New Clover Creek

Baptist Church

A History


New Clover Creek Baptist Church





Published on the Occasion of Our Church's Diamond Jubilee

Celebrating 60 Years of Faith



Copyright © 1994 by Perry T. Ryan

All rights reserved.



No part of this publication may be reproduced

without the express written permission of the publisher.


Library of Congress Card Catalog Number 94-92381


ISBN 0-9625504-6-9


To my grandparents

Hubert Miller


Hazel Irene Hawkins Miller

Founding Members of

New Clover Creek Baptist Church

Whose commitment to familyand church

Will inspire the generations.


Sometimes, when I am alone, I think of all the influences, both good and bad, which have made me who I am. I grew up in a family which believed in stern moral principles and, by most standards, adhered to a code of strict personal discipline. Almost all of my ancestors were devout Christians, especially my parents and my grandparents. Neither rich nor famous, they were individuals to be proud of because of their deep commitment to what they believed in. Their very lives exemplified the sort of Christian walk that Christ asked us to lead. Indeed, most of them were Biblical scholars in their own right. They sought what was just in all their dealings with one another. They sought truth and avoided sin. Although they valued being right with God, they were never vain about their service of him; humility was their most respectable virtue. They were slow to take offense yet quick to forgive. Perhaps the most significant thing that our generation of Christians could learn from the past is that our forebears seemingly were more capable of dealing with problems than we are today.

My maternal grandparents were but two of the founding members of New Clover Creek. Throughout the years I knew them, I never heard either of them speak a harsh word. For that matter, I cannot recall either of them becoming angry, yet their personal discipline, and the discipline they taught their children, reflected deep respect for others. They understood the concept of respect. I certainly never knew of either of them to lie or cheat. Full of fun and horseplay, they knew how to enjoy life without resorting to sin. In any event, our founders knew what God expected of them as His loyal servants.

Their influence has crept down through the generations. Several of their descendants are now deacons, Sunday School teachers, and officers in our church. All of them attend church regularly. Being one of the grandchildren, I ask myself whether our generation's devotion to God was as strongly founded as our grandparents. I ask myself other questions: Do we share a similar devotion to Christ? Are we as committed as they were? Are we a fulfillment of their dreams, or a disappointment to them?

While I have more knowledge about the Miller family, the contributions of the Taul, Brickey, and Morton families to the young church cannot be overstated. Most remarkable among the Tauls is their willingness to serve when called upon. Literally dozens of them have served in various church offices, including everything from moderator or clerk to Sunday School teacher and church janitor. The grand patriarch and matriarch of the Taul family, of course, were Homer and Myrtle Taul. Their very lives exemplified profound commitment.

The Mortons and Brickeys, though less familiar to me personally, also had their strongholds at New Clover Creek. Most of them have now moved their memberships elsewhere or have died with the passage of time. Parrish Morton, a carpenter who helped reassemble New Clover Creek at the present location, served as deacon for several years.

My earliest recollection of New Clover Creek Baptist Church comes from a time when I was no more than two years old, about 1964. I remember being in the small church before services started. Someone in the back of the sanctuary wanted to hold me, so I was passed over the varnished pews several times until I reached my grandfather, Hubert "Pap" Miller. Over the last thirty-one years, my parents have insisted that my brother and I regularly attend worship. Strangely enough, the simple exposure to those who are morally just has kept me from a great deal of trouble. In fact, the things that were sometimes great temptations to my peers were of no concern to me. While I am certainly far from being a perfect person, I think it significant that, at least, I have a heartfelt desire, instilled within me by generations of righteous men and women, to do no wrong, to truly love others, to seek that which is just, and to avoid sin.

It seems to come as a surprise to many that I would have subtitled this book, Founded on Failure, Built on Faith, but it is noteworthy that New Clover Creek Baptist Church was actually founded as the result of the failure of two other Baptist Churches in our community. An historian must understand that it took the failure of old Clover Creek Baptist Church, as well as the failure of Cave Spring Baptist Church, to inspire members of our community to bring about the fellowship of Jesus Christ which we now call New Clover Creek. The failure of Cave Spring brought the building to its present site; the failure of old Clover Creek brought membership to New Clover Creek.

Old Clover Creek Baptist Church

 Records prove that Clover Creek Baptist Church, or "old Clover Creek," as we now call it, had one of the largest memberships of any church in the Goshen Association. Those who attended old Clover Creek recall that it was once a dynamic mission for Jesus Christ. When it finally closed its doors, its membership scattered across the countryside to various other churches, mostly to Corinth.

So very little else can be learned about old Clover Creek Baptist Church. The church was founded early in the nineteenth century and thrived. Several charter members at New Clover Creek were actually baptized at old Clover Creek. One record shows that the Breckinridge Baptist Association's annual meeting was held at Clover Creek on September 7, 8, and 9, 1910. The minutes reflect that the members of old Clover Creek practiced church discipline. Frequently, members were summoned before the church body to answer charges such as dancing, drinking, and uttering profanity.

The church began experiencing problems early in the twentieth century, for one entry in the minutes notes a motion and second was made to call a meeting to determine whether she would disband, but there was no mention of any action taken at the next meeting held August 2, 1919. On September 6, 1919, Hazel Hawkins Miller was elected organist. The last entry in the minute book was that of February 12, 1921, but several of the last pages in the minute book were torn out. Why they are missing remains a mystery.

According to Scott Smart the end of old Clover Creek resulted from the onslaught of the Great Depression. For many years, the Hendrick and Miller families of Clover Creek were the best of friends. Several members of both families married members from the other family, and they even named their children after one another, e.g. "Miller Hendrick" and "Hendrick Miller." The membership of old Clover Creek was primarily Hendricks and Millers.

However, Cleave Hendrick was a teller at the Farmers Bank in Hardinsburg. The stock market crashed October 29, 1929, thus marking the beginning of the Great Depression. Cleave Hendrick knew that the Farmers Bank would have to close as a result. Although he forewarned his own family as well as the treasurer of old Clover Creek, he refused to discuss the impending danger with the Miller family. Consequently, when the Farmers Bank closed in January of 1932, the Hendricks were able to save their money, but the Millers lost theirs. Several of the Miller family were furious with the Hendricks, and old Clover Creek, caught in the middle, was forced to close its doors. Ironically, the Farmers Bank reopened in 1934, and all of the customers' money was eventually returned.

Scott Smart says that he was present when the ministers of some local churches were disingenuously pleased at the fact that Clover Creek had dissolved, apparently because the other churches obtained new members after the dissolution. The three he named were Garden Craig Sandusky (who served from 1920 to 1959 at Cloverport); H. A. Aklin (who served from 1924 to 1926 at Hardinsburg); and Harve S. English (who served at Hites Run from 1930 to 1938 and at Corinth from 1924 to 1936). Scott Smart states he heard one of them say, "Clover Creek Church will get back together." He then heard Bro. English say, "Let's sell Clover Creek and tear it down." The three ministers then "conspired" to ensure that old Clover Creek would never be resurrected, so they took steps to have the church property and building sold. What was once known as old Clover Creek Baptist Church would never hold services again.

 Cave Spring Baptist Church

 Less is known about Cave Spring Baptist Church. It stood in the Tar Fork community of Breckinridge County. Though once it had an active membership, for some reason, it began to fade away until its building became vacant.

 From Progress to Failure

 The members of both churches held revivals, celebrated picnics and homecomings. They regularly attended services, witnessed to the unchurched members of the community, conducted baptisms, and won others to Christ.

Eventually, both churches died, and their ministries came to a gallant halt, yet the failure of both churches contributed to the establishment of New Clover Creek. For this reason, those who think that failure is something new to New Clover Creek should study the history of New Clover Creek.

 New Clover Creek Baptist Church

 One summer night in 1934, less than five years after the Great Depression began, Bro. William Varble was visiting the home of William and Margaret Taul, when he leaned over a chair arm and spoke to Bill Taul, "You all need a church up there."

So began the glorious history of New Clover Creek Baptist Church.

The first service of New Clover Creek was held on November 14, 1934, at Taul's Schoolhouse. According to the minute book, there were eighteen individuals present, although two had not been baptized.

Shortly afterward, discussions were had about obtaining a building. Several members were aware that Cave Spring Church, located in the Tar Fork community, had disbanded. Members of New Clover Creek spoke with the few surviving members of Cave Spring, which brought about permission to move the Cave Spring Church to the Clover Creek community.

Charter member Homer Taul asked two brothers, Frank and Walter Patterson, to donate one acre of land for New Clover Creek Church. Agreeing, the two brothers retained a reversionary interest in the property in the event the church discontinued.

Once the acre was secured, the Cave Spring church building was dismantled, and the boards were carefully marked and numbered for reassembly at the new site. A wagon team of mules hauled the dismantled building from Tar Fork to its present site.

The new building, however, needed a new roof. Homer Taul discussed this matter with the owners of Conrad & Payne, a Cloverport hardware store. It being in the midst of the Great Depression, the owners were dubious of the young church's ability to repay. Homer Taul learned that they would not sell the roofing to the new church on credit, but that they would sell the roofing if Homer became personally responsible for the debt.

The cost of the roof amounted to $3.50 per square. A "square" was equivalent to ten square feet. Scott Smart was one of several folks who donated $3.50 to purchase one square of roof.

The new sanctuary was dedicated June 30, 1935. The tiny church consisted of four walls, six windows, and a door. It had no electric wiring, no air conditioning, no restrooms, and only a coal stove to maintain heat. Yet the great ceiling within the church and the simple wooden floor inspired its members and visitors alike.

The young church survived with only a few members. Although Bro. Varble was pastor, worship services were conducted only once each month, and Bro. Varble served as pastor at at least three other churches most of the time. The members at New Clover Creek could afford to pay him a mere $150 per year. Most of the gains made from baptisms were offset by the losses of members to other churches, so the church membership really did not grow very much. He made certain that the church observed an annual revival in September.

As the Great Depression was nearing its end, on December 7, 1940, the Japanese Imperial Air Force bombed American ships stationed in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The result was that the United States was plunged into World War II. The small church of New Clover Creek was forced to send several of her young men into battle. Although there is no exhaustive list, some of the members who served their country were Robert Brickey, Sherman Taul, John N. Taul, Carl Miller, Bob Miller, and Maurice O'Connell. Sadly, among the number, Maurice O'Connell, died at the hands of the Nazis on August 27, 1944, while serving his country in Normandy, France. During the war, families at New Clover Creek, like all Americans, were forced to ration such commodities as gasoline, tires, and sugar, in order to support the war effort. As the war neared its end, on May 20, 1944, Bro. Varble's salary was finally increased, but only to $200 per year.

With the conclusion of World War II in the summer of 1945, the soldiers returned home, and the small church continued to survive. John N. Taul married Irene Keenan. Sherman Taul married Margaret Ann DeJarnette. In the Miller family, Bob Miller married Mabel Mingus on August 1, 1945, and Carl Miller married Imogene Fentress on September 16, 1948. Several children were born to the returning soldiers, and this gave rise to what was known as the "baby boom."

Although the 1950's brought prosperity to the nation, the young church still had trouble surviving. The church was wired for electricity in late February and early March of 1950, at a cost of only $15. Bro. Varble's salary was finally increased on November 26, 1950, to $1,300 per year. However, Bro. Varble felt the need to go elsewhere, and he resigned his eighteen-year pastorate at New Clover Creek in January of 1952.

The church then set out to find a new pastor. A young seminary student from the Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church in Gordo, Alabama, named James Leon Elmore took on the job, but he was not a full-time pastor. He pastored Bewleyville Baptist Church at the same time, and he never became a member at New Clover Creek. He was called April 16, 1952. He was a popular pastor with progressive ideas. For example, as early as October of 1953, he recommended that the church use an "envelope system" to keep better account of the offerings, a policy which the church later abolished. Few problems occurred during his pastorate. The church added the first addition to the sanctuary; three Sunday School rooms and a small basement were placed at the south side of the building and dedicated June 27, 1954. Bro. Elmore resigned October 9, 1954, and his last Sunday was October 10, 1954. He removed to the First Baptist Church of Tuscaloosa.

Bro. Henry Walton Grady, also a seminary student, was elected pastor in May of 1955. During his pastorate, some conflict arose. Bro. Grady had a rather demanding style. At his insistence, the church purchased a new piano, although several members felt it was too expensive. The controversy which ensued caused some of the members to leave New Clover Creek, either permanently or temporarily. This was probably the first major crisis at New Clover Creek. Bro. Grady resigned shortly afterward on February 5, 1956, effective immediately.

On February 19, 1956, the church called another seminary student, Bro. Kenneth Wilson. His wife took over playing the piano while the impending conflicts began to subside. Although no particular problems arose, he resigned only seven months later in September, 1956.

Then in September, 1956, the church called Bro. Kenneth Stibbins, another seminary student from Van Buren Baptist Church, in Louisville. Bro. Stibbins resigned April 13, 1958, effective May 4, 1958.

Perhaps the first hint at physical growth came when several members were sent as a pulpit committee to Bewleyville Baptist Church, where they listened to Bro. Ross Covered Jones, Sr. He was called May 10, 1958, and he was the first pastor to actually live on the field. Bro. Jones had two mischievous boys, Ross, Jr. "Kicker" and Walter "Skipper." The church grew during his tenure, and his boys enjoyed the fun and games of the Tauls and the Millers. He resigned August 12, 1961, having served only three years as pastor, and his last Sunday was August 20, 1961

On September 12, 1961, New Clover Creek called Bro. Ocie Colley from the Clear Spring Baptist Church in Clear Spring, Indiana. Though a good pastor, he remained only about a year and then resigned September 8, 1962. His last Sunday was Sunday, September 30, 1962, at the conclusion of the revival.

On November 19, 1962, the church called Bro. Joseph Francis Wheatley, a converted Catholic. Bro. Wheatley was a well-liked, fundamentalist preacher with little formal theological training. Bro. Wheatley helped spearhead the building of the vestibule, a small foyer-type room at the entrance of the church which was completed about February of 1964, at a cost of about $600. On October 9, 1965, he declined church's annual call, due to a previous injury which was causing him problems, but his last Sunday was November 14, 1965. Even after his resignation, Bro. Wheatley was a friend to New Clover Creek, and, in fact, returned his membership here in the 1970's.

After Bro. Wheatley resigned, on January 8, 1966, the church called Bro. Bill Almond, another seminary student. Bro. Almond had a rough time as pastor because he was not a resident in the field. He drove to Hardinsburg every Sunday morning, delivered the message, and then went home with some church member for lunch. He would stay at the member's house all afternoon, sometimes adding final touches to the evening sermon. He would then return to church for the evening service, and afterward, he would drive back to Louisville. After two and a half years, he resigned in May of 1968.

Bro. Ray Hartley was called as pastor on July 14, 1968. Bro. Hartley had the identical plight that his predecessor, Bro. Almond had endured, because he had to drive back and forth to Louisville for each Sunday service. His last Sunday, September 14, 1969, was the last time he preached. Although he was a devoted Christian, Bro. Hartley decided to leave the ministry after he left New Clover Creek.

Bro. Paul Minton was an announcer who worked at WHIC Radio in Hardinsburg, from the day it began broadcasting on July 6, 1968. He was called from Mt. Campbellsville Baptist Church in Campbellsville, Kentucky, on October 5, 1969. New Clover Creek ordained him on August 7, 1970. Bro. Minton was known for his willingness to tackle challenges. He resigned effective October 25, 1970,

Some of the most significant periods of physical growth occurred during the pastorate of Bro. Robert E. Hughes, who was called January 20, 1971, from McGrady Creek Baptist Church, in Grayson County. Bro. Hughes had strong-held beliefs that were at times inflexible, yet he was a devout Christian. A man with a loving, caring heart, he was not hesitant to express emotion. Bro. Hughes had a terrific voice, and he could bellow out songs without reserve; he could sing baritone, tenor, and bass. Several young members returned to Breckinridge County during this time, and the church membership grew a great deal. During his pastorate, two Sunday School rooms and a pastor's study were added to the west side of the sanctuary. Construction began about November of 1973. A controversy of sorts arose in 1974, when the church began to revise its constitution. Bro. Hughes did not like the "annual call," as he felt that a man called of God to preach the gospel should be called as God led, and that an annual call limited God's will to only once each year. When all was said and done, the church elected to retain the annual call, but Bro. Hughes elected to pastor elsewhere. The annual call continued to be the subject of controversy until the adoption of the new constitution and bylaws in July of 1986.

While the church was without a pastor, Bro. Joe Wheatley was elected interim pastor from July 7, 1974, through August, 1974.

Bro. Dennie Calhoun, a native of Arkansas who was the father of four boys, was elected pastor on September 1, 1974. Bro. Calhoun was a theological fundamentalist, though he had attended classes at the seminary. During his pastorate, Mr. Egbert donated a house for the church to use as a parsonage. That building was moved, in its entirety, by a moving crew in November of 1975 Bro. Calhoun resigned February 6, 1977, effective February 26, 1977.

The church, on March 27, 1977, then elected Bro. Leon Eskridge, a native of Breckinridge County. Only a few years earlier, Bro. Eskridge had suffered a debilitating injury. While sitting on a tractor and operating a mowing machine, he accidentally kicked the gear shift, causing the tractor to lunge forward. Unable to get clear of the mower, it ran over the top of him, severing his right arm near the elbow and his right leg near the knee. The experience led him to become a minister. Bro. Eskridge lived in the parsonage and also taught school. During his tenure, the church music program began to blossom. Linda Shultz, the church pianist, developed her potentials to an extraordinary degree. The church began having music programs of exceptional quality, attracting the attention of several other churches and inspiring new members. The growth in membership spawned yet another addition to the church sanctuary. Two more Sunday School rooms were added to the east side, but construction was underway when Bro. Eskridge resigned on March 5, 1978, effective June 1, 1978.

Bro. Robert Brown Setzer, Jr., a twenty-one-year-old, brilliant seminary student was elected pastor on May 7, 1978. He and his wife, Mary Ruth "Bambi" Setzer, had been members of a song group while in college, and the two of them sang together marvelously. The church music program exploded. His first Sunday was June 4, 1978. A theological moderate, most church members were refreshed by his intellectual approach to scripture. New Clover Creek ordained him minister of the gospel on November 26, 1978. He resigned December 7, 1980. His last Sunday was December 21, 1980, which was the Christmas Program.

On February 1, 1981, the church called Bro. David Matthews, another seminary student, from deep, Southern Georgia. Bro. Matthews had a terrific Georgia accent. Having grown up in the rural South, he fit in with the congregation amazingly well. One of the first interactions with church members was that of frog gigging in some of the community ponds. His pronounced humility and tender heart made him one of the most loved of New Clover Creek's pastors. During his tenure, partly through his witness, some very active new church members were added to the membership rolls. Among them were David and Sherry Payne, Bob and Regina Purcell, Billy and Betty Harper, and Dr. Dan and Carol Walker, Patty Jackson, and Cheryl Edge Taul. Much to the regret of the congregation, he resigned April 18, 1984, after three years of service, in order to pastor the First Baptist Church of Tallapoosa, Georgia.

Undoubtedly, the most significant physical growth of New Clover Creek occurred during the leadership of Dr. Paul Moore, who was called June 3, 1984, and his first Sunday, was June 24, 1984. At the time he was called, he was enrolled in the Ph.D. program at Southern Baptist Seminary. He earned his degree while at New Clover Creek, where he wrote his doctoral dissertation entitled, Using Guilt Constructively. Mrs. Moore was a speech pathologist. The two of them contributed a great deal of money to the church treasury. With an excellent education, he was a capable speaker with innovative ideas and thought-provoking messages. It was during his tenure that the church adopted its new constitution and bylaws in July, 1986. The church budget soared to an astounding figure of over $50,000 per year. During his pastorate, the church added the new Fellowship Hall, several Sunday School rooms and a dining hall in the basement. Quickly afterward, the church then expanded its sanctuary, doubling its size to its present capacity, adding a baptistry, the balcony, new light fixtures, a new belfry, and other rooms. Although it took awhile to accomplish, the church began and ended construction of the new parsonage under Dr. Moore's leadership. However, he and his wife stayed in the new parsonage for a few nights, for he resigned in November, 1989, to pastor the Grace Baptist Church, in Toccoa, Georgia.

After Dr. Moore left New Clover Creek, the church seemed to have trouble recovering. The past four years, from 1990 to 1994, have been marked by struggles and conflicts of various kinds.

Most church members were impressed with the capabilities of their former pastor who had earned a doctorate. Consequently, when Dr. William Cecil "W. C." Campbell was elected pastor on February 10, 1990, many were quite enthused. His first service was held in March, 1990. Dr. Campbell's pastorate was short-lived, however. His temperament was unpredictable, and, among other things, his experience in churches so much larger than New Clover Creek seemed to render him unable to adjust, and he resigned effective July 29, 1990.

Bro. Steve Boyd was called from Hempridge Baptist Church, in Waddy, Kentucky, and his first Sunday was October 21, 1990. Bro. Boyd began as a very energetic pastor, a trait which sometimes overwhelmed his church members. He aspired to improve the church youth program and visited the unchurched. He later concluded his ministry had stagnated, so he resigned January 12, 1992. His last Sunday was January 26, 1992.

The church remained without a pastor for several months, and Bro. Truman E. Johnson, former pastor of the Cloverport Baptist Church, served as interim pastor from February 2, 1992 until October 4, 1992.

On September 6, 1992, the church elected Bro. Patrick Wren, whose first Sunday was October 11, 1992. He was a capable speaker. During his tenure, in October, 1993, Bro. Scott Reed was elected as the first minister of youth. Bro. Wren resigned February 6, 1994, and his last service was February 27, 1994.

Our current pastor is Dr. J. Dean Peterson, who was elected May 1, 1994. His first Sunday as pastor was June 5, 1994. Dr. Peterson, a former chaplain from the U.S. Navy, retired with the rank of captain. He supervised the Navy's chaplains in the Orient. In addition, he has a background in psychotherapy and has done extensive counseling during his years of military service. He brings with him several years of experience in the ministry, as well as an excellent education. His dignity, combined with his maturity, will no doubt be of benefit to New Clover Creek. Having been at New Clover Creek only a short time, there can be no doubt that he is a very capable pastor. His abilities should serve as an admonition to those who are perpetually dissatisfied, for no other pastor could be more mature or more experienced.






 November 14 Charter members met at "Taul's Schoolhouse" to organize New Clover Creek Baptist Church. Present were John Nirom Taul, John Homer Taul, Iva Myrtle Ball Taul, Margaret Ellen Keenan Taul, William Henry Harrison Taul, James Lafayette Taul, Charles Luther "Sam" Miller, Luther Miller, Frankie Hendrick Miller, Eula Jane Miller, Parrish Edward Morton, Lena Burten Hendrick Brickey, William Paul Brickey, William Ira Duncan, Hilma Doris Miller, Walter Brickey, and Hubert Miller. [Note: There is some discrepancy about this list. The minute book lists John Hubert Miller and Hilma Doris Miller as charter "members," but neither was baptized until 1935, and could not have been a "member." In addition, charter members William and Margaret Taul, as well as John Hubert Miller and Hilma Miller Pate, state that Hazel Irene Hawkins Miller, wife of Hubert Miller, was mistakenly omitted from the list in the minute book.] The church elected Parrish Morton as moderator; John Homer Taul as clerk; and Bro. William Varble as pastor.


 February 16 New members received: Stella Brickey and Jessie Mae Pate.

March 16 Church decided to dedicate new building on June 5 (later changed to June 30) Revival to be held beginning on second Monday in September.

June 10 Frank E. Patterson and Walter A. Patterson, two brothers, sign the deed granting the trustees of New Clover Creek the one acre of land upon which the church has been set.

June 15 Church voted to join Breckinridge Baptist Association. Clerk noted the deed for the church property had been received from Pattersons. Revival date changed from September 9 to September 2.

June 17 Chester Bennett, Deputy Breckinridge County Clerk, records the deed for the church property donated by the Patterson brothers in the deed book.

June 30 New sanctuary was dedicated. Ordination service for new deacons, William Ira Duncan, Parrish Edward Morton, and Hubert Miller.

July 21 Church voted to purchase two Aladdin lamps for the building. Sister Miller [not identified otherwise] to get them.

August 17 Dismissed the committee appointed to buy lamps.

August 30 Bro. Varble attends meeting of the Breckinridge Baptist Association at Dry Valley Baptist Church, where association accepts New Clover Creek as a member.

September 2-9 Revival with Bro. Evarts B. English, Sr., evangelist. Baptisms include Robert Wayne Miller, John Hubert Miller, Hilma Doris Miller, Carl Allen Brickey, Dorothy Taul, Hallie Beavin, Evelyn Fuqua, Velma Morton, Mattie Morton. Church accepts by relation of Christian experience Frank Hibbs, Hardie L. Walker, Thomas Miller (former deacon at old Clover Creek), W. R. Pate, Owen Pate, and Charles Percy Brickey. Letter of membership was promised by Edith Taul. Pauline Carman gave a profession of faith but, for personal reasons, was not baptized at the time. She later was baptized at Corinth Baptist Church.

September 7 Committee appointed to obtain a stove.

October 20 Elected officers for 1936: Margaret Ellen Taul, clerk; Bro. William Varble, pastor; Miss Edith Taul, treasurer; Parrish E. Morton, moderator; Robert T. Morton, Sunday School Superintendent. Church voted to move and tune piano.

November 17 Pastor's salary set at $150 per year.

December 14 Paul Brickey volunteered to be church janitor.


 March 14 Sister Sandusky from Cloverport asked to come help organize a Women's Missionary Union.

April 16 Mr. Burnette authorized to tune piano. Stove removed.

June Lord's Supper observed.

June 20 Church elected messengers to the Breckinridge Baptist Association: Luther Miller, Ira Duncan, and Homer Taul. Stove to be taken down.

August 15 Church yard to be cleaned Wednesday.

September 14-24 Revival services, Bro. B. F. Waite, evangelist. Baptisms include Juanita Morton, Sherman Taul, Bob Brickey, Lon Fuqua, Mrs. Mina Smith, and Frankie Mae Weedman.

September 19 Committee to buy lamps dismissed; lamps purchased for $11. $2 raised to send to association for a copy of the minutes.

October 17 Parrish E. Morton appointed to oversee digging of the well. Letter granted to Harvey Morton to unite with 9th and O Baptist Church, Louisville.

November 14, 1936 Officers elected for 1937: Moderator, Ira Duncan; Sunday School Superintendent, Tennant Morton; Edith Taul, treasurer; Bro. Taul, mission treasurer; Hilma Miller, Sunday School Secretary; pastor unanimously elected, Bro. Varble. Luther Miller to get coal.


 January No business.

February 20 Letter of Mrs. H. O. Morton granted to unite with the Ninth and O Baptist Church, Louisville. Deacons to raise money for well digging.

March 21 Lord's Supper to be observed third Saturday night in April. Bro. Wait to assist in revival. Revival to be held on Monday night after second Sunday in September.

April 17 Lord's Supper. Time for Saturday church services changed to 2:30 p.m. Lamp to be exchanged for a more satisfactory one. Committee appointed of Parrish Morton, Ira Duncan, and Hubert Miller to obtain calcimine or paint to repaint church.

May 15 Committee reports that part of money raised for paint. More money to be raised.

June Messengers elected to Breckinridge Baptist Association: Mr. and Mrs. Luther Miller, Lena Brickey. Bro. Keys to be here on behalf of Pastor next third Sunday (Saturday?).

August 14 Committee reports that lamp can be returned for repairs. Members to gather next Friday to clean church and yard. Church to purchase song books.

September 13-23 Revival with Bro. B. F. Waite, evangelist. Baptisms include Juanita Miller, Harvey Russell Morton, Marcus Lee Morton, Katherine Laslie, Nobilene Fuqua. Letters of membership were promised from Mrs. Maude Ball, Mrs. Beulah Ray, Mrs. Betty Sanders, Mrs. Hallie Fuqua, and Silas McGary.

October Lamp Committee dismissed. Luther Miller appointed to obtain ten bushels of coal. Church services to be changed to 1:30 p.m.

November Committee to obtain coal continued. Officers for 1938 elected: Ira Duncan, moderator; James Taul, assistant moderator; Margaret Taul, clerk; Tenant Morton, Sunday School Superintendent; Parrish Morton, assistant; Mrs. James Taul, secretary; Hilma Miller, assistant; Myrtle Taul, treasurer; Charley Brickey, missions treasurer; Bro. Varble, pastor.

December 19 Membership letter of Maude Ball received.


 January No business.

February Committee of Mrs. Luther Miller and Jessie Mae Pate appointed to get lamp shade from McQuady.

March No business.

April 17 Committee of Mrs. Miller continued to see about lamp shade.

May 15 Mrs. Miller reports that lamp shade has been exchanged; committee dismissed. Committee of Frankie Miller and Jessie Mae Pate appointed to arrange for training school. Church services changed from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

June Frankie Miller and Jessie Mae Pate report arranging for the training school; committee dismissed. Luther Miller appointed to see to the cleaning of the yard. John Hubert Miller said he will meet the preacher for the July services.

August Messengers elected to attend Breckinridge Baptist Association: Tom Miller, Mrs. Luther Miller, Mrs. Margaret Taul.

September Bro. Miller reports that cleaning of church yard has been completed. Mrs. Miller attended the Breckinridge Baptist Association's annual meeting.

September Revival held, Bro. Hall, evangelist. No additions to membership.

October Bro. Varble to see that Bro. Hall gets the rest of the $35 from the board. Parrish Morton appointed as committee to get coal. Luther Miller to raise money. Meeting time on Saturday changed to 1:30 p.m.

November 19 Committee for coal to be extended. Officers elected for 1939: Mrs. William Taul, clerk; Dorothy Taul, assistant; Mrs. Luther Miller, treasurer; Ira Duncan, mission treasurer; Tennant Morton, Sunday School Superintendent; John Hubert Miller, assistant; Hilma Miller, Sunday School Secretary; Paul Brickey, assistant. Bro. Varble unanimously elected pastor.

December Letter of Hallie Beavins granted to unite with Hites Run. Letter of Bettie Smith received to unite with our fellowship. Clerk to give statement to Mr. Smith to get and send the $9 to Bro. Hall.


 January Revival time to be set tomorrow.

February 18 Bro. Varble requested services on Sunday be changed to the afternoon, but a vote was taken and motion defeated. Membership letter of Hallie Fuqua received.

March 18 Membership letter of Mrs. Beulah Ray received. Ushers appointed: Si McGary, James Taul, Paul Brickey, John Miller. Revival to begin on September 11.

March 19 First funeral ever held at New Clover Creek, that of Oliver Smith, son of James and Anna Smith, conducted by Bro. Varble.

April Letter received for Si McGary to unite with our fellowship.

May 20 Meet on second Saturday in June to clean church.

June 10 Church cleaning.

June 20 No business.

July 15 Committee reports insufficient funds to build a baptistry. Church to meet on Wednesday before 3rd Saturday in August to clean yard. Messengers to meeting of the Breckinridge Baptist Association elected: Ira Duncan, Parrish Morton, Luther Miller. C. Brickey, Si McGary appointed committee to raise money for the association.

August 16 Church yard cleaning

August Church yard has been cleaned. Si McGary appointed to get screens and mantels for lamps. Money for baptistry to be used for painting the windows.

September 11-21 Revival with Bro. B. F. Waite, evangelist. Baptisms include Louise Laslie, Carrie May Laslie, Mrs. Mable Basham, and Irene Keenan. Letters of membership were promised by Mrs. Lorena Hinton and Mrs. Mary E. Keenan to unite with our fellowship.

October Time of church changed to 1:30 p.m. on Saturday afternoon.

November Committee reports coal will be here first of week. Election of officers for 1940: Bro. Varble unanimously elected pastor; Silas McGary, moderator; Mrs. William Taul, clerk; Lena Brickey, treasurer; Frankie Miller, missionary treasurer; Ira Duncan, Sunday School Superintendent; John Hubert Miller, assistant; Hilma Miller, Sunday School Secretary; Paul Brickey, assistant.

December 16 Membership letters of Mrs. Hinton and Mrs. Keenan received.


 January 20 No business.

February Si McGary to get coal. Committee appointed of William Taul, Ira Duncan, and Parrish Morton to fix flue. Deacons to see to painting ceiling of church. Letter of Theresa Rowland Taul received to unite with our fellowship.

March 16 Bro. Duncan reports paint ready for painting of church. Vote taken as to papering church--no votes cast in favor. Unused money to be paid to pastor as salary. Church to be painted at first opportune time. Church yard to be burned off this afternoon.

April William Taul reports about fixing roof. Ira Duncan reports ceiling has been painted but lacks $3.50. Committee to continue raising money.

