at his friend. "I know. I have many reservations about it, but we have been outvoted and they do have a point. The boy may be able to help us in this, especially if he is the chosen one."

"Much fear in him there is."

Mace nodded. This was true and why he objected, though not as strongly as Yoda to Anakin's training.

"His fear is that he will never see his mother again."

Yoda nodded.

"Well," Mace continued, "maybe there is something that can be about that."


Anakin Skywalker, the slave turned Jedi apprentice, smiled brightly, even thought he had a tiny knot in his stomach which was slowly growing. Everyone was alright, even Pad- even Amidala, which made him very, very happy, but he felt a quiver of sadness. His mother was all around now, probably being worked much harder than she should now by Watto. Unless of course, Callisto had done something.

He really wished she hadn't been in Mos Eisley when Qui-Gon Jinn had come to town. He had a feeling he would have liked her and she might have helped things go a little more smoothly than they did. The problem would have been convincing her. Callisto wasn't the most trusting person in the universe and didn't particularly like anyone.

Still, it would have been neat.

Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, now a full fledged Jedi Knight walked in Anakin's direction. As glad as he was to see his new friends, he really wished Amidala would finish talking to Boss Nass soon. If he was going to be going away soon, he would at least like to say good bye. Somehow, he knew it didn't matter because he would be seeing her again soon. He just had a feeling and he had learned quite early not to ignore those feelings.

"Hello Anakin, "Qui-Gon said.

Anakin straightened up some. "Hello Qui-Gon, sir," the boy said brightly.

"I have some news I think you're going to like." The Jedi master looked to his former apprentice with a smile. Obi-Wan had been smiling all afternoon since he completed the trials. He had come to like the young boy so the news only increased his good mood.

"The Council has approved your being trained as a Jedi," Obi-Wan said.

Anakin would have jumped out of his seat if he had been sitting down. "Really! Yipee!"

Obi-Wan normally would have rolled his eyes at the boys entusiam, but he was in far too good a mood. "We'll be leaving for Corsucant soon."

Anakin felt his joy subside somewhat. "Oh. When?"

"Not until tomorrow, Ani," Qui-Gon said. "Plenty of time to tie up any loose ends." He knew what his new apprentice wanted to do.

"Great! Is it okay if I go now? There's some stuff I need to do," Anakin said.

Qui-Gon nodded. Anakin shot off like a rocket to find Amidala.

Obi-Wan shook his head with a laugh. "He certainly has energy, Master."

Qui-Gon smiled almost wistfully, "You don't have to call me that any longer, Obi-Wan?"

The younger Jedi paused. "I suppose you're right, but it will be a hard habit to break, Mas... Like i said, he certainly has energy."

"You were just like him when you were his age."

Shakin his head, Obi-Wan said, "No I wasn't."

They began walking in the direction of the palace.

"Yes you were."

"No... I wasn't."

"Yes, you were."




Darth Maul fumed inside the Infiltrator asflew through space towards Corsucant. The rage inside him was enough to frighten any creature in the galaxy.

All but one.

The hologram of Darth Sidious appeared before Maul's lowered head.

"I have failed you, my master," he said, making no attempt to mask the same and anger in his voice.

"Do not worry, my young apprentice," Sidious said, his voice calm. "The two Jedi are of no consequence. From this mission, I have what I wanted. The Senate is now in my control. You have done well, Lord Maul."

The Sith apprentice lifted his head. "When I was on Tatooine, the probe droid found a boy..."

"I am aware of this. He is young, but too old to be trained as a Jedi. The council barely agreed to his training. He knows fear and anger well." Sidious paused. "He may be an assest to us. Or he could very well be our undoing. They say he is the chosen one."

"Master?" Maul was a bit confused. He had never been told of this, but it was not his place to know if his master did not deem it so.

"A prophsey of one who is to bring balance to the Force. We will test him. If he will come to us, he will. If not, he will be destroyed."

"Yes, my master."


Callisto blinked her eyes against the twin suns of Tatooine. Another hot day. Weather this hot put her in a bad mood every time. Then again, weather was ALWAYS hot on Tatooine which might explain her tempermant.

Well, pehaps a very unpleasant disposition would be a help today. She needed that kind of edge to make it through the day when dealing with the "businessmen" of Tatooine.

She stepped through the door of a residence. Not her own, but of a man who owed her something.

"Hello Odome," Callisto said. The tall, dark skinned man turned away from his bench.

"Callisto... And to what honor do I owe this occasion?" Odome said sharply. He wasn't exacty a people person either.

"Have you been listening like I asked you?" she asked.

"Of course."

"Do you have what I've been looking for?"

"Possibly." He tossed her a data chip. "Your Toydarian friend has gottena little careless. Probably why he lost so much in the last Podrace. This may be worth something if you play it right, and to the right people."

"Think the Hutts might bite it?" she asked.

Odome raised an eyebrow. "I would think so, but wouldn;t you want to do straight to the source?"

"Usually yes, but not this time. Stakes are too high to play games. This is for a friend. Besides, if it works, I'll be off Tatooine and you'll never have to deal with me again."

Odome barked a laugh. "I can't say that I'll miss you."

She glares at him with cold blue eyes. "Likewise." Callisto took her chip and strode out of the home. She had work to do and quickly.

Suddenly, a chill ran through the young woman.

Callisto looked around her. Nothing out of the ordinary. She was just getting paranoid was all. No bad things were going to happen. Not like the last time she felt this way.

Still, it would help is she went to work quickly and left this place with Shmi as soon as she could.

Part three

Anakin Skywalker wasn't happy to leave, but he knew he had to. He couldn't stay on Naboo forever if he wished to be a Jedi. And he was! He was really going to be a Jedi!

"This is so wizard," he breathed.

"What was that Ani?" Queen Amidala said as she walked beside the boy with Captain Panaka to see him off.

"Nothing," Anakin replied, trying to suppress the wide grin he could feel just waiting to break out.

The young queen looked at Anakin with a smile, but was that a trace of sadness beneath that painted face? "I'm going to miss you Anakin. It might be a long time before we see each other again."

"Maybe," Anakin said. "But I have a feeling we'll see each other again very soon. Very very soon," he said confidently.

Amidala could no longer suppress the smile. He was always so sure of everything. She missed that kind of assurance in the world that younger people had. Strange, she thought to herself. She wasn't that much older than him, but duty and pressures had robbed her of some of the faith she had in the world. Take the whole mess with the Senate. She prayed nothing like that would again afflict her people.

"You seem very sure of that. I hope you're right."

"I know I'm right."

