Galaxies and Star Clusters - Are they Real?




In another part of this web site I introduced the concept of what I call SuperStars.  These are fairly normal stars, but with extremely hot central cores, and as a result extremely high gravitational forces.  In some cases these gravitational forces can be millions of times that of the sun.


When very large gravitational forces are involved, it is then necessary to consider the effect of these gravitational  forces on light coming from beyond the object.  This is something that astronomers have failed to do.


While it is well known that a gravitational field will bend the path of light, what is ignored is that a very large gravitational force will bend light a great deal, giving rise to a great many duplicate star images.  In this page we will look at the importance of this. 


For now, just remember that SuperStars are stars with very high gravitational forces.

The SuperStar and Galactic Optical Illusions


Read the title of this web page again.  Provocative, isn’t it?  I am going to present some ideas that will show that some, or maybe most, or even possibly all, of the clusters of stars we see in the universe—galaxies and star clusters, are simply optical images caused by the effects of gravity!


The culprit is the gravitational deflection of light, or more simply, the gravity lens.


Picture a solitary SuperStar off in the distance. Suppose it has the gravitational force equivalent to one million suns. What should we expect to observe?


The figure below illustrates the geometry of the gravitational lens effect of a SuperStar. The cause of the gravitational lens is a SuperStar with a large gravitational force. Behind each SuperStar is a zone I call the multiple-image funnel. This is a conical-shaped area originating at the SuperStar and extending to infinity. The apex angle of this funnel is defined by the maximum angle that light can be deflected by the SuperStar at its surface.  This can be 30-40 degrees, or even more!


The gravitational lens effect of a SuperStar. The observer sees an image of a distant star in two places. One image appears near the SuperStar, and the other at its true place.  This will be true for every star located in a "funnel" behind the SuperStar.

The multiple image funnel is very simple in concept.  Basically, the gravity lens effect is that we will see two images of every star located within this area!


As illustrated below, there will be a path from every star within the multiple-image funnel to our point of observation that passes near and is deflected by the gravitational field of the SuperStar.  This image will appear to us to be very near the SuperStar. There is also a second image that is not influenced by the SuperStar’s gravitational field that will be seen at another place in the sky.  Let’s get this perfectly clear. We must see two images of every star located in the multiple-image funnel!



The multiple image funnel. For every star within the funnel there will be an image seen near the SuperStar, as well as a separate image in its true position.  The SuperStar will appear to be a cluster of star images, just like a globular cluster or elliptical galaxy.

SuperStar Images


Of most interest to us is the gravitational lens image of SuperStars.  These objects have very large gravitational forces—perhaps millions or even a billion times greater than the sun. As a result, gravitational deflection of light takes place even at great distances.  A distinct image of each star will be seen near the SuperStar, as well as an image in its original position. We will see two distinct images of most of the stars located within the multiple-image funnel!


One image will be seen far from the SuperStar, and one image will appear to be near the SuperStar, but distinctly visible as a unique image. But since there are many stars within the multiple-image funnel, we will see a cluster of star images, centered on the SuperStar.


And what should we see?  The figure below is a photographic image of the globular cluster 47 Tucanae (NGC104).  This globular cluster is estimated to be 13,400 light years from us and spans an area about the same apparent diameter as the full moon—about 30 minutes of arc.  The image of 47 Tucanae is spread over a distance of about 120 light years.  This is exactly the image we would expect from a SuperStar at this distance with a gravitational force of one billion suns! The images of what appear to be stars would then be gravitationally deflected images of stars located far beyond the SuperStar, in the multiple-image funnel behind it. Each of these star images would have a non-deflected sister image far from the SuperStar, but directly opposite it.



Globular cluster 47 Tucanae (NGC 104). A typical globular cluster, thought to be a cluster of millions of stars. Instead, this is exactly how a SuperStar would appear in our telescopes. The images of stars surrounding the center are really false images of distant stars, clustered around a central SuperStar because of the gravity lensing effect. These are not real stars, but simply secondary images caused by the effects of gravity and the gravity lens effect.

Now life is getting interesting.  We see that a gravitationally massive SuperStar should appear in our telescopes to look just like a globular cluster.  That should get your attention!  And this applies to all of the approximately 200 globular clusters identified in our milky way, and thousands of others found in nearby galaxies.  Are globular clusters really clusters of stars, or merely clusters of star images centered on a SuperStar?


To answer this question, we should look a little closer at the characteristics of globular clusters.  One important attribute of the star images within globular clusters is that they seem to be in random motion.  That is, there is no overall rotation of the system of images as seen in galaxies, but instead relatively random motion for the individual images.  This would be expected if each image were completely independent, and a mirror image of some distant star within the multiple-image funnel of the SuperStar.  This feature is far less explainable if the cluster actually consisted of real stars.


