New Clover Creek
Baptist Church


As amended August 3, 1997 



The name of this church shall be the New Clover Creek Baptist Church.



This congregation is a local body of the universal Church founded on faith in Jesus Christ. Our purposes are to entrust ourselves to fellow Christians (fellowship), to accept our call to ministry (ministry), to evangelize to those without a relationship with Jesus Christ (evangelism), to better equip those who have a relationship with Christ (discipleship), and to exalt Almighty God (worship)!



Recognizing Jesus Christ as the only head of the church, this congregation shall seek to ascertain and to obey the will of our Lord in all matters of faith and practice. Authority to reach decisions for governing the affairs of this church being given to us by Christ, we hold that such authority and responsibility is vested in the active membership of the congregation. In carrying out this wider ministry for which Christ has made his church responsible, we shall adhere to and be a member of the Breckinridge Baptist Association, the Kentucky State Baptist Convention, and the Southern Baptist Convention. This church shall not resign or withdraw from any of these bodies except by a duly adopted amendment to the constitution of this church. This church shall also be in cooperation with the larger Christian fellowship through the local and other councils of churches.



This church accepts the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the inspired record of God's revelatory actions in history and as the authoritative basis for its doctrine and practice. The confession of faith drawn up and adopted by this church is regarded as an expression of the essential doctrines of grace as set forth in the Scriptures. This document shall be subject to revision as new insights from the Word of God shall indicate ways in which our faith and life may be brought into closer accord with the teachings of Scriptures.



Section 1. Persons may be received into membership by baptism, by letter, by experience, or by restoration, subject in each case to the approval of the church.

Section 2. Persons may be dismissed from church membership by death, by letter, or by exclusion. No person shall be excluded from church membership without due process.


Election of Church Officers

Section 1. All officers shall be elected by a plurality of votes cast at the annual meeting, except that the pastor and deacons shall be elected to their respective positions whenever necessary, as vacancies in these positions occur, by a plurality of secret ballots cast at a regular business meeting or at a special business meeting called for that purpose, and except that members of the board of trustees shall be elected at the annual meeting at which their three-year terms expire.

Section 2. A nominations committee, appointed by the advisory council, shall select a list of candidates for all offices, except that of pastor, for presentation to the church at the annual meeting.

Section 3. Nominations may also be made by any member of the church at any time prior to balloting at the annual meeting. Any nomination made after the deliberation of the nominations committee shall be added to the slate of candidates upon affirmative vote of a majority of members present at the annual meeting.

Section 4. Officers shall be installed at the beginning of the fiscal year following the annual meeting at which they are elected and shall serve until their successors have been duly elected and installed.



This constitution may be amended at any regular meeting by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting, provided notice was given at the previous meeting. It may also be amended at a special meeting called for that purpose, provided that notice is given and that two-thirds of the members present and voting affirm the amendment. All proposed amendments must be submitted in writing.

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