She was about to say more when Mace Windu approached them as they arrived at the main hangar. Anakin felt a small shiver as the quick flash of memory of the day when this place was filled with droids and that dark clad man fought with his friends.

"I'm ready to go," Anakin said, guessing at what the Jedi master was going to say. "Where's Qui-Gon?"

"He's helping to get the ship ready," Mace said. "But you're not going to Corsucant."

Confusion furrowed Anakin's brow for a moment. "I'm not?"

"No. We've decided that you and your master will return to Tatooine. To retrieve your mother."

Immediately, Anakin's heart exploded with joy. "Really! You mean it!"

Even Mace, a man of quiet dignity, couldn't help but to smile with the boy's happiness. "Yes, really. Now this may not be easy, but some resources will be used to help. You understand you need to be careful."

Anakin was hardly listening now, but he understood. "Yes, I understand." Before anymore could be said, he had practically sprinted into the small gray ship that was a few yards ahead of him with a few cries of "Yippee!"

Now Mace was laughing. "I thought that might make his day."

Amidala was once again very curious and Panaka could see it in her eyes. He really hoped she was thinking what he thought she was thinking.

"I remember that man who owns his mother. A very unsavory man. And a greedy one," Amidala said thoughtfully.

Mace nodded in agreement. It was what he suspected.

"Qui-Gon said that greed can be a strong ally. I'm sure I may have something to offer that might be used. It certainly would at least help in taking back his mother."

"Any help would be welcomed," Mace said. He was starting to catch Panaka's bad feeling.

"Of course, if I am to offer my resources to help, I would like to.. oversee the process," Amidala said, not bothering to mask what she was planning to do.

"That may not be a good idea," Mace said, uncertainly.

"I've already decided," Amidala said firmly.

"Your Highness," Panaka began.

"Like I said, Captain, I've already decided.


Callisto walked into Jabba's palace without announcement. She thought it was better that way. Catching one's enemies off guard was almost always a good strategy. She didn't particularly think of Jabba as an enemy, but she wouldn't trust him outside the range of her blaster. She didn't really like dealing with this kind of people, but if you wanted any sort of security on Tatooine, you had to have connections, the higher the better. And in Mos Espa, there wasn't anyone higher than Jabba.

In the corner of her eye she could see a bounty hunter in some form of protective armor, watching her movements carefully. There were no bounties on her, if there were she probably wouldn't even be in there walking. She would be out looking for the fool who put one out on her and ended it quickly. She watched him as she walked and he did the same. She supposed it was mutual curiousity on both their parts. Everyone wondered who both of them were, and neither wanted to answer.

Several heads turned with interest at the newcomer who had blatantly walked in with speed. A scathing glance at them was enough to turn the heads away, but eyes were still on her. That was okay, Callisto was used to it by this point.

"Callisto, michalla cal token," Jabba said, his slug like body slithering in her direction.

"Basic, translated, or nothing at all," Callisto said crisply. She spoke Huttese of course, she just hated the sound of it coming out of her throat. It felt dirty and disgusting, much like its owner and home.

"So sorry, Callisto. What can I do for you today," the Hutt said with far too much cheer than she would have liked. "If you are looking to gamble we have a new board in today, a very good one."

Probably rigged, she thought. "Something has come to my attention that is bothering my conscience."

Jabba laughed. "Ho ho ho, conscience?"

She feigned amusement. "I know, a funny word coming from me."

"Well, my dear, what is bothering you? A business rival? I can see to it that it is quickly ... severed." He looked in the direction of a couple of bounty hunters who frequented the place.

Callisto smiled thinly, "For this matter, that won't be necessary, but the gesture is appreciated. I'm afraid this matter doesn't completely concern me ... in a small part it does, but it concerns you more."


"Yes, It would appear that there may be something wrong with some merchandise you were given in some winnings."

"Oh now?" Jabba said. He never really questioned the truth of anything Callisto had to say. She made a point to be honest about everything. You never knew when you really and truly had to lie. That one time would never be suspected. This wasn't the time, but it was coming soon enough.

"It involves Watto. It would appear his compensation that he gave you, the computer parts have a very serious flaw. A very old virus that he wasn't able to get rid of, despite all his talent. You can't detect it at first, but once you hook it up, good-bye financial records."

Callisto kept the grin suppressed. Jabba was now very angry and it was not wise to screw with powerful underworld characters, especially if you were a small time junk dealer. In one effective swipe, she had nailed the second to last nail on the Toydarian's coffin. the final one would come in a few more days.

Jabba went off in a slur of Huttese curses.

"I hope you didn't apply these damaged parts to anything," Callisto said, forcing concern in her voice.

"No, no, but I was about to sell them. Would have made many credits. Deal will be dead now. He will pay for this. I will take everything I would have made from him."

Callisto knew what he meant by that. It would mean he would also take Shmi, who was right now, Watto's most valuable possession.

Jabba would be very angry indeed with Watto if Shmi wasn't there.

This was going well, she thought. Very well.

She fought back her joy. Overconfidence could easily be her undoing and she was going to make damn sure this worked. It had to. Ever bit of it.

"Perhaps there is something I can do to help?" Callisto said cheerfully?

Jabba looked up at her.

"But it's going to cost you."

The Hutt nodded. She did nothing for free, but exceptional work. And he trusted her.

Callisto was counting on that.


Anakin knew he was supposed to be sleeping right now, but all he did was lay beneath a blanket with a wide grin on his face. He was going to see his mother again ... and free her!

Qui-Gon Jinn sat in the next room inside the ship. He could sense Anakin's excitement. He didn't blame the boy for it, but he wished he would at least try to rest.

Speaking of rest, that was something he himself should be doing. He was still quite sore from the encounter with the Sith Lord.

Apparently, Obi-Wan Kenobi was as well. His former apprentice sat across from him with a bag of ice planted on his left shoulder, touching his cheek, and a pained grimace on his face.

"I think he kicked me on the face just to annoy me," Obi-Wan said.

Qui-Gon laughed at the attempt to lighten the situation, even though it made his ribs ache slightly.

"Then perhaps he was trying to annoy you to death," Qui-Gon said.

"The council believes us now?"

The Jedi master nodded. "Somewhat. There's still some argument, but the truth is on the table. The remaining few see it, but only need to pick it up."

"This does not bode well."

"No, it doesn't. It is obvious to me that he was working with the Trade Federation for a long time perhaps. It would explain why they suddenly had the backbone for that kind of invasion."

Obi-Wan nodded.

"We must be careful, Pada... Obi-Wan. They snuck up on us once, they can do it again."

"At least next time, we have some idea what we're up against, less of a surprise."

