
Name Valune
Age Adult
Gender Female
Sire Wild
Dame Wild
Mate None
Birth Pride Unknown
Current Pride None
Element Plant- Sub-Element of Earth

*Vine Grip: Vines come out the ground and grab the target..

*Thorn Throw: Thorns grow up from the ground where the user desires..

*Solar Take: large plant grows out of the ground which blocks all light.


If wounded her blood is green and her flesh heals within three seconds. Plants grow where-ever she steps. Her front legs are wrapped in black leather, the reason for this is because her front legs were horribly scarred up by a Fire Kat, she just feels more comfortable when the scars aren't visible.

Origin Battle Prides

Raveen Kats  are (C) to GryphonIce
Graphics are (C) to
RingTail Graphics
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