The Survivors were, like the name says, the survivors of humans.
When a metorite collided with earth hitting somewhere in the Sahara desert in the year 2026, 97% of humans were wiped from existence, due to the destruction of a massive area and causing the o-zone layer to be completely destroyed.
As a result, the suns harmful rays could now penetrate all the way to earth.
The Survivors adapted to these new conditions by  producing an artificial, thicker skin and  made resistant clothes and masks to shield themselves from the worst of the suns rays.

Little remains on the surface of earth. Everything had turned to ruins, buildings had now become insufficient places to live as the structure was just to thin to protect them from life outside. The cities just remained as ruins reminding anyone that went there of what life was like before the collision.

The Survivors lived within hills and mountains as the amount of was thick and condensed so it absorbed most of the suns rays.
The Survivors utilized the sun`s heat and energy and used it to power their caverns by constructing huge sun resources which stored the energy in a mercury well.
As a consequence of the o-zone being destroyed all the ice caps and poles had melted and due to the considerable heat of the sun, 75% of the earths ocean had dried up.

As a result of the collision a new breed of life formed which proved more adaptable to the conditions which had hindered life of humans.
This new breed of life were known as the Anthro`s which were cross breeds of animals like cats, dogs, rabbits, and any other domestic creatures. They became cross breeds as a result of human and animal DNA joining. They proved to be much more intelligent than the old human life and therefore constucted an enormous city hundreds of feet below the surface of earth, known as Centre Earth.

Because of this new breed of life The Survivors felt threatened by them and try to put a hold on their growth.

And thus starts the story of
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