Qui-Gon knew what he was trying to do. They both knew that the Sith had nearly killed him. If that laser wall had come down a moment later, he wouldn't be there. He could have died.

And that bothered him. It bothered both of them, but no one was saying anything

"You should rest. Tatooine is not the kindest of places and when we arrive," he sighed. "To put it lightly, it will prove exasperating."

Obi-Wan nodded and got up to go to his own quarters.

"Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said.

The younger Jedi lingered at the door.

"Thank you."

Obi-Wan paused, taken a back for a moment. Then he nodded and left.

Nothing else could be said.

Part Four

Callisto sat on the top of a small building overlooking Watto's junk shop, hidden from view by shadows. She had been there for most of the day, waiting to see when Shmi would go home. since her son had been taken by the Jedi, it had become the woman's task to take over Anakin's chores. Combined with what she already to, it was no wonder the woman collapsed whenever she came home. The thought of it filled Callisto's chest with a heat that she didn't like. She pushed it aside. It would be over and done soon enough.

Odome had a ship ready for her tonight. She would take Shmi under the cover of darkness, after deactivating the transmitter in her body. For that she would have to thank Jabba, who thought she would be taking Shmi to him. He had also paid her a handsome sum to do so up front.

Which was all the more reason to get out of there and as far as possible. They would be safe in Republic run sectors. Shmi would be the more welcome one, whereas Callisto...

She sighed. She was rarely ever welcomed anywhere. Every place she had gone to in her life she was either mistreated or asked to leave, sometime both. The Republic would be no different. But she was at a point where she no longer cared. Right now her only priority was to keep her promise. She would get Shmi out of slavery. After that, she would basically wing it.

It hadn't failed her before, it shouldn't now.

She smiled in the dark. Watto was going to have a lot to answer for when Shmi wasn't delivered to Jabba. She liked to think he would be killed, but that probably wouldn't happen. This wasn't a just universe after all. Most likely he would end up working off his debt. That would have to be satisfying enough for her, to know a former slave driver would end up the slave.

She dusted the sand off that had collected on her boot. She had been in the same position for hours, not moving and was getting sore from it. She would have to move a few muscles. If things went south she would have to be ready. It seemed awful unlikely that would happen. Everything was far to well laid out and who be looking for a missing slave of a junk dealer riding with a small time ... whatever she was supposed to be.

She didn't think of herself as a con artist, but she had no problem robbing someone blind, just like she was doing to Jabba right now. She was no bounty hunter, but she didn't mind gunning down someone and getting some form of commendation for it. As a result of the latter, she had become quite a gunslinger. She could hit just about any target that her blaster could take. the weapon was now her best friend. It was the only thing that hadn't let her down.

Slowly, she moved her arm around, stretching the muscles. Then she flexed her legs muscles, one at a time. If anything were to happen to her arm and she couldn't shoot, her legs were her last best defense. And today she was wearing hard boots. On this trip, she was taking no chances.

But the way things were going, it was bound to be uneventful.


It didn't feel as strange to be on Tatooine again as Anakin thought it would be. He thought that he would feel different somehow, alien is some way. Instead, he felt as much at home as when he lived there.

Except this time, he told himself, this time he was free. And he was coming to free his mother. With a smile, he remembered when Qui-Gon had first come to Tatooine. His words to Shmi had been "I didn't come here to free slaves." Well, not that time. And here they were, Jedi coming to free slaves.

Just like the dream, he thought.

Amidala stepped out of the ship, no longer clad in her ornamental dress, but practical desert wear with a disgruntled looking Panaka following behind her. It didn't take a smart man to see he was not happy to Queen was doing this again, nor was he exactly pleased to be going along. But Panaka was an honorable man and he had a vow to protect the Queen ... no matter what insane tangent she ran off on.

Obi-Wan was the next to come out, looking around with some interest. He squinted against the setting sun.

"Perhaps we should come back during the day. It may be easier to bargain then," Obi-Wan suggested.

"He may be right," Panaka agreed. "Plus at night, who knows what kind of gangsters might be roaming about." Anakin fidgeted. His only thought was of his mother. They had come so far and they were here. He wanted to see his mother again now. He wanted to go into his old home, sit on her lap like he did when he was smaller and just talk, especially about all that had just happened. He wanted to tell her about the Jedi and how he had piloted a real ship and helped save a planet. Most of all, he just wanted to feel his mother's touch. He missed her.

Qui-Gon looked down at the boy. He could see the conflicting emotion. He could see Anakin knew that they had a point, but also that he didn't care and wanted to go now.

"I think I may have a solution," the Jedi Master said. "I will take Anakin to see his mother and tomorrow, we bargain."

"Wonderful," Amidala said. "We'll be leaving now, I assume."

"They'll be leaving," Panaka said. "I don't think it would be wise to be traveling in Mos Espa at night."

"He's right, your Highness," Qui-Gon said. "We'll meet you at the shop tomorrow."

Amidala looked about ready to protest, and she was incredibly convincing when she did, but she sighed once, and returned inside the ship. Panaka didn't bother to stifle the loud sigh of relief.

Obi-Wan looked about ready to laugh. "Tomorrow then?"

Qui-Gon nodded. "Tomorrow. The Queen knows where the junk dealer's shop is."

The younger Jedi nodded once and leaned against the ramp from the ship, looking past Qui-Gon at the red-orange sky.

Qui-Gon turned around. "Well, Anakin, let's... go ... find..." he trailed off. Then he laughed out loud. Already the boy had broken into a run for home. The older man sprinted to catch up.


"Are you sure this was the only way?"

"I'm positive Shmi," Callisto said, pulling the older woman behind her. She had made sure Shmi wore clothing to block her face and figure and crisply ordered her not to speak. She wasn't sure who would be out and didn't want to chance a single thing. "Now please please be quiet. You never know who might be listening."

She felt paranoid. This was very unusual for her. She felt eyes on her and was damned positive that someone was following her. Not once during any theft of scam had she felt this out in the open. Perhaps because there was just so much at stake. For the first time in quite awhile she was looking out for the best interest of someone besides herself. Whether or not this was a good thing, she didn't know. There would be time to figure out her moral stances later. Right now she had to get them both out of there.

The mismatched duo burst into Odome's home.

"Damned about time, Callisto," Odome said. "I could have sworn you got picked up."

"This is me, we're talking about," Callisto snapped. She wasn't in the mood to be chided. "Can you get it deactivated?"

"Yeah," he said. "Remember, Jabba hired us both, meaning I get half of what he paid you the other day, plus my fee for transport."

"Whatever, just hurry. You got everything rigged?"

