School of Healing Prayer Level 1
(Francis S. MacNutt,  Video Course)
Dates: Thursdays, September 4 � November 6, 2008 (10 Weeks)
Time: 10:30 a.m. � 1:00 p.m. or  Mondays, September 8 - November 3, 2008 Time: 6:00 - 8:30 p.m,
Location: New Beginnings / 1806 11th Street /P.O. Box 854 / Galena Park, TX 77547
Suggested Donation:  $125.00 (Notebook included)
Please purchase the book
Healing, By: Francis MacNutt before the class begins.
This course will teach the following prayer techniques:
Four types of Healing, Physical Healing, Inner Healing and Forgiveness, Intercessory prayer and more. No one should be without this course, even if you have prayed for years, it will fine tune the gift of prayer that God has given you or teach you of that gift.
(For further information, contact Marie Noack at 713/927.7534)

Time of class you will attend: (  )Morning  (  )Evening  (please check one)
____ Enclosed is my check for 125.00
____Scholarship for someone else to attend.

(Please mail in your registration form to the P.O. Box above.  Make checks payable to:
New Beginnings House of Prayer)

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