May Committee reports that money for paint for ceiling has been raised. Letter granted to Velma Morton to unite with Ninth and 0 Baptist Church, Louisville. Missionary Wood to be here June 26 at 3:00 p.m. Church to be held on Saturday at 2:00 p.m.

June Committee for raising money for ceiling paint dismissed. Dark oak paint to be used on floor. Men to come on Wednesday to clean yard. Women to come Thursday to clean house; James Taul and Si McGary to get ice and cups; Ira Duncan to get water; President of W.M.U. to get plates. Homecoming dinner to be held June 30; Walter and Charlie Brickey to see that horses are hitched and cars are not parked near church. Bro. Wood will be here on Sunday at Homecoming instead of Wednesday.

June 30 Homecoming. Missionary Wood spoke at service.

July 21 W.M.U. will pay $3.75 for things used at Homecoming. Treasury will be used to pay Mr. Brickey for paint. Messengers elected to Breckinridge Baptist Association: Ira Duncan, C. P. Brickey, Homer Taul, Bro. Miller, James Taul, and Elmo Hinton. $1 to be taken up for minutes of the Breckinridge Baptist Association.

August 17 Barrel to be brought to church to take up cans for orphanage.

September Barrel for cans has not yet been received. Ira Duncan volunteered to mow church yard. Deacons to see that gravel hauling and coal oil lamps are obtained. Paul Brickey has volunteered to act as janitor during revival. Irene Keenan and Dorothy Taul appointed to raise money for evangelist during revival. Suggested we get song books; $3 already raised. Si McGary appointed to get barrel of water for Breckinridge Baptist Association on Wednesday.

September 19 Bro. Varble's son, Oscarlee Hiram Varble (not a member at New Clover Creek), is tragically killed while only 24 years of age. His wife, Margaret, survives. Burial is in Cloverport Cemetery.

October 14-28 Revival with Bro. Alvin Furrow, evangelist. Baptisms include Marie O'Connell, Keenan O'Connell, Maurice O'Connell, Nat Taul, and Sherman Smith, and Ivan Furrow. Letters were promised by Jessie Smith, Temple Smith Rhonda Ann Furrow, and Jennie M. Furrow to unite with our fellowship.

October 19 Letter granted to Lucille Keenan to unite with Pisgah.

November 16 Officers for 1941 elected: Bro. Varble, pastor; Dorothy Taul, clerk; Ira Duncan, moderator; Paul Brickey, Sunday School Superintendent; Marie O'Connell, treasurer; Lena Brickey, mission treasurer; Stella Taul, Sunday School Secretary and Treasurer; Edith McGary, President of W.M.U. Services on Saturdays to begin at 1:30 p.m.

December Bro. Varble to get help for 1941 revival--should try to get Bro. Alvin Furrow.


 January 18 Ira Duncan to get coal for church.

February 16 Letters received for Sherman Smith, Jess Fuqua, and Rhoda Ann Furrow to unite with our fellowship. Bro. Varble requests sick leave from church for any month he needs.

March 15 Silas McGary to bring coal for church.

April 19 Bro. Varble reports that Bro. Curnie Black will help in revival this year. Treasurer reported $38.31 offering for first quarter. Each branch of the church to make financial report each quarter. Sunday School to be changed to 10:00 on Sunday morning.

May 17 Time to be changed to 2:30 Saturday afternoon. Letter granted to Dorothy Taul Basham to unite with Pisgah. Marie O'Connell elected clerk for remainder of 1941.

June 15 Paul Brickey volunteered as janitor, to be paid $1 each month. We will clean church on second week in July on Wednesday.

July 30 Service led by Women's Missionary Society. Messengers elected to Breckinridge Baptist Association: Luther Miller, Hubert Miller, Mrs. Luther Miller.

July 31 $1 to be sent to association for minutes.

August 16 Service led by Bro. Singleton. No business.

September 20 Former member (unnamed) of old Clover Creek wishes to obtain his letter. Breckinridge Baptist Association will meet here in 1942. Charles Brickey appointed to get fifteen bushels of coal. Yard to be mowed before revival. Lena Brickey and Frankie Miller appointed to raise money for evangelist.

October 13-23 Revival with Bro. Curnie Black, evangelist. Baptisms include Preston O'Connell, Effie L. Taul, Patsy Morton, and Robert L. Keenan. Letter was promised by Miss Velma Morton to unite with our fellowship. Mrs. Maggie Laslie was accepted by relation of Christian experience.

October 23 Ira Duncan bought coal; committee dismissed. Letter granted to Edith McGary and Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Hinton to unite with Corinth. Bro. Varble requests Bro. Black to baptize candidates received during revival. Deacons appointed to get new pews for church; Bro. Black volunteered to help get pews.

November 15 Discussion about paying janitor for revival. Time for Saturday service changed to 1:30 p.m. Deacons to see about building coal house. Officers elected for 1942: William Varble, pastor; Marie O'Connell, clerk; William Varble, moderator; Ira Duncan, assistant; Paul Brickey, Sunday School Superintendent; Ira Duncan, assistant; Mrs. Nat Taul, treasurer; Irene Keenan, Sunday School Secretary; Mrs. Charles Brickey, church mission treasurer. Pastor's salary set at $150 per year; offerings to be larger at every available time. Revival to be held second Monday in September.

November 16 Maurice F. O'Connell elected as clerk for Sunday School.

November 17 Church member Carl T. Miller inducted into and enters the U.S. Army.

December 7 Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor.

December 20 Committee to be retained to see coal house is built and to buy pews for church. Bro. Varble requests church to change time for services because he has taken another church. Time changed from Saturday afternoon to Saturday night.


 January 17 Miss Velma Morton received under watchcare of church until she can obtain letter. Ira Duncan reported no progress in building coal house and obtaining church pews. Suggested coal house be built on Friday, January 20. Total amount of offering for last quarter was $43.77. Pastor paid $160.37. Ira Duncan will get mantles for lamps.

January 18 Committee to buy pews authorized to go to Louisville to get same, at church expense.

February 14 Bro. Varble has been unable to find pews, asks for more time for committee. Ira Duncan reports coal house has been finished except for roof and hinges. Mantles for lamps has been purchased. Church on Saturday night changed to 8:00 p.m.

March 14 Ira Duncan reports no pews for church found other than have them made at Cloverport. No arrangements have been made. Church to continue trying to buy pews at reasonable cost. Four committees to attend meeting with regard to pastor's retirement.

April 18 Letter received from Velma Morton from Ninth and O Baptist Church, Louisville, to unite with our fellowship. Saturday services to begin at 8:30 p.m.

May 16 Bro. Varble reports Bro. Waite will assist at revival beginning in September. Maggie Laslie received by relation from old Clover Creek.

May 17 Church agrees to pay 3 percent of pastor's salary ($150) into retirement plan of the General Association of Baptists in Kentucky; payments of $2.25 to be made every six months. First payment to be made to State Board of Missions in Louisville on May 18, 1942.

June 9 Church member PFC Carl Miller lands at a beachhead in Scotland.

June 20 Ira Duncan reports accepting pews. Bro. Varble suggested varnishing them. $83 collected for pews. Vacation Bible School to begin week of July 5. Bro. Varble appointed committee to sell present pews. Messengers to Breckinridge Baptist Association elected: Homer Taul, Ira Duncan, Mrs. Luther Miller. $1.50 to be paid for minutes of the association.

July 18 Church pews to be sold at 3:00 p.m., July 25, 1942. Committee appointed to help in work for association; men to clean yard; women to clean church. Men will make table on same day.

July 19 Annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association approved.

August 15 Ira Duncan reports pews were delivered to church; committee dismissed. Old pews were sold and money received; committee dismissed. Committee to varnish pews. Ira Duncan volunteered to bring lumber for table.

August 27-28 Church hosts annual meeting of the Breckinridge Baptist Association.

September 14-24 Revival with Bro. B. F. Waite, evangelist. Baptisms included Allie Laslie, Gus Fuqua, James Wilson, Jessie Fuqua, Jr., Harold Laslie, Charles Fuqua, Franklin Fuqua, Mrs. Ressie W. Powers, and George Pate.

September No business.

October $53 paid to Bro. Waite for revival services; nine additions received for baptism.

October 17 Bro. Varble suggests that the church deacons get coal for the winter. Time of church changed for the winter months to 7:00 p.m.

November 8 Church member Carl T. Miller arrives at Arzu Beachhead, North Africa.

November 10 Church member Bob Miller is inducted into United States Army.

November 14 Officers chosen for 1943: Bro. Varble, moderator; Marie O'Connell, clerk; Tess Taul, treasurer; Ira Duncan, Sunday School Superintendent. Deacons (Hubert Miller, Tom Miller, Parrish Morton, Ira Duncan) to secure the deed for this church and see that it is in safekeeping.

December 1 Church member Bob Miller enters U.S. Army.

December 19 Bob Miller reports that deed not yet in possession of church. Si McGary has donated coal. Coal oil will be secured by registerer for church. Ira Duncan discussed possibility of receiving Western Recorder for church. Committee appointed of Lena Brickey, Marie O'Connell, Ira Duncan, to canvass members of church to see who is interested.

December 20 Church votes to change Saturday service to Saturday afternoon, 1:30 p.m. Committee appointed of Ira Duncan, James Taul, and Hubert Miller to see Bro. Weedman.


 January 16 Committee reports that deed to church is in the hands of the deacons. Deed and other important papers to be placed in the lock box at the Farmers Bank in Hardinsburg. Coal has not yet been brought to the church. Revival set for Monday night before third Sunday in September, 1943.

February 20 Committee reports that coal has been brought to the church. Church deed has been placed in the bank vault; committee dismissed. Church will be responsible for obtaining evangelist for revival this year. Committee to get subscription to Western Recorder was dismissed. Church will give its birthday offering to the Cooperative Program this year.

February 21 Church to write to Bro. Alvin Furrow to act as evangelist in revival this year. If Bro. Furrow cannot accept call, church will ask Bro. Garden Craig Sandusky.

March 20 Bro. Alvin Furrow accepts invitation to revival, beginning September 13; committee dismissed. Bro. Furrow will not bring the music leader he had suggested bringing. Letter granted to Lorena Hinton to unite with a "church in Louisville." The money that Ira Duncan has in his possession will be placed in the church treasury, to be used to buy a lamp that Bro. Varble will obtain after electric wiring is secured for one of his churches.

April 17 Church missions treasurer report accepted.

May 15 Discussion about painting interior of church. Church to paint walls white and the ceiling ivory. Committee appointed of Ira Duncan, Tom Miller, and Walter Brickey to see that church is painted. Committee appointed of Luther Miller, Lena Brickey, and Marie O'Connell to buy flat finish paint.

June 19 Committee reports that $15 received to paint church interior. Church hour for Saturday afternoon changed to 2:30 p.m.

July 17 Committee reports $29.35 for paint of interior. Church will send messengers and annual letter to meeting of Breckinridge Baptist Association. Messengers will be William Taul, Nat Taul, and Frankie Miller. Alternates will be Marie O'Connell, Lena Brickey, and Tom Miller.

July 18 Clerk read annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association, to be held at Corinth in McQuady. Letter approved.

August 14 Bro. Brickey reports that paint has not been received yet from factory. Bro. Furrow has written a letter asking that he be given a "permanent place" for revival. Church will entertain him exactly as has been our custom. Committee appointed of Frankie Miller and Lena Brickey to collect money for revival evangelist. Walter Brickey volunteered to cut weeds from church yard, and Luther Miller agreed to rake. Ira Duncan will bring a wagon and take weeds away from yard. Church decided that the three men will remove stove on the same day. Arrangements have been made to obtain coal oil for church.

September Financial statement for September:


Paint for walls of church $19.85

Paint for woodwork $2.00

Paint for floor and miscellaneous $6.50

Lamp $5.00

Paint of church to Mr. Yeagers $25.00

Janitor Service $6.00

Offering to Bro. Furrow $88.50

Miscellaneous fuel and coal oil, est. $2.00


W.M.S. offering for local expense of church, September, 1943, $5.55 to help paint church, $2.25 minister relief. Sunday School offering to local expense of church, September, 1943, $5 to help paint church.


September 13-26 Revival with Bro. Alvin Furrow, evangelist. No additions.

October 17 Committee reports $88.50 in offerings were presented to Bro. Furrow at close of our revival on September 26. Deacons of church appointed to obtain coal for church this winter. Saturday service will be changed to 1:30 during winter months, beginning in November.

November 20 Ira Duncan reports coal will be brought to church as soon as floor can be put in coal house. Officers elected for 1944: William Varble, moderator; Marie O'Connell, clerk; Tess Taul, treasurer; Ira Duncan, Sunday School Superintendent; Irene Taul, Sunday School Secretary and Treasurer.


 January Revival to begin September 11. Bro. Varble will obtain evangelist for revival.

February 19 Ira Duncan reports floor added to the coal house and coal has been brought for church; however, coal is not yet paid for. Committee continued until church receives bill for coal. Bro. Varble reports that Bro. Ezra Meador will be evangelist during revival, beginning September 11, 1944.

April 15 Church will meet at 10:00 Sunday, April 16, to reorganize our Sunday School and elect teachers. Church will buy broom to be used at church; Frankie Miller to get broom.

May 20 Frankie Miller has obtained broom and paid for it. Church will pay Bro. Varble's salary, set at $200 per year, according to his wishes and all offerings over $200 per year will be kept in the treasury for emergencies. Hours for church will begin in the future at 2:30 p.m.

June 6 D-Day begins with allied forces invading Omaha Beach, Normandy, France.

June 17 Church missions treasurer reports $11.40 since July, 1943.

July 15 Committee reports efforts were made to get lumber to repair culvert leading to church yard. Committee retained until service complete. Messengers elected to Breckinridge Baptist Association: William Taul, Ira Duncan, and Tom Miller. Alternates: Luther Miller, Charlie Brickey, and James Taul. Ira Duncan will represent our church at Mission Board.

August 19 Hubert Miller reports lumber for culvert has been bought, but repairs not yet made. Ira Duncan reports stove pipe will be removed tomorrow. Annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association read and approved. Bro. Varble given leave of absence on Saturday in October. Deacons will repair broken window. Men will meet at church on Thursday to clear yard and repair entrance of road to church.

August 22 Church member Bob Miller, in the U.S. Army, departs for European Theater.

August 27 Church member, PFC Maurice Francis O'Connell killed in action in France while in his country's service during World War II.

September 7 Church member Bob Miller, in the U.S. Army, arrives in the European Theater.

September 11- Revival with Bro. Ezra Meador. No additions.

November 18 Letters of Bro. Morton and children to unite with Cloverport Baptist Church approved. Officers elected for 1945: Bro. William Varble, moderator; Marie O'Connell, clerk; James Taul, treasurer; Lena Brickey, missions treasurer; Keenan O'Connell, Sunday School Superintendent; Effie Taul, Sunday School Secretary and Treasurer. Church time changed to 1:30 Saturday. Church will pay $200 pastor salary or more if we can.

December 16 No business.


 February 17 Lena Brickey suggests we get some window panes. Other members promise to see that windows are repaired. Church revival will begin on Monday night after second Sunday in September. Committee appointed of Ira Duncan, Hubert Miller, and James Taul to get evangelist for revival.

March 6 Mrs. Frankie Hendrick Miller, charter member of New Clover Creek, dies. She is first charter member to decease.

April 28 $4.50 has been paid to minister retirement plan. Services on Saturday to be held at 2:30 p.m. New record book for clerk to be bought and records to be transferred to new book. Clerk will get new book.

May 7 Germans unconditionally surrender, bringing the World War in the Atlantic Theater to a close.

May 15 Church member Carl T. Miller begins voyage home from Europe.

May 19 James Taul reports that Bro. Sandusky will help in revival this year, but time changed to begin September 24, 1945. Lena Brickey will be chairman to raise money for evangelist.

May 25 Church member Carl T. Miller, in the U.S. Army, arrives in New York City.

June 26 Church member Bob Miller, in the U.S. Army, departs European Theater.

June 16 Church record book not yet obtained. Vacation Bible School will begin Monday, July 9. Messengers to Breckinridge Baptist Association elected: Luther Miller, Lena Brickey, and Ira Duncan. Alternates: Tess Taul, Keenan O'Connell, and Marie O'Connell.

July 3 Church member Bob Miller, in the U.S. Army, arrives in the United States, having served in the European Theater.

July 14 Church clerk reports that record book and treasurer's book have been bought and paid for.

August 6 Americans drop atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan.

August 9 Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan.

August 15 Japanese unconditionally surrender, bringing World War II finally to a close.

August 18 Church will buy three new chimneys and four mantles for church lanterns. The deacons will see that the lights and stove will be repaired before revival begins. Lena Brickey will see that the yard is mowed. Si McGary has donated coal. Bro. Varble reports that Bro. Reardon will substitute for service tomorrow and that there will be no services here Saturday and Sunday, September 15 and 16.

August 27 Church member Bob Miller departs his service in the U.S. Army and begins his return to Hardinsburg, arriving a few days later.

August 31 Church member Carl T. Miller departs his service in the U.S. Army and returns to Hardinsburg, arriving a few days later.

September 10-24 Revival with Bro. Garden Craig Sandusky. Baptisms include Mrs. Temple Blair, Mrs. Helen Blair, Anna Bell Fuqua, Telitha Taul, Pete Taul, and Wilma Jean Taul.

September 15 Lena Brickey reports yard will be mowed next week. Lena Brickey reports that Juanita Miller will assist her in soliciting money for our evangelist during revival. James Taul volunteered to keep lights in order during revival.

October 4 Church will buy a new flue and stove. Church deacons will carry out plans. Bro. Varble has been soliciting money to buy a stove and flue and has collected some $80 during the two-week revival. Bro. Sandusky was paid $77.79 for services during revival.

October 20 Committee of Paul Brickey, James Taul, and Owen Pate will visit members who have united with churches of other faiths and talk with them before further steps are taken. The committee to put in the flue is retained until flue is installed. Church time will be changed to 1:30 p.m. on Saturdays during the winter, to begin after today.

November 17 No business meeting.

December 15 At their request, four memberships are erased: Mrs. Mina Smith, Mrs. Bettie Sanders, Jesse L. Fuqua, Sr., and Hallie R. Fuqua. Officers elected for 1946: Bro. Varble, moderator; Marie O'Connell, clerk; Keenan O'Connell, Sunday School Superintendent; Effie L. Taul, Sunday School Secretary and Treasurer.


 January 19 Committee reports that flue will be finished when weather is favorable. Bro. Varble will obtain evangelist for this year's revival. Ira Duncan will haul coal to the church. Bro. Varble will preach here tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. Material left from building flue and the old stove will be sold to the highest bidder. Committee appointed: James Taul, Keenan O'Connell, and Charles Brickey to sell. Revival will begin September 9, 1946.

February 16 Committee continued to finish paying for bill on the flue next month.

March 16 Ira Duncan reports flue is not yet completed and asks for extension of time. He and Charles Brickey will finish it this week. The church treasury is not sufficient to settle the flue and stove debt. Church will have a volunteer offering to pay debt on the stove.

April 20 Committee reports flue has been completed and all financial business has been settled. Treasurer reports $9 in the treasury. Ira Duncan will move lumber and brick from church yard and will get remains of material left from building of flue. Meeting time on Saturday changed from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. during the summer months. Bro. Varble is released, at his request, from the responsibility of obtaining evangelist for revival.

May 18 No business.

May 19 Charles Brickey appointed as committee to obtain evangelist for revival.

June 15 Church will use some $9 in the treasury for painting of church. Committee appointed of Walter Brickey, James Taul, and Luther Miller to buy twelve gallons of paint.

July 20 Charles Brickey reports he has obtained Bro. Hall for our revival, messages to begin September 9, 1946. Committee to paint church is retained for the time being. Messengers to Breckinridge Baptist Association elected: Charles Brickey, Lena Brickey, and Hazel Miller. Alternates: Walter Brickey, Marie O'Connell, and Carl Miller. James Taul will represent church at the Mission Board. Church will send $4 for minutes this year.

August 17 Charles Brickey reports one man has offered to paint the church, but after discussion, it is decided that the committee will be retained to see to painting of the church. Lena Brickey and Juanita Miller will solicit money to pay the evangelist during revival.

September 9- Revival with Brother Hall. No additions.

September 14 Bro. Hall will paint church following the close of our revival.

October 19 Paint and painting work of church has been paid in full. Committee is dismissed. Church will permit local road crew to use church yard to straighten the road at this section. Time of meeting during winter months will be changed to 1:30 p.m. on Saturdays.

November No business.

December 14 Officers elected for 1947: Bro. Varble, moderator; Keenan O'Connell, assistant; Marie O'Connell, clerk; Stella Taul, assistant; James Taul, treasurer; Keenan O'Connell, Sunday School Superintendent; Bob Miller, assistant; Stella Taul, Sunday School Secretary and Treasurer. Bob Miller will see to having entrance to church from the road repaired.


 January 18 Pastor's salary raised to $250 per year. The church treasurer and clerk will make an every-member canvass of membership to raise the salary. Lord's Supper will be observed the third Sunday in February. Revival this year will begin September 9.

February 15 Marie O'Connell reports that Bro. D. Wade Armstrong has consented to be evangelist during revival this year, on condition that the revival continue for only one week. Bro. D. A. Meador will serve in absence of Bro. Varble tomorrow. District Missionary will present program here at 10:00 a.m., Sunday, March 16.

February 16 Service with Bro. D. A. Meador. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Smart received into membership, with a promise of letter from the Hites Run Baptist Church.

March 15 James Taul reports that the response to the every-member canvass amounts to $251 to date; committee dismissed. Letter read from Bro. D. Wade Armstrong. Church will participate in school of missions throughout our association, as described in card from District Missionary D. A. Meador. Bro. Varble explained importance of taking part in move to promote Christianity through an education offering taken on or before June 8. Bro. Meador will be invited to come here and give a special message on this subject on the fifth Sunday in March.

April 19 Business meeting dismissed until tomorrow.

April 20 Hites Run Baptist Church has granted membership letters of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Smart to unite with our fellowship. Mr. Smart will retain his status as deacon in this church. Time for meeting on Saturday will be changed to 2:30 p.m. for the summer months. Scott Smart is appointed committee to see that building and contents be insured to the amount of $1,250.

June 14 Scott Smart reports about insurance on the church; committee dismissed. James Taul reports that flowers were purchased from the treasury for funeral of Mrs. Taul. Church will prepare a flower offering for anyone from our church who passes away. Treasurer will be authorized to buy flowers on such occasions; price to be about equal. Messengers elected to annual Breckinridge Baptist Association: Ira Duncan, Scott Smart, and James Taul. Alternates: Paul Brickey, Hubert Miller, and Tom Miller. We will send $3 for minutes of Breckinridge Baptist Association.

July 19 Annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association read by clerk and approved by the church. Church roof and interior woodwork with aluminum paint. Treasurer will buy paint. Church yard will be cleaned off. James Taul will represent church to Mission Board.

August 17 Painting and cleaning job will be deferred until paint is received.

September 7-13 Revival with Bro. D. Wade Armstrong. Letter promised by Elmina Hawkins Miller to unite with our fellowship. Baptism of Mabel Mingus Miller.

September The following members pledged to tithe their income in the future, following a request made in the revival at this church, September 7-13, 1947: Lena Brickey, Myrtle Taul, Marie O'Connell, Hazel Miller, Stella Taul, James Taul, William Taul, Carl T. Miller, Ira Duncan, Charles P. Brickey.

September 20 Lena Brickey reports as Finance Committee for revival, receipt of $90.50 for evangelist, plus $13 on night of revival, bringing total to $103.50. Letter granted to Eula Jane Miller Mattingly to unite with Pisgah.

October 18 James Taul reports paint was received. Church will pay Sid Taul $1 per night for services rendered to church as janitor during revival. Church will pay pastor $10 for expenses incurred during revival. Saturday services to be changed to 1:00 p.m.

October 19 Letters granted to Myrtle Taul and Lory Philip "Pete" Taul, to unite with Corinth Baptist Church.

November 16 Request will be made to Pisgah for letter for Elmina Hawkins Miller to unite with our fellowship. Church will retain all officers from 1947 to 1948, but Keenan O'Connell has resigned as Sunday School Superintendent. Scott Smart elected as replacement. James Taul elected to serve as assistant. Meeting time changed from third Sunday to second Sunday of each month, for Bro. Varble's convenience. Saturday meeting time changed from Saturday afternoon to Saturday night. We will accept half time for the year 1948 and double the pastor's salary. Pastor will be here on the second and fourth Sunday of each month with Saturday night service preceding the Sunday's time set at 7:00 p.m. for Saturday night.

December No business.


 January 24 Revival to be held after the third Sunday in August. Committee appointed of John Taul, Charles Brickey, and James Taul to obtain evangelist. Preacher to be paid same salary as we did in 1947. Paul Brickey will canvass members and Marie O'Connell will canvass nonresident members.

February No business.

March 27 Church agrees that all money offering coming through the church be entered into the treasury and the pastor's salary will be retained before any other expenditures are made.

April 25 James Taul reports that Bro. Lennon, pastor at Corinth, has accepted our invitation to help in our revival this year; committee dismissed. Paul Brickey reports that the coal house roof is badly in need of repair. Church will pay for repairing roof from treasury. Lord's Supper observed tonight.

May 22 Roofing is ready to repair the coal house roof; committee dismissed. Church pays $5 per month to Mr. and Mrs. James Taul for janitorial services. Hour for evening service changed to 8:00 p.m.

June 26 Service given by Bro. Minster, a visitor from Evansville, Indiana. Lena Brickey, church mission treasurer, reports $16.40 has been sent to the Cooperative Program. Letters granted to Mrs. A. D. Morton and Mr. Robert Morton to unite with the Stephensport Baptist Church and to Mrs. Hilma Doris Miller Lemaster to unite with the Hardinsburg Baptist Church. James Taul reports he has started putting the roof on the coal house but the sheathing will not hold nails. New sheathing will be needed. Deacons will see that this is done. Church will pay one-third of Bro. Varble's expenses to the encampment at Ridgecrest, North Carolina, since he is also representing New Bethel and Hites Run Baptist Churches. Messengers to Breckinridge Baptist Association are elected: Paul Brickey, James Taul, Carl Miller. Alternates: Marie O'Connell, Lena Brickey, and Hubert Miller. $4 will be sent for minutes of association.

July 24 Luther Miller reports that covering of coal house is still pending. Committee retained. Charles Brickey reports that the evangelist for revival will be Bro. Norris from Louisville, since Bro. Lennon has asked to be released. Church approves annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association. James Taul will mow church yard this week.

August 18 Revival with Bro. Norris from Louisville. Baptisms include Joe Bates and Helen Bates O'Connell.

August 23 Luther Miller reports the coal house roof has been finished; committee dismissed. Paul Brickey and Houston Taul have completed painting the church building roof. Charge is $1 per square with 16 square of roof, totaling $16. Bill paid by treasurer; committee dismissed. James Taul has mowed the lawn; committee dismissed. Church decides that if a freewill offering to visiting minister for revival does not amount to $150, we will draw the difference from the treasury. Bro. Varble thanks the church for its contribution to his trip to Ridgecrest.

September 7- Revival with Bro. Norris.

September No business.

October 9 Time for evening service is changed to 7:00 p.m. for the winter months. Letter from Pisgah recommending Maxie Ellen Keenan Bates into our fellowship was approved.

October 23 Church decides to remove old paint from the window lights, so that a new coat of paint can be applied. Committee appointed to clean the windows: Women's Missionary Society. Committee appointed to repaint windows: James Taul and Paul Brickey.

November 27 Officers elected for 1949: William Varble, moderator; James Taul, assistant; Marie O'Connell, clerk; Carl Miller, treasurer; Bob Miller, assistant; Lena Brickey, missions treasurer; Carl Miller, Sunday School Superintendent; James Taul, assistant; Maxie Bates, Sunday School Secretary and Treasurer; Stella Taul, assistant. Church will reorganize Sunday School beginning services the first Sunday in January 1. Same plan for financing the church used in 1948 will be used in 1949. The church treasurer, W.M.U. treasurer, Sunday School and missions treasurers will make quarterly report to the church at the close of each quarter this year.

December 25 Christmas Day. W.M.U. report: home missions, $10; state missions, $11.10; foreign missions, $21.76; cooperative program, $12; regional expense, $2, amount brought forward, $8.44. Church treasurer: offerings, $722; expenditures, $671; balance, $71.85. Church mission treasurer: $22.38 to cooperative program. Church will continue to pay $5 per month for janitorial services. James Taul will continue as janitor.


 January 23 No business.

February 12 Bro. D. A. Meador will teach a study course here. Church will participate in a special series of stewardship services, to be held here for one week during the early summer. William Taul will see to getting rock on the driveway.

February 26 Window painting has been completed; committee dismissed. $25 has been contributed by nonresident church members for the pastor's salary in 1949. Subscription renewals for Western Recorder are now due. Treasurer will submit $14.08 for renewal. Church will pay bill for $2.55 for paint brushes. Annual revival will begin September 5. Committee appointed of William Taul, Paul Brickey, and Carl Miller, to find evangelist.

March 26 Carl Miller resigns as treasurer for 1949; William Taul elected as replacement. The late Lafayette Taul has left money to the church. Money will be spent to purchase a pulpit chair, at suggestion of his grandson, James Taul. A plaque will be erected at the church entrance.

April 23 Bro. Postum has accepted our invitation to be evangelist at revival. Janitor will be paid $5 for service rendered church at the close of each month.

May 21 Finance Committee reports no further contributions made. Treasurer's report shows a balance of $212.83. Meeting time change for evening service to 8:00 p.m. for summer months. Vacation Bible School will be held during the month of July, if Bro. Meador can arrange to be here at this time.

June 26 Paul Brickey volunteered to mow church lawn. Church will take a freewill offering to purchase new song books before our upcoming revival. Treasurer will pay for three dozen books. Messengers to annual Breckinridge Baptist Association elected: Paul Brickey, James Taul, Luther Miller. Alternates: Walter Brickey, Marie O'Connell, Lena Brickey. $4 will be sent for minutes. William Taul was appointed to represent this church at board meetings next year. 150 posters will be made for the upcoming revival. Clerk will write a letter of appreciation for the chair purchased by money left by late Lafayette Taul.

July 23 50 song books have been purchased and paid for in full; committee dismissed. Letter from District Missionary read by clerk regarding county-wide tent revival for Breckinridge Association. Church will take up special offering to pay for advertising in the local newspapers. Church will donate our used hymn books to the Friendship Church in Breckinridge County. Bro. D. A. Meador is now in charge. Annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association approved as read.

July 28 Annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association re-approved.

August 24 Church granted letter to Joe Bates to unite with Hardinsburg Baptist Church. New oil can and lock for coal house will be purchased. Lena Brickey and Jean Taul are appointed Finance Committee to solicit pay for evangelist during revival. Saturday night service will be dismissed for benefit of county-wide revival service at Hardinsburg.

September 7- Revival with Bro. Norris, from Louisville; four are baptized: Franklin Miller, Delle McClellan, Eva Mae McClellan, and Ollie Bell Beavin.

September 21 Committee appointed of Paul Brickey and William Taul to buy coal. Saturday night services during winter months to be changed from 8:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Baptisms include Franklin Miller, Ollie Bell Beavin, Eva Mae McClellan, and Delle McClellan.

October No business.

November 24 Coal has been delivered to church; committee dismissed. Letter granted to John Hubert Miller to unite with the 9th and O Baptist Church in Louisville. Officers elected for 1950: Paul Brickey, moderator; John Taul, assistant; Marie O'Connell, clerk; Hubert Miller, assistant; Paul Brickey, treasurer; Lena Brickey, assistant; Bob Miller, Sunday School Superintendent; William Taul, assistant; Irene Taul, church mission treasurer; Jean Taul, Sunday School Secretary and Treasurer; Ollie Bell Beavin, assistant; Paul Brickey, janitor. Services for revival will begin on September 6, 1950. Committee appointed of Carl Miller, John Taul, and Paul Brickey to obtain evangelist for revival.

December 21 Church will purchase a lock for the back door. Letter granted to Keenan O'Connell to unite with Hardinsburg Baptist Church.


 January 18 Plaque has been obtained. William Taul reports $62.88 in treasury. Lena Brickey reports she has transferred $11.68 to the missions treasury. Committee appointed of Mr. and Mrs. John Taul, to make survey of church membership to solicit funds for the local expenses of the church. James Taul will inquire as to the cost of flooring for the church building.