A second attribute is that star images in globular clusters are generally redder than corresponding star images in the Milky Way.  This is generally considered to be an indication of their age.  It may also be an indication of some minor redshifting of their spectrum from the gravitational deflection, or perhaps from some other factor.


If the star images we see in globular clusters are really optical illusions caused by the gravitational effects of the central SuperStar, this would also provide an explanation for “blue stragglers”—blue stars which appear within the cluster population of star images that appear to be much younger than the surrounding stars.  If these are just images of distant stars (or perhaps quasars), the problem of their appearance in globular clusters disappears.  If not, a lot of astronomers are spending a lot of time studying them.


A third feature of globular clusters is the very high density of stars—far larger than that found within other areas of the galaxy, or within distant galaxies as far as can be determined.  This high density would be expected if what we observe is really just images of distant stars within the multiple-image funnel.  There would be no limit to the measured density.

Star Clusters and Gravitational Lens Effects of SuperStars


There are at least four common astronomical phenomena that can readily be explained by the gravity lens effect of SuperStars with large gravitational forces.

Globular Clusters


Globular clusters appear to be tightly packed spherical collections of hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of stars.  Several hundred such clusters have been found within our galaxy and others have been discovered in some of the nearby galaxies as well. A cluster of star images is exactly what would be expected from the gravity lens effect of a SuperStar located within our galaxy with a gravitational force perhaps 20,000 times the that of the sun.  The clustered images are not real stars bound together by some attractive force, but are duplicate images of distant stars created by the gravity lens effect of a SuperStar.

Open Clusters


Open clusters are loose and irregular aggregations containing a few hundred to a few thousand stars.  Individual members of the cluster are easily resolved and, in some cases, are visible to the naked eye (Hyades, Pleiades).  Over a thousand open clusters have been cataloged, including several dozen visible to the naked eye, and many thousands more are thought to exist.  A typical open cluster is shown below4.  Open clusters of star images are exactly what would be expected from nearby SuperStar with a gravitational mass 20,000-500,000 times that of the sun.  More distant SuperStar in this gravitational range would cause this cluster effect as well.  However, they would be difficult to detect due to the faintness of the resulting star images, the large angular dimensions involved, and the many intervening foreground stars.



The open cluster Pleaides.  This is what would be expected as an optical illusion from the gravitation lens of a SuperStar located relatively nearby.  These stars can be seen in the logo of any Subaru automobile.

 Stellar Associations


Astronomers have also identified numerous star groups which, although spread across several degrees in the heavens, are apparently related.  These groupings, which may be thought of as very large and ill-defined open clusters, are called stellar associations.  In general, stellar associations have been identified by the clustering of fairly rare star types (Type 0 and B stars, T Tauri stars).  Although only a few of these associations have been definitely identified, it is thought that there may be thousands of them within our galaxy.  Such aggregations have long intrigued astronomers.  Based on current estimates of size and distance, there is not enough density or mass within these systems to support the gravitational binding of the individual stars, and yet these groupings are clearly related.  This enigma disappears, however, when the associated star images are attributed to the gravity lens effect.  A wide scattering of stellar images, seen as a stellar association, would be expected from SuperStar with very large gravitational mass (over half a million times as massive as the sun) located within our galaxy.


Elliptical Galaxies


A typical elliptical galaxy is illustrated below. These objects, which number in the millions throughout our universe, are similar in appearance to a globular cluster. In most cases they are too faint and distant for the resolution of individual stars. The angular dimensions of these assemblages range up to two minutes of arc, and thus, at extreme distances, these patches of light are thought to contain billions of stars. Because of this they are called galaxies, or island universes. Such a clustering of star images, however, is just what would be expected from the gravity lens effect of a SuperStar with moderate gravitational mass located very far away.  This suggests the surprising conclusion that elliptical galaxies may not be island universes at all, but simply the gravity lens effect of remote SuperStars.  We will investigate this concept in more detail in the next few sections.




NGC 2775 - A typical elliptical galaxy. It could be that this apparent cluster of stars is really an optical illusion caused by the gravity lens effect of a SuperStar.


Galaxies—Island Universes or Optical Illusions?


It seems that the faint, fuzzy patches of light in the heavens known as elliptical galaxies can be explained by the gravity lens effect of distant SuperStars—an alternate explanation to the more accepted belief that these objects are aggregations of billions of stars.  And while the arguments presented are quite logical, we may not yet use them to generalize for all galaxies.  A purely elliptical shape is the exception—most galaxies evidence more complex structures.  There are three chief classes of galaxies; elliptical, spiral and irregular.