"Yeah, on a damn timer, that's why I wanted you to get out of here. Twenty minutes this place goes bye bye."

Shmi looked confused as Odome ran a scanner up and down her body, locating the transmitter. "I don't understand."

"Me and Odome here are doing something that's not exactly nice. We're taking a big fat man's money and making it looked like we died so no bounty hunters will come calling."

Shmi paled slightly. "There has to be another way," she said with exasperation.

"Too late now," Odome said, sending a steady stream of pulses into her skin that she didn't feel, but effectively terminated her link to slavery forever. They could have it surgically removed after they got to Corsucant.

"That should do it," Odome said. "Now all we gotta do is..." He stopped speaking suddenly.

"Got to do what?" Callisto asked, annoyed.

Odome fell forward onto the table, dead. His back was smoking from a blaster burn. Wait, that was impossible! Callisto hadn't heard a shot...

Shmi gasped and Callisto looked up. A man was standing almost directly behind Odome's body, carrying what looked like a lightsaber, but with an awfully long handle. The black hooded man swung the blade towards Callisto.

But she was too fast, she left in the air, flipping backwards, being missed completely by the saber. Well, not completely. Her chin stung slightly as if it had been burned.

"Shmi, run," Callisto said, her hand instinctively sliding for her blaster.

Shmi turned and began a run for the door, but was suddenly flung to the side as if an invisible hand had swiped her to the side.

Callisto spun, somehow knowing this man was responsible. Her blaster was in her hand and she fired once. Unfortunately, he blocked the shot, sending the energy ricocheting back at her. This time, she didn't move away fast enough and took a hit to the arm.

Ignoring the pain to her weapon's arm, she squeezed the trigger. Then the gun was torn from her hand by that same invisible.... Force, that was it. The bastard was using the Force. This man was no Jedi, she knew that. He was as skilled as one was, and for some reason was hell bent on killing them.

That just made her even more mad, that some cocky newcomer to Tatooine though that he could automatically take her down.

Over to the side, she could see Shmi shaking her head and pulling herself up. The throw had slightly stunned her.

"Shmi, get OUT of here," Callisto said as the attacker sprang over towards her. She braced for attack.

Instead, he knocked her over the side. Shmi! He was after Shmi!

"Oh no you don't!" Callisto said, filled with a new resolve. She threw herself off the ground and into the robed man. The two tumbled to the ground in a heap. In that same instance, Shmi had come to her senses and had escaped out the door.

Thank goodness, Callisto thought. At least she didn't have to worry about protecting her. Now she just had to worry about herself.

The dark man growled and threw her off him, but instead of chasing after Shmi, his focus was now on her. *Where it should be,* Callisto thought. Before he could wield the lightsaber in her direction, she reached and twisted his arm back, effectively knocking the weapon out of his hand. The ground sizzled where it hit.

Her opponent rose to his feet, taking Callisto with him. Before she could react, he had her by the throat, glaring at her with angry yellow eyes and strangling her with one gloved hand. She reached up and tried to pry the his hand off her, but he pulled the arm off quickly. Something snapped and a fire burned through her good arm.

*Broken,* she thought. But that was the least of her worries. She was getting dizzy now, losing consciousness.


Part Five

Shmi ran down the darkened streets of Mos Espa in a blind panic. The normally reserved woman was almost completely out of her wits, not knowing what to do. She couldn't very well go to Watto, not that he would do anything anyhow. Callisto was a competition of a kind, and the two were enemies. Callisto's whole scheme to frame Watto for her own murder and disappearance proved that much. No one else would be much of help, people that could do anything at least. The only person who might consider lifting a finger was Jabba, and that was the last thing she wanted to do. His orders to the younger woman were to collect Shmi and bring him over. Once there he would no doubt have the transmitter checked...

But that wasn't important. That man had tried to kill her, murdered Odome, and was probably killing Callisto as she ran panting through the streets. Maybe she should go to Jabba, her freedom wasn't worth the cost of a life! But probably by the time she got there, Callisto would be dead.

What was she going to do!

Out of breath and wild-eyed, Shmi leaned against a wall to get her head together. She had to think of something and fast.

Someone put a hand on her shoulder.


Things were not going the way she had wanted them to.

Callisto was at the point where she was gasping, and reflexively struggling. Of course she had been fighting before, but survival was kicking in. It was not going well. Whoever that bastard was, he was beating her badly and she probably wouldn't be around to pick up her own pieces. There wasn't much she could do in her own defense. She was pinned to the wall with his body and one VERY strong hand applying a lot of pressure. The most she could really do was swipe at his arm and even that wasn't a very good option. One arm was shot and bleeding, the other was broken. The only other thing she could do was glare angrily, and was she ever angry. Angry that her well laid plans had been shot to hell and angry that she was being beaten. To make things worse, he could feel how angry she was and that just seemed to fuel him more.

He smiled.

Despite the burning pain, she managed to grasp his wrist and pull it off some. Quickly she drew in a deep breath.

"Who the hell are you?" Callisto practically rasped.

"You'll know soon enough," he said in a soft, low voice...

He punched her hard in the stomach with his free hand, knocking the wind out of her. Then he redoubled his efforts, locking her neck in a vice like grip. That was it. The world quickly turned black...

She heard a sudden hum and was suddenly thrown to the ground. Callisto reeled from the impact and the lack of oxygen. She lay there for several moments, just gasping. The world was still fuzzy, she could barely focus on what was in front of her.

Just barely, she could make out a black moving shape, locked in deadly combat with that red lightsaber with a newcomer. Still, she could barely make out a brown and white shape, another man, wielding a similar blade, this one a stunning blue. They all moved so quickly, she could barely see it, but she would be damned if she was just going to lay there and let her own fate be decided. With much effort, she pulled herself up, and reached for her blaster which the robed man had disregarded earlier. A rather large mistake on his part.

*Not smart to fire when you can't focus,* she thought. But she had to try, but carefully. It would not be a good thing if she accidentally killed her savior. she felt out, trying to ascertain where to aim...

She lifted up the weapon and quickly fired before the man in black had a chance to realize what was going on. His lightsaber flew out of his hand and rolled in her direction. He moved quickly to avoid a blow from the other man and jumped after the weapon. As he picked it up, he kicked her sharply in the head.

Callisto fell back, her vision diminished and her head spinning and aching at the same time. She shot again, blindly. There was a sharp but low toned cry of pain. She heard feet pounding away quickly. She hoped she had hit the right man.

Soft footsteps approached. Unintentionally, she felt her body tense.

"It's alright," a soft voice said. "He's gone.

A few seconds of silence followed. "Your friend..." the voice said with some sympathy.

