
Name Asuena
Age Cub
Gender Female
Sire Wild
Dame Wild
Mate None
Birth Pride Unknown
Current Pride None
Element Robotic

*Recharge: Wave of dark red mist which can fully heal the user. If the mist touches another it will shock them and instantly paralyze them for an hour.

Stasis: Renders the target lifeless for up to two hours. (INACTIVE)

Wired: Wires instantly grab the target and start electrocuting it to death. While the target is being electrocuted it cannot use abilities. (INACTIVE)


Those are scars on her left shoulder and over her left eye. If bitten, the thing that bit her would be electrocuted. If her wires somehow disconnect she will fall unconscious, and a shield of blue electricity will surround her body until they reconnect, nothing can get through this electricity barrier. Her wires will reconnect by themselves, when enough electricity has left her body that it would be 'safe' for the wires to reconnect.

Origin Battle Prides
Cub Stage

Raveen Kats  are (C) to GryphonIce
Graphics are (C) to
RingTail Graphics
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