Elliptical galaxies display a wide variety of shapes, such as spheroidal or elliptical, much like giant globular clusters, and are classified by their apparent degree of oblateness, from EO (perfectly symmetrical) to E7 (elongated lens-shaped systems). Spiral galaxies come in a variety of shapes as well.


Typical examples of various types of galaxies are shown below.



Typical galaxies, illustrating the diversity of their form. These could be optical illusions caused by the gravitational lens effect.

Can these diverse galactic structures be attributed to the gravity lens effect? I believe so. If an image of a galaxy is reflected multiple times by more than one SuperStar, and if the SuperStar is rotating, a wide variety of shapes would be expected. At this time I believe that most—if not all—galactic images are really optical illusions.

Reflected Images


In the previous paragraphs only the spherical form of the elliptical galaxy (similar in shape to globular clusters) was considered.  But most elliptical galaxies have a somewhat oval or lens-like shape.  Can these also be optical illusions?  In a word, yes, but in a manner which at first is not obvious.


The key to understanding elongated elliptical galaxies is that we are not observing a galaxy directly, but instead we see an image that has been deflected by the gravity lens effect of a SuperStar. This deflection distorts the original spherical image, as illustrated below.  The degree of elongation is dependent on the amount of deflection.  Thus, all types of elliptical galaxies can be considered to be the result of the gravity lens effect of a distant SuperStar, regardless of their shape.


Illustration of how the gravitational lens effect of a SuperStar  can distort the image of a spherical elliptical galaxy into a different image. This distortion would be even more severe if the SuperStar were rotating.


The fascinating possibility that elliptical galaxies may be optical illusions raises some interesting points for speculation.  Some galaxies belong to a group termed local galaxies, so named because they appear to be relatively nearby.  Our largest telescopes have been able to resolve individual stars in some of these nearby galaxies.  One of the largest, as well as most spectacular, is the nearby Andromeda galaxy.



M31, the Andromeda galaxy.  Could this be an optical illusion?


 Is this a real aggregation of stars, a sister to our own galaxy, or is it, in fact, merely an optical illusion?  Only years of study can answer this question with assurance.  It seems quite possible, however, that what is actually being seen is a distorted reflection of some nearby globular cluster or elliptical galaxy, in itself an accumulation of false star images caused by the gravity lens effect centered on a gravitationally massive SuperStar.

Spiral Galaxies


The suggestion that elliptical galaxies are optical illusions would surely be suspect if there were not a similar explanation for spiral galaxies.  These objects show every indication of being billions of stars in slow orbit around some central point, an observation supported by information collected about stars located within our own galaxy.  Is there a gravity lens effect that could produce the diversity of shapes evidenced in spiral galaxies?  Perhaps so, in the rotation of SuperStar.


A rotating SuperStar "drags" the space surrounding it and creates a distorted gravitational field within its influence quite unlike that of a non-rotating object.  Light passing through this distorted field is deflected in an unpredictable manner, giving rise to unique gravity lens effects. Somewhat like the effect you would get by tossing a ping pong ball into a hurricane.


For example, suppose a SuperStar was located at such a distance that the gravity lens effect caused a cluster of star images to be visible around it.  If the SuperStar were not rotating, a symmetrical cluster of images similar in appearance to an elliptical galaxy or globular cluster would be expected.  However, if the SuperStar were rotating about an axis directed toward the observer, there would be a distortion of the gravity field about its axis of rotation, which would surely influence the cluster of star images.  What would be the result?  Perhaps the elegant beauty of the spiral galaxy.


Of course this is a very simplistic explanation for what is no doubt a highly complex phenomenon.  The distortion of a cluster of star images or some distant star cluster would depend on the gravitational force of the SuperStar, its rate of rotation, its axial alignment relative to our line of sight, and on the distances involved.  Multiple reflections of such false images would cause further distortion, possibly giving rise to the great diversity of shapes found among the spiral galaxies. It appears that the gravitational field distortion caused by the rotation of gravitationally massive SuperStar could be the mechanism that results in the unique shapes of spiral galaxies.  That is, it is quite possible that spiral galaxies are simply another manifestation of the gravity lens effect.


Irregular galaxies pose no problem from a gravity lens standpoint, since these are natural extensions of open clusters for very distant, very gravitationally massive SuperStars.


NGC 4321 - A typical spiral galaxy. This could be the optical illusion of the gravity lens effect of a rotating SuperStar.


Supporting Evidence


The suggestions presented in the preceding sections are, to say the least, rather controversial.  They suggest that galaxies may not be immense agglomeration of stars as has been assumed, but instead may be nothing more than optical illusions created by the gravity lens effect of some distant SuperStars.