"I know," she said, quietly.

"You're fine now, don't worry. We have a doctor on our ship."

Callisto felt herself being lifted up in strong arms, a lock of most certainly braided hair falling across her face.

Then she lost consciousness.


Qui-Gon couldn't remember a time in his life when he had run faster. Damn it, he had felt the disturbance in the Force, but he had ignored it thinking it unimportant. Why had he done that, ignored his instincts when they had never failed to warn him before?

Shmi was having a tough time keeping up with him. He had told her to wait where she was, but she wasn't having it. She wanted to see for her own eyes that he got to this woman in time. Far behind them both was Anakin, struggling to keep up. It would have been pointless to tell him to wait behind. He wanted to protect his mother, even though in the face of a Sith Lord, that would be next to impossible. He honestly wished they would listen to him and wait. If something were to happen, he would not be able to protect them all.

He rounded the corner where Shmi had said the building was located...

... and saw Obi-Wan walking out the door with an unconscious woman in his arms. He had a cut across his cheek and his cloak had been seared. Even from where Qui-Gon stood, he could smell the burning.

"Was it?" Qui-Gon asked.

Obi-Wan nodded grimly, knowing what he meant. "Yes."

The Jedi master drew his lips into a thin line. He was still here, he could feel it. He could feel the hate ebbing from the Sith where ever he was like a ripple.

"We should leave, now. We can't risk an encounter, not with the Queen in our company.

"Callisto," Anakin said, his voice thick with worry. He ran over to Obi-Wan.

"You know her?" Obi-Wan asked.

Anakin nodded, solemnly. "Yeah. She's my friend." He paused. "What happened?"

"She was attacked," he said quietly. "She's hurt pretty bad Ani, we need to get her to the ship, and we need to get away from here quickly."

"Is he going to come back?" Anakin asked.

Qui-Gon jumped in. "We're not going to take that chance, Ani."

Quickly, they made their way back to the ship, with Shmi looking behind her every chance she got.


Part Six

Panaka stood besides the Queen with a grim look on his face. He had been right again. How he was beginning to get sick of always being right and of everyone never taking notice of it. He had known it was a bad idea for the Queen to come back to this planet and he had been proven right. At least this time she hadn't been the focus of the attack. Had she? No matter who the center of it was, it filled the captain with dread. He didn't like any of this and fully planned to make his feelings known to the Queen.

Right now was not the time. Her face was as worried as his own. Amidala sat in her chair, accompanied by Sache and Rabe who both stood, their faces masked by shadow. Her ivory hands, folded on her lap, silence filling the room. Her only real comfort was the no one she had known had been hurt. But people she didn't know had. A man had died and a woman was lying in a medical bed within the ship.

Amidala stood and walking to the window, her handmaidens following behind. She pressed her fingers on the tiny sill and watched the sky change from blue to the speckled black of space. Sometimes it was a little disconcerting to know that only a couple of inches of glass separated her from the vacuum, other times it was a delight, especially when the stars whizzed past her. She loved to fly.

So she stood there, alone with her thoughts, and tried to stay in the moment to distract herself from the possible implication of the events which had just transpired.


Anakin Skywalker sat next to the medical bed which Callisto lay silent. Her neck was bruised and her arms both treated. The doctor said she would be fine, but still, Anakin worried. He had seen what that Sith Lord could do from that brief moment back on Naboo. She was a fine fighter, but she wasn't trained, not the way the Sith Lord was. He probably had years of experience, whereas she fought for survival. When it came down it, that just wasn't enough. If Obi-Wan hadn't decided to take a walk when he did, or arrived a moment later, she might be dead. And his mother... Best not to dwell on what might have been. The point was that everyone he cared about was safe.

For now at least.

Callisto opened her eyes. Anakin immediately got up off his chair and walked over to her bed. "Hi," he said quietly.

She felt very confused. She wasn't sure if it was because she had the crap beaten out of her or because she didn't have the slightest idea what was going on. Perhaps it was both.

"You got kicked in the head," he said bluntly.

Callisto smiled. You had to love how unfiltered children were. Well, she was pretty unfiltered herself. What's more she was proud of it. "I think I was born kicked in the head, Ani."

The boy laughed.

"Where are we?" she said, a trace of worry in her voice. She liked to know exactly what was going on at all times. She loathed surprises.

"On a ship."

Reality slowly seeped back into her brain. "What are you doing here? How did I get here?" She looked around, always slightly suspicious.

"I came back... to... to get mom."

Callisto sat up slightly, wincing at the pain in her arm which had lessened now with treatment. "Well, did you get her?"


"Well, then you did what you came for," she said quickly. "Now what do we do? "

"Cal, you should sit back. You got really hurt."

She shrugged. Ow, that was a mistake. "It's just a scratch."

"You have a burn on one arm and he broke the other one."

"Trust me, kid, when the rematch comes, I'm wiping the floor with him." She paused. "Just who the hell is HE anyhow?"

"Trouble," a third voice said. A soft spoken young man with a funny looking hair cut stepped into the room. He was a Jedi, given the make of his clothes and the obvious indicator: the lightsaber hanging from his belt within easy reach. He felt familiar. Then she remembered. This was the man who had stepped to her rescue back at Odome's.

"Hi. Who the hell are you?" Callisto said in a sweet, annoyed voice.

The Jedi didn't react. "My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi." Before he could say anything further, Callisto interrupted.

"Yeah, hello. Mind telling me just what is going on?"

Obi-Wan sat down in the chair Anakin had abandoned. "We had come, like the boy said, to free Shmi Skywalker."

"Ha, well, join the club. Congratulations, we did it. Now would someone explain the pointy headed man with the messed up tattoo?"

Obi-Wan looked a little uncertain for a moment. Callisto knew that look. He was trying to decide how much she should be allowed to know. It had to be important, otherwise he wouldn't be worrying what to keep from her.

"Whoever he was, he tried to kill me, killed Odome, not that I miss him or anything. He was pretty much a pile of bantha fodder, but he was trying to kill Shmi." Callisto looked up to see another Jedi in the doorway. A man with longer hair and a beard. "Just how many of you are there on this ship." She stopped. "What ship am I on even?"

"This is Qui-Gon Jinn," Anakin offered.

Qui-Gon nodded to her and smiled slightly. "Hello. And to answer you're question, just three Jedi."

At that, Anakin beamed. Callisto couldn't really repress the smile. Things were finally working out for the kid. She was glad for that, but she had to focus on the matter at hand.

"So, is one of you three Jedi going to tell me just what is going on here? Yes? No? Maybe? I think I have a right to know."