February 22 James Taul reports new flooring will cost about $140 for oak. Committee retained. Church has received letter from Cloverport Baptist Church on behalf of Marjorie Pate Keenan to unite with our fellowship. Subscription renewed for Western Recorder; dues $16. Vacation Bible School will be held in July. Church will obtain electrical wiring. Committee appointed: Paul Brickey, James Taul, and William Taul.

March 22 Paul Brickey reports that the church has been wired, complete with fixtures, with a cost of $15. Irene Taul reports that money solicited by her from nonresident members amounts to $90. John Taul reports that money solicited by him from resident members amounts to $127, including freewill offering from nonmembers. Bro. Varble announced he has taken a census of 48 eligible for V.B.S. here to date and asks for a volunteer and asks for volunteer to assist in transportation for children. John Taul and Imogene Miller offer their assistance. Clerk will write a letter of appreciation to Young & Davis for their splendid offering to the church regarding the church wiring. John Taul will get a curtain rod for Sunday School. Mabel Miller and Hazel Miller will donate the material for the curtain and Marie O'Connell will make it. Meeting time will be changed to 7:30 p.m.

April 19 Carl Miller reports that Bro. Postum from Louisville will be here for our revival beginning September 7. Church will conduct a study course with Bro. Meador in July. Paul Brickey reports total in treasury is now $227.49. Time for church on Saturday night will be changed from 7:30 to 8:00 p.m. Church will take a special offering to buy paint and patch plaster for the church walls.

May 24 Carl Miller reports that Bro. Postum has sent a letter accepting call to preach at revival; committee dismissed. Church will have piano tuned if it can be done for not more than $25.

June 21 Committee appointed to buy paint for interior of the church and to buy crack filler for the plaster. Church will send $2 for minutes of the Breckinridge Baptist Association. Messengers to association elected: Lena Brickey, William Taul, Hazel Miller; alternates: Margaret Ellen Taul, Marie O'Connell, and Carl Miller.

July No business.

August 12 James Taul will serve as Missions Board member for 1951. Annual letter to the Breckinridge Baptist Association approved. Committee members to get the evangelist will be continued through to finish the job. Bro. Postum has informed us he cannot be with us. Revival date changed to September 18. Church granted letters to Effie and Telitha Taul to unite with Corinth Baptist Church. Curtains will be installed in sanctuary to form Sunday School rooms. Committee appointed of Marie O'Connell, Hubert Miller, and Bob Miller, to obtain curtains and install them.

September No business.

September 18-25 Revival with Bro. Charles L. Garringer from Corinth. No additions.

October 7 Committee to obtain evangelist is dismissed. Meeting time for winter months changed to 7:00 p.m.

November 11 Church will purchase material for a concrete door step for the back door. Committee appointed of James Taul, Bob Miller, John Taul, and Ira Duncan to make the step. Church will give 10 percent of Sunday School offerings to the Cooperative Program mission work. Officers elected for 1951: Ira Duncan, Sunday School Superintendent; Jean Taul, Secretary and Treasurer of Sunday School; Paul Brickey, moderator; John Taul, treasurer; Marie O'Connell, clerk; and Paul Brickey, janitor.

December 9 Paul Brickey, treasurer, reports that our account is overdrawn at the bank by $10. A freewill offering was taken and over and above the amount was given.


 January 13 Message by Bro. D. A. Meador. Bob Miller reports that curtain rods for Sunday School rooms created in the sanctuary will be ready by next Sunday.

March 24 Western Recorder will not be sent to church members due to the financial status of the church. James Taul resigned as Missions Board member; Ira Duncan elected to replace him. Meeting time changed to 7:30 p.m. on Saturdays for the summer months. Revival will begin on July 2, 1951. Committee of Bob Miller, William Taul, and Ira Duncan appointed to obtain evangelist.

April 29 First wedding performed at New Clover Creek. Church member Wilma Jean Taul married James William Lyons.

May 9 Discussion as to evangelist for revival. Committee to continue its work. Evangelist will be paid when he completes his work.

June 13 Committee reports that Bro. C. E. Oates, pastor of the Tell City Baptist Church, will be our evangelist for revival. Finance Committee dismissed. Messengers to the Breckinridge Baptist Association elected: Ira Duncan, William Taul, and Bob Miller. Alternates: Lena Brickey, Marie O'Connell, Mabel Miller. The members of W.M.S. are appointed to solicit money for the Baptist hospitals of Kentucky. Church grants leave to Bro. Varble for revival. There will be no business session during revival. Committee of Lena Brickey and Mabel Miller to solicit money for the evangelist.

July 14-22 Revival with Rev. C. E. Oates from Tell City. Baptisms include Imogene Miller, Yvonne Miller, and Joe Miller.

July 18 Revival Committee dismissed. Finance Committee for revival dismissed. Trees to be removed from church yard.

July 22 Baptism of Imogene Fentress Miller, Lula Yvonne Miller, and Joe Allen Miller.

August 8 $2 to be sent to Breckinridge Baptist Association for minutes. Annual letter to the association read and approved.

September 12 Evening meeting time changed to 7:30 p.m.

November 3 Ira Duncan reports one of the oil lamps was sold for $5; committee retained to sell lamps. Church will work with school teacher in this community to hold a Christmas Program at the church with Sunday School participating. Church granted letter to Wilma Jean Taul Lyons, to unite with Corinth. Officers for 1952 elected: Paul Brickey, moderator; William Taul, assistant; Marie O'Connell, clerk; Mable Miller, assistant; John Taul, treasurer; Stella Taul, assistant; Charlie Taul and Buster Taul, janitors; Ira Duncan, Sunday School Superintendent; Bob Miller, assistant; Nancy Taul, Sunday School Secretary and Treasurer; Margaret Ellen Taul, assistant.


 January 26 Church will obtain coal; bill to be given to treasurer. Committee appointed of William Taul and Carl Miller to take money for church treasury. Revival set for July 2, 1952. Committee appointed of John Taul, Luther Miller, and Sherman Taul to obtain evangelist. Margaret Taul reports that Sunday School treasury has $9.60. Treasurer John Taul reports we have $87 in the treasury. Motion made to take a vote as to whether we should keep our present pastor. A majority vote was taken, and the majority voted to ask for Bro. Varble's resignation. Church will write to other preachers for trial sermons.

January 27 Church is called to order for business corrections of last night. Ira Duncan withdrew his motion of last night asking Bro. Varble to resign his pastorate here and restates the motion: that the church accept Bro. Varble's resignation as he had formally stated here on various occasions. Motion seconded by James Taul and carried.

February 27 Carl Miller reports he has received $90 from church members in the recent canvass. William Taul reports $266 from members he has contacted in canvass. Total of $356 has been received; committee dismissed, but Carl Miller will be retained until canvass area is finished. Bill for $.73 postage allowed. Regular business session changed to each month on the third Wednesday night at 7:30.

March 19 Carl Miller reports an additional $40 received in his canvas. Carl Miller dismissed from committee. Church will buy a new minute book for clerk. Discussion about several trial pastors. Church will invite additional men before extending a call. Bro. Field will be invited for April 13. Church will obtain racks for our hymn books. John Taul will see about getting them made.

April 16 Church unanimously calls Bro. James Leon Elmore, a student at Southern Baptist Seminary, as its second pastor. Bills paid: telephone call to Louisville, $.65; postage, $.73. Clerk will write to Bro. Elmore and extend the call to him. Mabel Miller reports that W.M.S. will clean the church on May 6 and asks for paint for floor and woodwork and also varnish for the pews. Bills to be paid by treasurer.

May 6 Cleanup day at church. Pews varnished.

May 21 Bro. Elmore accepts call of the church. Bill presented for $3.20 for materials used in refinishing the pews. Church will request letter from Corinth for Margaret Ann DeJarnette Taul to unite with our fellowship. Committee appointed of the men present to build latrines. Scott Smart will donate lumber.

June 18 Scott Smart reports logs for latrines have been cut and are ready to be moved to the mill for sawing. Date of revival changed to July 21 instead of July 7. Bro. Elmore will lead the services. Church pianist will try to arrange for a song leader. Bro. Meador discussed Vacation Bible School. Church will begin V.B.S. on June 30 at 8:30 a.m. Discussion about returning Western Recorder to the church budget.

July 16 Bob Miller reports materials are available to build latrines this week. Marie O'Connell reports that the song leader for the revival will be Bro. Jacobs. Committee of Mabel Miller and Mrs. Taul appointed to solicit money for evangelist. Messengers to Breckinridge Baptist Association elected: Bob Miller, John Taul, and Ira Duncan. Alternates: Lena Brickey, Mabel Miller, and John Taul.

July 21-26 Revival with Bro. James Leon Elmore, pastor.

August 20 Church granted letters to Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Smith to unite with Hawesville Baptist Church. Annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association approved.

October 15 Ira Duncan will obtain 50 bushels of coal, to be brought to church as soon as possible. Men of church decide to meet Thursday, October 23, to build latrines. Ira Duncan announced Breckinridge temperance meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. on November 10 at Breckinridge County High School. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Smart are elected to attend.

November 4 Charter member Charles L. "Sam" Miller is elected Sheriff of Breckinridge County, to take office in January.

November 26 Church will order Sunday School room curtains. Annual and quarterly reports to be made in January, April, July, and October from treasurer, Sunday School Treasurer, W.M.S. Treasurer, and R.A. & G.A. Treasurer. Moderator will call for these reports during business meetings. All money used for gifts to all causes will be given to the church treasurer and disbursed with check to the treasurer of the Breckinridge Baptist Association, and then forwarded by that treasurer. All deacons will meet with our pastor at the beginning of each quarter in order to determine the problems and needs of the church. Officers elected for 1953: William Taul, moderator; Sherman Taul, assistant; Marie O'Connell, clerk; Mabel Miller, assistant; Charlie Taul, Sunday School Superintendent; Ira Duncan, assistant; Sherman Taul, treasurer; Mrs. L. M. Bates, Sunday School Secretary and Treasurer; Yvonne Ryan, assistant; Charley Taul and Buster Taul, janitors. Sunday School teachers elected as follows: Marie O'Connell, adults; Margaret Ann Taul, intermediates; Mabel Miller, juniors; Margaret Ellen Taul, primaries; Lena Brickey, beginners; Irene Taul, cradle roll. Pastor's salary raised to $25 each Sunday. Church designates moderator to determine amount to be given to the Kentucky Baptist Orphan's Home. Moderator stated $20 from treasury.

December No business.


 January No business.

January 5 Charter member Charles L. "Sam" Miller assumes his duties as Sheriff of Breckinridge County.

February 11 Bro. Elmore elected again. Pastor will obtain evangelist for revival. Business meeting changed from Wednesday to the second Saturday in March at 7:30 p.m. Committee appointed of John Taul and Carl Miller to collect money for treasury. Men will meet Thursday at 8:00 p.m.

March 7 Church will obtain a gallon of paint to repair wall that is smeared. Bob Miller will obtain paint and men of church will correct problem. Bro. Elmore announced that the pastor and deacons will meet each Saturday night before the fourth Sunday of each quarter. Church granted letter to Miss Dell McClellan to unite with Mt. Eden Baptist Church. Church will place in our budget an amount to subscribe to the Western Recorder. Revival will begin July 20, 1953.

April 11 At suggestion of Irene Taul, church will have both morning and evening services for the revival. Bro. Meador to be consulted about most convenient time for Vacation Bible School.

May 9 Bro. Elmore states we need several more deacons and that we should pray about the matter. Bro. Meador says V.B.S. can begin here on June 7. Meeting hour in summer months changed to 7:30 p.m.

June 13 Bro. Elmore asks that a list of the unsaved and uninterested members of the community be given to church members for prayer before the revival. Women of church will meet Monday afternoon to clean church before the quarterly meeting of the Breckinridge W.M.U. meets here.

July 10 Church will permit revival evangelist to return home on Saturday night in order that he can fulfill his obligations with his regular church. Revival will begin on night of July 20, rather than morning. Day services will begin at 11:00 a.m. Night service will begin at 8:00 p.m. Committee of Lena Brickey and Mabel Miller appointed to collect money for revival. Messengers elected to the Breckinridge Baptist Association: Ira Duncan, Lena Brickey, Hazel Miller. Alternates: Jessie Mae Duncan, Margaret Ellen Taul, and Margaret Ann Taul.

July 20-25 Revival. No additions.

August 12 $8 will be sent to association for minutes. Church grants letter to Maggie Laslie to unite with Pellville Baptist Church. Annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association approved.

September 12 Bob Miller is added to committee to attend county temperance meeting. Sherman Taul will obtain coal for church.

October 10 At suggestion of Bro. Elmore, church will use envelope system for offerings in effort to promote tithing and better accounting

November No business due to insufficient number of members present.

December 12 Officers elected for 1954: Bro. Leon Elmore, moderator; Marie O'Connell, clerk; Charlie Taul, Sunday School Superintendent; Sherman Taul, treasurer; Yvonne Miller, Sunday School Secretary and Treasurer; Charles and Buster Taul, janitors. Teachers elected: Irene Taul, juniors; Lena Brickey, card class; Margaret Ann Taul, intermediate; Margaret Ellen Taul, primary; Marie O'Connell, adults.


 January 9 Parrish Morton offered to assist in the building of the new Sunday School Rooms. Planning and Building Committee appointed: Ira Duncan, Carl Miller, and William H. Taul.

February 13 Every member canvass collected money, Carl Miller $81; John N. Taul, $187. Deacons recommended the church ordain John Nirom Taul, Carl Thomas Miller, Arthur Jackson, and Robert Keenan as deacons. Bro. Elmore recommended that the new Sunday School rooms be 10 x 12.' Plans were drawn by John N. Taul.

March 13 Orville Sherman Taul appointed as one-man purchasing committee for new rooms. Purchase of new minute book approved.

April 10 Church decided to purchase "inexpensive" light fixtures for Sunday School rooms and to cover wood floors with clear varnish. Bro. Elmore was called for another year as pastor, to remain as long as the Lord leads him.

June 27 Dedication of new Sunday School rooms and ordination of Carl Thomas Miller, John Nirom Taul, Arthur Jackson, and Robert Lewis Keenan as deacons. (Note: Robert Keenan apparently later declined nomination). $95 raised.

July 10 Committee appointed to get heating system for new rooms. Messengers elected to Breckinridge Baptist Association, Ira Duncan, Scott Smart, Mrs. Scott Smart.

July 19- Revival with Bro. Fred Roebuck, evangelist, a student at the seminary. Letter promised by Marcella Wells Taul to unite with our fellowship.

September 11 John Nirom Taul will investigate getting coal or fuel for sanctuary.

October 9 Total cost of building $2,430.78. Bro. James Leon Elmore resigned, effective October 10.

November 13 Scott Smart, on behalf of deacons, recommended Bro. Priest as pastor of church; vote to be taken Sunday, November 14. Officers elected: Scott Smart, moderator; Marie O'Connell, clerk; Sherman Taul, treasurer; Paul Brickey, Sunday School Superintendent. Franklin Miller appointed janitor. Evening services to being at 6:30 for winter.


 February 12 Church services to be held each Sunday, if pastor's salary is agreeable. Pastor's salary set at $20 per service.

February 27 Note burning service.

March 12 Pulpit Committee formed: Ira Duncan, John Taul, Paul Brickey, Sherman Taul, Marie O'Connell, Imogene Miller. Envelope system for offerings discontinued.

March 13 Bro. Jim McKinney was pastor supply.

April 9 Church to write Dr. Peterson at Southern Baptist Seminary and request pastoral supply for third Sunday in April.

May 14 Pulpit Committee recommended Bro. Henry Walton Grady, a student at Southern Baptist Seminary, as pastor. Indefinite call given.

June 11 Church service moved to 7:30 p.m.; Training Union to begin afterward. Problem with bugs at church discussed.

July 8 Standing vote of appreciation given to Marie O'Connell for preparing church minutes. Problem with bugs referred to deacons. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Smart, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Duncan elected messengers to Breckinridge Baptist Association. Bro. Grady stated that the church needed a new piano. Committee appointed: James Taul, Robert Wayne Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Taul, and Bro. Grady.

July 14 Treasurer writes check for new piano for $595 to the Shackelton Music Co. in Louisville.

August 1-5 Vacation Bible School.

August 15-24 Revival held with Bro. Jean P. Peoples from Louisville, evangelist. Pete and Hilda Taul promise letters to unite with our fellowship.

September 10 Marie O'Connell given standing vote of appreciation for church minutes. Piano Committee reports it purchased a piano for $595.45, with a note due and payable six months from purchase. Deacons have done nothing about the bugs. Plan adopted to have business meeting once each quarter. Deacons will nominate church officers. Officers elected: Franklin Miller, Sunday School Superintendent; Mrs. Sherman Taul, Training Union Director; Robert W. Miller, moderator; Hilda Taul, pianist; Mabel Miller, clerk; Arthur Jackson, treasurer. Lord's Supper to be held on each fifth Sunday. Broomsage to be removed; shrubs planted. Church bell to be installed and rung by Sunday School Superintendent each Sunday morning. Sherman Taul volunteered as janitor.

September 24 Church cleanup day.

October 8 Committee appointed to get rock for church parking lot: James Taul and William Taul.

October 22 Another church cleanup day.

December 18 Pledge day for church piano.


 January 14 $212 of the $595.45 remains to be paid on piano. Church decided to pay amount out of treasury and then make up the amount paid. Rock for church has been obtained. County gave three loads; church bought one load for $14. Business meeting set at second Saturday night of first month of each quarter. Church grants letter to Marie O'Connell to unite with Hardinsburg Baptist Church.

February 5 Church accepted resignation of Bro. Henry Walton Grady as pastor.

February 19 Letter granted to Mrs. Earl Beavin to unite with Cloverport Baptist Church. Bro. Kenneth Boyce Wilson, a student at Southern Baptist Seminary, called as fourth pastor of New Clover Creek.

April 14 Letter granted to Bro. and Mrs. Grady to unite with Crescent Hill Baptist Church in Louisville. Hilda Taul resigned as pianist; Mrs. Wilson elected as replacement.

April 21 Men of church to meet and install bell.

May 9 Death of Frank E. Patterson (not a member), one of the donors of the church lot.

June 4-8 Vacation Bible School.

July 14 Church votes to send the Western Recorder to each church family. Beginning October 1, deacons will meet in afternoon of the first Sunday of each month. Also, workers and teachers will meet in afternoon of the third Sunday of each month. Deacons appointed as nominating committee, as well as Sunday School Superintendent, Training Union Director, and W.M.U. President, plus one youth.

July 29-August 5 Revival with our pastor, Bro. Kenneth Wilson. Seven make proclamations of faith.

August 5 Baptism of Miss Pauline Brickey, Mrs. Helen Wheatley Brickey, Bill Allen Taul, John Wayne Bates, John Keenan Taul, Miss Brenda Sue Taul, and Hubert Wayne Miller.

September Bro. Kenneth Boyce Wilson resigns as pastor. Bro. Kenneth Lewis Stibbins, a student at Southern Baptist Seminary, called as church's fifth pastor.

October 6 Church screens were completed.

Basement to have two Sunday School rooms. Coal purchased. Piano needs tuning.

October 28 Committee appointed to obtain stoves: Carl Miller, Paul Brickey, Sherman Taul.

November 6 Charter member Charles L. "Sam" Miller is elected County Court Clerk of Breckinridge County, to take office in January.

December 3 Paul Brickey volunteered to be janitor. Church will pay him and Helen Brickey $10 per month for the job.


 January 7 End of charter member Charles L. "Sam" Miller's term of office as Sheriff of Breckinridge County; beginning of his term of office as County Court Clerk of Breckinridge County.

January 19 Piano to be tuned for $12.50. Coal obtained by Paul Brickey; seven bushels at a cost of $7.75. Church decided to take old organ in the coal house to Sid Taul's old school house. New Lord's Supper tray to be obtained. Business meeting to be held every month, beginning in February. Service to be held at 7:30 p.m.

February 23 Piano was tuned, but "pitch" was accidentally "set up." Piano company to be notified. Church treasury only at $107.82; members to be contacted to build up treasury. Committee appointed to study church covenant, constitution, and bylaws. Ira Duncan, Yvonne Miller, Margaret Ellen Taul, and James Taul.

March 23 Piano company fixed piano, was off key. New church covenant adopted. Small table to be made for beginner Sunday School class.

April 21 Regular business meeting for May to be held on second Saturday in May.

May 11 Hardwood floor to be installed in the pulpit.

May 27-31 Vacation Bible School.

June 9 Coal obtained from Charles Fuller for $4.

August 3 Yvonne Miller, Shirley Taul, Nancy Taul, and Lillian Brickey will take donations for revival. Same messengers and alternates to the Breckinridge Baptist Association from last year will serve this year. Committee's report for officers adopted. Margaret Ann Taul elected clerk. Ira Duncan elected to Executive Board. Church will obtain twenty copies of association minutes.

August 5-9 Revival with Bro. Raymond E. Cosby from Garfield Baptist Church.

August 11 Baptism of Carl Maxine Fuqua, Norman Jennings, Larry Dale Jennings, James Smith, James Franklin Smith.

September 14 Church gave permission to Paul Brickey to obtain lock for new Sunday School Rooms.

October 12 Baptism of Ruth Decker Smith. Gas floor furnace and two heaters purchased from Joe Trent for $460.

November 2 Church authorized obtaining of a loan from the Cloverport Bank for purchasing the gas furnace. Lock obtained for Sunday School rooms.

November 3 Church voted to borrow $120 for the gas furnace.

December 7 Church will obtain new light bulbs.


 January No business.

February No business.

February Fire destroys Breckinridge County Courthouse.

March No business.

April 13 Bro. Kenneth L. Stibbins submitted his resignation as pastor, effective May 4, 1958. Robert W. Miller and John Taul nominated as a Pulpit Committee, to go to Bewleyville Baptist Church to see about obtaining Bro. Ross C. Jones as pastor.

May 4 Bro. Stibbins' last Sunday.

May 10 Church will continue to have Training Union. Robert W. Miller and William Taul have gone to Bewleyville. Church unanimously elected Bro. Ross C. Jones, Sr., as sixth pastor, with a salary of $35 per week.

June 14 Letter granted to Bro. & Mrs. Stibbins and their daughter, Brenda, to unite with the Beaver Baptist Church in Cinthiana, Kentucky.

June 23-27 Vacation Bible School.

July 21-27 Revival with Bro. Jones, pastor. Two candidates for baptism, Steve Bates and Lenore Dunn.

August 9 Motion for special offering on Sunday night to help with debt. The Bud Pate house was offered to the church as a pastorium, but the church declined and noted that it would either build a house or buy another already built. Letter from Mrs. C. P. Brickey was read to the church, offering a home as a pastorium, for $2,500.

August 20 Officers elected: William Taul, Sunday School Superintendent; Margaret A. Taul, clerk; James Taul, treasurer; Frank Miller, Training Union Director; Shirley Taul, pianist; Robert W. Miller, moderator.

September 3 Church voted to delay consideration of a pastorium for six months, but later, secret ballots were cast in reference to purchasing the Bud Pate house as a pastorium. The vote was twenty-five against the proposal and three in favor.

September 13 Business meetings will be held on Saturday nights. Church authorized Bro. Jones to find a house until the church decided what it would do about a pastorium.

October 11 Letter granted to Mrs. Robert Keenan to unite with Cloverport Baptist Church.

October 16 Work day at church.

November 8 Committee reported that bylaws had been developed but were not ready to complete report.

December 13 Committee reported that present bylaws were still adequate for the church; committee dismissed. Church accepted gift from Bro. Joe Wheatley of a church sign. Church adopted proposed budget for 1959.


 January 10 Committee appointed: John Taul, Arthur Jackson, Carl Miller, Ira Duncan, to see resident and nonresident members of church to raise money for 1959 budget.

February 14 John Taul, acting as chairman of deacons, recommended the church appoint three trustees for legal matters: Luther Miller, Sherman Taul, Pete Taul. Church adopted recommendation.

March 14 Bro. Jones has obtained Bro. Joe Wheatley as our evangelist in our revival, March 22-29. The sign Bro. Wheatley made for the church is ready to be installed. As decided June 14, 1947, our floral policy for funerals will remain in place. Coffee urn given to church by Folger's Coffee. Noon meal to be served on March 22.

March 22-29 Revival, Bro. Joseph Wheatley from Pisgah, evangelist.

April 11 Letter of appreciation written to Bro. Wheatley for revival. Committee to begin plans for V.B.S. Summer revival will be July 20-26. Belfry to be repaired. Bro. Jones again brought up the pastorium. He left the meeting while the church discussed the matter. The moderator will call a special business meeting on Monday night.

April 13 Majority voted not to build a pastorium at this time, but church will pay $10 per month rent for the Paul Brickey house as long as Bro. Jones wishes to live there.

May 9 Building Committee reports they will fix the bell tower at the earliest possible date. Church granted letters to Larry and Reba Jennings, to unite with Garfield Baptist Church and to Nancy Taul to unite with the Campbellsville Baptist Church. Bro. Jones will look into cost of buying a second-hand duplicating machine for publishing a church bulletin. Trustees will take insurance policy and deeds to the lock box.

July 11 Bro. Jones has not found a duplicating machine suitable to our needs. He will continue to search for one. Since one of the church keys to the lock box cannot be left at the bank, church decided that the key will be left with the deacons to determine which of them will keep it. Bro. Jones announced Bro. Rogers will be here for revival. V.B.S will be held July 20-25 at 8:00. Revival will start at 8:00 p.m. Church will ask Hilda Taul to play piano during revival.

July 20-26 Revival with Bro. Malcom Rogers from Corinth Baptist Church. Baptism of Stacy Taul, Mary Ruth Bates, Tommy Miller, and Linda Taul.

August 8 Deacons announce moderator will hold the second key to the lock box. Church time set at 10:00 a.m. Church decided to go back to "old time" on September 2. Messengers elected to Breckinridge Baptist Association: Luther Miller, Carl Miller, Ira Duncan. Alternates: Stella Taul, Bro. Jones, and Jessie Mae Duncan. Ira Duncan is elected representative to Executive Board. Church granted letter to Duane Jennings to unite with Garfield Baptist Church. John N. Taul requested to resign as deacon, and the church will accept his resignation only when he can be replaced by another person to serve in his place.

August 12 Annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association approved.

August 27 Church hosts annual meeting of the Breckinridge Baptist Association.

September 12 Treasurer reports $51 balance on hand. Officers elected, provided they accept nomination: Vernie Dunn, Jr., Sunday School Superintendent; Carl Miller, assistant; Paul Brickey, Training Union Director; William Taul, assistant; James Taul, treasurer; Bob Miller, assistant; Margaret Ann Taul, clerk; Stella Taul, assistant. Church appoints a Finance Committee to work with the deacons of the church to prepare a budget. Same men from last year to serve: Bob Miller, James Taul, Bro. Jones, and William Taul. Church decides to develop a church calendar. Committee appointed: Chairman of Deacons, Sunday School Superintendent, Training Union Director, W.M.U. President, and the pastor.

October 10 Calendar Committee requests more time to make recommendations. Budget Committee is working on budget. Ushers are elected for 1956: Robert Miller, James Taul, Pete Taul, and Paul Brickey. Church adopted suggestion by treasurer James Taul that someone besides himself count the offering. Two counting reduces errors. Deacons Ira Duncan and Hubert Miller assigned to this task. A budget has been submitted to the deacons for their approval. Training Union changed from 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

November 14 Deacons reported on budget. One change made: instead of a spring revival, church adopted a study course. Budget accepted. Church decided to have study course in "Studies of Timothy," from January 4 to 8, 1960. Twelve books ordered for study.

December 12 Treasurer reports $136.86 in bank. Bro. Jones is still trying to locate a duplicating machine. Church accepted Chaplain and Mrs. John Hollingsworth into membership. Maxie Bates and Helen Brickey will obtain a treat for Christmas.


 January No business.

February No business.

March 12 Financial report for 1959 approved. Church recognizes that sickness and bad weather have contributed to decreased giving. Church will borrow some money to meet the budget. Trustees authorized to obtain a $200 loan from Breckinridge Bank of Cloverport.

April 9 Members who want to continue subscribing to the Western Recorder will sign up. Time of evening service changed to 7:00 p.m. Committee appointed for V.B.S.: Louise Jones (chairman), Stella Taul, Mabel Miller, and Imogene Miller. Church dismisses Mr. Revelette from the Building Committee, at his request.

May 14 Financial report given. Church will pay its 5 percent to the association now. V.B.S. Committee reports that Bible School will begin June 6 and run one week, beginning at 1:30 p.m. Church replaces, at her request, Maxie Bates as Sunday School Secretary. (None named). Church will send a card to Bro. Ray Cosby, who has been in a hospital. At request of Chaplain Hollingsworth, church accepts Boyd Daniels as a "member in service."

June 12 Lillian Brickey named as Sunday School Secretary. Scott Smart and Arthur Jackson will replace Mr. Dunn and Mr. Revelett on the Building Committee.

July 9 Treasurer reports balance on hand is $305.38. Bro. Jones reports that Bro. Jerry Sisk will preach at revival, during first week in August.

August 1-5 Revival with Bro. Jerry Sisk from Madisonville. Baptism of Betty Lou Smith, Glenn Jackson, Bettye Jean Miller, Dennie Taul, Bernice Taul.

August 13 Treasurer reports balance on hand is $502.73. Officers elected: Paul Brickey, Sunday School Superintendent; James Taul, Training Union Director; Maxie Bates, clerk; Bob Miller, treasurer. Church decides baptism will take place immediately following church service, in Clover Creek. Church granted Bro. Jones a vacation.

September 10 Church pays for gift to children at Glendale. Church grants letters to Vernie Dunn, Jr., Helen Dunn, and Lenora Dunn, to unite with Tallula Baptist Church. Officers and Sunday School teachers elected: Pete Taul, moderator; Lillian Brickey; Sunday School Secretary; Margaret Ellen Taul, adult women; Bro. Jones, adult men; Margaret Ann Taul, young people; Louise Jones, intermediate; Arthur Jackson, junior boys; Stella Taul, junior girls; Elmina Miller, primary; Juanita Jackson, beginners; Helen Brickey, Training Union Secretary, Bro. Jones, junior leader. On September 18, 1960, Sunday School will begin at 10:00; Worship at 11:00, Training Union at 6:00, and worship following.

October 8 Special offering to be taken to purchase a duplicating machine, but if not enough is collected, money will be used for paint, or amount above cost of machine will go for paint. Church will host the Breck. Quartet on October 16. Deacons will meet to prepare a budget for 1961.

October 16 Breck. Quartet sings at church.

November No business.

December 10 Church accepted the deacons's budget report. Church raises amount given to Cooperative Program from 5 percent to 10 percent. "Building and gravel" money will be placed in a special checking account. Light fixtures will be fixed so we can move the pulpit when necessary. Church purchase Christmas treat.


 January 2 End of charter member Charles L. "Sam" Miller's term of office as County Court Clerk of Breckinridge County.

January 14 Church adopted policy that church bills be sent directly from the business to the church treasurer.

March 11 Building Committee will see about a basement and obtain prices. All church records will be filed at the church. Bill Taul will look into obtaining a file cabinet. Building Committee will look into painting the church. Clerk will notify committees of actions taken at business meetings.

April 8 Bro. Jones will present next business meeting a proposed description of church officers' duties.

May 13 Church grants letter to Harvey Morton to unite with Stephensport Baptist Church. Church will obtain 200-watt light bulbs to have on hand when needed. Duty-description for church officers proposed by Bro. Jones accepted. Church time changed "from fast time to slow time."

June 10 Light bulbs have been installed. Bro. Jones reported on damage done to church by Texas Gas Co. Church to obtain services of a lawyer to investigate. Bob Miller and Homer Taul to report. Bill Taul has not obtained a file cabinet yet. V.B.S. to be held in two weeks; one deacon to be present at all times. Revival will be held July 30 to August 6.

August 12 Bro. Ross C. Jones, Sr., resigns as pastor. Pulpit Committee appointed: Arthur Jackson, Carl Miller, and John Taul. Pete Taul, Sunday School Superintendent; Bob Miller, Training Union Director; Elmina Miller, Secretary. Annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association approved.

August 12 Special business meeting. Church will look to the Seminary for new pastor. Church will have a call day every year at the first of October. Pastor's salary reduced to $30 per week.

September 2 Church member Lula Yvonne Miller is married to Thomas Lawrence Ryan by Bro. Wheatley in a small private ceremony at New Clover Creek.

September 8 Church has had trial sermons with Bro. Rhodes and Bro. Beavins. Church will look at more candidates.

