In my speaking with many people, I am seeing God calling many back "home". I do not know what home is for you, but I do know that He beckons you to come back...back where you belong... where your family is...where those who love you are. I know what it is like to be away, and I know what it is like to come home. When I came across this quote it said it all to me. I hope it can say the same to you.  Hear the words of Cardinal John Henry Newman:

I have been in perfect peace and contentment; I never had one doubt to myself, on my conversion, of any change, intellectual or moral, wrought in my mind. I was not conscious of a firmer faith in the fundamental truths of revelation, or of more self-command; I had not more fervor; but it was like coming into a port after a rough sea; and my happiness on that score remains to this day without interruption.

Welcome back to the church/home/whatever is "back" for you, to this port after the storm.
May your happiness increase and remain.

I am reminded of the Scripture from Luke 15:20
...But while he was still along way off, his father saw him
and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son,
threw his arms around him and kissed him.
In this text, one of the key words here is ran. The Father sees the son along way off and runs to him. Such love, intensity, forgiveness, such grace. This is the love of the Father for each one of us. Are we the son along way off, afraid to come home? Afraid of what awaits us?
Afraid the consequences of our decisions?
Not being able to see the love that awaits us? Or maybe we are the Father, the one who is experiencing the pain of loss, the heartache of a wandering loved one, awaiting the day you can just see him along way off. Maybe you are the family at home. Does love fill your heart on the son's arrival? Do you run to him with open arms? Or has your heart been hardened by the separation?
There is such joy in coming home, when we pull back into the port after the storm.
Lets begin to look for the son along way off, and when we see him coming,
filled with compassion, lets run to him, throw our arms around him and kiss him.
Lets welcome him home...its been a long way back.

Remember the words of Jesus:

I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you,
so you also should love one another. This is how all will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another.
John 13:34-35

Let us begin to love today in a new way, a way that ALL will see that we are truly His disciples.
It is in love, that we will see God.

Once too the Son,
                                                                                     Love and grace,
                                                                                       Marie Noack +
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