Pet Peeves: I don't really care for "boybands", b/c lets face it, they are not talented.  If you don't play an instument, then your not a freakin' band.  Hanson was a band.  Linkin' Park, P.O.D, &  Rammstein are bands.  BSB & N'Stink were not, nor will they EVER be a Band.  I mean, at school, thats why you have choir class & a seperate BAND class.  How often do you hear the band sing?  Or the choir rock out on a guitar?  Hardly ever, if not never.  Ignorant ppl really tick me off.  Not stupid people, & not people that don't know something so they ask someone about it .  But IGNORANT S.O.B.s who THINK they know everything (or something) so they start dogging that someone/thing because of what they THINK they know.  IE: Narrow-minded dim witts who call me, as a Pagan, a devil worshiper, say I make human/animal sacrafices, say my Gods are heathen Gods, or tell me I am going to hell.  Then make the sign of the cross as if to protect themselves from a curse & then have the gaul to tell me that they'll pray for MY sins. #1 In Paganism there is no Devil #2 Those kinds of sacrafices are no longer made by MOST Pagans nor by most Wiccans. #3 My Gods were here a long time before your self-ritious God was ever noted in history. #4 I don't believe in Hell, so how can I go there? #5 What we send out will bite us in the butt 3-10 times worse than when we send it out.  You know, 'what goes around, comes around.'  So why would I put a curse or spell on you?  Just b/c your ignorant doesn't mean I want anything bad to happy to you.  Besides, Karma/God, depending on what you believe, will knock you on your @$$ sooner or later.  And patience is a virtue. ;) #6 'though shall not judge' So, If I were you, I'd be praying for my own sins, kuz your breaking commandments left & right.  Think about that next time before you open your mouth to say somthing about anyone/thing that you, yourself, have NOT personally & thoroughly researched.   Repetition is really freakin' annoying too.  If you say  "Are you ok?" more than 3 times in 5 min, then your stupid.  Think back a secound & realize "I already asked that.  Therefore they already answered.  So I really don't need to ask again."  The only acceptable things to repeat are "I love you'," "I'm proud of you" or "I miss you" and thats ONLY if you mean them.  But even hearing that repeated after a while gets old, irritateing, & annoying.  Cheaters/Liars Don't even get me started on those low-life S.O.B.s. You think I ranted about ignorant people?  You should talk to me about Cheaters and liars.  *growls & hisses under her breath*  Snobs I can NOT stand people who think they are better than everyone else. Like the 'jocks' at school who think that just b/c they play football & their parents have money that everyone else is below them. Pretty much richy-rich, PREPS, who try to make your life hell so they can feel superior... I hate. With a passion!
:  Curtis got Kyle & I jobs at Burger King. We both like it, atleast I do. Ya'll who know me should come visit me sometime. You can see me do stuff! :)
Other stuff:
I'm PREGNANT! I'm really happy, but also really nervous & scared. I mean... there is a human being LIVING IN ME. S/he is going to completely depend on me. I have to raise, nurture, disaplin, teach, feed, cloth, ect. ect. this very small, fragil, precious baby.
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