September 12 Church considers three candidates for pastor: Bro. Rhodes, Bro. Beavins, and Bro. Colley. By majority vote, church calls Bro. Ocie James Colley, a student at Southern Baptist Seminary, as seventh pastor of New Clover Creek. Church grants letters to Bro. Jones and family to unite with Elim Baptist Church in Alabama. Church time changed: Sunday School, 10:00; Worship, 11:00; Training Union, 6:30; Worship, 7:30. Church will give 5 percent to missions.

October No business.

November 11 Church will obtain a foot locker in which to store old Bible, records, etc.

December 9 Nominating Committee will meet to select a substitute B.T.U. director. Budget amendments discussed. Sunday night service for December 24 will be dismissed. Helen Brickey and Margaret Ellen Taul will obtain Christmas treats for our Christmas program.


 January 13 $264.69 in the building fund. Church will have a budget for 1962.

February 10 Church will pay Bro. Colley $35 for house rent, utilities, and expenses. Treasurer reports balance on hand is $21.22. Church granted letters to Robert Miller's family to unite with Cloverport Baptist Church. Building Committee asked to purchase twelve hymn books, but if funds are not sufficient, a special offering will be taken.

March 10 No business.

April 12 $34.29 in treasury. Church grants letters to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Preston O'Connell, to unite with Eighteenth Street Baptist Church in Louisville. Paul Brickey appointed to repair the outside light.

May 12 Sunday School and worship tomorrow will be one hour earlier.

July 14 Church will pay for V.B.S. graduation certificates. Messengers elected to the Breckinridge Baptist Association: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Ryan, Margaret Ellen Taul. Alternates: Paul and Helen Brickey, Margaret Ellen Taul. Church treasury is $26.98 in debt. Money will be taken from Building Fund and then replaced. Revival will be held September 24 to 30. Bro. Colley will preach. Letter granted to Nancy Taul to unite with Campbellsville Baptist Church.

August 11 Bro. Colley has contacted a preacher from the seminary to assist in revival. G.A. girls have donated 17 5/8 yards of dress material, one large spool of thread and $2.58 for school supplies to Glendale Orphan's Home. They "adopted" Ashley Coffey, 14, as birthday child. Nominating Committee will meet on August 12 to appoint officers for coming year. [Notation:] Arthur Jackson, Sunday School Superintendent; Juanita Jackson, clerk; Frank Miller, Training Union Director; William Taul, treasurer; Margaret Ellen Taul, W.M.U. President. Ira Duncan elected as member to Executive Board.

September 8 Paul Brickey appointed janitor for next six months. Church grants letters to Charles and Bernice Taul, to unite with Pisgah Baptist Church, and to Capt. and Mrs. John Hollingsworth to unite with Central Baptist Church, Alameda, California. Church accepts resignation of Bro. Ocie James Colley as pastor, effective at end of revival on September 30, 1962. Sunday School teachers elected: Margaret Ann Taul, adult women; Jean Miller, Sunday School Secretary; Nancy Taul, young people and intermediate; Ruby Johnson, juniors; Lena Brickey, primary; Elmina Miller, assistant for primary; Lillian Brickey, beginners; Thomas Ryan, moderator; Margaret Ellen Taul, B.T.U. secretary. Ushers: Stacy Taul, Bill Allen Taul, John Wayne Bates, and Tommy Miller.

September 24-30 Revival.

September 30 Bro. Colley's last Sunday service.

October 13 Treasury balance: $244.44. Pauline Brickey elected assistant Sunday School Secretary. Church granted letter to Ruby Johnson.

November 10 Church granted letter to Bro. Ocie Colley and family to unite with Garfield Avenue Baptist Church in Louisville. Church will have Christmas Play, to be organized by Hilda Taul, Nancy Taul, and Ruby Johnson. Pulpit Committee selected but not named.

November 19 At a special business meeting, church has considered candidates for pastor: Bro. Husted, Bro. Hall, Bro. Knuckles, Bro. Wheatley, and Bro. Johnson. Church calls Bro. Joseph Francis Wheatley as eighth pastor of New Clover Creek.

December 8 Evening worship on December 23 will be for Christmas Play. Bill and Margaret Taul appointed as committee to obtain treats for Christmas. At suggestion of Bro. Wheatley, church will remodel the pulpit. Church will repair heaters and furnace.


 January 12 Committee appointed of Margaret Taul, Scott Smart, and Ira Duncan, to straighten the church records. Nancy Taul will find someone to tune the piano. Letters have been received from Walnut Grove for Bro. Wheatley, Jean Wheatley, and Jeane Wheatley, to unite with our fellowship. Men will get together to clean off the church yard.

February 9 Church will observe a pre-Easter weekend revival.

March 9 Church will not host a Temperance League speaker.

April 6 Bro. Wheatley has donated a pulpit lectern, in memory of George Keenan, under the condition that it be given to another church when no longer needed, but never to be sold. Women will clean the church.

April 17 Church approves admission of Miss Ruby Johnson to Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville.

May 11 Time set back one hour for Sunday morning worship. Church will pay bill for cleaning materials. Church dinner will be held on May 19. Bible School will begin June 3. Jean Wheatley elected principal.

May 19 Church dinner.

June 15 Jean Wheatley elected Sunday School teacher for Sunday School class. Committee appointed of Arthur Jackson, William Taul, and Bro. Wheatley to obtain evangelist for revival. Revival will start the last week in September, "give or take a week."

July 13 Treasurer reported balance of $400.12. Building Committee will obtain a sander to fix the wooden church floors.

August Building Committee will pay Bro. Wheatley for finishing the church floors. Bro. Wheatley asked to provide church a bill for cost of the vestibule. Second Sunday in September will be pledge day. Harvest Day will be celebrated annually. Officers elected for next year: Pete Taul, moderator; James Taul, assistant; Jean Wheatley, clerk; Yvonne Ryan, assistant; Sherman Taul, treasurer; John Wayne Bates, Sunday School Superintendent; Tommy Miller, assistant; Bill Allen Taul, Training Union Director; John Keenan Taul, assistant; Linda Taul, pianist; Johnnie Wheatley, assistant.

September 14 Church granted letter to Ruby Johnson to unite with the Utica Baptist Church.

September Revival with Bro. Andy McHolan from Hites Run Baptist Church. Church receives Jessie Thomas Smith by relation of Christian experience.

October 12 All bills are paid except for our church minutes. Vestibule collection is $410. Balance in treasury is 274.60. Estimate for vestibule is $600, excluding paint and floor covering. Committee is seeking bids. Church will "go back to slow time." Worship will be at 11:00; evening worship at 6:30; prayer meeting at 6:30; business meeting at 6:30. Sunday School teachers elected: Helen Brickey, secretary; Hazel Miller, Beginner-Primary; Stella Taul, juniors; Jean Wheatley; intermediate/young people; Carl Miller, Arthur Jackson, Tom Ryan, Frank Miller, alternate adult men teachers; Joe Wheatley will teach on fifth Sundays. Margaret Ann Taul, adult women. Bro. Wheatley unanimously called for another year. Copy of church roll will be posted on bulletin board to be corrected by members. Sherman and Margaret Ann Taul will be contacted about cleaning and heating the church from October through March.

November 9 Sunday School offering on the Sunday before Thanksgiving will be given to the children's homes. Committee appointed of Irene Taul, Margaret Taul, and Jean Wheatley to begin Christmas Program. Thanksgiving service will be held at 9:00 a.m., November 28.

November 22 President John F. Kennedy assassinated in Dallas, Texas.

December 14 Report given on cost of building material for the new vestibule. All materials are bought and paid for. Bro. Wheatley will attempt to stop a leak in the basement. Dead oak trees in church yard will be cut down before damage is caused. Church cannot grant letter requested by Mrs. Henry Pate to unite with the Cloverport Baptist Church, since Mrs. Pate has not become a member here. Clerk will advise clerk of Cloverport that Mrs. Pate might have been a member at old Clover Creek, but records not available to us. Christian Education Advance Program will be discontinued. A survey is being done to ascertain what churches are doing to improve integration. Stella Taul designated to obtain Christmas treats, to be paid for by special offering. Sunday night service for December 22 is canceled to permit members to attend Christmas program at Pisgah.

December 22 Church members attend Christmas Program at Pisgah.


 January 11 New vestibule is almost complete. It will be painted same color as the church, with white ceiling.

February 8 Christmas Program Committee dismissed. Vestibule floor to be of Azrock asphalt tile, walnut color. All committees known and unknown, except the Building Committee and standing committees will be dismissed. Each committee will make monthly reports at business meetings. Committee appointed of Margaret Taul, chairman; Lena Brickey; and Myrtle Taul, to assemble church bylaws to be read and approved by the church and recorded by the clerk. Wednesday night prayer meeting and choir practice will be discontinued in order to have a Bible study course to begin February 19 at 6:30 p.m. Value of church insurance policy to be raised to $7,000. Treasury balance is $92.12. There will be a basket dinner and pledge day on Sunday, February 23.

April 11 Margaret Taul presented the church bylaws drawn in 1935, which were read by the clerk. Church decides to bring the 1935 bylaws up to date. Revival will begin September 21 or 28. Committee appointed of Joe Wheatley, Arthur Jackson, and John Taul to find evangelist. Tom Ryan will be principal of Vacation Bible School. Evening worship changed to 7:30 beginning April 12. Prayer meeting changed to 7:30 beginning April 15. Business meeting changed to 7:30 beginning May 9. Church granted letter to Pauline Brickey, to unite with Third Avenue Baptist Church, Louisville.

May 9 Margaret Taul requests assistance in revising church bylaws. Thomas Ryan excused from serving as principal of V.B.S. Jean Wheatley appointed to find replacement. Arthur Jackson, chairman of deacons, appointed for Lord's Supper. John Taul appointed to consult with Building Committee and treasurer about painting sanctuary.

June 14 Margaret Taul presented a copy of a constitution suggested by Bro. Wheatley. Nancy Payne will serve as principal of V.B.S., assisted by Irene Taul. No painting completed on sanctuary. Church will continue buying Thermogas. Church accepted a mercury light from John Taul for one year without cost. Church granted Bro. Wheatley two weeks vacation. James Taul discussed possibility of a church cemetery.

July 25 Church officers elected for next fiscal year: Frank Miller, moderator; John Taul, assistant; Carl Miller, treasurer; Yvonne, Ryan, clerk; Jean Wheatley, assistant; Tommy Miller, Sunday School Superintendent; John Taul, assistant; Brenda Taul, Sunday School Secretary; Johnye Wheatley, assistant; Stacy Taul, Training Union Director; Jimmy Taul, assistant; Stella Taul, Training Union Secretary; Linda Taul, assistant; Mary Ruth Bates, Sunday School Pianist; Johnye Wheatley, morning worship pianist; Brenda Taul, Training Union Pianist; Linda Taul, evening worship pianist. James Taul appointed to Executive Committee. Messengers to Breckinridge Baptist Association elected: Hubert Miller, Ira Duncan, and Lena Brickey, alternates: Nancy Payne, Margaret Ann Taul, Margaret Ellen Taul. Bro. Wheatley asks church to consider accepting his resignation because he is handicapped by injury. Church requests him to remain as pastor. Chairman of Deacons to assist in baptism of Linda Miller and Rita Taul.

August 15 Revival Committee has not located evangelist. Bylaws Committee work still incomplete. John Taul excused from committee to have sanctuary painted. Bro. Wheatley will take August 30 as vacation. Clerk will purchase new sheets for minute book. New door to be placed at side entrance. Building Committee to have sanctuary painted as soon as possible. Church letter approved. Cemetery Committee appointed: James Taul, Bill Taul, Hubert Miller, and Carl Miller.

September 12 Bylaws Committee work is incomplete. Revival Committee as contacted two candidates for evangelist. Cemetery Committee had no report. Sunday School classes will nominate their own teachers. Inside doors to be hung when sanctuary is completed.

September 27-Oct 4 Revival with Bro. Henry Hylton. No additions.

October 10 Revival Committee dismissed. Cemetery Committee reports no success in contacting Mr. Stone. Bylaws Committee read bylaws, which were accepted as read, with one amendment: church will have six deacons instead of seven. Bro. Wheatley will make copies. Time of Sunday night service changed to 5:30; time of business meeting changed to 6:30. Mailbox purchased for church mail. Sunday School teachers elected: Elmina Miller, primary; Hilda Taul, beginners; Frank and Carl Miller, Bro. Wheatley, and Arthur Jackson, adult men; Nancy Payne, adult women; Tom Ryan, young people and intermediate. Church ushers appointed: Jimmy Taul, David Taul, Glenn Jackson, and Steve Bates. Pulpit Committee appointed of James Taul, Arthur Jackson, and Pete Taul.

October 28 Bro. Wheatley accepted unanimous call of church.

November 3 Charter member William H. Taul is elected Sheriff of Breckinridge County, to take office in January, 1965.

November 14 Pulpit Committee dismissed. Bylaws not yet copied. Thanksgiving Offering to be given to the Baptist Children's Homes.

December 12 Thomas Ryan appointed to gather information concerning the piano. Mailbox now ready to be erected. Nancy Payne and Jean Wheatley to be responsible for Christmas treat. Bible study to begin second Wednesday night in January.


 January 4 Charter member William H. Taul is sworn into office as Sheriff of Breckinridge County.

January 9 Jean Wheatley and Nancy Payne dismissed from Christmas Treat Committee. Bernard Beavin has been contacted regarding the piano. Piano will be tuned. Sherman Taul will take care of church heaters. Balance in bank: $120.48.

February 13 James Taul dismissed from Mailbox Committee. Bylaws will be printed as soon as Bro. Wheatley acquires original. Church will make plans for revival. Church granted letter to John Wayne Bates, to unite with Lakeland Baptist Church in Carbondale, Illinois. Piano has been tuned for $20.40. Church will obtain a heating unit for piano.

March 13 Heating unit for piano obtained. Committee to hang doors on vestibule dismissed. Church accepted offer of Houston Taul for land on which to place a cemetery, provided the church will follow his demands as to establishing the corners. Rotating Cemetery Committee to be appointed.

April 10 Beginning April 18, all evening services will be moved up one hour. The bulletin board will be moved from the sanctuary to the vestibule.

May 7 Revised Constitution has been printed; committee dismissed. $435.65 in treasury. Church grants Denver Adcox letter to unite with Black Lick Baptist Church. Fall revival to be September 20-26. Committee appointed of Bill Taul, Tom Ryan, and Pete Taul to find an evangelist. Bible School will begin June 7. Bible School Committee appointed of Irene Taul, Yvonne Ryan, and Jean Wheatley. Church will "go on fast time," effective May 16. Beginning May 8, pastor's salary raised by $10.

June 12 Bible School Committee dismissed. James Taul presented a bill for $124.02 for the church cemetery. $100 has already been donated toward this amount. Bill Taul donated $10. Irene Taul donated $5. Remainder will be borrowed from treasury. Pastor given two weeks vacation.

July 10 Revival Committee reports it has obtained Bro. John Jenkins, pastor of Hites Run Baptist Church, to be the evangelist for the revival. Church granted Nancy Payne letter to unite with the Lewisport Baptist Church. Officers elected for next year: Arthur Jackson, moderator; James Taul, assistant; Tom Ryan, Sunday School Superintendent; Stacy Taul, assistant; Pete Taul, Training Union Director; Bill Allen Taul, assistant; Margaret Taul, clerk; John Taul, treasurer; Franklin Miller, Executive Board Member; Linda Taul, pianist. Messengers to the Breckinridge Baptist Association: Bro. Wheatley; Hubert Miller, Hazel Miller; and Margaret Taul. Alternates: Jean Wheatley, Franklin Miller, Irene Taul.

August 14 Revival Committee dismissed. Fiscal year changed to begin July 1 and end June 30. Church to purchase a ledger for the treasurer. Annual letter to the Breckinridge Baptist Association approved.

September 11 Morning services changed to one hour later. Evening services changed to one hour earlier. Sherman Taul to be contacted to turn on the church heaters during the winter months.

October 9 Sunday School teachers to remain the same as they are now. Church paid bill of $26.79 for cemetery to the Farmers Service Store. Church will keep its yard light. Church renewed the annual call to Bro. Joseph Francis Wheatley, but pastor declined the call, resigned, and his last Sunday will be November 14.

November 14 Bro. Wheatley's last Sunday service. Church receives letter from Lakeland Baptist Church, on behalf of John Wayne Bates. Yvonne Ryan appointed chairman of Christmas Program Committee, to be assisted by Hilda Taul. Tom Ryan will get Christmas treat. Pulpit Committee appointed of Arthur Jackson, Tom Ryan, Frank Miller, and James Taul. Pastor will be paid $35 per week, after November 14, 1965. List will be placed on bulletin board for church members to alter hosting the pastor each Sunday.

December 11 Church will host prospective pastor on December 12. Christmas Play scheduled for December 22, 1965.


 January 8 Cemetery Committee reports that our cemetery is now open for selection of lots. Clerk's old minute book to be used as a ledger. Cost of grave lot will be $25 per grave for perpetual care. Letter requested by Mrs. Chapman will be ignored. Church will pledge money for boys to play ball. Church calls Bro. Billy "Bill" Almond, a student at Southern Baptist Seminary, as its ninth pastor. Plans to be discussed with him after Sunday night service, January 9.

February 12 Pulpit Committee dismissed. Church grants letter to Mrs. Frankie Weedman Smith, to unite with Baxter Avenue Baptist Church in Louisville.

March No business.

April 9 Church grants letter to Bro. and Mrs. Joe Wheatley, to unite with Hites Run Baptist Church. Clerk has received letters for Bro. and Mrs. Bill Almond, from Pembroke, North Carolina. B.T.U. will begin at 6:00 p.m.; evening worship services at 7:00 p.m; business meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. through the summer; Sunday School at 10:00 a.m.; and morning worship at 11:00 a.m.

May 13 Bible school will be held June 6 through 10. Bible School Committee of Yvonne Ryan, Hilda Taul, Irene Taul was appointed. Revival will be held September 18 through 14. Pastor will choose evangelist.

June No business.

July No business.

August No business.

September 10 Officers elected for next year: Arthur Jackson, Sunday School Superintendent; Stacy Taul, assistant; Hilda Taul, clerk; Yvonne Ryan, assistant; James Taul, moderator; Tom Ryan, assistant; Frank Miller, treasurer; Linda Taul, pianist. Sunday School teachers elected: Tom Ryan and Arthur Jackson, adult men; Margaret Taul, adult women; Margaret Ann Taul, young people; Stella Taul, juniors; Irene Taul, primary; Lena Brickey, beginners.

September 18-24 Revival. No additions.

October 1 Sunday morning worship led by Bro. Colley, former pastor. He had dinner with John and Irene Taul, and later visited Sgt. Joe Miller at Fort Knox.

October 8 Irene Taul did not accept her Sunday School class; Juanita Jackson elected as replacement. Deacons will now become the church ushers. Elmina Miller elected Sunday School Secretary. Business meeting will now be held the second Wednesday night at 7:00, throughout the year. As of October 16, Training Union will begin at 5:00 and church at 6:00. Church extended annual call to Bro. Almond for the following year. Ruth Smith will be contacted, to clean the church thoroughly for $20.

November 9 Church will have a Christmas Play. Elmina Miller declined to become Sunday School Secretary; Hilda Taul elected as replacement. Building Committee to purchase a new heater for Sunday School room.

December 14 Church will obtain a Christmas treat. Evening services to be dismissed on Christmas Day.


 January 11 No business.

February No business.

March 19 Ridge row for vestibule to be purchased. Arthur Jackson will obtain storm doors for vestibule. B.T.U. changed to 6:00; evening worship to 7:00; Sunday School changed to 9:00 a.m., and morning worship to 10:00 a.m. Church will observe communion on Easter Sunday, instead of the fifth Sunday, as usual. Church will begin having business meeting at 7:00 on second Sunday night each month, with a social to follow. Church will purchase a basketball goal.

April 8 Members who want to go visiting will meet at church with Bro. Almond.

May 15 Balance of $922.42 in treasury. Church will purchase a metal building for the lawn mower. Bible School Committee appointed of Irene Taul, James Taul, and Yvonne Ryan. $225 to be spent for a rug and runner. Committee appointed of Juanita Jackson, Hilda Taul, and Margaret Ann Taul.

June 10 Rug Committee dismissed. Storm doors have been installed in vestibule for $76. Church will not buy a metal building for lawn mower but will construct another suitable one.

June 13 Former church member, Hubert Wayne Miller, is drafted into the U.S. Army.

June 15 Paul Brickey, charter member of New Clover Creek, dies; funeral at New Clover Creek.

July No business.

August No business.

September 9 Balance in treasury is $625.58. Adult men's and women's Sunday School classes will be combined. Church time changed to 10:00 a.m. and church at 11:00. B.T.U. changed to 5:00 p.m. with evening worship at 6:00. Business meeting will be held quarterly on the first Saturday night at 7:00 p.m. during September, December, March, and June. Officers chosen for next year: Pete Taul, moderator; Frank Miller, assistant; Sherman Taul, treasurer; Margaret Ann Taul, clerk; Yvonne Ryan, B.T.U. Director; Donna Taul, Sunday School Secretary. Sunday School teachers chosen: Tom Ryan, adults; Bro. Almond, young people; Brenda Taul, juniors and primaries; Lena Brickey, beginners.

September 25-30 Revival with Bro. William Godwan, evangelist from Louisville. No additions.

October Church extends annual call to Bro. Almond.

November 19 Former church member Hubert Wayne Miller is transferred to Vietnam.

November 27 Nannie E. Spurrier Varble, wife of Bro. William Varble, first pastor of New Clover Creek dies.

December 2 Sunday night services on Christmas Day will be dismissed. Yvonne Ryan will organize Christmas Program for December 23.


 January No business.

February No business.

March 2 Ridge row for vestibule has been obtained and is ready to be installed. Men will meet March 4 at 12:30 to put it up. B.T.U. changed to 6:00; evening worship changed to 7:00. Bible School Committee appointed of Stella Taul, Lena Brickey, and Margaret Ann Taul.

May Church accepts resignation of Bro. Bill Almond as pastor.

June 1 Pulpit Committee appointed of James Taul, Frank Miller, and John Taul. There will no longer be a supper preceding business meetings.

June 22 Death of Walter A. Patterson (not a member), one of the donors of the church lot.

July 6 First day of broadcast of WHIC Radio in Hardinsburg. The first newborn baby to be announced on WHIC is Kevin Dale Ryan, son of members Thomas and Yvonne Ryan.

July 14 Church calls Bro. Raymond Curry Hartley as the tenth pastor of New Clover Creek.

July 21-28 Revival. No additions.

August No business.

September 6 Pulpit Committee dismissed. Frank Miller will be responsible for finding a place to house the church lawn mower. Church grants letters to Bro. and Mrs. Bill Almond to unite with the Bethel Baptist Church of Statesville, North Carolina.

October 4 Former church member Hubert Wayne Miller, age twenty-two, was killed by a mortar shell while serving his country in Vietnam.

October 5 Army personnel contact the office of charter member Sheriff William H. Taul's and inform Margaret E. Taul that former church member Hubert Wayne Miller has been killed by mortar fire in Vietnam. Sheriff Taul drives to the residence of Mabel Miller, Wayne's mother, who lives in Cloverport, to notify her of the tragic news. The Miller family of New Clover Creek begins grieving the loss.

November No business.

December 15 Committee appointed of Carl Miller, Sherman Taul, and Frank Miller to repair the heating system. Business meeting will be held on the first Sunday night of each month, following the evening service. Church will have Christmas carols and treat instead of a program this year. Constitution Revision Committee appointed of Frank Miller, James Taul, and Bro. Hartley.

December 18 Charter member Hubert Miller celebrates 50th Anniversary with his wife, member Hazel Irene Hawkins Miller.

December 21 Church members Ronald Thomas Miller and Brenda Sue Taul are married at New Clover Creek.


 January No business.

January 6 End of term of office of charter member William H. Taul, as Sheriff of Breckinridge County.

January 5 Revival will be held during the last full week of July. Bro. Hartley will obtain the evangelist.

February No business.

February 27 Hubert Miller, charter member at New Clover Creek, dies abruptly at his home of an apparent heart attack.

March 9 No business.

April 2 Hilda Taul to order Sunday School literature.

May Bro. Hartley has obtained evangelist for revival. Special offering to be taken for Bro. Meador, our retiring Association Missionary. Women will be responsible for Bible School.

June 4 No business.

July 2 Treasury balance is $575.44. Heater Committee dismissed. Bro. Hartley to see about purchasing a fan.

July 21-27 Revival with Bro. Jerry Foust, pastor of Cool Springs Baptist Church in Ohio County. Three baptisms, including Dale Taul, Christine Miller, and Betty Jean Miller.

August 2 Messengers elected to Breckinridge Baptist Association: James Taul, Frank Miller, and Tommy Miller. Annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association approved.

September 28 Officers elected for next year: Arthur Jackson, moderator; Sherman Taul, assistant; Margaret Ann Taul, clerk; Frank Miller, treasurer; Tommy Miller, Sunday School Superintendent; Donna Taul, Sunday School Secretary. Sunday School teachers elected: Margaret Ann Taul, adults; Sharon Miller, assistant; Hilda Taul, young people; Stella Taul, assistant; Tom Ryan, juniors; Juanita Jackson, primaries.

September Bro. Raymond Curry Hartley resigns as pastor.

October 5 Church calls Shelby Paul Minton, employee at WHIC Radio in Hardinsburg, as eleventh pastor; Bro. Minton will be ordained later.

November 2 Church will have a Christmas Program this year. Sunday night worship will begin at 6:00 p.m. Church will begin a G.A. and R.A. program. Church will begin having a monthly supper on the last Wednesday of each month. Church will participate in the mission program. Tom Ryan will assist Bro. Minton with song services. Letters granted to Bro. and Mrs. Hartley and Timothy Hartley, to unite with St. Matthews Baptist Church. We will begin participating in the Baptist Hour broadcast on WHIC Radio.

November 4 Charter member Charles L. "Sam" Miller is elected County Judge of Breckinridge County, to take office in January, 1970.

December 7 Church will have a treat for children on Christmas and that we have baskets prepared for individuals in the nursing homes. Yvonne Ryan and Rita Minton were appointed to obtain fruit and candy. Church will observe a "watch night service" on New Year's Eve. Church will have a Bible Study in January.

December 31 "Watch Night Service.


 January 5 Charter member Charles L. "Sam" Miller takes office as County Judge of Breckinridge County.

January 4 A check from Bro. and Mrs. Jones was presented to the church. Money will be used to purchase two chairs for the pulpit. Committee appointed of Frank Miller, Pete Taul, and Arthur Jackson to find out prices. Spring revival was discussed but nothing decided. Pete Taul and Frank Miller were appointed to the Building Committee.

January 25 Church will observe a spring revival from April 1 through 5. Church will take up a freewill offering to pay Bro. Minton. The sum of $50 for the missionary is to be sent to the Breckinridge Baptist Association. $10 will be sent for copies of the minutes.

February 1 Church will send $15 to obtain copies of the Association Minutes. Church will have a Valentine's Day party, and the men will be in charge of all of the planning.

March 1 Building Committee has met to consider the needs of the church.

April 1-5 Spring revival held. Bro. Minton acted as evangelist.

April 7 William Ira Duncan, charter member of New Clover Creek, dies following a lengthy illness.

April 12 Church will order two subscriptions to the Baptist Men's Journal. Pastor's checks will be made out for $20 for rent and $25 for services, for income tax purposes. Balance on hand as of March 31 was $387.10.

May 3 Fence has been purchased. Church granted letter to Mrs. Jeanne Wheatley Roach, to unite with Mt. Eden Baptist Church. Bible School will be held from June 22 to 26, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

June 7 Arthur Jackson will contact the mail man and have the church mail placed in the church's mailbox.

July 5 Bro. Minton read a list of qualifications for deacons. Church will ordain Bro. Minton as minister of the gospel. Balance as of June 30 in treasury was $688.16.

August 7 Church ordains Bro. Shelby Paul Minton, as minister of the gospel.

August 9 Messengers elected to Breckinridge Baptist Association: Edith McGary, Stella Taul, and Rita Minton. Alternates are Thomas and Yvonne Ryan. Annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association approved. After August 16, 1970, all substitute ministers here in the absence of the pastor will be paid $30. Letters granted to Lory Philip Taul, Hilda Ann Taul, Lory Philip Taul, Jr., James Michael Taul, Diana Gail Taul, and Sherry Lynn Taul, to unite with Corinth Baptist Church.

September 6 The deacons have a list of candidates for new deacons and are studying them. (Apparently Thomas Ryan and Frank Miller). No date has been set for ordination. Church will buy new materials for curtains in the Sunday School rooms. Stella Taul and Yvonne Ryan were appointed to look at prices of material. Church will spend $6 per month for postage stamps for treasurer and Bro. Minton. Bro. Minton will check into cost of accident insurance. Committee appointed of Bro. Minton, Tom Ryan, and Bill Allen Taul to revise the church constitution.

September 21-26 Revival with Bro. Truman E. Johnson, pastor of the Cloverport Baptist Church. No additions.

October 11 Balance on hand in treasury as of September 30, 1970, was $980.32. Church will purchase four fluorescent lights for the basement from Western Auto at $13.82 each. Church accepted Bro. Minton's resignation, effective October 25. Pulpit Committee appointed of Arthur Jackson, Frank Miller, and James Taul.

October 25 Bro. Minton's last Sunday as pastor of church.

November 8 Christmas Program Committee was appointed: Yvonne Miller, Edith McGary, and Brenda Miller.

November 22 Special business meeting called for electing church pastor. Church unanimously voted to call Bro. Hall.

December 6 Pulpit Committee reported that Bro. Hall declined to accept call of church. Christmas Program Committee is proceeding. Bro. Joe Wheatley will act as supply pastor until we hear Bro. McHolan and possibly Bro. Spurlock. We will pay Bro. Wheatley full salary until some decision is made, including special Christmas bonus. Church granted letters to Bro. and Mrs. Paul Minton, to unite with the Austin Village Baptist Church of Ohio.


 January 10 Pulpit Committee reported that Bro. Saunders would not accept a call, if extended by the church. Letter granted to Linda Taul Shultz, to unite with the Third Baptist Church of Owensboro. Church will discontinue Wednesday Night Prayer Service until further notice, due to absence of a pastor.

January 20 Church calls Bro. Robert E. Hughes as twelfth pastor at New Clover Creek.

February 7 Pulpit Committee dismissed. Pastor's salary was increased by $15. Carl Miller will see that outbuildings will be repaired. Yvonne Ryan will see that piano is repaired and tuned.

March 7 Piano has been tuned; outbuildings have been repaired; two committees dismissed. Pastor's salary increased, again, by $10. Church will make additional repairs. Building Committee members appointed: James Taul and Carl Miller. Judye Hendry Taul appointed teacher for the junior class.

April 4 Letters of Bro. and Mrs. Hughes and Alliene Hughes, issued March 14, 1971, were accepted. Hand of fellowship was given to them. Pastor will be relieved of duties regarding the Baptist Hour, but he will continue to contribute. Church will not host Temperance League speakers, but $10 will be donated. Alliene Hughes elected as pianist. Jessie Mae Duncan has consented to allow pastor to use her house on Sunday afternoons without rent. Church will pay for electricity. Balance in treasury is about $1,600. Bro. Hughes will check on prices for lawn mowers.

May 2 Bro. Hughes reported on lawn mower but no action taken. Church will pay for painting of house used by pastor and also for Sunday School rooms. Bro. Hughes will obtain evangelist for revival.

June 6 Bro. Hughes dismissed from looking for lawn mower. Church will give $1 per resident member to the Breckinridge Baptist Association for Bro. Meador's work as missionary. Church will send 5 percent of its gross receipts to the Cooperative Program.

July 4 Tom Ryan will be representative on the Radio Committee.

August 1 Messengers appointed to Breckinridge Baptist Association: Bro. and Mrs. Hughes, and Edith McGary. Alternates: Margaret Ann Taul and Tom Ryan. Church officers elected: Tommy Miller, Sunday School Superintendent; Margaret Ann Taul, W.M.U. Director; Judye H. Taul, clerk; Juanita Jackson, treasurer. Tom Ryan will be member of Executive Board. Carl Miller elected as moderator. Annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association approved.

September 5 Sunday School teachers elected: Edith McGary, adults; Yvonne Ryan, young people; Alliene Hughes, juniors; Brenda Miller, beginners and primary; Linda Miller, Sunday School Secretary.

September 12 Homecoming. Bro. Raymond Farrar, pastor of Hardinsburg Baptist Church, delivered the message.

September 20-26 Revival services with Bro. Howard Wilson, Jr., of Livermore, as evangelist. No additions.