"Was he trying to kill Shmi?" Qui-Gon asked.

Callisto nodded. "I'm certain of it." She noticed Anakin paled slightly at that. "Hey, don't worry about it, kid. I kept him away from her, didn't I? How many times do I have to tell you, I got your back."

"I think I'm going to go now," Anakin said. He then scampered off to find his mother. He wanted to see her now more than ever.

"Why anyone would want to kill that woman is a mystery to me. She was just a slave and never hurt anyone in all her life."

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon exchanged a serious look.

"What? Someone throw me a bone here. Need the info, please."

Qui-Gon answered. "We don't know his name or where he came from. All we know is that he is very dangerous."

"That's kind of obvious given what just happened. I get the feeling I'm not being told the whole story here."

Qui-Gon sighed. "This may be part of a plot. I don't know what that is yet, but rest assured, we will tell you when we know."

"I'm sure," Callisto said, doubtfully.

The two Jedi nodded to her and began to leave.

"Obi-Wan?" Callisto said. The younger Jedi turned around. "There's just one thing I got to say to you."

He paused, expecting a thank you of some kind.

"How drunk was the guy who cut your hair?"

He frowned and left, Qui-Gon following behind. They walked down the narrow hall of the ship to a large window facing the opposite of the direction they were heading. Qui-Gon stood at the window, watching the stars come up from the front rapidly and disappear as quickly as they came. He had seen Queen Amidala doing it a number of times when he sensed uneasiness from her. It always seemed to calm her some. He was hoping it would do the same for him.

He had lied when he said he didn't know what plot was afoot. He knew with a great degree of certainty what was going on.

The Sith Lord had a reason for trying to kill Shmi. If Anakin found out that his mother had been killed, it would arouse anger in the boy and that was exactly what the Sith wanted. How they had found out the boy was the Chosen One was beyond him. Perhaps he had sensed it when they had battled in the main hangar on Naboo. Or perhaps someone else told him. There were so many uncertain variables and it was making him nervous.

The aging Jedi master sighed and closed his eyes. He needed to focus. He could sense a great deal of trouble coming in the future and he had to be ready for it.

"She certainly is a colorful girl," Obi-Wan said, trying to remain polite. "I suspect she won't be staying with is for very long. She doesn't strike me as the type."

Qui-Gon smiled. "I think you may have feelings for her."

Obi-Wan paused, dumbstuck by the boldness of those words. "Nothing of the kind."

Qui-Gon grinned wider, walking now toward his quarters. "I think you do."

"I do not." Obi-Wan turned, calling after him

"Do," Qui-Gon said, nearly out of ear shot.

Obi-Wan paused in the middle of his doorway. "Do not!"

"Do." And then Qui-Gon quickly stepped into his quarters, out of hearing range.


Anakin pretended to sleep until he felt his mother's breathing change. Now he was certain she was asleep. Good, now he could worry all he wanted without her sensing it She always knew when something was bothering him and he would never be able to lie to her if he asked.

Quietly and slowly, he slid her arm off his body and got up. He needed to clear his head.

The corridor was empty, for that he was glad. He wasn't really in the mood to explain to anyone why he was troubled. He didn't want Qui-Gon to make him feel better just then. He just wanted to stew in his own emotions. He knew that was bad because at one point he knew he was going to get angry. That was something he shouldn't do. His mother wouldn't want him to be and both of the Jedi would highly discourage it. Anger was the path of the dark side. The path of the man who had come to kill his mother.

Had he really tried to kill his mother? Anakin wanted to hope that Callisto was wrong, but he trusted her. He knew she was right, he just didn't want to truly believe it. He was only a boy, he couldn't very well protect her!


He turned around. He bowed slightly. "Hello, your Highness," he said. Suddenly he felt a little better to see Amidala.

The young queen was without her makeup and heavy dress, now apprently in the stage of getting ready for sleep, wearing far more simplistic clothing.

"Is something wrong Anakin?" She wore a worried look on her face. Anakin found he couldn't lie to her either.

"I worried about my mother," he said simply.

Amidala took him by the hand and led him into her more elaborate quarters. "Sache? Could you please get us both some tea?"

The pretty handmaiden nodded. "Yes, my Queen," she said and turned to carry out the request.

Amidala turned back to her friend. "Tea always helps me a little when I'm upset about something. Do you want to tell me why you're worried?"

Anakin said nothing.

She shrugged. "It's fine if you don't want to tell me, I understand. But you should know, it helps when you talk to people. It's much better than keeping it all bottled up inside."

"He tried to kill my mother," Anakin blurted, a small sob mixed in with his voice.

Amidala's face fell. Then she pulled it back up. "But he didn't. Your mother is safe and she's going to be just fine. Your friend, too."

"He might come back."

"Well... Even if he does, I promise, she'll be safe. The Jedi will protect her. You seem to forget how many friends you have. Remeber Jar Jar? He's your friend and so are the rest of the Gungans. They have a whole army you know. And they remeber how you saved them by destroying he control ship. They'll help protect her too if we ask. And I will protect her. I am your friend, too."

Anakin smiled. He was feeling better now.

Sache returned with the tea


Part Seven

Anakin was not the only one awake with worry. Callisto lay back staring at the ceiling with a knot in her stomach.

Nothing had going the way it was supposed to. Well, that wasn't entirely true. She had freed Shmi. The transmitter in her was dead and was going to be fully removed surgically. She had no idea if that had been done yet or not. She had no idea how long she had been unconscious. All she knew was that she wished she could go unconscious again. Her head was throbbing and her neck was sore.

Had the rest of the plan gone smoothly or no? Had the building exploded when they left? Although she supposed it didn't really matter. A dead body in the building and evidence of a struggle should be enought to prove to the Hutts that there had been foul play afoot, that both Callisto and Shmi had been taken. At least, that was what she was hoping for. Given the way her luck seemed to be running, the worst case scenario would be that the Hutts thought she had done all that and had robbed them blind. She DID rob them blind, but not that way. She didn't murder in cold blood. No, if Callisto had to kill someone, she did it for a good reason. With luck, she would be believed dead and no bounties would be placed on her.

Not that a bounty would make much of a difference. She was flying right into Republic territory and a hunter would stick out like a sore thumb in some areas. But then, she would do. Callisto was not known for her congeniality and would no doubt be asked to leave as soon as she arrived.

She should have thought this through a little bit more. She hadn't really thought about where she was going to go next.

Callisto sighed and shifted her gaze to the door. She didn't like to ask for help, she preferred to do things are her own, but maybe there was something she could do.

"I'll stay with Shmi," Callisto said to the air.