October 3 Committee appointed of James Taul, Si McGary and Carl Miller to check into upkeep of house used by the pastor. Article V of church Constitution amended to read as follows: "In case of an emergency, the meeting may be called by the moderator as the situation may demand." Church evening services will be changed from 7:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. beginning October 10.

October 23 Death of Walter Brickey, charter member at New Clover Creek.

November 7 James Taul reported his committee is working but job not completed. Christmas Program Committee appointed: Brenda Miller, (chairman), Yvonne Miller, and Judye H. Taul.

December 5 James Taul reports his committee has completed its task; committee dismissed. Church removed the name of Betty L. Smith from the membership roll.


 January 2 Brenda Miller authorized to obtain materials from the Baptist Book Store.

February 13 No business.

March 5 Special offering to be collected on March 12 for flood victims in West Virginia.

April 2 Sample literature to be ordered for Sunday School. Committee appointed of Yvonne Ryan, Judi H. Taul, and Mary Ruth Bates to organize Bible School.

May 7 Bible School Committee will proceed to obtain materials and will set the dates. Church treasurer will pay for Sunday School materials. Frank Miller will choose person to mow the yard, every other week. Building Committee will attempt to fix the drain in the basement.

June 4 Building Committee reports that a new concrete floor will be poured in the basement on June 17. Frank Miller reports Charles Basham will mow the church yard for now; committee dismissed. Church raised its percent of giving to missions from 5 percent of gross receipts to 10 percent.

July 2 Committee will meet July 9, 1972, to elect officers for next year. Church will reimburse Bro. Hughes for his church-related long distance telephone calls. Church will reimburse members for any necessary materials.

July 16 Messengers appointed to Breckinridge Baptist Association: Edith McGary, Margaret Ann Taul, Juanita Jackson, and Yvonne Ryan. Thomas Ryan elected Executive Board member. Rita Taul elected as Sunday School Secretary for the following year. Nominating Committee report accepted: Tommy Miller, Sunday School Superintendent; Thomas Ryan, assistant; Rita Taul, Sunday School Secretary; Judye H. Taul, clerk; Frank Miller, treasurer; Carl Miller, moderator; James Taul, assistant. Sunday School teachers elected: Brenda Miller, beginners; Alliene Hughes, Juniors I; Yvonne Miller, senior students; Margaret Ann Taul, young married; Edith McGary, adults.

August 6 Church will send $1 per resident member to the Breckinridge Baptist Association, to pay the missionary's salary. Church will order twenty-four minute books. Jean Miller will be responsible for the Lord's Supper. Committee appointed of Frank Miller, James Taul, and Tom Ryan to obtain evangelist for revival. Bro. Hughes donated a rug to the beginners' class.

August 20 Building Committee will complete the work on the church basement.

September 3 Bro. Lucian Hall will be evangelist for revival. Building Committee's work on the basement is almost complete. Yvonne Ryan will be in charge of special music for Homecoming. Fans will be used.

September 25-30 Revival with Bro. Lucian Hall, evangelist. Two children, Perry Ryan and Donna Adcox, make professions of faith.

October 8 Revival Committee dismissed. Church will send flowers to Mrs. Nell Taul's funeral, who died today.

October 22 Baptism of Perry Ryan and Donna Adcox, at joint evening service with Cloverport Baptist Church.

November 5 Church will have a Christmas program. Committee appointed of Edith McGary, (chairman), who will choose two other members. Thanksgiving offering will be sent to the Con (?) home in Owensboro. Church will repair the driveway to the house used by the pastor. Christmas Program will be held December 23, 1972. Evening services on December 24 will be dismissed. Balance as of August 21, 1972 was $3,421.02. Balance as of November 30. 1972 was $3,353.69.

December 3 James Taul reports road to house used by pastor is being repaired.


 January 14 Tom Ryan will take care of all brotherhood information.

February 4 Church will contribute to the Tempest Legend Fund.

March 4 Church will obtain a metal cable to fix the church bell; Frank and Joe Miller appointed. Balance as of November 30, 1972, was $3,353.69. Balance as of February 28, 1973 is $3,687.29.

April 1 Bell Repair Committee dismissed. Church granted letter to Joe Miller to unite with the Hardinsburg Baptist Church. Church will give $150 to Home Missions.

May 6 Church will participate in Association Revival. Church will pay $5 for each mowing of yard at house used by pastor. Services for May 13 evening will be dismissed for baccalaureate service. Committee appointed of Tom Ryan, James Taul, and Frank Miller to obtain evangelist for the revival.

June 3 Church will not participate in the Cooperative Program meeting. Balance in treasury is $4,265.30.

June 20 Luther Miller, charter member at New Clover Creek, dies at Breckinridge Memorial Hospital, following illness.

July 1 Nothing definite determined about the evangelist for revival. Church will pay from $10 to $20 to mow yard when a power mower is used. Church will purchase a 4 x 8' poster panel for the beginners to display their art and handwork. Church elected to retain all officers for next year, except Sharon Miller will teach the younger class. Messengers elected to Breckinridge Baptist Association: Tom Ryan, Dorothy Basham, and Margaret Ann Taul. Alternates: Edith McGary, Yvonne Ryan, and Frank Miller. Annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association approved.

August 5 Revival will be changed to September 10-16. Bro. Wayne Basham will be evangelist. Church granted letter to Mary Ruth Bates Tafoya, to unite with Corinth Baptist Church. Brenda Haine's resignation as teacher for beginners postponed.

August 18 Bro. William H. Varble, first pastor of our church, dies.

September 7 Bro. Wheatley will preach sermon for Homecoming. Church will pay him $35. Balance in treasury as of August 31 was $4,543.93. Revival will be held at 7:30 p.m.

September 10-16 Revival with Bro. Wayne Basham from Friendship Baptist Church, evangelist. Debra Taul makes profession of faith.

October 7 Church will attempt to build two Sunday School rooms (location not specified). Church elects two new deacons, Thomas Ryan, Frank Miller.

October 25 John Homer Taul, charter member at New Clover Creek, dies at age eighty-one.

November 4 Church elects Stacy Taul as deacon. Yvonne Ryan appointed as committee to organize Christmas Program.

December 2 Stacy Taul declined election as deacon. Election for remaining deacon will be held by secret ballot, results to be counted by the moderator. Balance at close of November was $3,772.72. 10 percent of gross receipts during last quarter will be sent to Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. At least $50 will be sent to the Children's Home.


 January 7 Charter member Charles L. "Sam" Miller ends his term of office as County Judge of Breckinridge County.

January 13 Moderator Carl Miller reports that Joe Roach was the third person elected deacon. Church will give a gift of $100 to Judy Johnson.

February Deacons will be ordained February 24 at 2:30 p.m. Bro. Ralph Voyles of Mt. Eden Baptist Church will preach. Church will be painted before ordination.

February 24 Ordination service held for three new deacons: Thomas Lawrence Ryan, Franklin Miller, and Joseph Anthony Roach. Bro. Ralph Voyles from Mt. Eden Baptist Church delivered the message.

March 3 Linda Shultz elected principal of Bible School. New ushers chosen for offering: Danny Shultz, Glenn Basham, Tommy Miller, Bill Allen Taul, and Stacy Taul. Letter of appreciation to be sent to Bro. Voyles. Bro. Wheatley and trustees, Sherman Taul, Frank Miller, and Tom Ryan, to revise the church constitution. Church will obtain a new folding door. Layman revival will be scheduled for either April 19-26 or 26-28. Youth Choir from Lewisport Baptist Church will come here to sing. Balance in treasury as of February 28, $2,834.63. Church will keep all three windows removed during construction of new addition.

March 31 Church adopts several changes to the church constitution.

April 3 Tornado sweeps through Breckinridge County, damaging various homes in the community, including those of members Hazel Miller and Franklin Miller.

April 7 Balance in treasury is $3,533.70. At her request, Ruth Smith's name was removed from church roll since she has joined Jehovah's Witnesses. Letter of appreciation to be mailed. Church will set up gift fund for Alf Miller family, injured by the tornado. Committee appointed: Si McGary, Brenda Miller, and Sharon Miller. Cleanup day scheduled for April 24. Sheet will be placed on bulletin board for food items. Revival Committee appointed: Joe and Johnye Roach, Judi C. Taul. Deacons will now continue to act as ushers for offering. As to Article X of the church constitution, Bro. Wheatley moved to amend it to state that the pastor will be called for an indefinite term, provided thirty days notice be given for resignation or termination. Motion defeated by majority vote. Bro. Hughes expressed his concerns as to the manner of termination. The deacons will meet with Bro. Hughes to explain the situation.

April Bro. Robert E. Hughes resigns as pastor, stating that he cannot remain as pastor since the church had not extended its "annual call" to him in October.

April 26-28 Lay revival led by Hawesville Lay Team, Randy Shultz, layman in charge. Donnie Kiper and Chuckie Taul make professions of faith.

April 31 Pulpit Committee selected: Stacy and Judi C. Taul, Frank and Sharon Miller, Thomas and Yvonne Ryan.

May 5 Balance in treasury as of April 30 is $3,941.32. Windows to be placed in new addition next week. Charles Basham will continue mowing church yard. Church will sell its lawn mower. Linda Shultz elected pianist. Letter of appreciation to be sent to Hawesville Lay Team. List to be placed on bulletin board for trial preacher's to eat every Sunday. Evening worship time changed to 7:30, beginning May 12. Church will investigate possibility of installing water system.

June 2 Balance as of May 31 in bank is $4,375.51. Church will send card of appreciation to Bob Moorman for donating flowers. Church will pay Frank Miller for his work on construction of new wing. Bro. Wheatley will be in charge of baptismal service. Article X of church constitution was amended, to read as follows:

 A pastor will be called or recalled annually at the regular October business meeting. In the event the pulpit is vacated for any reason whatsoever within the call year, the church will call an interim pastor to serve out the remainder of the year. At the following October business meeting, action will be taken concerning his recall. The voting shall be by secret written ballot. Majority vote of the members present will be considered to be the Will of God. Each candidate will be considered and voted on separately.

 July 7 Bro. Joseph Francis Wheatley is called as interim pastor until a pastor is found. Church grants letters to Bro. Robert Hughes, Christine Hughes, and Alliene to unite with Hopewell Baptist Church. Church will obtain an air conditioner.

July 21 Revival Committee appointed: James Taul, Carl Miller, Bro. Wheatley, Joe Roach.

August 4 Church authorizes payment for air conditioner and installation. Church will send $25 to the handicapped children of Breckinridge County. Linda Shultz will have piano repaired. Messengers elected to Breckinridge Baptist Association: Tom Ryan, Yvonne Ryan, Joe Roach, Johnye Roach, Margaret Ann Taul, Jean Wheatley. Tom Ryan elected Executive Board member. Officers elected: Carl Miller, moderator; Tom Ryan, assistant; Linda Shultz, pianist; Sharon Miller, assistant; Stacy Taul, Sunday School Superintendent; Danny Shultz, assistant; Judye H. Taul, clerk, Yvonne Ryan, assistant; Frank Miller, treasurer, Sharon Miller, assistant. Balance in bank as of July 31 was $4,023.69. Frank Miller given $100 love offering for work on new addition. Annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association approved.

September 1 Church calls Bro. Dennie Eugene Calhoun, of Arkadelphia, Arkansas, as its thirteenth pastor. Church grants letter to Donna Adcox to unite with Macedonia Baptist Church. Piano has been repaired. Evening service time changed to 6:30 p.m.

September 23-29 Revival with Bro. Ralph Voyles, Mt. Eden Baptist Church, as evangelist.

October 6 Pulpit Committee dismissed. Church will have Halloween Party on October 30. Wednesday night services will be held at 7:00. Sunday School teachers elected: Stella Taul, nursery; Dorothy Basham, assistant; Sharon Miller, juniors. Church will pay for paint used at house where preacher is staying. Bro. Calhoun reelected pastor.

November 4 Correction: Sharon Miller was elected primary teacher, not junior. Trailer Committee dismissed. Water System Committee dismissed. Tom Ryan will make copies of revised constitution. Delores Calhoun will be chairman of Christmas Program. Church will buy a walker for Jessie Mae Duncan in appreciation of her allowing use of her house as a parsonage.

December 1 Balance as of November 30 is $4,478.48. Church will install storm windows on new windows.


 January 5 Church will invite Bro. Meador to show his slides of the Holy Land.

February 2 No business.

March 2 Balance as of February 28 was $5,386.87. Pastor's salary increased to $90 per week.

April 6 Bro. Calhoun will get someone to tune the piano. Charles Basham will mow yard. Church will obtain an electric heater for pastor's study. Bro. Calhoun will be principal of Bible School.

May 4 Church granted letter to Judy Johnson to unite with Hopewell Baptist Church in Philpot, Kentucky. Bible School will be held June 9-13 at 4:00 p.m.

June 1 Arthur Jackson will invite a band to come play.

July 6 Officers elected: Stacy Taul, moderator, Danny Shultz, assistant; Joe Roach, music; Sharon Miller, pianist; Delores Calhoun, assistant; Glenn Basham, treasurer; Donna Basham, assistant; Johnye Roach, clerk; Yvonne Ryan, assistant. Messengers to Breckinridge Baptist Association elected: Joe and Johnye Roach, Delores Calhoun. Alternates: James and Stella Taul, Edith McGary. Thomas Ryan elected to Executive Board. Annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association approved. Balance in bank as of June 30, was $3,690.33.

August 3 Revival will be held August 18-24. Church will invite Breckinridge Baptist Association to meet here next year. Building Committee will look into lowering the church ceiling.

August 18-24 Revival with Bro. Ronnie Blake, pastor of the Macedonia Baptist Church, as evangelist.

August 31 Mr. Egbert has offered to donate a house, to be used as a parsonage, if the church will pay for moving it. Cost from Templeton movers will be $2,350. Cost from light and telephone companies will be $150. Church approved the plan.

September 7 Templeman Brothers will move house as soon as church can obtain a lot. Sunday School teachers elected: Edith McGary, adults; Tom Ryan, assistant; Jean Wheatley, young marrieds; Margaret E. Taul, intermediates; Glenn Basham, assistant; Brenda Miller, juniors; Tom Miller, assistant; Sharon Miller, primaries; Stella Taul and Dorothy Basham, nursery. Debbie Taul elected Sunday School Secretary; Judi C. Taul, assistant.

September 17 Church will place new parsonage on lot donated by Si McGary.

October 5 Church will pay pastor's basic phone bill. Building Committee will not lower church ceiling. Church will advance pastor money to repair motor in his car; $10 to be deducted from salary until repaid. Love offering to be taken October 12. Linda Shultz and Johnye Roach will plan Christmas Program. Committee appointed of Yvonne Ryan, Donna Basham, and Delores Calhoun to handle Halloween Party. Church gave clerk permission to work on old church books and roll with a report of work done to be presented at a regular business meeting. Bro. Calhoun reelected pastor.

November 2 Practice for Christmas Program will be held Wednesday night after Prayer Meeting. Parsonage will be moved the week following this meeting but by a different mover. Church grants letter to Brenda Horn, to unite with Fair Farm Baptist Church in Vertrees. Two electric heaters will be purchased for Sunday School rooms.

December 7 Clerk will write appreciation letter to Carl Egbert for new parsonage. Church records will be locked in church desk. Bro. Calhoun presented letter for entrance into Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.


 January 4 Heaters have been obtained. Mr. Egbert to be contacted about the parsonage. Blower for Bro. Calhoun's heater has not been returned. Trustees will be responsible for survey of parsonage lot. Church will pay for costs of survey and deed.

February 1 Mr. Egbert has informed us that the "thank you" note from the church was all that he needed for tax purposes. Blower for Bro. Calhoun's stove has been repaired. Temperance League has offered to speak here, but church will not host them. Paneling will be installed at parsonage. Committee appointed of Johnye Roach, Delores Calhoun, and Elmina Miller to choose paneling. Treasurer authorized to cash in savings bond, if needed, to pay any bills.

March 7 Savings bond at bank has been cashed. Bro. Calhoun will be principal of Bible School this year.

April 4 Bro. Dennie Eugene Calhoun resigns as pastor. Treasurer reports a balance of $648.70 as of March 31. Church will divide its usual 10 percent to the Home Missions Board, to be given 5 percent this quarter and another 5 percent next quarter. Trustees have not yet had parsonage lot surveyed. Clerk will continue to turn down letters from the Temperance League. Bible School will be held June 21-25. Si McGary has donated 25 gallons of paint toward repair of the church ceiling. Stacy Taul appointed to see that job is completed. Linda Shultz approached the church and stated that, although this was not a good time for the church, financially, she believed the church should buy a new piano. After some discussion, church decided to proceed with buying new piano, with love offerings rather than from the treasury.

April 18 Special business meeting called to give Bro. Calhoun a vote of confidence after his resignation. (Vote, 31 yes and 4 no). Bro. Calhoun accepted the call and withdrew his resignation.

May 2 Church will attempt to have the Hawesville Lay Team return for another lay revival. Joe Roach will contact lay team. Bro. Calhoun presented a list of questions regarding the church's desires regarding the parsonage. Bible School materials have arrived. Church granted permission to begin a "newlywed" class, with Bro. Calhoun as teacher. Bro. Calhoun will be in charge of lay revival plans. Church will obtain folding doors for entrance into Sunday School rooms.

May 12 Church elects to hold lay team revival May 28-30.

May 28-30 Lay team revival with the lay team from Hawesville Baptist Church.

June 6 Balance of $92.86 in treasury and $322.15 in the piano fund. Church bell, being stored in James Taul's garage, will be sold for $45 and placed in the piano fund. Screens will be installed in the parsonage. Church will paint inside of sanctuary before the annual Breckinridge Baptist Association meeting to be held here in August. Folding door has been purchased for entrance into Sunday School rooms. Church will grant the old door to former pastor, Bro. Hughes, who had asked for it during his tenure with us. Clerk will notify him.

July 4 This day, our country celebrated its 200th anniversary of Independence. Church will purchase paint for painting of sanctuary. Danny Shultz, Joe Roach, and Frank Miller will work on church roof, beginning July 7. Screens for parsonage have not been fixed. Bro. Calhoun will paint window facings. Bro. Calhoun reports that Charlie Chryslie is only preacher available for revival. At suggestion of Edith McGary, church will have Bro. Clifford Spurlock instead. Officers elected for next year: Sharon Miller, pianist; Linda Shultz, assistant; Glenn Basham, Sunday School Superintendent; Thomas Ryan, assistant; Jeanne Roach, clerk; Yvonne Ryan, assistant; Glenn Basham, treasurer; Donna Basham, assistant; Charlie Basham, moderator; Danny Shultz, assistant. Messengers elected to Breckinridge Baptist Association: Joe Roach, Linda Shultz, and Edith McGary. Alternates: Stella Taul, Bro. Calhoun, and Delores Calhoun. Thomas Ryan elected to Executive Board. Clerk will contact Hites Run Baptist Church for letters of Jean, Vicki, Linda, and Roger Sago's letters.

August 1 Survey of parsonage lot has been completed and deed lodged for record. Painting of window facings at parsonage and screens will be continued. Drains for sink and washer at parsonage have been installed. More paint needed before the church roof can be completed. Bro. Spurlock agreed to be evangelist at revival this year. Bro. Hughes has received the folding door. Letters for Sagos received from Hites Run. Gas heaters will be removed from Sunday School rooms, due to gas leaks. Church gave good recommendation to "The World of Security" on behalf of Bro. Calhoun. Committee appointed to purchase new piano: Linda Shultz (chairman), Sharon Miller, and James Taul. Money still needed for purchase of piano to be taken from treasury but to be replenished. Old piano to be traded in. Sunday worship for August 8 will be canceled to attend Community Worship at Sacajawea Festival.

August 8 Evening worship canceled to attend community worship at Sacajawea Festival.

August 19 7:00 p.m., church hosts Associational Meeting of Breckinridge Baptist Association.

September 5 Painting of parsonage and new window facings continued. Paint to finish church has not been purchased yet. Gas heaters have been disconnected by Thermogas. Piano has been purchased without need to use money from church treasury. Thomas Ryan bought old piano at offered trade-in price. Piano Committee dismissed. Charlie and Dorothy Basham dismissed from committee to purchase paint. Brenda Miller has taken a G.A. group, and Donna Basham has begun a "Mission Friends" group. Margaret Ellen Taul will conduct a Mountain Study Course. Church will purchase food for Mountain Supper. Homecoming moved to September 26, to close the revival. Homecoming will continue to be held on the fourth Sunday following revival. Bro. Calhoun will obtain song leader for revival. Sunday School teachers elected: Edith McGary, adults; Jean Wheatley, young married; Bro. Calhoun, newlyweds; Margaret Ellen Taul, youth; Brenda Miller; juniors; Linda Shultz, assistant; Sharon Miller, primaries; Donna Basham, assistant; Stella Taul, nursery; Dorothy Basham, assistant. Shower curtain rod to be placed in parsonage. New toilets to be built on church grounds.

September 20-26 Revival with Bro. Clifford Spurlock as evangelist. No additions.

October Window facings and screens at parsonage are continued. Building Committee to be in charge of repairs to toilets. A portion ($48) of the state missions offerings will be sent to Mrs. Harris in Pike County, Kentucky. Pam Taul and Sue Kiper will be in charge of Christmas Program this year. Bro. Calhoun accepted annual call of church.

November 7 Committee for painting the church roof dismissed, due to weather. Building Committee to repair heating stove at parsonage. Evening services will be held at 6:00 p.m. New table for primaries' Sunday School room to be built.

December 12 Treasury balance is $2,062.35, as of November 30. Parsonage window facings and screen installations have been partially completed. Stove at parsonage still insufficient for space; someone will check the stove. Toilets still not repaired. Table and storage cabinet for primaries to be checked on.


 January 2 Repairman looked at the pastor's heater and has determined that it is working properly. Table for the primary Sunday School class has been purchased. Bro. Calhoun spoke with the church and stated that he believed God was calling him to return to the Seminary in Louisville. Church will hold a special business meeting on January 9 to discuss the matter and vote whether to keep him or release him from his duties here.

January 9 Special business meeting canceled due to bad weather.

February 6 Balance in treasury as of January 31 was $860.49. Church accepted Bro. Calhoun's resignation, effective February 27. Church voted to find a full-time pastor. Parsonage telephone will be temporarily disconnected. Bro. Calhoun will donate some items in the parsonage which he does not want to move. Church will pay $100 toward the move. Pulpit Committee appointed: Joe Roach, Danny Shultz, Glenn Basham, Si McGary, and Linda Shultz.

March 6 Church votes that the prospective pastor may hold another full-time job if he agrees to live in the parsonage. Church will purchase drapes for the parsonage and will panel one of the rooms. Church will purchase a large ladder in order to change light bulbs in the sanctuary.

March 27 At a special business meeting, Bro. Elmer Leon Eskridge is called as the fourteenth pastor of New Clover Creek.

April 3 Letters for Eskridges have been received. Pulpit Committee dismissed. Bro. Eskridge will replace Bro. Calhoun on the Evangelism Committee. Bro. Eskridge will be principal of Bible School. Rita Eskridge given authority to purchase shrubbery for the parsonage.

May 1 Church granted John Keenan Taul a letter to unite with Corinth and granted the Calhoun family letters to unite with Crescent Hill Baptist Church in Louisville. Church will pay Charles Basham $20 to bushhog the church yard and $7.50 to mow it. Church will purchase flowers to be presented to the mothers on Mother's Day.

June 5 No business.

July 3 Bro. Eskridge will obtain evangelist for revival. At Bro. Eskridge's request, a telephone line from the parsonage line will be installed at the church. Church membership rolls to be updated. Committee appointed of Jeanne E. Wheatley, Judye H. Taul, and Bro. Eskridge.

July 31 Joe Roach resigns as deacon and as a member of New Clover Creek. Telephone has been installed at the church but is not yet in service. Officers elected for next year: Jeanne E. Wheatley, clerk; Margaret Ellen Taul, assistant; Linda Shultz, pianist; Brenda Miller, assistant; Glenn Basham, Sunday School Superintendent; Perry Ryan and Chuck Taul, assistants; Charles Homer Taul, moderator; Danny Shultz, assistant; Frank Miller, treasurer; Sharon Miller, assistant; Danny Shultz, music director; Chuck Taul, assistant. Some discussion about adding additional wing to the west side of the church. Annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association approved. Thomas Ryan elected to Executive Board. Services on August 7 will be dismissed to attend the community worship at the Sacajawea Festival. Supply preacher to be obtained for August 7 morning service.

August No business.

September 4 Church telephone will be installed at the end of September. Bro. Eskridge will be on committee to check into an associational revival. Church will purchase a curtain for the choir loft at a cost of $37.67.

September 19-26 Revival with Bro. Ronald D. Bullock, pastor of the Valley View Baptist Church in Valley Station, Kentucky, as evangelist. No additions.

October 2 Balance in treasury as of September 30 was about $2,200. Church will pay for three floral arrangements purchased for the revival. Linda Shultz and Sue Kiper will be in charge of Christmas Program. Church will purchase rock to create a turnaround at the parsonage. Church will send 5 percent of gross receipts to a designated mission and 5 percent to the Cooperative Program. Sunday School teachers elected: Jean Wheatley, young married; Margaret Ellen Taul, young people; Brenda Miller, intermediate; Yvonne Ryan, juniors; Sharon Miller, primaries; Stella Taul and Dorothy Basham, beginners; Judye H. Taul, nursery. Church called Bro. Eskridge for another year. Church will donate $20 to the Youth for Christ Club of Breckinridge County High School.

November 6 Clerk has received letters for John Homer and Pearl Basham Matthews. Ladder has been finally purchased and stored in basement. Committee for revising the church rolls gave its report. Christmas Program Committee will take care of Christmas treat and will set date of the program. Church will continue to participate in radio program for now.

December 4 Margaret Ellen Taul appointed to the committee to revise the church rolls. Church will continue to participate in the radio program. Building Committee will report upon the idea of adding new Sunday School rooms to the east of the sanctuary. Church will send a gift certificate to Bro. Calhoun of $20 for each family member (i.e. $120). Evening services on December 25 will be canceled. Building Committee will investigate leak in the pastor's office. Danny Shultz will turn on church heaters on Saturday night. Thomas Ryan given authority to cancel church due to bad weather. Piano to be repaired.


 January 1 Balance in treasury is $2,578.59. Building Committee will attempt to repair leak in the pastor's office. Church Roll Committee dismissed. Gift certificate has been sent to the Calhouns; committee dismissed. Piano has not been tuned. John Taul resigns as deacon. Deacons have recommended Danny Shultz and Glenn Basham as new deacons. After vote, both were elected. Bro. Eskridge will be in charge of ordination plans. Men of the church met on December 26, and the Building Committee recommends that three new rooms be added to the east side of the sanctuary. Trustees will check with the bank. After discussion, church voted to proceed with the recommendation.

February No minutes.

March 5 Ordination service for new deacons, Glenn Basham and Danny Shultz. At business meeting, Bro. Eskridge resigned as pastor, effective June 1 or sooner if needed. Piano tuner has been contacted but has not completed tuning the piano. Building Committee has not repaired leak in pastor's study, due to bad weather. We will send $5 to the Hickory Level Baptist Church to help defray expenses on building a new church. Pulpit Committee appointed: Tommy and Brenda Miller; Stacy and Judi C. Taul; Bill Allen and Judye H. Taul; William H. Taul.

April 2 Balance in treasury is $3,445.34. Piano tuner will attempt to tune piano next week. Building Committee reports that leak in the pastor's office has not been repaired. One estimate for new addition was $3,200. Pulpit Committee reports that Bro. Jerry Taylor of Tennessee will be here for a trial sermon on April 9. Stacy and Judi C. Taul have declined to be members of the Pulpit Committee. Carl and Imogene Miller elected as replacements. Church will ask candidate for pastor to participate in a question and answer session before he is elected. As to vacation, church adopted policy that the pastor will be entitled to his first paid vacation after the regular call meeting in October. Jean Wheatley will be principal of Bible School. The Witnesses, a song group from Hawesville, will be here for a Sunday night service. Love offering to be taken. Church will participate in Association Revival and will send $50 for now. Church will send $25 to the mission program to Guatemala.

April 9 Bro. Taylor being unavailable, first trial sermon with Bob Setzer.

May 7 Balance in treasury is about $4,000. Church granted letter to Nancy Taul Howey, to unite with the Hillsdale Baptist Church in Valley Station. Piano has been tuned. Building Committee reports that work on the new addition will begin soon. Bank has promised us a loan if needed. Sherman Taul resigns as trustee. James Taul elected as replacement. Charles Basham will mow the church yard this summer. Committee appointed of Sue Kiper, chairman; Linda Shultz; and Brenda Miller to obtain a public address system for the sanctuary. Church calls Bro. Robert Brown Setzer, Jr., a twenty-one-year-old student at Southern Baptist Seminary, who is not yet ordained into the ministry, as fifteenth pastor of New Clover Creek. He will be available first Sunday in June. Deacons will aid with any questions the treasurer might have concerning payment of bills not covered in the church minutes. Judye H. Taul will be in charge of purchasing flowers for sick members of the church. Church will purchase from Bro. Eskridge his range and refrigerator.

May 28 Bro. Eskridge's last Sunday as pastor.

June 3 Bro. Setzer's first Sunday as pastor. Treasury has a balance of about $3,200. Sue Kiper reports that Communications Center will sell a P.A. system to the church for $300. Donations to be taken to purchase equipment. Church will send additional $50 to Associational Revival. Jean Wheatley will not be principal of Bible School; instead, Johnye Wheatley will be principal and Jean Wheatley will take the intermediate class. Church telephone will be removed from pastor's office. Church will continue pastor's retirement plan. Stacy and Judi C. Taul have donated a washer to the parsonage. Bro. Setzer will obtain evangelist for revival.

July 2 Treasury has balance of $212.44. Letter has been received for Mary Ruth "Bambi" Wilson Setzer. Letter has not yet been received for Bro. Setzer. Officers elected for next year: Jeanne E. Hill, clerk; Jean Miller, assistant; Linda Shultz, pianist; Sharon Miller, assistant; Frank Miller, treasurer; Sharon Miller, assistant; William H. Taul, moderator; Glenn Basham, assistant; Bambi Setzer, Sunday School Superintendent; Margaret Ann Taul, assistant; Jeanne Hill, pianist for Sunday School; Debbie Taul, Sunday School Secretary. Church will not build restrooms at this time. Church will obtain chairs for the choir and the Sunday School rooms. Due to sickness of Charles Basham, Bro. Setzer and James Taul will mow church yard. Parking at church should be done to keep from blocking in other cars. Bro. Setzer will take his vacation on July 19-28, 1978, and he will contact a supply. Thomas Ryan elected to Executive Board. Messengers appointed to Breckinridge Baptist Association: Bro. and Mrs. Setzer; Thomas Ryan. Alternates: Yvonne Ryan, Danny Shultz, and Mike Wheatley.

August 13 Balance in treasury is about $250. Letter of Bro. Setzer to unite with our fellowship has been received. Bro. Setzer elected music director. Bro. Setzer and Tom Ryan elected to Program Committee for next year. Church will begin sending cards to sick members, rather than flowers, due to expense. Linda Shultz and Bro. Setzer will arrange music for Homecoming. Church insurance to be raised from $12,000 on the building to $25,000.

September 3 Balance in treasury is about $550. Insurance will be raised to $25,000 for building; $4,000 for the contents; and $1,000 for the piano. Partitions for Sunday School are here. Chairs have been ordered. Sunday School teachers elected: Edith McGary, adults; Jean Wheatley, young adults; Margaret Ellen Taul, youth; Bambi Setzer, intermediates; Yvonne Ryan, juniors; Sharon Miller, primaries; Stella Taul and Dorothy Basham, beginners; Judye H. Taul, nursery. Fourth Quarter mission donation designated to the World Hunger Fund. Church will subscribe to Western Recorder. Johnye Hill will talk to owners of the skating rink at Cloverport to arrange parties. Another skating party will not be held until October. Building Committee authorized to purchase white paint for the sanctuary. Painting to be done September 7 and 8.

September 25-29 Revival with Bro. Jim Gaines, pastor of the New Bethel Baptist Church, as evangelist.

October 8 Church granted letter to Pearl Smith McStoots to unite with the Narrows Baptist Church. Owners of skating rink will divide equally with us all amounts collected above the basic rental charge. Church insurance has been raised. Building Committee reports that partition doors have not been installed yet. Church will paint Sunday School rooms. Bambi Setzer will be in charge of the adult Christmas Program. Church will send gratitude cards to those who donated to new construction. Church will send Nancy Howey a thank you card for the microphone she donated. Church will host five missionary speakers for $130, from March 25 to April 1. Church will not contribute to pastor's retirement program until the pastor requests us to do so. Doors to be hung in the parsonage to conserve heat. At his request the church will ordain Bro. Setzer into the ministry. He and the deacons will be in charge of plans.

November 5 Balance in treasury is about $350. Sunday School partitions have been installed. Ordination for Bro. Setzer set for November 26, with Bro. Meador having a part. Prayer meeting set at 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays. Sunday evening worship moved to 5:30. At request of pastor, an advisory council will be appointed by Bro. Setzer. Church will send $50 to the Child Care Program. Frank Miller will repair church bell tower.

December 3 Christmas Program to be held at 6:30 on December 23. Evening worship on Christmas Eve will be dismissed. Sunday School will be held at 9:00; morning worship at 10:00. Prayer meeting for December 27 will be dismissed.

December 31 Maggie Deleane Smith Smart, wife of Scott Smart, deacon at New Clover Creek, dies.


 January Funeral for Maggie Smart held at New Clover Creek.

January 7 Business meeting postponed due to snow.

January 14 $130 should be sent to World Mission Conference. Church will pay Association basketball fee of $50. Church will use $150 Jesse Mae Duncan has donated to purchase a drier for the parsonage; church will pay any remaining costs. Committee appointed of James Taul, Frank, and Sharon Miller to obtain drier.

February 4 Balance in treasury is $42.43. Drier has been purchased for parsonage. Committee appointed of Arthur Jackson, Tommy Miller, Thomas Ryan, and James Taul to make any decisions concerning cancellation of services during bad weather.

March 4 Balance in treasury is $675. Cost of new addition was $6,285.36. Bro. Setzer announced his advisory council will consist of Sunday School Superintendent; Choir Director; Chairman of Deacons; one additional deacon; a B.Y.W. and W.M.U. member, to meet monthly. Homecoming to be held on second Sunday in September. Jeanne Hill appointed principal of Bible School. Church will buy carpet for nursery.

April 8 Balance in treasury was $848.23, as of March 31. Church granted letters to Bro. and Mrs. Joe Wheatley, to unite with Pisgah Baptist Church. Revival changed to August 12 to 18. Church will purchase a push mower. Jeanne Wheatley Hill resigns as clerk and principal of Bible School, since she has moved her letter to Pisgah. Pearl Matthews appointed secretary and treasurer for Bible School. Imogene Miller elected as replacement as clerk. Donna Basham elected as replacement for principal for Bible School; Perry Ryan, assistant. Church will pay $29.85 for repairs to vacuum cleaner. Pastor's salary raised to $100 per week, effective April 15. Due to confusion as to the definition of "immediate family," Judye H. Taul will contact a couple of members in the church before buying flowers for church members' families.

May 6 Church granted letters for Jeanne "Johnye" Elizabeth Wheatley (Roach) Hill and Stacy Roach, to unite with Pisgah Baptist Church. Lawn mower has been purchased. Committee appointed to obtain evangelist for revival: Bro. Setzer, Thomas Ryan, Edith McGary. Church will pay $10 per week to mow lot (raised from $7.50). Time of Sunday evening services changed from 6:30 to 7:00. Date of Lord's Supper changed from fifth Sunday each quarter to the second Sunday morning in the first month of each quarter (January, April, July, and October). Building Committee will look into costs of remodeling church sign.

June 3 Building Committee directed to give priority to leaking church roof, rather than installation of a restroom, for now. Letters for Jeanne Hill and Stacy Roach were mailed May 9. Sixty-day trial period for Western Recorder has been completed. Church will pay for subscriptions for families wanting it, each to reimburse the church $3. Bro. Setzer will be in New York City from July 15 to 21 to attend a class with the Home Mission Board. He will be at his sister's wedding from August 5 to 11. He and deacons will obtain supply minister. Church will pay Associational Softball League fee of $35; two bats at $15 each; five softballs at $3 each. Church will advertise V.B.S. in local newspaper and on local radio.

July 1 Officers elected for next year: William H. Taul, moderator; Frank Miller, assistant; Imogene Miller, clerk; Carol Dubree; assistant; Judi Catron Taul, Sunday School Superintendent; Perry Ryan, assistant; Linda Shultz, pianist; Sharon Miller, assistant; Danny Shultz, music director; Thomas Ryan, assistant; Margaret Ellen Taul, W.M.U. Director; Glenn Jackson, treasurer; Patty Jackson, assistant. Church insurance on building raised to $40,000; and on parsonage to $18,000. Messengers to Breckinridge Baptist Association elected: Margaret E. Taul; Edith McGary, and Thomas Ryan. Alternates: Yvonne Ryan, Mary Ruth Setzer, and Frank Miller. Annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association to be read on Sunday morning, July 8, for approval. Bro. Setzer announced his vacation will be changed; he will be gone July 15 and July 29.

July 8 Annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association approved.

August 5 Deacons met at Scott Smart's house in July. They will meet quarterly an will rotate chairman of the deacons annually. Athletic Committee appointed: Brenda Miller, Glenn Basham, and Chuckie Taul. Church will participate in association's horse shoe program, but not the volleyball program. Church will obtain poles and net to play volleyball at the church. Time for revival set at 7:30 p.m. Nursery to be provided. Air conditioner for nursery to be purchased. Revival to be advertized in local newspaper. Carol Dubree and Donna Ruth basham appointed to accept free will offering for revival. New Broadman Hymnals will be purchased prior to revival.

August 12-18 Revival with Bro. Sam Henderson, pastor of the Hites Run Baptist Church, as evangelist. Shelby Thomas Elder makes profession of faith.

September 2 Balance in treasury is now $3,141.26. Church purchased volleyball for $25.95. Sunday School teachers elected: Edith McGary, adults; Tom Ryan, assistant; Glenn Jackson and Brenda Miller, young marrieds; Margaret Ellen Taul, Youth B; Bambi Setzer, Youth A; Yvonne Ryan, beginners; Stella Taul assistant; Judye H. Taul, nursery; Dorothy Basham; assistant; Patty Jackson, Sunday School Secretary. Two candle holders made and donated by Arthur Jackson will be hung on either side of our cross. Church approved $25 per month for Bambi Setzer to purchase music.

October 7 Balance in treasury is $3,452.77. Church grants letter to Sidney "Sandy" Carroll Taul, to unite with Lewisport Baptist Church. Parsonage telephone to be changed to a private line. Bambi Setzer authorized to purchase choir music for Christmas Program, about $30 to $35. Three bulletin boards to be purchased for Sunday School rooms. Church will buy two bags of fertilizer for parsonage yard. Bro. Setzer unanimously reelected pastor for coming year.

November 4 Balance in treasury is $3,991. Fertilizer has been purchased and used. Church will send $75 to Child Care Program. Church will pay $50 to participate in association's Basketball Program. Church will join with Pisgah, which has three players, to form the team. Because rules have been changed, only "year-around" church members may play. Coach Glenn Basham authorized to determine who may play. Tom Ryan authorized to purchase tapes for services.

November 25 Sunday School but no morning service due to illness of pastor.

December 2 Balance in treasury is $4,014. Parsonage phone will not be changed to private line until April 30. Pisgah will pay $25 (half) of the basketball fee; its name to be included in team name. Christmas Bonus of $300 to be given Bro. Setzer, to be paid $200 on December 9 and $100 at Christmas Program as a surprise. November 25 will be excused as sick leave, with pay and without affecting vacation time. Christmas Program to be held December 22 at 6:00 p.m.


 January 13 Balance in bank is $4,668.79. Church will purchase basketball for $25 and will rent McQuady School gym for $5 per week for six weeks, for practice. Prayer meeting will be dismissed for remainder of January, due to pastor's schedule.

February 3 Balance in treasury is $4,599.88. Church will pay for basketball practice for tournament, possibly two or three times, at $10 each. Prayer meeting will resume on February 13.

March 9 Balance in treasury is $4,910.73. At request of John Keys, who is writing a history of Breckinridge Baptist Association, names of the charter members and date of organization of church to be determined and sent to him. (Mailed by clerk April 3). Bro. Setzer suggests that Perry Ryan collect, copy, and retype all church minutes from 1935 to date. Church to purchase flag staffs for Bible School. Donna Basham appointed principal for Bible School.

April 13 Balance in treasury is $4,885.98. New sign to be obtained for church. Association will play softball at McQuady School at a cost of $50. Church will obtain a "Porto-Pot" portable toilet. Debbie Simco will mow church yard for $10 each time, as needed.

May 4 Balance in treasury is $5,161.56. Church to purchase hand clippers for Debbie Simco. Church will purchase a "weed-eater," for use at parsonage and church. Rental fee for lock box at bank will be raised to $10 per year. Church will give Bro. Setzer a $200 bonus on May 11. Church will purchase a file cabinet for him, as a gift for graduation from the seminary.

May 14 Having been struck by an automobile in a freak accident, church member James "Jimmy" Houston Taul dies at age thirty-one. Funeral held a few days later at New Clover Creek.

June 1 Grass clippers and "weed eater" have been purchased. Materials have been ordered for church sign. Revival date changed to first full week of August. Committee appointed of Bro. Setzer, Danny Shultz, and Tom Ryan, to obtain evangelist for revival. New black roof to be purchased for church.

July 6 Balance in treasury is $5,460.13. Officers elected for next year: Frank Miller, moderator; William Taul, assistant; Carol Dubree, clerk; Judi C. Taul, assistant; Judi C. Taul, Sunday School Superintendent; Edith McGary, assistant; Linda Shultz, pianist; Sharon Miller; assistant; Shelby Elder, music director; Danny Shultz, assistant; Margaret Ellen Taul, President of W.M.U.; Glenn Jackson, treasurer; Patty Jackson, assistant. Revival date changed to begin August 11 through August 17. Messengers to Breckinridge Baptist Association elected: Carol Dubree, Dorothy Basham, Frank Miller. Alternates: Sharon Miller, Mary Ruth Setzer, Edith McGary. Valuation of church property: parsonage, $25,000; church building, $50,000; totaling $75,000. Old church roof to be sold to highest bidder. William and James Taul will contact members of the Weedman family to see if they can erect tombstones for their family members buried in the church cemetery.

August 10-17 Revival with Bro. Paul Roberts, pastor of Pisgah Baptist Church, as evangelist. Eleven candidates for baptism.

August 17 Largest baptismal service in the history of New Clover Creek, held on LaMar Ryan farm. Bro. Bob Setzer baptized eleven candidates: Brian Eugene Dubree, Pamela Annette Mercer Taul, Kevin Dale Ryan, Rhonda Kaye Miller, Kenton Thomas Miller, Derrick Russell Miller, Amy Lynette Shultz, Patricia Joy Taul, Sandra Kaye Taul, Tracy Lynn Taul, James William Taul. Bro. Paul Roberts, evangelist, assisted.

August 19 Special business meeting. Church's tin roof awarded to Arthur Jackson, highest bidder, at $125.

September 7 Balance in treasury is $4,297.34. Sunday School teachers elected: Edith McGary, adults; Pearl Matthews, assistant; Glenn Jackson and Brenda Miller, young married; Donna Ruth Basham, Youth B; Bambi Setzer, Youth A; Shelia Elder, juniors; Sharon Miller, primaries; Stella Taul and Yvonne Ryan, beginners; Judye H. Taul and Dorothy Basham, nursery; Patty Jackson, Sunday School Secretary and Pianist. Piano will be tuned. Building Committee will see that inside of church is painted. Tom Ryan reimbursed $35 for speaker in church. Church will pay $172 to Armes Equipment for air conditioner. Building Committee will investigate building a carport at the parsonage.

October 5 Balance in treasury is $3,752.60. After discussion about typewriting the church minutes, church decided to abandon this project, due to cost. Church will purchase a television antenna for the parsonage. Committee appointed of Donna Ruth Basham, Carol Dubree, Patty Jackson, and Judye H. Taul to prepare Christmas Program. Church will participate with Pisgah in association's basketball program. We will observe World Hunger Day and collect a special offering in October. Bro. Setzer stated he felt the need to continue his ministry elsewhere, but will continue here until another position is found. Church voted to extend the annual call to Bro. Setzer.

November 2 Balance in treasury is $3,920.56. Church will begin paying $1.50 per resident member per annum (about $135) to the Breckinridge Baptist Association. James Taul reports that the Weedman family might be able to purchase tombstones for their family members after tobacco sales. Church will send $75 to the Child Care Program. Pastor and Mrs. Setzer excused. Pastor to be given $300 as a bonus and $100 as a Christmas gift.

December 7 Telephone at parsonage changed from party line to a private line. Balance in treasury is $4,272.95. Bro. Robert Brown Setzer, Jr., resigns as pastor, effective December 21. Church will permit him to delay moving his belongings from parsonage until January 5. Christmas Program to be held December 21. Santa will not visit this year; gifts will be after Christmas Program. Pulpit Committee appointed of Glenn Basham, Glenn Jackson, and Carol Dubree.

December 21 Christmas Program and Bro. Setzer's last service at New Clover Creek.


 January 4 Balance in treasury is $4,023.94. In response to questions presented by the Pulpit Committee, the church decided: (1) supply pastor will be paid same as before but we will add $.20 per mile for travel; (2) the Pulpit Committee may look for a pastor from the seminary or anywhere; (3) the pastor must live in the parsonage; (4) the church will consider each candidate's circumstances to determine whether pastorate will be part-time; (5) pastor's salary raised to $125 per week; (6) Judi C. Taul and Linda Shultz will be choir directors. Church constitution discussed. Committee to revise constitution appointed: Perry Ryan, chairman; Margaret E. Taul; Shelia Elder; and Linda Shultz.

January 18 Trial sermon with David Matthews.

January 24 Trial sermon with David Matthews.

February 1 Balance in treasury is $4,251.83. Action delayed as to revising constitution. Building Committee has installed new floor in kitchen of parsonage, costing $441. Choir directors authorized to purchase music for Easter Program. Church granted letters to Bro. and Mrs. Robert Setzer, to unite with Ravensworth Baptist Church in Annandale, Virginia. Youth Choir may purchase new song books. Balance of church's account to be transferred to a N.O.W. account. Doors and woodwork in parsonage to be refinished on February 2. Church calls David Homer Matthews, a student at Southern Baptist Seminary who is not yet ordained into the ministry, as sixteenth pastor of New Clover Creek. Family will probably move weekend of February 22.

March 1 Balance in the treasury is $4,547.65. Church will pay for a duplicate plaque for Pisgah, since churches jointly were runners-up in the association's basketball tournament. Church will pay for pastor's health insurance rather than retirement benefits. Bro. Matthews and Donna Basham elected co-principals for Bible School.

March 15 Ordination service for Bro. David Homer Matthews to be held at a time convenient for him and Bro. Meador.

April 5 Balance in treasury is $4,078.74. New kitchen range to be purchased for parsonage for $360. Bernard Mattingly to be contacted to remove odor from carpet. Church grants permission to erect fence around parsonage for play area. Letters for Bro. and Mrs. Matthews have been received from Walnut Street Baptist Church. Building Committee to investigate cost of a new lawn mower. Carl Miller volunteered to bushhog rear of church lot this year. Debbie Simco agreed to mow the church yard. Church will pay Bro. Matthews $25 expenses for a trip he made to attend a Youth Rally in Bowling Green.

April 12 Ordination service held for Bro. David Homer Matthews.

April 19 David Leonard Payne and Cheryl "Sherry" Denise Haynes Payne promise letters from Hardinsburg Baptist Church, to unite with our fellowship.

May 3 Balance in treasury is about $4,500. Cost of mower runs from $100 to $300. James Dowell has offered to mow and trim the yard. New church sign not completed yet. Carpet at parsonage still has odor; padding will be lifted and cleaned or replaced. Bible School teachers authorized to purchase crafts. Bro. Matthews authorized to obtain evangelist for revival.

May 17 Robert Allen Purcell and Regina Powers Purcell promise letters from Cloverport Baptist Church, to unite with our fellowship.

June 7 Balance in treasury is $4,805.90. Building Committee has purchased a mower for over $400. Treasurer will pay bill from Western Recorder. Letters received for David and Cheryl Payne. Building Committee to investigate termites at parsonage. Concrete slab to be poured for basketball goal at rear of church. Church will pay $50 fee to participate in softball league. Church will make $25 gift to Don McClung, speaker for June 10. Evangelist for revival will be Bro. Don McCutcheon, August 9-16. Church will send a $50 savings bond to Bro. Setzer's new baby girl, Whitney.

June 10 Wednesday night prayer service conducted by Bro. Don McClung.

July 5 Balance in treasury is $5,308.68. Letters for Bob and Regina Purcell received. Building Committee will investigate electrical wiring of the church. Officers elected for next year: Frank Miller, moderator; William Taul, assistant; Cheryl Payne, clerk; Carol Dubree, assistant; Glenn Jackson, treasurer; Cindy Matthews, Sunday School Superintendent; Bob Purcell, assistant; Linda Shultz, pianist; Pam Taul, W.M.U. President; David Payne, song leader; Shelby Elder, assistant. Church grants Bro. Matthews paid vacation this year. Thomas Ryan elected to Executive Board. Building Committee to investigate adding a restroom to church. New outdoor toilet to be constructed meanwhile. Messengers elected to Breckinridge Baptist Association: Bob Purcell, Regina Purcell, Cindy Matthews. Alternates: David Payne, Cheryl Payne, and Edith McGary.

July 19 Special business meeting called. Church accepted a bid made by Tipton and Ball Plumbing to install a restroom, at a cost of $1,942.

August 2 Balance in treasury is $5,891.95. Restroom has been installed. Building Committee reports wiring needs repair. Action to build new outdoor toilet withdrawn as moot. Church will pay $16.95 for rhythm instruments used by youth. Church will pay $20 for books used by G.A.'s. Robert Allen Purcell, who previously has served as deacon at Cloverport, is elected deacon here. Carol Dubree and Judi C. Taul appointed to collect love offerings for evangelist at revival.

August 12-18 Revival with Rev. Don McCutcheon, Sr., as evangelist.

August 12 Professions of faith made by Kristi Payne and Shannon Basham.

August 15 Profession of faith made by Jeremy Purcell.

September 6 Church will support effort to obtain a full-time director of missions for Breckinridge Baptist Association. Church will begin a Royal Ambassador (R.A.) Program. Church will pay for badges for the G.A.'s. Church will begin a set of records recording births, baptisms, marriages, and deaths, effective August, 1981.

September 27 Sunday School teachers elected: Edith McGary, adults; Cindy Matthews, young married; Margaret Ellen Taul, Youth B; Pam Taul, Youth A; Judi C. Taul, juniors; Sharon Miller, primaries; Yvonne Ryan and Stella Taul, beginners; Judye H. Taul and Dorothy Basham, nursery. Sherry Payne having declined to serve as church clerk, Donna Basham elected as replacement. Patty Jackson elected Sunday School Secretary.

October 4 Treasury has a balance of $4,136.74. David Payne and Bro. Matthews will plan Christmas Program. New boom and microphone to be purchased. Church will purchase basketball goal and backboard. Outreach cards for Sunday School to be purchased. David Payne donated a stove for the church basement. Building Committee will check into stoves for basement and parsonage. Annual call extended to Bro. Matthews for another year.

November 1 Balance in bank is $4,930.81. New stove in the basement to be purchased. Church will pay for building a float for the Christmas Parade. New carpet purchased for parsonage due to odor of old one. Church will purchase a basketball. $100 to be sent to Child Care Program.

December 6 Balance in treasury is $5,084.04. Church will pay association's Basketball Program fee. Church will give $200 to the Breckinridge County Children's Fund for needy families.


 January 3 Balance in treasury is $5,518.06. Christmas Drive Committee dismissed.

February 7 Balance in treasury is $5,835.51. Building Committee will inspect gutters and eaves at the parsonage. Church will subscribe to the G.A. and R.A. magazine.

March 7 Balance in treasury is $6,214.67. Bro. and Mrs. Matthews authorized to paint parsonage. Judi C. Taul elected principal of Vacation Bible School. Cindy Matthews will be sent to the Mission Friends clinic at Rough River in April. Church will host a CODAP meeting and a Gideons speaker here. We will have a weekend revival in April. Cindy Matthews appointed director of church project to help the needy in the community.

April 4 Balance in treasury is $6,860.20. The Missions Friends Clinic was cancelled. Church granted letters to Tommy, Brenda, Kent, and Derrick Miller, to unite with the Hardinsburg Baptist Church. We will purchase a plaque for Pisgah, to share basketball award. Bad trees in church yard to be cut.

April 23-25 Spring Revival with Bro. Terry Wood, from Louisville.

May 2 Balance of $7,583.86 in the treasury. Termite control to be contacted again about termites at the parsonage. Church building to be sprayed also. Church members, rather than a contractor, will cut trees in church yard. At his request, Robert Keenan's membership is dropped from our rolls, since he has been re-baptized at Lewisport Baptist Church. Church will pay $50 to Dave and Cindy Matthews for hosting our weekend revival evangelist. Effective today, pastor's salary will be raised $25 per week. Committee appointed of Judi C. Taul and Sharon Miller to purchase new carpet and pews for sanctuary.

June 6 Balance in treasury is $7,564.93; $245 in the pew fund. Building Committee will receive bids on the termite contract. Judi C. Taul presented costs of pews: Oak, $4,561 and pine, $3,841. Church will purchase the oak pews, color of material to be green. Revival set for second week in August. Drain pipe at parsonage is clogged; church will purchase a new line for it.

July 4 Balance in treasury is $7,463.02. Pew fund is $370. Nationwide will do exterminating. Officers elected for next year: Frank Miller, Sunday School Superintendent; Cindy Matthews, assistant; Judi C. Taul, treasurer; Cindy Matthews, clerk; Jean Miller, assistant; Judye H. Taul, W.M.U. President; Linda Shultz, pianist; Sharon Miller, assistant; Tom Ryan, moderator; Frank Miller, assistant; Shelby Elder, song leader; Danny Shultz, assistant; Donna Basham, music director. Church will contact the pew company for samples of colors. Donna Basham will take G.A.'s to Rough River to stay overnight in a cabin. Jessie Mae Duncan has given $20 to the G.A.'s and the balance of the trip, about $30, will be paid by the church. Messengers elected to Breckinridge Baptist Association: David Matthews, Bob Purcell, and Regina Purcell. Alternates: Cindy Matthews, Edith McGary, and Pearl Matthews. Church will give away an old couch and chair belonging to the church, now stored in Glenn Basham's basement.

August 1 Balance in treasury is $7,824.43. Pews will be purchased from the Cisco Company. Church will change color of pew cushions. Entire sanctuary to be covered with carpet. Color of pew cushions will be light blue. Pews will be plain Gothic style. Backs of pews will be wood rather than upholstery, finish 208. Annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association approved. Church will purchase new material for curtains in the basement.

August 9-15 Revival with Rev. Rick Robbins as evangelist. No additions.

September 5 Balance in bank is now about $8,500. Representative from the Cisco pew company has a buyer for the old pews. Committee authorized to sell old pews. New carpet will be purchased from Jack Dunn. Building Committee will investigate weather boarding on the church. Sunday School teachers elected: Edith McGary, adults; Cindy Matthews, Carol Dubree, and Bro. Matthews, young adults; Margaret Taul, young people; Pam Taul, intermediates; Shelia Elder, juniors; Sharon Miller, primaries; Yvonne Ryan and Stella Taul, beginners; Dorothy Basham and Judye H. Taul, nursery. Church will be painted before new carpet arrives.

October 3 Balance in treasury is $8,001.63. Pew fund is $923.48. Treats for children will be purchased for Christmas. Christmas Program Committee appointed: Carol Dubree, Jean Miller, Judye H. Taul. Church granted letter to Maxie Ellen Bates, to unite with Corinth Baptist Church. Church extended annual call to Bro. Matthews for another year.

October 31 Special business meeting called. Church will pay for balance of pews from treasury. Church will sponsor the World Mission Program with Pisgah at a cost of $75. Services for November 7 will be canceled to attend Hites Run Baptist Church and see a Billy Graham movie, "The Living Word."

November 14 Pew Committee dismissed. Church will send $125 to the Children's Home. Church will pay $37.50 fee for Basketball Program. Church will pay $3 per resident member to the Breckinridge Baptist Association, retroactive to November 1, 1982. Church will purchase a wooden pew front for the choir loft. Church will purchase a new vacuum cleaner. Cindy Matthews will clean church for $3.50 per hour. Sharon Miller and Stella Taul appointed to obtain new vacuum. Church will pay Ron Gibson to landscape front of the church, not to exceed $100.

December 5 Carpet to be laid out on December 13. Cindy Matthews declined cleaning the church. Church will pay her $10 per week for time spent. New janitor to be obtained for $10 per week. Church will purchase two large pulpit chairs matching pews. Church will pay balance of expense for R.A. and G.A. banquet. Building Committee asked to study feasibility of building a Fellowship Hall. Church will set aside $20 per family, not to exceed $200, to help the truly needy during Christmas. Love offering will be given to the Dwight Sebastian family.


 January 2 Vacuum cleaner has been purchased; committee dismissed. Christmas Treat Committee dismissed. Pew front has been ordered from Jack Dunn. Sandy Taul will clean church.

February 6 Church will reimburse Donna Ruth Basham for flowers G.A.'s sent to Jessie Mae Duncan, Myrtle Taul, and Helen Ryan. Church will pay $75 to the World Mission Conference. Church will establish a permanent Planning Committee each calendar year; Bro. Matthews will choose members.

March 6 Balance of $5,204.49 in the treasury. Cindy Matthews elected principal of Vacation Bible School. Insurance on contents of church to be raised to $7,000. Vara Duncan Walker and John C. Walker have given $100 to the Building Fund in honor of Jessie Mae Duncan. Church will convert Bro. Matthews' travel expense, at his request, into a student insurance policy, amounting to $40 increase per month. Church will give $200 to the Dwight Sebastian family to help them recover losses from their burned trailer. Church will participate in an Easter Sunrise Service with Pisgah on Easter Sunday and will cancel Sunday night services and business meeting.

April 3 Easter Sunrise services at Pisgah. No business meeting.

May 1 Balance of $5,488.82 in treasury. Insurance on contents of church has been raised to $7,000. Church grants letter to Debra Taul, to unite with the Hillsdale Baptist Church in Valley Station. Bible School will be held June 6-10 from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Revival will be held in August rather than September. The Planning Committee and Billy Harper are appointed to develop plans for building a Fellowship Hall. Love offering of $300 to be given to Brenda Bates.

June 5 Building Committee reports estimate of $2,800 for removing the three Sunday School rooms in the rear of the church and then forming a new foundation. Approximate cost of a new basement will be $4,500 to $5,000. National Termite Co. has made a follow-up call to the parsonage. Church accepted resignation of Donna Basham as music director. Fall revival will be held August 8-14. Bro. Chester Culver, pastor of Whitesville Baptist Church, will be evangelist. Vents will be placed under the eaves of the church for circulation.

July 3 Balance in treasury is $5,948.86. Church will pay $3 each for twelve books for the G.A.'s. Messengers elected to the Breckinridge Baptist Association: Cindy Matthews, Carol Dubree, and Thomas Ryan. Alternates: Dorothy Basham, Bob Purcell, and Stella Taul. Election of officers postponed until July 10.

July 10 Special business meeting. Officers elected for next year: Bob Purcell, moderator; Bro. Matthews, assistant; Cindy Matthews, clerk; Betty Harper, assistant; Judi C. Taul, treasurer; Carol Dubree, Sunday School Superintendent; Frank Miller, assistant; Judye H. Taul, W.M.U. President; Linda Shultz, pianist; Sharon Miller, assistant; David Payne, music director; Danny Shultz, assistant.

August 7-13 Revival with Rev. Chester Culver, pastor of Whitesville Baptist Church, as evangelist.

August 8 Patty Jackson promised letter from Hites Run to unite with our fellowship.

September 4 Planning Committee members to remain appointed for next year. Building Fund established. Any debt remaining in the Pew Fund will be paid out of the treasury; balance left will begin Building Fund. Church will pay $37.45 to WHIC to continue Baptist Hour broadcast. Sunday School teachers elected: Edith McGary, adults; Billy Harper, assistant; Margaret E. Taul, young people; Sherry Payne, intermediates; Shelia Elder, assistant; Cindy Matthews, juniors; Frank Miller, assistant; Sharon Miller, primaries; Yvonne Ryan and Stella Taul, beginners; Dorothy Basham and Judye H. Taul, nursery. Church will obtain twenty-five choir robes for $10 each. Church will give the Vertrees family $50 for singing at Homecoming, September 11. At request of the pastor, church will withhold $20 annuity payment.

September 11 Homecoming.

October 2 Balance in treasury is $8,344.50. Choir robes will be navy blue. Church granted letter to Linda Sago, to unite with First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana. Church granted letter to Lynda Akridge, to unite with the Westside Baptist Church of Murray, Kentucky. Church will pay $37.50 to support the basketball league. Church will reimburse Bro. Matthews $20 and Sue Kiper $20 for attending Youth Choir day at Georgetown College on September 17. Gift of $1,000 from Jessie Mae Duncan to be placed in the Building Fund. David Payne elected chairman of 1983 Christmas Committee. Church will give $25 per quarter to Association W.M.U. work. Church extended annual call to Bro. Matthews for another year.

November 6 Church will give $150 to Children's Home; envelopes to be used.

November 20 Church will enter a float in the Hardinsburg Christmas Parade, to spend $150 or less.

December 4 Balance in treasury is now $8,504.20. Church will buy a gift of appreciation for Sherman and Margaret Taul for allowing church to use a building in which to build the Christmas float. Church will donate $20 to Medco Center in Hardinsburg, to purchase ceramic Christmas trees for each room. Church will reevaluate its insurance policies. Parking lot will be improved with more gravel.


 January No business.

February 12 Special business meeting. Church will be insured by an all-risk policy from Farm Bureau for $75,000 on the parsonage. Purchase of "clip microphones" for girl's ensemble is tabled for now, due to incapacity of the amplification system at present. Church pays $56.70 for men's breakfast at Laslie's Restaurant. Glenn Jackson will replace Sherry Payne, who resigned as teacher of Youth B Sunday School class.

March 4 Treasury balance is $7,402.10. $1,926 in the Building Fund. Planning Committee will host a 50th Anniversary celebration for this year's homecoming. A Senior Citizen Day for those over 70 will be held in May. Church to purchase a ceiling fan. Danny Shultz will replace David Payne, who resigned as song leader.

April Bro. David Homer Matthews resigns as pastor.

April 25 Special Business Meeting. Pulpit Search Committee appointed of Glenn Basham, David Payne, and Carl Miller.

May 6 Balance in treasury is $6,938.80. One candidate for pastor (Bro. Paul Moore) has been heard to date. At request of Pulpit Search Committee, church decided (1) church will pay all bills at parsonage; (2) no vacation will be granted before October 1, 1984--one week paid, one week unpaid afterward; (3) no cats or dogs in the parsonage; (4) pastor will not cancel services without consulting at least three deacons.

June 3 Church calls Bro. Paul Gilbert Moore, a doctoral student at Southern Baptist Seminary, as seventeenth pastor of New Clover Creek. Piano to be tuned. Pastor's salary to be raised from $150 to $200 per week. Carpets in parsonage to be cleaned.

June 24 First Sunday with Bro. Paul Moore as pastor.

July 1 Pulpit Search Committee dismissed. Per his request, pastor's salary will include $.20 per mile for travel and school expenses, to be paid biweekly rather than weekly. Messengers to Breckinridge Baptist Association elected: Janice Moore, Judye H. Taul, Billy Harper. Alternates: Carol Dubree, Tom Ryan, Betty Harper. Trustees and Building Committee will proceed with plans for construction of additional space. Church goes on the record as saying "we are interested in spiritual and physical growth." Special Business meeting will be held July 15 to elect church officers and approve church letter. Pastor to make arrangements for revival. 1985 will be our 50th Anniversary celebration. Patty Jo Taul elected to replace Sandy Taul, who resigned from custodial duties.

August 5 Balance in treasury is $9,537.35; building fund is $3,210.68. Special offerings for revival should be given to Regina Purcell or Judi C. Taul. Church will pay expenses for party welcoming new pastor. Officers elected for next year: Billy Harper, Sunday School Superintendent; Imogene Miller, treasurer; Betty Harper, clerk; Judi C. Taul, assistant; Linda Shultz, pianist; Sharon Miller, assistant; Shelby Elder, song leader; Danny Shultz, assistant; Bob Purcell, moderator; David Payne, assistant; Judye H. Taul, W.M.U. President. Upon recommendation of the Building Committee, the old basement will be left as it is. The trustees and the Building Committee will each select one person to take responsibility for construction of new Fellowship Hall. New addition will be 30 x 40.' Annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association approved.