Given all thjat had happened, Shmi would probably be safer with someone else around. Plus, it would given Anakin some peace of mind. Of course, Callisto would be there to protect her investment while maybe even finding some sort of stability. Some kind of peace in her life.

*Yeah right,* she thought

Speaking of the boy, there he was peeking at her through the doorway. She smiled. "Hey shorty."

Anakin smiled faintly. "When are you going to quit calling me that?"

Callisto tilted her head back, looking like she was thinking. "Never."

"I'm not always going to be a shorty. I bet I'm going to be taller than you!"

She smiled at him. "Tough. I'm calling you shorty, even if you grow to be taller than a building!"

Anakin scowled, the look making Callisto laughed. With a sigh, she turned serious. "You having a tough time sleeping?"

Anakin shook his head. "Well," he said, cocking his head to the side. "I did before, but I'm okay now. It is morning you know.

Callisto swung her legs over the side. "It is? Damn, I guess I did fall asleep."

The boy smiled. "I checked in on you. You were out like a rock."

"It's out like a light."

"Oh. You feeling better?"

"I'm sore, but otherwise fine. Well, now that we're both awake, maybe you could tell me what's going on? Like whose ship are we on. Is it the Jedi's?"

Anakin sat down next to her. "Sort of. We were going to go on a ship of our own, but Queen Amidala wanted to come with."

Callisto looked confused. "Queen who?"

"Queen Amidala of the Naboo. She's my friend." Anakin was smiling widely.

She reached over and mussed the boys hair. "How did you get to know a queen? I leave you alone for a few weeks and I come back to see you as a Jedi who knows royalty. Why can't I have luck like you?"

Anakin shrugged. He looked up as Callisto stood. "I don't think you should be up."

"My legs ain't broke, kid. Just my arm." She twisted it around, feeling the soreness of the muscles. "And might I say her Majesty has a fine medical team. They did impressive work."

"I won the Boonta Eve race," Anakin said suddenly. "It's how I got free."

"Well I'll be damned. You won the race. You won and finished a race? That's great, Ani! I'm so pround of you!" She walked out to see the rest of the ship. Anakin followed.

"Well," he drawled out. "I had a great teacher."

Callisto shook her head. "Naw, I didn't teach you anything." She noticed the Jedi and apparently the Queen were exiting their quarters. She took that as an indication that where ever they were going, they were close to it now.

Anakin punched her playfully in the arm, careful to avoid the wound. "Liar," he said, laughing. "Come on," he said. "I want to show you the cockpit. It's wizard, Cal, trust me." He pulled her with him.

Shmi was with the Jedi ahead and frowned somewhat, hearing their conversation. She was wearing borrowed clothes. Never in her life had she worn anything so fine. When she was a little girl, she remebered going to town with her mother in loevely clothes, befored she was dragged into slavery, but never anything like this! The frown looked bizarre on her almost, given how regal she felt. But she recalled everytime Callisto had taken the boy in and shared what she knew. She supposed she had to be grateful. It was the pod racing that she loathed so much which led to both of them eventually being free. There was a certain irony to that.

Qui-Gon turned to Shmi. "She taught him how to race?" he asked.

Shmi nodded, trying to decide whether or not to be happy about it. "Yes, she taught him how to fly those awful pod racers. She taight him much of what he knows up to this point."

Obi-Wan looked down, thinking. Qui-Gon had a feeling what one of the thoughts were involving Callisto, but he had a feeling they shared a thought on another subject.

"How long has she known him?"

Shmi thought a moment. "She's been on Tatooine since we got there. She was once a slave herself, also owned by Watto. She got out of it though."

Obi-Wan sounded a bit more curious than he would have liked to let on. "How did she get out of it?"

Shmi fell silent. "That's a question I think you should ask her yourself. I.. I..I just wouldn't feel right. I wasn't there and there are just some things about it I don't understand."

"It's not a problem Shmi," Qui-Gon said gently. He could tell the subject had upset her.

"If you'll excuse me," Shmi said. She walked into the cockpit where her son was explaining to Callisto every piece of equipment on the ship. Of course his friend already know every part of a Nubian, but she didn't interrrupt. He wanted to impress her with all he knew and how far he had come. Ric Olie continued to pilot with a large grin, pleased to see how much Anakin remebered fom the last time he had flown them.

Behind them, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan looked at each other, and over to Callisto who was well aware of the eys on her, she just didn't care. Very little bothered her, and she wasn't about to let some Jedi get under her skin. Esecially long haired ones and others with goofy hair cuts.

"This one makes the cargo ramp go down... this one controls the air pressure... this one... Hey, you're not looking, Cal!"

Callisto wasn't looking, she was too busy gaping out the window. She had said she was going to come here with Shmi about a dozen or so times while she planned to bring him to Ani, but she had never thought about WHERE she was going. She had never thougth about the planet itself.


*Things,* she thought, *are about to get VERY interesting.*


On Corsucant, things were already interesting. Darth Sidious knew that Maul had failed to kill the boy's mother. That did not please him in the least, but it was forgiveable. It had sown a seed of worry in the Jedi and the boy and that could prove very useful in the future.

He stepped outside onto his personal balcony. Now that he had been made Chancellor while playing the part of his alter ego, he had to keep up appearances. That included a more luxiourous home. It wasn't anything to complain about, but it was a small nuisance to change certain small nuances of his routines and plans for the sake of an image. But it was necassary. He had long learned the lesson on patience and was not about to ruin things just because of a few setbacks. He wished Maul could do the same.

Speaking of his apprentice, the young Sith Lord had slipped inside. He knelt down before his master, genuinely ashamed.

"I was not able to carry out the mission, my master, "Maul said humbly.

Sidious, stepped back inside, not wearing the black robes, but the garb of his day job. "Rise, my friend. It is of no consequence. The Jedi are no doubt afraid now. And so is the boy. With luck, that will soon lead to anger."

Maul rose and nodded.

Sidious walked deeper into his chambers, Maul close behind. "Tell me," he said. "What happened on Tatooine. I could feel a ripple in the Force, even from here. Too strong to have been the boy and I do not believe he even knows the Force yet."

"I found the woman at her home, but then a younger woman, somewhere in her twenties came and took her. I trailed them to a residence where they were attepting to steal the mother off planet. I came, slew one of her companions, but the other put up... much resistance."

Sidious nodded, sitting down while Maul remained standing. "I see," he said. "Continue."

"I don't believe she had any sort of training, probably lived on that husk of a planet for her entire lifetime. Yet, she was able to distract me long enough for the mother to escape. She even managed to cause some minor, forgettable damage to me."

"Is she dead, Lord Maul?"