August 6-12 Revival with Rev. Paul Moore, pastor, as evangelist.

September 2 Basketball goal to be loaned to Glenn Basham until the church needs it. Church to participate in the association's Basketball Program. Church granted letters to Bro. and Mrs. David Matthews, to unite with the First Baptist Church of Tallapoosa, Georgia. Homecoming will be postponed, due to construction of Fellowship Hall. Teachers for Sunday School to be elected next month.

September 9 Sunday School teachers elected: Edith McGary, adults; Betty Harper, assistant; Carol Dubree, young married; Bro. Moore, singles; Donna Ruth Basham, Youth B; Linda Shultz, assistant; Betty Harper, Youth A; Shelia Elder, assistant; Bernice Taul, juniors; Shelia Elder, assistant; Judi C. Taul, primaries; Yvonne Ryan and Stella Taul, beginners; Judye H. Taul and Dorothy Basham, nursery.

September 30 Baptism of Melissa Walker at Corinth Baptist Church.

October 7 Janice Moore elected as Assistant Sunday School Superintendent. January Bible Study will be moved to February or March, due to commitments of the teacher. Class will be "Bible Study in Psalms." Bro. Moore will distribute church mail to members in the vestibule. Building Fund account to be closed and remainder to be transferred to the checking account. Christmas Committee named: Linda Shultz and Judi C. Taul, adult choir; Janice Moore and Sue Kiper, children's choir; Imogene Miller and Carol Dubree, treats. Adult choir cantata will be held December 23.

November 4 Balance in bank is about $2,750. Trustees authorized to obtain bank loan for Fellowship Hall.

December 2 About $10,000 was borrowed from Breckinridge Bank of Cloverport. $6,400 left in the treasury. Fellowship Hall has cost about $21,000 to date. Bible Study in Psalms to be held March 16-19. Church will purchase two poinsettias for Christmas cantata. Trustees will investigate additional insurance for the Fellowship Hall.


 January 6 Poinsettias were not purchased but given in memory of Mr. Egbert. $30,000 extra insurance has been added for Fellowship Hall. Coverage of church building is now $65,000 and parsonage is now $24,500. Church will pay for installation of a shower at the parsonage.

January 11 Charles Luther "Sam" Miller, charter member at New Clover Creek, former County Court Clerk and former Sheriff of Breckinridge County, dies following a lengthy illness. Funeral at New Clover Creek.

February 10 W.M.U. to report on need for sending $25 quarterly to W.M.U. Association. Some discussion about 50th Anniversary. Church will host member from Gideons on May 5.

March 3 Carol Walker elected principal of V.B.S. Church will participate in pulpit exchange on May 19.

April 7 Quarterly W.M.U. contribution will continue. Basketball goal will be sold rather than loaned. Permission granted to Charles Taul, Sr., for use of church for wedding and reception on September 21. Church will participate in county-wide revival in April, 1986. 50th Anniversary Committee appointed: Linda Shultz, Sherry Payne, and Judi C. Taul. Furnishings Committee appointed of Bernice Taul, Yvonne Ryan, and Betty Harper, to report to the trustees. Trustees authorized to buy needed furnishings for Fellowship Hall.

May 5 Flowers to be purchased for Mother's Day. 50th Anniversary and Homecoming will be celebrated September 8. Revival to be held first or second week of August. Trustees believe $4,000 to $5,000 will cover remainder of bills. About $31,000 has been spent; only $15,000 borrowed. Payments will begin May 24. P.A. equipment has been donated. New Fellowship Hall will be dedicated June 2. Families will rotate mowing the church yard this year.

June 2 Dedication of Fellowship Hall. $15,719 borrowed for the addition. $225.60 was our monthly payment on May 24. Church will continue paying $1.25 per month maintenance plan. Judye H. Taul will obtain gift for fathers on Father's Day. New vacuum cleaner to be purchased. Resolution honoring those who assisted in working on Fellowship Hall. In the absence of the pastor, members of the church will fill in the vacancy as supply.

June 11-13 Church members Bro. Moore, Janice Moore, and Perry Ryan attend Southern Baptist Convention in Dallas, Texas.

July 7 Bible School commencement.

July 14 Church will have a listing in the Tri-City Times for $10 per month or $50 for six months. Church will participate in community worship at the Sacajawea Festival on August 7. Church will keep old chairs in basement, rather than selling them. Officers elected: Carol Dubree, Sunday School Superintendent; Charles Taul, moderator; Glenn Basham, assistant; Linda Shultz, pianist; Sharon Miller, assistant; Danny Shultz, song leader; Tom Ryan and Shelby Elder, assistants; Judye H. Taul, W.M.U. President; Imogene Miller, treasurer; Judi C. Taul, clerk; Betty Harper, assistant. Church will begin electing officers in June in order to complete the annual church record. Dr. Walker has donated a dehumidifier for the church basement. The kitchen is to be finished before Homecoming. Church will purchase a new vacuum cleaner.

August 4 Donna Basham authorized to purchase material for young people's Bible Study Course. Church sanctuary to be painted. Entrance to church to be rebuilt to permit handicapped access. Messengers to the Breckinridge Baptist Association elected: Tom Ryan, Edith McGary, Dorothy Basham, and Billy Harper. Alternates: Yvonne Ryan, Arthur Jackson, Bob Purcell, and Betty Harper. Annual letter to the Breckinridge Baptist Association approved.

August 12-16 Spring revival with Bro. John Meador, pastor of Corinth Baptist Church.

September 1 Since Judi C. Taul has declined the position of church clerk, Judye H. Taul was elected her replacement. Sunday School teachers elected: Edith McGary, senior adults; Margaret E. Taul, assistant; Sharon Miller, adults; Carol Dubree, David Payne, Bob Purcell, and Dan Walker, young married adults; Bro. Moore, young single adults; Donna Ruth Basham, young people; Pam Taul and Tom Ryan, intermediates; Janice Moore, juniors; Judi C. Taul, primaries; Lisa DeHaven, assistant; Yvonne Ryan and Stella Taul, preschool; Judye H. Taul and Dorothy Basham, nursery. Policy adopted as to pastor's vacation: "After one full year of service the church [will] pay the pastor for two full weeks of vacation time." At request of Orbey Morris, school bus driver, church grants permission to use the basement as a place of refuge in times of need, especially storms. Church will purchase congoleum for floor before Homecoming. Church will pay $5 per week more for additional custodial work created by Fellowship Hall. Family night will be held once each month after Wednesday Night Prayer service, at a cost of $1 per person. Donations to be taken by Regina Purcell toward pots, pans, and utensils.

September 8 Golden Jubilee (50th Anniversary) of the church celebrated. Former pastors, Bro. Elmore, Bro. Wilson, Bro. Stibbins, Bro. Wheatley, Bro. Hartley, Bro. Hughes, and Bro. Matthews, attend services.

October 6 Billy Harper will replace thermostat in the church with a timer thermostat. Christmas Program Committee appointed: Carol Walker, Annette Dowell, Sue Kiper, and Pam Taul. Annual call extended to Bro. Moore for another year. Cost of Wednesday night meals raised to $2 for adults and $1 for children.

November 3 Any extra money collected at Wednesday night dinners will be used to buy supplies. Supplies to be kept in the kitchen.

December 1 Trustees commended for obtaining new range in kitchen so quickly. Church will pay $336 to Hicks Insulation Co. to blow in insulation above the sanctuary ceiling. Church will purchase $15 gift for loved ones in the nursing homes. Pam Taul and G.A.'s will obtain them. Sharon Miller's Sunday School class will be in charge of refreshments after Christmas Program.


 January 5 Donation of $500 given by Billy and Shirley Riley will be applied toward the church debt. Donation of $1,000 given by Grace DeJarnette and an anonymous donor (minutes ambiguous). Trustees will purchase bookcase in the library. Three electric heaters to be purchased. Authority granted to Linda Shultz to purchase whatever needed for men's fellowship breakfast.

February 3 Kitchen shower to be held at monthly supper on March 5.

March 2 Church will participate in the annual Gideons Day on May 4; love offering to be taken. Bro. Moore announces he has been asked to deliver the message at the Easter Sunrise Service at the F.F.A. Camp in Hardinsburg.

April 6 Bro. Moore will appoint a principal for Bible School. Sherry Payne will seek volunteers to mow the church lawn.

April 9-11 Spring revival with Bro. Scott Brewer, pastor of First Baptist Church of Fulton, evangelist.

May 4 Bro. and Mrs. Moore elected messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention in Atlanta. Fathers to be recognized on Father's Day. Church will participate in the association's Mission Program on March 26-29, 1987.

June 1 Constitutional Revision Committee appointed in January, 1981, is dismissed. New committee appointed of Perry Ryan, chairman; Margaret E. Taul; Bro. Moore; Amy Shultz; Carl Miller; Carol Dubree; and David Payne, to study revisions to the church constitution and recommend amendments. Revival will be held September 15-21. Church will pay all of Bro. and Mrs. Moore's expenses to the Southern Baptist Convention. Trustees authorized to hire someone to mow church grass on church lot.

July 6 Treasurer reports total cost of Fellowship Hall and new Sunday School rooms was $40,852.51. Already paid is $28,198.71. Only $12,653.80 remains on the debt. Officers elected for next year: Carol Dubree, Sunday School Superintendent; Bernice Taul, assistant; Judye H. Taul, clerk; Carl Miller, treasurer; Imogene Miller, assistant; Linda Shultz, pianist; Sharon Miller, assistant; Judi C. Taul, music director; Judye H. Taul, W.M.U. President; Charles H. Taul, Sr., moderator; Danny Shultz, assistant; Pam Taul, Vacation Bible School Principal; Arthur Jackson, song leader; Tom Ryan, assistant. Messengers to Breckinridge Baptist Association elected: Edith McGary, Billy and Betty Harper. Alternates: Tom and Yvonne Ryan, Linda Shultz. Church will donate $100 toward the new Breckinridge Baptist Association office. Scott Smart gave $500 toward debt retirement. Trustees and Linda Shultz to purchase a used piano for new Fellowship Hall.

July At a special business meeting, church makes numerous amendments to the church bylaws. Sweeping changes are made.

August 3 Used piano not found. Annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association approved. Sunday School teachers elected: Edith McGary, senior adults; Sharon Miller, middle adults; David Payne, Dan Walker, Linda Shultz, and Linda Gibson, young adults; Bro. Moore, single adults; Donna Basham, Glenn Jackson, intermediates; Tom Ryan and Pam Taul, juniors; Shelia Elder, Janice Moore, and Glenn Basham, primaries; Judi C. Taul and Lisa DeHaven, beginners; Yvonne Ryan and Stella Taul, preschool.

September 7 At his request, Glenn Basham will not be Sunday School teacher. Balance of $4,266.73 in treasury. Debt is now $11,409.50. Church will reimburse Perry Ryan for puppets purchased. Church grants 10 percent raise in salary to the pastor. Heating stove in basement to be sold.

September 14-19 Revival with Bro. Paul Moore, pastor, as evangelist. Lisa DeHaven makes profession of faith.

October 5 Finance Committee's recommended budget discussed.

November 2 Finance Committee's recommended budget approved.

December 7 Offering to be taken for Gideons, but Gideons will not speak here. Imogene Miller authorized to buy Christmas treats.


 January 4 Gift of $1,000 was made to church by anonymous donor; church will apply it toward the debt. Annuity Board paid the December health bill of $85 for the pastor.

February 1 Balance of $4,069 in the treasury. Used piano not yet found. Church will buy gravel costing about $250 for improvements to the parking lot. Committee appointed of Glenn Basham, Tom Ryan, and Carl Miller, to move a ping pong table donated by Tommy Miller. Church will pay McQuady Fire Department $15 for dues this year.

March 1 Lynda Akridge has donated her piano to our church for use in Fellowship Hall. Trustees to build handicapped ramp at church entrance.

April 5 Handicapped ramp completed at church entrance; trustees commended. Church grants letter to Rhonda Miller Stinnett, to unite with the Glover Baptist Church, Norcross, Georgia. Two sidewalks and steps to parsonage will be placed before landscaping is done. Sunday night services will be held at 6:00 until the first Sunday in May, when time will be changed to 7:00. Church will honor Scott Smart on August 26, for his 94th birthday.

May 10 Church granted letters to Billy and Betty Harper, to unite with Hardinsburg Baptist Church. Church elected Bro. and Mrs. Moore as messengers to Southern Baptist Convention in St. Louis. Expenses to be paid by church. $100 left from the World Mission Conference will be donated to the Breckinridge Baptist Association.

June 7 Balance in treasury is about $4,900. Card of thanks to be mailed to Lynda Akridge Golden for piano donated to Fellowship Hall.

July 5 Balance in treasury is $5,048. Messengers to Breckinridge Baptist Association elected: Danny and Barbara Ryan, Edith McGary. Alternates: Janice Moore, James and Stella Taul.

July 19 Special business meeting. Annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association approved.

August 2 First "annual meeting" of the church, in accordance with the new bylaws. Deacons report on annual evaluation, and officers and committees report. Officers for next year elected: Glenn Basham, moderator; Carl Miller, assistant; Linda Gibson, Sunday School Superintendent; Frank Miller, assistant; Dan Ryan, treasurer; Barbara Ryan, assistant; Janice Moore, clerk; Linda Shultz, pianist; Sharon Miller, assistant; Judi C. Taul, music director; Carol Walker, Vacation Bible School Principal. Thomas Ryan elected trustee for three-year term.

August 27 Church hosted annual meeting of the Breckinridge Baptist Association.

September 6 Balance in treasury is $8,500. Sunday School teachers elected: Edith McGary, Adult IV; Sharon Miller, Adult III; Linda Gibson, Dan Walker, Dan Ryan, David Payne, and Bro. Moore, Adult II; Bro. Moore, Adult I; Sherry Payne, Sue Kiper, Carol Dubree, youth; Bernice Taul, intermediates; Janice Moore and Cheryl Taul, juniors; Lisa DeHaven and Judi C. Taul, primaries; Stella Taul and Yvonne Ryan, preschool; Dorothy Basham and Judye H. Taul, nursery. $2,000 to be paid on the church debt.

September 22-27 Revival with Bro. Darryl Crenshaw, pastor of Garfield Baptist Church, as evangelist.

October 4 Additional officers elected: Judye H. Taul, W.M.U. President; Shelby Elder, song director; Judi C. Taul, assistant. Budget approved for next year. Evening worship will be held at 6:00 from September to May; 7:00 from June to August.

October 9 Death of Hazel Irene Hawkins Miller, who had been confined to the Medco Center in Hardinsburg. Funeral at New Clover Creek.

November 1 Unobligated cash balance is $7,081. Church will pay Perry Ryan $63 for puppets. Church will attempt to collect $125 to donate to the Baptist Children's Home; if not collected, remainder to be paid from treasury. Pastor's contribution to Annuity Board to be made through a salary reduction, at his request.

December 6 Balance of $8,923 in treasury. Sharon Miller authorized to purchase Christmas decorations for basement. Bookshelves and file cabinets for church library have not been obtained. Church will give one week's salary to Bro. Moore as a Christmas gift. Church will give up to five weeks vacation, with pay, as a graduation gift, in order that he and Mrs. Moore might go to the Holy Land.


 January 3 Balance in treasury is $10,586.49; unobligated cash balance of $9,246.51. Budget Committee will determine if there is enough money to pay against church debt. Trustees had no report on book shelves or file cabinets. $1,100 has been donated to the building fund in memory of Hazel Miller. Some of the family favored the purchase of an organ. The advisory council, composed of department heads and elected officers in the church, will study the feasibility of remodeling the sanctuary to expand seating to meet current and future needs and make recommendations. Council will also study determine whether there is a general desire to purchase an organ.

February 7 Unobligated balance of $10,568 in the treasury. $901 given to Lottie Moon Christmas offering. Finance Committee reports we are $1,640 above our projected giving and recommends we pay $2,000 on the loan. Church adopted recommendation. Trustees reported on various prices of file cabinets. Church will purchase file cabinets. Dan Ryan elected as deacon. Church building to be sprayed for bugs, spiders, and mice for $45 every three months. Sherry Payne authorized to buy food for the February 14 Sunday School breakfast. Church will pay $20 dues for fire protection. Church will not host a Gideons speaker but will donate $50 to their cause.

March 6 Unobligated cash balance of $8,412; bank note is now only $2,574. Although a gas leak is a problem at the parsonage, it has been turned off and not corrected. Trustees will find source of leak.

April 3 Unobligated cash balance of $9,841.96. Someone will mow church lawn. Advisory Council will form a special Renovation Committee consisting of Charles Taul, chairman; Yvonne Ryan; and Dr. Dan Walker, to propose a plan to remodel the sanctuary and another to add to our sanctuary to meet present and future needs. Committee will produce any professional advice while maintaining integrity of the original building. Committee will present the plan and will accept bids from interested contractors. Committee will be authorized to accept the best bid, will oversee any work, and will see that the work is done adequately and within the prescribed time period. Additional $50 given to youth choir budget. Church will purchase a volleyball net. Church will purchase two additional Lord's Supper trays and glasses.

May 1 Undesignated cash balance of $11,447.27. Special Renovation Committee reports: (1) sanctuary will be expanded 21 feet, 48 feet wide; (2) vinyl siding, metal doors; (3) entrance ramp to be installed; (4) bell tower to be moved to front of the addition; new heating and air to be moved; (5) steps to balcony; (6) walls to choir room and pastor's study to be removed; (7) cracks to be repaired; (8) baptistry to be installed, 800 gallon capacity for $2,600; (9) paneling in the wings to be replaced with drywall; (10) new lights to be installed; (11) decorator window to be placed near the road; (12) sliding doors to be added to wings; (13) carpet to be replaced and expanded at $287.75 each, at a total cost of $27,000 to accommodate about eighty more people. Adding the lights, baptistry, and rearranging the P.A. system will bring the total to about $37,000. Entire project should be completed within sixty days. Trustees and Finance Committee will explore these options. One Sunday this month should be designated for a special offering for the building fund. Trustees and the Renovation Committee will contract for the renovation and the addition. Church will spend $200 on the men's and women's softball teams.

June 5 Unobligated cash balance of $13,387.96. Around $9,000 has been given to the building fund. Special Renovation Committee reports that three feet should be added to addition, toward the road, with a dropped roof line and three decorate windows, adding $3,000 to the total cost. No action taken at this time. Trustees reported on loan: $463 per month for ten years; $337 per month for twenty years; $376 per month for fifteen years. Several members volunteered to sign signature loans if necessary. John Hubert Miller's membership will be accepted by statement of Christian experience, since the Ninth and O Baptist Church reports it is unable to locate his letter, although there is no question he is a member there. Finance Committee will report whether the church can pay off its present loan on the Fellowship Hall. Lord's Supper will be changed to the last Sunday in June for this quarter.

July 10 Balance of $21,940.30 total in the treasury; obligated funds of $7,848.60 including a building fund balance of $5,095; unobligated balance is $14,091.70. Finance Committee recommends that loan for Fellowship Hall be paid. Three-foot addition suggested by Special Renovation Committee approved.

August 7 Annual meeting of the church. Deacons report on annual evaluation, and officers and committees report. Unobligated cash balance of $15,335.26. Officers elected for next year: Stacy Taul, moderator; Glenn Basham, assistant; Janice Moore, clerk; Dan Ryan, treasurer; Linda Gibson, Sunday School Superintendent; Carol Dubree, assistant; Lisa DeHaven, Vacation Bible School Principal; Judi C. Taul, choir director and worship leader; Danny Shultz, assistant; Judye H. Taul, W.M.U. President. Special committee appointed to study options for building or buying a new parsonage, to report within sixty days, including: Jeff Dowell, Billy Harper, and Linda Gibson. A survey will be distributed for church members' input. Trustees will see that vacuum cleaner is repaired. Advisory Council to consider forming a Youth Committee. Annual church letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association approved. Revival and Homecoming will be postponed pending remodeling of the sanctuary. Danny Shultz elected for three-year term as trustee. Messengers to Breckinridge Baptist Association elected: Judye H. Taul, Janice Moore, and Betty Harper. Alternates: Billy Harper, Tom and Yvonne Ryan. Dan Ryan elected member to the Executive Board.

September 4 Unobligated cash balance of $16,434; balance at hand is $23,985.14. Advisory Council will report next month as to formation of a youth committee. Special Parsonage Committee reports that 22 of 35 surveys have been returned and that all 22 saw a need to do something about the parsonage; 17 favored building a new parsonage. Committee directed to report on options on housing and blueprints. Church approved allowing Bro. Moore to rent a house elsewhere for six to twelve months. Renovation on sanctuary will begin tomorrow. Betty Harper will be Child Care Representative for the Baptist Children's Homes. Music Committee will investigate purchasing a used organ for $1,000. Sunday School teachers to be elected at a special business meeting on September 18.

September 5 Renovation to sanctuary delayed because contractor reneged. New contractor will be sought by Renovation Committee.

September 18 Sunday School teachers elected: Edith McGary and Margaret E. Taul, Adult I; Sharon Miller, Adult II; Linda Shultz and Linda Gibson, Adult III; Bro. Moore, Adult IV; Donna Basham, Kris Paul, Jeff and Annette Dowell, young people; Bernice Taul, Pam Taul, and Betty Harper, intermediates; Dan and Barbara Ryan, junior boys; Cheryl Taul and Janice Moore, junior girls; Judi C. Taul and Lisa DeHaven, primaries; Yvonne Ryan and Stella Taul, preschool; Judye H. Taul, nursery. Renovation Committee will secure figures this week. Budget Committee will report at October meeting.

October 2 Balance of $25,820 in bank; $17,748 unobligated funds. Music Committee recommended that the church not purchase the used organ. Blueprints for parsonage will cost $250. Renovation to sanctuary will begin this week. Finance Committee proposes a budget of $55,000 for next year, which was accepted. Bro. Moore reports no appropriate home was found to rent. Church will consider a housing allowance for the pastor to purchase his own home.

November 5 Balance of $27,090; unobligated cash balance of $18,616. Children's Home envelopes are available. Church approves allowing Bro. Moore to rent a house in Madrid for $300 per month. Letter from Perry Ryan, now attorney, reporting that the trustees are now the lawful owners of the acre where the church stands, since the reversionary interest retained by the Patterson brothers in donating the lot has expired under state law.

November 27 Parsonage Committee reports on twelve proposed sites for new parsonage. Members appointed to contact individuals about purchase of one acre lot: Stacy Taul will contact Mrs. Tobin; if unsuccessful, William Taul will contact Dallas or LeRoy Taul about a fourth lot. Bro. and Mrs. Moore authorized to purchase a new range for parsonage. Parsonage Committee will set the following priorities: (1) select property; (2) hire surveyor; and (3) select lawyer to draft deed. Trustees will accept the committee's recommendations.

December 4 Unobligated cash balance of $15,015. Stacy Taul reports that Mrs. Tobin does not want to sell any land. William Taul will inquire with LeRoy Taul about site for parsonage. Trustees will increase the church property insurance by $35,000, totaling $100,000. A new furnace and range will be delivered to the parsonage this week. Church will obtain $15,000 by issuing bonds to members. Finance Committee will supervise issuing bonds, including the amounts of the bonds. Church will pay for expenses of Christmas float. Church will erect two handicapped parking signs donated by Perry Ryan. Next business meeting will be held January 4, with a pot luck dinner.

December 6 Frederic J. Cowan, Attorney General of Kentucky, announces appointment of church member Perry T. Ryan as an Assistant Attorney General, effective Friday, December 16.


 January 4 Promissory notes of $15,000 have been received. Unobligated cash balance of $18,424. Renovation Committee reports that the contractor plans to finish the inside of the sanctuary this week. LeRoy Taul did not want to sell any property. Other available sites discussed. Parsonage Committee along with Carl Miller, Charlie Taul, and Arthur Jackson will consult Mary Martin, Albert McGary, and Mr. Smart to make recommendations to the church concerning site. Church vacuum cleaner to be repaired. Church sells Arthur Jackson old parsonage cook range stove for $30. Sanctuary to be cleaned Saturday at 9:00 a.m.

January 22-28 Revival with Rev. Ron Williams, pastor of First Baptist Church in Lewisport, as evangelist. Brandon Taul makes profession of faith.

February 12 Unobligated cash balance of $5,124.82. As many members as possible will look for new lots for parsonage. New pews will arrive in two weeks. Doug Wallace of the Wallace Funeral Home in Cloverport has donated an organ to the church, which was accepted by the church. Round table to be purchased for young couple's Sunday School class. Old hymnals to be donated to Bro. Dale Miller's church. Gideons speaker to be here April 23. Janice Moore will arrange for fifty additional hymnals, which have already been budgeted.

March 5 Balance of $9,885 in treasury. Albert McGary, son of church member Edith McGary, has offered land, next to the present parsonage, 150 feet wide and as far back as desired by the church. Church accepted this generous gift. Parsonage Committee will be in charge of obtaining blueprints for a house, will obtain bids, and will report to the church for approval. Committee will seek input from Bro. Moore. Trustees will work with Albert McGary to obtain title.

March 19 Dedication of the new sanctuary addition.

April 2 Unobligated cash balance of $2,607. Building Project has been completed at a cost of $48,309.04. All but the $15,000 in promissory notes has been paid. Blueprints for new parsonage are in the foyer; Billy Harper estimated the cost to be $60,000. New floor plan drawn by Billy Harper approved. Parsonage Committee will obtain bids using the present septic tank and cistern. Trustees will make arrangements with Albert McGary. New parsonage to be made of brick. Finance Committee has met. Trustees directed to find someone to mow church lawn. Committee appointed of Judye H. Taul, Sharon Miller, and Bernice Taul to price new folding chairs.

April 16 House plans drawn by Billy Harper for new parsonage and to hear bids accepted. Jeff Dowell resigns from Parsonage Committee, due to personal reasons; Bob Purcell elected as replacement. Bids for parsonage ranged from $55,000 to $88,000. Bids deferred and committee will return with more proposals.

May 7 Unobligated cash balance of $3,200.65. Committee has not obtained padded chairs. An architect who designs churches and parsonages will mail us two sketches of parsonages this week. Trustees reported uncertainty about how much land was to be deeded; discussion followed.

June 4 Unobligated cash balance of $3,966; total of $8,276 in treasury. Trustees will replace kitchen door in present parsonage by July. Church will pay $100 toward food and $75 toward travel expenses for mission trip to Ashtabula, Ohio, to be taken from amounts budgeted to outreach missions. Floor plan for parsonage accepted as presented, without basement. Carport to be expanded.

June 17-18 Church members spend time at "Land Between the Lakes" in far western Kentucky. Sunday morning services at the park on Father's Day.

June 25 Judye H. Taul presented a sample of padded folding chairs, at $20 each. Lowest bid for parsonage was $64,795 from Gilbert Anthony, contractor. Trustees will have land surveyed and deeded and will obtain loan.

July 28 Unobligated cash balance of $5,153.32 in treasury. Finance Committee presented options for church loan on parsonage. Trustees have not repaired kitchen door to parsonage. Surveyor can survey new site within a few weeks. Frank Miller resigned as trustee; Charles Taul elected as replacement for unexpired term. Church accepts spotlight for steeple, donated by Perry Ryan, if it can be placed without undue damage to the building.

August 6 Annual meeting of the church. Deacons report on annual evaluation, and officers and committees report. Officers elected for next year: Stacy Taul, moderator; Perry Ryan, assistant; Amy Shultz, clerk; Perry Ryan, assistant; Dan Walker, treasurer; Carol Walker, assistant; Patty Jackson, Sunday School Secretary; Judye H. Taul, W.M.U. President; Linda Gibson, Sunday School Superintendent; Carl Miller, assistant; Kris Paul, Vacation Bible School Principal; Judye H. Taul, assistant. Church will participate in the simultaneous revivals through October 1. Annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association approved. Messengers elected to the Breckinridge Baptist Association: Barbara Ryan, Dan Ryan, and Judye H. Taul. Alternates: Janice Moore, Charlie and Bernice Taul. Trustees will bring a plan to dispose of the present parsonage by next meeting. Finance Committee reports that the church can obtain a loan for $55,000 from the Breckinridge Bank of Cloverport, at 10 percent interest, or payments of $531 per month. Charles Taul reelected trustee for a three-year term.

August 20 Trustees authorized to entered into a mortgage agreement with the Breckinridge Bank of Cloverport to borrow money not to exceed $65,000 for purpose of building a new parsonage, for fifteen years with a variable interest rate of ten percent. Trustees may obtain additional mortgage at the end of the building project, if needed, to be consolidated into one loan.

September 3 Unobligated cash balance of $2,746.49. Kitchen door to parsonage has been replaced. Trustees authorized to dispose of old parsonage as they see fit. Perry Ryan authorized to correct deed to old parsonage lot, if necessary. Carpet to be purchased from treasury, to be replenished by donations.

September 10 Homecoming.

October 1 Unobligated cash balance of $2,738.56. Sunday School teachers elected: Edith McGary and Margaret E. Taul, Adult I; Billy Harper, Adult II; Sharon Miller, assistant; Dan Walker, David Payne, and Linda Gibson, Adult III; Sherry Payne, singles; Jeff and Annette Dowell, Linda Shultz, and Perry Ryan, young people; Kris Paul and Donna Basham, intermediates; Barbara and Dan Ryan, junior boys; Cheryl Taul, junior girls; Judi C. Taul, primaries; Lisa DeHaven, assistant; Yvonne Ryan and Janice Moore, preschool; Judye H. Taul, assistant. Committee members accepted: Nominations Committee, Betty Harper, Barbara Ryan, and Tom Ryan; Music Committee, Janice Moore, Pam Taul, and Lisa DeHaven; Communications Committee, Stacy Taul, Tom Ryan, and Carol Dubree; Evangelism Committee, Sharon Miller, Charles Taul, and Billy Harper; Finance Committee, Dan Walker, Dan Ryan, and David Payne. Budget proposed by Finance Committee amounting to $59,240 approved. Vinyl for church rest rooms has been purchased. Charlie Taul donated carpeting for baptistry.

October 22 Bro. Bill Williams, minister of music, and the orchestra from the Immanuel Baptist Church of Lexington comes to New Clover Creek to assist in worship; Leslie Purcell makes profession of faith. Potluck dinner followed. Orchestra performed at 2:00.

October 29 Baptism of Leslie Purcell.

November 5 Barbara Ryan authorized to purchase $100 worth of Christmas decorations for building. Donations will be accepted on the night of our Christmas Play, December 17, for food, clothes, and toys to be given to the McBride family. Multipurpose, movable, ten-foot platform for corner of basement to be purchased. Deacons meeting to be called before November 2, to choose a pastor selection committee. Card of thanks to be mailed to Albert McGary for his donation of land for the site of the new parsonage. Church will permit Janice Moore to remain at parsonage until December 7, 1989. Church will discontinue participation in the Baptist Hour radio program after November 12, 1989.

November Bro. Paul Gilbert Moore's last Sunday.

December 3 Pastor Selection Committee reports that Bruce Underhill from Sioux City, Iowa, will be a candidate. Church appropriates $300 for each candidate. Church will pay $25 to participate in basketball league with Rough River Baptist Church.

December 31 Trial sermon with Bro. Bruce Underhill.


January 7

Trustees reported that the insurance on the parsonage has been increased by $300. Bids have been received on the water heater, pump, and air conditioner. Trustees report discrepancy on bank loan and request permission to retain a twenty-year loan instead of fifteen-year loan. Permission granted. Church granted letters to Bro. Paul and Janice Moore, to unite with Grace Baptist Church of Toccoa, Georgia.

February 4

Unobligated cash balance is $2,656.51. Church will verify that Sue Kiper and Lisa DeHaven are members in good standing, in conjunction with their applications to the Home Mission Board. Church will reconstruct the handicap incline at the front door. Trustees will be responsible for overseeing this.

February 18

Church elects Dr. William Cecil "W. C." Campbell as eighteenth pastor of New Clover Creek. Church will pay for a retirement plan and for hospitalization insurance.

March 4

Unobligated balance of $3,628.93 in the treasury. Church authorized up to $1,500 to move Dr. Campbell from Florida to the parsonage. Church will sell the washer and drier already in the parsonage, since the Campbells are bringing their own, and will use the money to purchase drapes. Sharon Miller appointed to open position on the Music Committee.


"Here's Hope Revival," with Dr. W. C. Campbell, pastor.

April 1

Balance in bank is $9,932.42. Cost of moving the Campbells was $1,095.93. Pastor Selection Committee dismissed. Washing machine, donated by Judi C. Taul, will be given back to her. Trustees will be taking bids on air conditioner and drier which were in the old parsonage.

May 6

Cash balance is $8,268.94. The clothes drier and air conditioner were sold to Billy Harper. Church granted permission for Dana Ryan and Roger Graves to borrow church chairs for their wedding near Tompkinsville. Church granted Dr. Campbell's request to build bookshelves for a church library.

May 25

James Silas McGary, church member since 1939, dies following a lengthy illness.

June 6

Library shelves not built yet. At request of Lisa DeHaven, church appropriates $100 to buy refreshments for children at Bible School held in Ashtabula, Ohio.

June 25-July 1

Vacation Bible School.

July 1

Business meeting postponed due to Bible School commencement.

July 8

Balance of $2,100.87 in treasury. Charles and Bernice Taul, Billy and Betty Harper elected messengers to the Breckinridge Baptist Association.

July 29

Effective date of Dr. Campbell's resignation.

August 5

Annual meeting of the church. Deacons report on annual evaluation, and officers and committees report. Church accepts resignation of Dr. Campbell. Alternates elected to Breckinridge Baptist Association: Bernice Taul, Artie Campbell, and Edith McGary. Balance in treasury is $796.13. Officers elected for next year: Stacy Taul, moderator; Glenn Basham, assistant; Barbara Ryan, clerk; Judi C. Taul, assistant; Betty Harper, treasurer; Bob Purcell, trustee; Pam Taul, Child Care Committee; Kris Paul, Vacation Bible School Principal; Billy Harper, Executive Board member; Linda Gibson, Sunday School Superintendent; David Payne, assistant; Patty Jackson, Sunday School Secretary. Teachers elected: Edith McGary and Margaret E. Taul, Adult I; Billy Harper, Adult II; Dan Ryan and Linda Gibson, Adult III; Judi C. Taul, Adult IV; Perry Ryan and Annette Dowell, young people; Donna Basham and Kris Paul, intermediates; Barbara Ryan and Cheryl Taul, juniors; Pam Taul and Lisa DeHaven, primaries; Yvonne Ryan and Judye H. Taul, preschool. Deacons report that the Pastor Selection Committee will consist of David Payne (chairman), Judi C. Taul, Charles Taul, and Leslie Purcell. Another will be added since Carl Miller declined. Meeting adjourned until August 8.

August 8

Certified letter to be mailed to Dr. Campbell accepting his resignation. Annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association approved. Tom Ryan will be an alternate to Breckinridge Baptist Association.

September 2

At her request, Donna Basham will not be teaching intermediate Sunday School Class. Balance of $1,526.42 is in the treasury. Deacons have decided no replacement will be made for Carl Miller on Pastor Selection Committee. Yard work to be done on the parsonage. Keys to back door of parsonage not yet returned by Dr. Campbell. Vacuum cleaner is not working; Danny Shultz volunteered to attempt to repair it. Sunday evening worship will remain at 7:00 p.m.

September 9


October 7

Church calls Bro. Steven Douglas Boyd, pastor of the Waddy Baptist Church, Waddy, Kentucky, as its nineteenth pastor. Balance in bank is $4,015.95. Budget for next year adopted, with pastor's salary increase. Advisory Council's appointments of committee members ratified: Nominating Committee, Betty Harper, Bernice Taul, and Dale Taul; Music Committee, Pam Taul, Lisa DeHaven, and Courtney Taul; Communications Committee: Stacy Taul, Judi C. Taul, and Donnie Kiper; Evangelism Committee, Charlie Taul, Sharon Miller, and Yvonne Ryan; Finance Committee, Dan Walker, Dan Ryan, David Payne, and Betty Harper. Special Hostess Committee appointed: Carol Walker, Sherry Payne, and Barbara Ryan. Vacuum cleaner has been repaired. Church will participate in World Missions Conference and will donate $250 towards the cause; Coordinating Committee appointed with Pam Taul, chairman, who will appoint other members.

October 21

Bro. Steve Boyd's first Sunday as pastor.

November 4

Balance in treasury is $2,527.18. Next note will be due in December for $3,600, and a final payment of $3,750 in June. Problem with mice in the parsonage has been treated. Special committee appointed to investigate feasibility of a church bulletin: Betty Harper, chairman; Bro. Boyd, and Carol Walker. Pastor Selection Committee dismissed. Church granted letters to Dr. W. C. and Artie Campbell, to unite with the Lewisport Baptist Church. Glenn Basham resigned as deacon. Messengers elected to Kentucky Baptist Convention in Paducah, November 12-14, 1990: Bro. and Mrs. Steve Boyd and up to eight others (ten total) who desire to attend. Bulletin board to be installed in Sunday School office. Thanksgiving midweek service to be held on Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Purchase of a church van discussed; no action taken at this time.

December 2

Evening service held at Corinth, "Hanging of the Greens."

December 9

Balance in treasury is $3,912.50. Bid accepted from Tell City printer to print 5,000 blank bulletins for $137. Breckinridge Baptist Association will hold special business meeting on January 14 to consider the feasibility of a joint office for our association and the Blackford Association at Cloverport.


January 6

Balance of $1,162.88 in church treasury. Pastor reported: (1) arrangements for baptismal service for the Bates and the Paul families are underway; (2) youth mission trip in spring was discussed; (3) absenteeism discussed. Committee appointed to staff a Sunday morning service nursery: Judye H. Taul, chairman; Yvonne Ryan; and Bernice Taul. Church will reimburse Bro. Boyd for postage.

January 27

Services cancelled due to freezing rain.

February 3

Balance of $500.86 in treasury. Baptismal service will be held February 17; Rough River Baptist Church will also participate. Stationery has been donated to the church. Telephone leased by church from telephone company to be returned to company. Other options for vacuuming were discussed.

February 17

Baptismal service for Dr. David Paul, Kris Paul, Aimee Paul, Tim Paul, James Kiper, and Evette Bates.

March 3

Treasury balance is $191.82. Church granted letter to Henrietta Decker Smiley, to unite with the Yellow Creek Baptist Church in Owensboro. Bob Purcell resigned as deacon and trustee. Dan Walker elected as replacement trustee for unexpired term. Money from outreach fund will be used to cover expenses of youth trip to Florida.

March 24

Evening service dedicated to youth group leaving for Florida.

March 26

Iva Myrtle Ball Taul, charter member at New Clover Creek, dies at the Owensboro-Daviess County Hospital at the age of 97.

April 7

Treasurer reports balance of $1,149.36. Church will add $35 to bring total to $100 for church mission expenses. Bulletin boards will be added to wings of sanctuary in Sunday School rooms.

May 12

Balance of $390.33 in treasury, and we owe about $1,700 to the Cooperative Program. Bro. Mike Doan will be guest speaker while Bro. Boyd is away for a revival elsewhere. The mission trip costs and donations were discussed.

June 2

Meeting adjourned until June 9.

June 9

Balance in treasury is $241. Finance Committee reports that the church is $6,000 in arrears, not on bills but on contributions. We will attempt to pay bills relying on contributions. Church accepted resignation of Danny Shultz as deacon and trustee. David Payne elected as replacement to serve unexpired term as trustee.

June 30

At a special business meeting, Article IX regarding the annual church evaluation was deleted in its entirety from the church bylaws, and Article X was renumbered to become Article IX.

July 7

Balance of $900.98 in the church treasury. Payment made to Bro. Paul Moore and to Thomas Ryan for their promissory notes. Contribution to Breckinridge Baptist Association has been made. $2,911.12 is needed to pay promissory notes and Cooperative Program for April, May, and June. Deacons will search for two new deacons. New budget under consideration. Messengers to Breckinridge Baptist Association elected: Dan and Barbara Ryan, Billy and Betty Harper. Alternates: Judye H. Taul, Charlie Taul.

August 4

Annual meeting of the church. Officers and committees report. Election of deacons discussed; election to be held during a morning service. Officers elected for next year: Stacy Taul, moderator; Glenn Basham, assistant; Barbara Ryan, clerk; Judi C. Taul, assistant; Betty Harper, treasurer; Tom Ryan, assistant; Stacy Taul, trustee; Linda Gibson, Sunday School Superintendent; Pam Taul, assistant; Lisa DeHaven, President of W.M.U.

September 1

Balance in treasury is $826.18. Church ratified Advisory Council's nominations for committees: Nominating Committee, Judye H. Taul, Yvonne Ryan, Kris Paul; Communications Committee, Stacy Taul, Donnie Kiper, Judi C. Taul; Finance Committee, Betty Harper, David Payne, Dan Ryan, Dan Walker; Evangelism Committee: Lisa DeHaven, Margaret Taul, Tom Ryan; Special Nursery Committee, Bernice Taul, Judye H. Taul, and Yvonne Ryan; Music Committee, Sue Kiper, Courtney Taul, Sharon Miller; Special Hostess Committee, Edith McGary (two more to be contacted). Homecoming to be held on September 15.

September 22


October 5

Bro. Robert E. Hughes, twelfth pastor at New Clover Creek, dies in a hospital in Huntingburg, Indiana.

October 6

Balance in treasury is $692.83. Music Committee reports that Annette Dowell and Aimee Paul will be substitute pianists. Perry Ryan will be music director; Judi C. Taul will be choir director. Budget for next year adopted as presented by Finance Committee. Church granted letters to Shelby and Shelia Elder, to unite with the Cloverport Baptist Church. Bro. Boyd appointed messenger to the Kentucky Baptist Convention, to be held in Lexington on October 10 and 11, with authority to appoint up to nine more messengers or a total of ten.

November 3

Balance of $513.70 in the bank; fuel bill of $552 has not been paid. Thanksgiving service this year will be held on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, and we will participate in the ecumenical services with St. Romuald on Wednesday night. Revival will be held November 17-20; Betty Harper and Sharon Miller will collect a love offering for evangelist. Bro. Boyd will find music director for revival. Form filled out for the Breckinridge Bank authorizing the trustees, treasurer, and assistant treasurer to have access to the bank lock box and to sign checks. Key to the lock box assigned to the chairman of the trustees.

November 17-20

Revival with Bro. H. Blake Harwell, from Louisville, and Bro. David Smith as music director.

December 1

Balance of $208.01 in the treasury. Thanks expressed to Bro. Harwell for the revival and to Bro. David Smith as music director. $250 was given to Bro. Smith and $350 was given to Bro. Harwell, plus $25 travel money.

December 22

First Christmas Program to use the Ensoniq synthesizer.


January 6

Balance of $704.61 at the bank. $1,117.30 due to the Cooperative Program has not been paid. Since Bro. Boyd will be away for revival, church accepts his offer to pay the supply minister $50 for morning service and $50 for evening service. Finance Committee will review vacation time allowance and report back at the February meeting. Deacons will be meeting to address two vacancies for deacon.

January 12

Bro. Steven Douglas Boyd resigns as pastor, effective January 26.

January 26

Bro. Boyd's last Sunday as pastor.

February 2

Church calls Bro. Truman E. Johnson, retired pastor of Cloverport Baptist Church, as interim pastor. Refrigerator has been left by Bro. Boyd at the parsonage, since one is provided for them in Simpsonville, and he has offered to sell it for $400 to the church. Church has received some designated offerings; treasury will make up difference. Deacons have selected a Pastor Selection Committee: Betty Harper, Dan Ryan, and Dan Walker. In response to questions presented by the Pastor Selection Committee, the church decided: (1) Pastor Selection Committee will consider the qualifications of the pastor and recommend a salary package to the church; (2) church will pay expenses of the Pastor Selection Committee, including telephone, gasoline, and rooms. A Gideons speaker will be here on April 26. Church elected Bro. Truman Earl Johnson as interim pastor until a new pastor is chosen. During secret ballot election, Charles Homer Taul, Jr., and David Leonard Payne were elected deacons.

March 1

Balance on hand is $1,128.42. Pastor Selection Committee is progressing with search. Church accepted Bro. Boyd's letter of resignation, effective January 26. Due to drop in the adjustable interest rate, the church is now paying about $92 per month less than expected; church decided to apply the additional amount toward the principle. Letters granted to Bro. and Mrs. Steve Boyd, to unite with the Simpsonville Baptist Church. Parsonage has been prepared for the interim pastor; all furniture and household items have been donated, except a bed. Church will purchase a bed and springs for $100. Interim pastor will be paid $150 per Sunday.

March 29

Church ordains David Leonard Payne and Charles Homer Taul, Sr., as deacons at New Clover Creek.

April 5

No business meeting.

May 3

Balance in bank is $2,865.22. Pastor Selection Committee will ask Bro. Greg Humpert to speak on May 31 for trial sermon. Vote to be taken on the morning of June 7. Next business meeting following morning worship will be June 7. Betty Harper appointed to Long Range Planning Committee of the Breckinridge Baptist Association. Kris Paul and Judye H. Taul elected co-principals of Vacation Bible School. Contribution of $100 to be sent to the publishers of Our Daily Bread, a monthly devotion booklet. No action taken as to installation of handrails at front of church or for shrubs. Due to the lack of alignment of two graves, markers will be erected in the cemetery to conform with the plat book to avoid confusion.

June 7

Messengers elected to Southern Baptist Convention in Indianapolis, June 9-11: Sue Kiper, Billy and Betty Harper. Letter from Bro. Greg Humpert to Pastor Search Committee states that he felt the need to remain at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church; nomination for pastor withdrawn.

July 5

No business meeting. Quorum not met.

August 2

Annual meeting of the church. Officers and committees report. Balance in bank was $4,948.51. Officers elected for next year: Stacy Taul, moderator; Frank Miller, assistant; Judye H. Taul, clerk; Judi C. Taul, assistant; Betty Harper, treasurer; Tom Ryan, assistant; Buddy Sims, Sunday School Superintendent; Lisa DeHaven, W.M.U. President; David Payne, trustee. A letter from the Breckinridge Baptist Association was read, asking all churches to increase their giving to 4 percent of the church budget; no action taken. Love offering to be given to Bro. Rick Robbins for having completed ten years of service as Director of Missions; if less than $50 is collected, the remainder will be taken from the treasury. Bro. Lonnie Poe has withdrawn from consideration for pastor. Finance Committee reports that contributions have dropped by about $1,000 per month. Messengers to Breckinridge Baptist Association elected: Judye H. Taul, Tom Ryan, Billy and Betty Harper. Alternates: Charles and Bernice Taul. Church letter to the Breckinridge Baptist Association approved. Statement of appreciation given to Stacy Taul for new concrete walk at the front of church. Church will honor Scott Smart on his 99th birthday with a surprise party and a new suit. Sherry Payne elected Homecoming coordinator for September 13.

September 6

4:00 p.m., church member Cynthia Lee Richards is married to Kenneth Greger, of Los Angeles, California, at New Clover Creek. Church elects Bro. Patrick David Wren as twentieth pastor at New Clover Creek, effective October 11. Sunday School teachers elected for next year: Edith McGary and Margaret E. Taul, Adult I; [open], Adult II; Carol Dubree, Adult III; Judi C. Taul, Adult IV; Chuckie Taul, young people; Kris Paul, Jeff and Annette Dowell, intermediate; Brenda Bruner, juniors; Cheryl Taul, preschool and beginners; Judye H. Taul and Bernice Taul, nursery. Sherry Payne appointed assistant Sunday School Superintendent. Texas Gas Co. has donated $500 for using the church parking lot during pipeline construction. No action taken. Meeting adjourned until September 26.

September 13


September 26

$5,457.30 in the treasury. Finance Committee's budget proposal submitted and approved, amounting to $52,000 per year. Betty Harper reports that a total of $1,380.59 was given by churches to Bro. Robbins. Bro. Patrick David Wren elected as twentieth pastor of New Clover Creek. Salary set at $320 per week, with housing, utilities, and travel. Texas Gas gift of $500 will be placed in the parking lot fund. Ornamental woodwork donated by Joe Miller to be obtained and placed at baptistry, and church will determine if it is suitable. Committee appointed to develop and direct a recreation and evangelistic program for youth (grades 7 to 12) and for children (grades 1 through 6): Carol Walker, Judi C. Taul, Chuck Taul, Jamie Taul, and Barbara Ryan.

September 13

Homecoming celebration. Service includes a church history given by Perry T. Ryan and a short message from Scott Smart, Sr.

October 4

Bro. Johnson's last Sunday as interim pastor. Balance of $5,990.51 in treasury. Sunday night services to be held at 6:00 p.m. instead of 7:00 p.m., for the convenience of Bro. Wren traveling back to Louisville. He will not move into parsonage until November, due to his schedule at seminary.

October 11

Bro. Wren's first Sunday as pastor.

November 1

Balance of $7,067.79 in the treasury; $625 in the parking lot fund. Church ratifies Advisory Council's committee appointments: Nominations Committee, Kris Paul and Juanita Jackson; Evangelism Committee, Dan Ryan, David Payne, and Carol Dubree; Music Committee, David Payne, Sharon Miller, Judi C. Taul, and Perry Ryan; Finance Committee, Betty Harper, Dan Walker, Dan Ryan, and Bernice Taul; Communications Committee, Stacy Taul, Glenn Basham, and Tom Ryan. Members of special committees approved, Hostess Committee, Judye H. Taul, Edith McGary, Jean Miller, and Stella Taul; Brotherhood, Dan Walker, Chuck Taul, Frank Miller, and Stacy Taul. Pastor Selection Committee dismissed. Messengers elected to Kentucky Baptist Convention to be held in Louisville, November 9-11: Bro. Wren, Joy Wren, Billy and Betty Harper, Tom Ryan, and any other member interested up to ten total. Committee appointed of Dan Ryan and Buddy Sims to see that Bro. Wren's family is moved into the parsonage on November 21. Approval given to Sue Kiper to attend the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Church will donate at least $100 to the Baptist Children's Home.

November 21

Bro. Wren and family move into the parsonage.

November 29

Charter members William and Margaret E. Taul celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversary at New Clover Creek, having been married November 28, 1932.

December 6

Balance of $9,050.53 in the treasury; parking lot fund, $775. Church will pay $50 for our basketball team in the Breckinridge Baptist Association's Basketball League. Letter for Lisa DeHaven granted to unite with Corinth.


January 2

Church member Cathryn Harper is married to Robert Douglas Martin at New Clover Creek.

January 3

Balance of $8,320.98 in treasury; $1,025 in parking lot fund. Communications Committee to search for a new P.A. system.

February 7

Balance in treasury is $7,531.39; $1,254.88 in parking lot fund. Communications Committee authorized to purchase P.A. system. Church will send Joe Miller a card of gratitude for donating the woodwork now in place over the baptistry. Woodwork valued at $1,500 for tax purposes.

March 7

Balance of $6,992.13 in treasury; parking lot fund, $1,654.88. Donna Ruth Basham elected principal of Vacation Bible School, July 12-16. Advisory Council will meet tonight to add two more members to the Nominations Committee.

April 3

Balance in treasury is $3,372.24, with $1,889.56 in parking lot fund. A question has arisen as to whether the Breckinridge Baptist Association should continue allowing Bewleyville Baptist Church to be a member of the Association, that church having elected a female pastor. The deacons of New Clover Creek unanimously recommended to support Bewleyville Baptist Church, and New Clover Creek directs its messengers, Betty Harper and Bro. Wren to vote against any sanction whatever for reasons including the autonomy of Baptist churches.

April 25-28

Spring revival with Bro. General Jackson Wren, pastor of Brooksville Baptist Church and father of our pastor, acting as evangelist.

May 2

Balance of $3,321.44 in treasury, with $1,889.56 in parking lot fund. Church granted letters to Beth DeHaven, Donald, Sue, Doni Carroll, and Shera Beth Kiper, to unite with Corinth. Church will pay $600 for Bro. Wren to attend the Master Life and Discipleship Training at Ridgecrest, North Carolina. Church will participate in association's Pastor Exchange Day on May 23.

June 3

Bro. Ross Covered Jones, Sr., sixth pastor at New Clover Creek, dies in Bruton, Alabama.

June 6

Balance in treasury is $3,677.04, with $2,189.56 in parking lot fund. Pastor's telephone bill has exceeded the budgeted amount for long distance; bill approved for June. Letter having been granted from Hawesville Baptist Church to unite with our fellowship, David "Davey" Houston Taul is now a member in full standing. Betty Harper resigns as treasurer and Executive Board member. Tom Ryan elected acting treasurer.

June 26

Upon recommendation of the deacons, committee appointed to search for a youth minister: Arthur Jackson, Judi C. Taul, Courtney Taul, Shelly Payne, Jamie Taul, and Bro. Wren.

July 4

Balance in treasury is $3,514.46, with $2,189.56 in the parking lot fund. Church gives preliminary approval to nominations for church officers: Sharon Miller, treasurer; Tom Ryan, assistant; Judye H. Taul, clerk; Judi C. Taul, assistant; Buddy Sims, Sunday School Superintendent; Sherry Payne, assistant; Sherry Payne, President of W.M.U.; Barbara Ryan, assistant; Mose Carman, Brotherhood Director; Buddy Sims, assistant; Stacy Taul, moderator; Glenn Basham, assistant; Mose Carman, Executive Board member; Dan Walker, trustee. Sharon Miller elected treasurer for remainder of Betty Harper's unexpired term. Church will pay for pastor's long distance telephone bill, not exceeding the budget. Annual letter to Breckinridge Baptist Association approved. Letters granted to Ron and Linda Gibson, to unite with New Bethel Baptist Church. Homecoming Committee appointed of Judi C. Taul, Yvonne Ryan, Juanita Carman, and Juanita Jackson. Church will celebrate Scott Smart's 100th birthday on August 22.

August 1

Annual meeting of the church. Officers and committees report. Officers formally elected. Balance of $4,484.11 in treasury. Trustees to hire a painter to paint the church. Supplies for copier approved.

August 22

In a special service and a potluck luncheon, church pays tribute to Mr. John Scott Graves Smart for his 100th birthday, having served 47 years as both a church member and deacon at New Clover Creek since April 20, 1947.

September 5

Balance of $4,900.09 in the treasury, with $2,540.97 in the parking lot fund. Church will pay $40 for long distance not budgeted. Bro. Scott Reed, candidate for youth minister, will be at church on September 26. Church will be painted by September 11, for $400.

September 12


October 3

Balance of $4,049.04 in treasury, with $2,540.97 in parking lot fund. Sunday School teachers elected: Margaret E. Taul, Adult I; Judi C. Taul and Tom Ryan, Adult II; David Payne and Carol Dubree, Adult III; Glenn and Donna Basham, Adult IV; Sherry Payne and Scott Reed, young people; Pat Wren and Buddy Sims, intermediate; Brenda Bruner, juniors; Yvonne Ryan and Sharon Miller, primaries; Shelly Payne, preschool; Judye H. Taul and Bernice Taul, nursery. Budget approved as recommended by Finance Committee amounting to about $56,900 for next year. Breckinridge Baptist Association and Blackford Baptist Association have purchased a house in Cloverport in which to locate an office for the two associations; each church in the two associations should pay $580 per year for two years. No action taken.

November 7

Church elects Bro. Scott Allen Reed as its first minister of youth. Balance in treasury is $4,993.51, with $2,753.28 in the parking lot fund. Church appropriates $100 for Christmas decorations. Wednesday Night Prayer Service before Thanksgiving to be canceled, due to vacation of pastor. Messengers elected to Kentucky Baptist Convention, November 16-17, in Elizabethtown: Bro. Wren, Jamie and Charles Taul, Billy and Betty Harper, Tom Ryan, and Buddy Sims, plus any other interested members, not to exceed ten. Church will donate $150 to Children's Home for Thanksgiving by special offering; if not fully collected, remainder to be taken from treasury.

December 2

Bro. Henry Walton Grady, third pastor at New Clover Creek, dies in Florida.

December 5

First Sunday with Bro. Scott Reed as minister of youth. His family promises their membership letters. Balance of $3,651.98 in treasury; $2,760.28 in parking lot fund. Church will pay Mose Carman for Christmas tree. Nine youth attended a youth fellowship at Dan and Barbara Ryan's house, where they decided to adopt four grandparents at the Medco Center in Hardinsburg. Youth authorized to hold a dinner once a month at church, with donations to be given toward a youth trip.

December 12

Christmas Program.


January 2

Balance in treasury is $3,766.34, with $3,160.28 in the parking lot fund. Several members are not satisfied with the amplification system; it should be investigated.

February 6

Bro. Patrick David Wren resigns as pastor, effective February 27. Balance of $3,317.87 in treasury; $3,275.38 in the parking lot fund. Problem with amplification system seems to be electronic interference. Letter from the late Walter McGary's attorney states that 2 percent of his estate has been bequeathed to our church; trustees authorized to sign letter of acceptance. Cardboard files to be purchased to organize the church music.

February 27

Bro. Wren's last Sunday service as pastor.


March 6

Balance of $2,331.86 in treasury; $3,282.67 in the parking lot fund. Pastor Selection Committee has met and interviewed five candidates. Business which sold us the amplification system will be here March 7; we will try a new microphone. Bro. Scott Reed elected principal of Vacation Bible School. Special Policies and Procedures Committee appointed to review church constitution, bylaws, and make recommendations as to policies and procedures for the church: Perry Ryan (chairman), David Payne, Carol Dubree, Margaret E. Taul, Sharon Miller, and Jamie Taul. Church will observe its Diamond Jubilee (60th Anniversary); Special Anniversary Committee appointed of Perry Ryan (chairman), Bro. Scott Reed, Sherry Payne; and Margaret Taul. Church grants Perry Ryan permission to borrow the minute books to compile a church history. At request of Bro. Scott Reed, which youth minister will be paid a housing allowance in lieu of salary.

April 3

Easter Program. Business meeting canceled.

May 1

Dr. Peterson's last trial sermon. Church elects him as twenty-first pastor of New Clover Creek. Church approves the first set of policies and procedures pertaining to the pastor.

May 28

Church member Kristi Lee Payne is married to Troy Dupin at New Clover Creek.

June 5

Dr. Peterson's first Sunday as pastor. Church makes numerous amendments to bylaws. Communications Committee presented option of purchasing a new wireless microphone for $141 or to continue using the old one. Church will purchase new one. Diamond Jubilee will be held on October 6, 7, 8, and 9. Pastor Selection Committee given reimbursement for expenses. Breckinridge Baptist Association will meet at New Clover Creek on August 24. David Payne will resign as trustee at next meeting; replacement to be nominated.

July 3

Annual meeting of church. Officers report. Balance in treasury is $4,334.44. Committees report. Mose Carman elected as replacement for David Payne's unexpired term as trustee. Bible School will be held July 25-29. Date of Diamond Jubilee changed to October 20, 21, 22, and 23. Officers elected for following fiscal year: Sharon Miller, treasurer; Tom Ryan, assistant; Glenn Basham, Sunday School Superintendent; Linda Shultz, assistant; Judye H. Taul, clerk; Judi C. Taul, assistant; Chuck Taul, trustee; Juanita Carman, President of W.M.U.; Mose Carman, Brotherhood Director; Buddy Sims, Executive Board member.

July 25-29

Vacation Bible School.

August 7

Balance in treasury is $4,756.20. Youth Committee met; youth will attend Centri-Blast on October 7 and 8 in Tennessee. Discussion of activities for Diamond Jubilee. Church will purchase two new lights for entrance of building. At least $200 to be collected for orchestra for Diamond Jubilee. Trustees authorized to sell bed and springs from the parsonage to the highest bidder. Archival document cases donated to the church by Perry Ryan, to store church records.

August 28

Church observes special service in honor of Scott Smart's 101st birthday. Mr. Smart's family attends a luncheon in his honor.

September 4

Balance of $5,240.75 in the treasury, with $3,632 in the parking lot fund. Church ratifies Advisory Council's appointments of standing committees: Nominations Committee, Mose Carman and Juanita Jackson; Finance Committee, Dan Walker (chairman), Sharon Miller, Bernice Taul, Bill Allen Taul; Evangelism Committee, David Payne (chairman), Edith McGary; Linda Shultz; Communications Committee, Stacy Taul (chairman), Glen Basham, Tom Ryan, Carol Dubree; Music Committee, Scott Reed (chairman), Judi C. Taul, Kris Paul, Perry Ryan; Hostess Committee, Judye H. Taul (chairman), Cindy Reed, Juanita Carman, Susan Smith, Barbara Ryan; Youth Committee, Scott Reed (chairman), Donna Ruth Basham, Courtney Taul, Adam Basham, David Taul, Rita Taul, Brenda Bruner, Buddy Sims. Youth Committee intends to go out of town on first Sunday in November, to help the elderly. Church adopts policies and procedures relating to the youth minister. Notice given for additional amendments to the bylaws. Church approves $150 to be spent on decorations for Diamond Jubilee. Church approves $100 to be spent on advertizing for Jubilee. Church will purchase twenty copies of The History of the New Clover Creek Baptist Church for various purposes.

September 30

6:00 p.m., marriage of Shannon Rebecca Basham and Terry Strasburger, at New Clover Creek.

October 7-8

Youth attend Centri-blast.

October 20-23

Church celebrates its Diamond Jubilee (60th Anniversary).

November 6

Church will send $200 to Christmas Friends. Minute books have been returned to church.

November 12

12:00 p.m., church member William "Buddy" Sims, Jr., is married to Theresa Arnold Heath at New Clover Creek. 6:00 p.m., Turkey Supper hosted by youth.

November 19

Church member Chris Ryan is married to Amy Lynn Pyatt in LaGrange, Georgia.

November 20

Baptismal service of Mike Smith, Scotty Armes, Pat Armes, and Todd Armes.

November 23

Thanksgiving Service

December 3

Adults dine at Rocking Horse Cafe, Vine Grove.

December 4

"Hanging of the Greens" Service.

December 11

Children's Christmas Program

December 18

Adults' Christmas Cantata

December 24

Candlelight Communion Service.

December 25

Christmas Day Service.


In writing this history, I set forth to determine what events in the lives of our founders shaped the progress of our church. Every individual is a product of his environment and experiences. I wanted to learn a little more about who I am and how I came to be. I wanted to learn more about my church, and I wanted to know more about how my family came to know God.

Our ancestors seem to have been more capable of solving many problems than we are. They endured more difficult times than the so-called "baby boomers" will ever know. Through such trying times as World War I, the economic struggles of the Great Depression, and the suffering of World War II, our predecessors seem to have gained perspective and learned how to struggle. Things that seem so important to us today were of no consequence to them, partly because they never learned to be dependent, as we have, upon some of our luxuries. They took life at a slower pace and enjoyed simpler things. Rather than searching for excitement in sin, they enjoyed each other. They spent time with their families. They learned to love one another.

It is my hope that New Clover Creek's Diamond Jubilee (60th Anniversary) will prove to be a turning point for many of us. It is my prayer that one redeeming result of our anniversary will be to not only look at our past but also to learn from it. God never promised the founders of New Clover Creek that the same fate of old Clover Creek and Cave Spring churches would not be our own. God never promised that New Clover Creek would exist without conflict; indeed, conflict can be beneficial to a group which seeks to learn from the experience, but truly learning from our past means that we must correct things for our future. If New Clover Creek is to continue to survive, we must make the proper adjustments. We never have to accept sin, but we must accept one another as sinners. While we recognize our own faults, we must strive toward correcting our lives and spiritual experiences in a manner which God would have us to.

With curiosity, I have studied some of New Clover Creek's most recent problems. Certain problems arise because of the innocent attempts of "baby boomers" to continually improve things, a consequence of their own placement in time. On the other hand, many of our conflicts with one another are petty, meaningless trites which are not only unnecessary but avoidable. A typical controversy begins with a thoughtless act or comment which offends another. What might result is unpredictable, but frequently, the victim will overreact and even retaliate. This is not the Christian example. We should be thankful that God's judgment of us will not be based upon spiritual or emotional maturity, for with all of New Clover Creek's talents and abilities, I fear many of us would fail such divine scrutiny. Human relationships do not naturally befall us. We forget that it takes effort to get along, and it takes commitment to put forth the effort. Looking to our past, we can learn from our ancestors, whose respect for one another was more salient than our own. It is our Christian duty to treat one another with kindness, understanding, and compassion. It is our duty to be slow to offend yet quick to forgive. We must be more perceptive of the needs of others than our own. It is our duty to love one another, even in the most trying of circumstances. Christ offers redemption and grace, not prolonged pain and anguish.

In conclusion, through prayer, faith, and commitment, the potentials of New Clover Creek to minister in our community and the world in which we live are boundless. No other church of its modest size ever had a membership body with more talent, more financial resources, more education, or more potential than New Clover Creek. Nonetheless, faith, hope, and charity are the essential ingredients to a successful fellowship. My prayer is that our church will continue to build on faith.

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