"No, my master. The Jedi came. We battled, but even with injury and head trauma, the woman was able to shoot my lightsaber from my hand, and even shoot my leg."

Sidious stood, pondering all his apprentice had brought to him. "This is very interesting, my apprentice. It is possible she is more than she appears to be."

Maul nodded. He too, had sensed this, but only was realizing it now.

"Perhaps I have been looking in the wrong direction." The Sith master smiled darkly. "We'll find out soon enough."

Part Eight

From the outside, Callisto kept her face without expression. She personally believed that to show her own emotions. In retrospect she realized she was being hypocritical. She had no problems with showing someone she was angry or irritated. However if she was sad, upset, or amazed, she buried it. In her mind, those were weak emotions, and she never showed her weaknesses. It left her open to attack, She could fend off attack, but when it was personal it was a little bit more difficult to deal with. It took a lot of effort to suppress her excitement of arriving on the city planet. Never in all her life had she seen anything like it. Immediately, the scientist/explorer part of her kicked in, wondering about all the workings of it. How was this place able to support and atmosphere when it was all city? How was it able to just flow so smoothly? Already she couldn't wait to walk its streets and visit its corners, both light and dark.

Anakin tugged on her jacket. She winced slightly as the leather brushed against the bandaged wound, but the young boy didn't take any notice. Unlike his friend, he was brimming with elation as Ric Olie brought the ship down onto the vast planet.

"That's the Senate building over there," Anakin said. "I didn't get to inside it, but I was in the one over there when Queen Amidala was talking to a senator."

Callisto looked over at the buildings. "Big, aren't they?"

"Yeah," Anakin nodded. "I've never seen anything like it. Have you?" He looked up at her for an answer.

She pressed her lips together while in deep recollection. "I think once, but I can't remember it very well. For all I know, it might be my own imagination, the memory of a dream or something like that."

Anakin pulled her jackets again, turning her a bit to the left. "Over there is the Jedi Temple. I got to go there."

"I remember. You told me before in my room."

"I know. I just wanted to show you what it looked like. I can't wait until we land. When we do, I'm going to take you there ... and I'm going to take Mom. There are so many things I want to show you. I think you'll really like it."

Callisto frowned. Sure, she did want to take a look, spend some more time with the kid since he had the nice habit of always making her feel better, but she didn't want to somehow get conned into staying longer. That was what he was trying to do, she could tell. It would probably be a good idea to put a stop to that right away.

"I don't know, Ani. I can't really stay very long."

Anakin pretended like he hadn't heard her. Inside, though, the wheels were turning. He didn't want her to go away for two reasons. One, he liked her and he knew his mother liked her, especially since she had done her best to protect them both for harm and had always kept them together. Once, he remembered Watto had tried to sell Shmi, but Callisto, unknown to the Toydarian, had completely botched the whole thing. The second reason was that he was worried about her. He knew that if he voiced his concerns for her on his own, she would dismiss them since he was still a child. Yeah, he was just a kid, but he knew when something was wrong. Callisto had led a painful life and had a habit of digging herself into places that weren't that pleasant. She had made a lot of unpleasant enemies over the course of the years, some weak and others who carried weight. So far she had gotten herself out of each and every one of them (at least the ones he knew about), but luck like that didn't last forever. The reason he was worried for her the most was the events of the last few days. She had in a sense stolen from Jabba. He might find out what she had done and send someone out after her. That, he was pretty sure she could handle. He had seen her do it a number of times. What bothered him more was that fight she had been in with the Sith. If Obi-Wan hadn't shown up when he did, he was pretty sure she would have died. Whatever that man's name was, he was still out there and would remember her, and possibly seek revenge. It didn't sit well with the young padawan.

He was going to have to o something about that. He would talk to Qui-Gon and Amidala about it. Maybe they could help.

Callisto shifted on her feet. Something was making her uncomfortable and she wasn't sure what it was. She thought perhaps it was the company she was with. So many important people...and then her. She didn't feel right. She felt so out of place.

She stepped outside of the cockpit area without a word. Anakin turned around quickly, watching her as she passed too quickly for him to utter a word. Obi-Wan stepped into the place where she had stood only a second ago.

He looked down and smiled down at him. "You'll begin training soon," Obi-Wan stated softly.

Anakin smiled. "I know. Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"What's going to happen to my mother now?"

"I'm not completely sure. Amidala and I had spoken about this earlier while you were asleep. She has offered to give your mother residence on Naboo."

Anakin nodded. That was a pretty good idea. Something about his mother and Amidala being in the same place made him feel warm and safe inside. It was a much better feeling than that cold worry mixed with fear.

"What about Callisto?"

Obi-Wan paused at the mention of her name.

"That had yet to be decided."

Anakin let his gaze linger on Obi-Wan for a moment, then shifted it back to the main window. The worry was back.


Callisto leaned against the wall near what had been her quarters, her lips pressed to a thin line with her head slightly down. She felt a little bit dizzy and it was not from any sort of physical ailment. It was not a pleasant sensation and she wanted it to go away.

She felt a hand on her shoulder. She lifted her head slightly and brought it around to see who it was. The longer haired Jedi, Qui-Gon Jinn was looking at her with some concern.

"Are you all right?" he asked.

She faked a smile. "I'm fine, never been better."

His smile was wistful. "Somehow, I don't believe that."

Callisto shrugged. "Your choice, even if it is the truth. I'm off Tatooine so I've never been better than that."

The Jedi turned her around to face him slowly with his hand. She didn't bother to resist. There wasn't much point to it.

"That isn't the whole of it, we both know that."

Now she felt a bit more uncomfortable. She didn't like the fact she felt like she was being backed into a corner, especially since she wasn't. It just was a hard fact for her to swallow that there was an actual being out there who was showing true concern, even without knowing who she was.

She shook her head. "I just... This just isn't my scene. I don't belong here."

"Then where do you belong?"

"Not here, that's for sure."

Qui-Gon smiled again. "Are you that certain about it. How do you know without any sort of doubt what your place is supposed to be? It might very well be here."

"And how would you know that?"

"Because you are here."

"It's all just a coincidence. I'll be gone soon, don't get attached."

He sighed. "Nothing happens by chance. There is a reason for everything. You may not believe it, but you don't always have to for something to be true. I feel that there was a reason for this. I don't know what that is exactly, but I am sure you are in 'the right place'. Don't be so quick to rush off."

"And what if I am?"

He smiled. "I don't think you will be." Then he turned and took his place besides Obi-Wan. She could see him turn to Anakin and say something that made the boy laugh.

Callisto shook her head.

"Jedi," she muttered.

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