Most photographs of galaxies are of fairly long duration, to allow the faint outer portions to register on film and to show maximum dimensions.  This results in overexposure of the central portion.  Photographs taken with a short exposure do not show the outer stars, but generally show the presence of a bright central core (see below).  The brightness and extremely high density of stars within this central core are difficult to explain in terms of clustered stars, but are a natural consequence of the gravity lens effect.  Some special galactic types such as Seyfert and N-type galaxies have extremely small and intensely bright cores which almost certainly result from the gravity lens effect.


Astronomers now studying galaxies with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) are finding what appears to be objects at the center of most galaxies with masses millions or billions of times larger than the sun. Usually these objects are considered to be black holes, although as we have pointed out earlier, there is no explanation for such massive black holes. Thus our explanation that a SuperStar with massive gravitational force is the cause of the images we see is totally consistent with what astronomers are finding. Therefore it is not massive black holes at the center of galaxies, but SuperStars—fairly ordinary stars with very strong gravitational forces.



An illustration of the intense energy at the center of galaxy NGC 6251.  This is an excellent example of the gravitational lens effect of a SuperStar. The many star images seen are simply optical illusions of distant stars, clustered about the SuperStar by the gravity lens effect.


Further confirmation is found in observations which seem to show that galaxies are in rotation.  Measurement of the redshift of different portions of nearby galaxies indicate that the redshift varies across the image of the galaxy—results generally interpreted to mean that the stars which comprise the galaxy are rotating about some central point. But if the star images are really an illusion caused by the gravitational deflection of a SuperStar, there is an alternate explanation for this redshift effect.  A rotating SuperStar will distort the gravitational field in its vicinity, effectively dragging the field in its direction of rotation. If the rotational axis of the SuperStar is roughly perpendicular to our line of sight, then gravitational field around the SuperStar will be approaching earth on one side and receding from earth on the opposite side. Light from distant star images that pass through the approaching gravitational field will be shifted toward the blue end of the spectrum (a blueshift). Light from distant star images passing near the opposite side pass through the gravitational field moving in a direction opposite its motion, and will experience a redshift in the spectrum of its light. Thus the apparent motion of stars around the center of a galaxy can be explained as a redshift of false images of distant stars caused by the gravitational lens effect of a rotating, gravitationally massive SuperStar.


Perhaps the most significant supporting evidence is found in the star images that form globular clusters and galaxies.  Astronomers have identified two distinct types of stars within these clusters: Population I and Population II stars.  Population I stars are bright stars, tending to blue in color, with luminosities as high as 100,000 times that of the sun.  Population II stars are much less bright and generally quite reddish.  A detailed analysis of the Andromeda galaxy has found that the outer portions, the spiral arms, are comprised primarily of the brighter Population I stars, while the redder and less luminous Population II stars are concentrated in the spherical nucleus of the galaxy, and occur less frequently in the spiral arms.  Similar results have been obtained with globular clusters.  Such observations would be expected if the gravity lens effect were the cause of these images.  The stars nearest the center, where gravitational deflection is the greatest, would be both dimmer and redder.  Star images in the outer portions, with much less deflection, would more closely mirror the true color and brightness of the original star images.


It is important to note that the clustering of star images by a SuperStar is a direct result of the gravitational deflection of light, independent of any specific theory or equation.  Both Newton's and Einstein's gravitational theories provide for the gravitational deflection of light, and thus clustering of star images.  The only difference is one of scale.  



The conclusions discussed in this web site are very important.  Basically we have shown that SuperStars with large gravitational forces should be manifested as apparent clusters of star images due to the gravity lens effect.  This phenomenon provides a logical explanation for the numerous clusters of star images seen in the heavens—from globular clusters to galaxies.  In other words, it is entirely possible that star groupings are nothing more than optical illusions caused by the effects of gravity, and not real star masses.  With this concept as a basis, our estimate of the number of stars in the universe begins to drop drastically.


To carry this analysis just a step further, we might point out that there are two main parameters that determine the clustered star image we should expect from a SuperStar—the gravitational force generated by the SuperStar, and its distance from us. The following table summarizes, in a general way, what we should see:


Optical Illusions caused by the gravity lens effect of a SuperStar


SuperStar Gravitational Force (in solar masses)




General Appearance of Star Cluster



Bright star with angular diameter up to 1”. May have unusual spectral characteristics.



Same as above, except quite faint.



Bright, tight cluster of star images with diameter about 1’. Some individual stars resolvable. A typical small globular cluster.



Similar to above, but faint and with no resolvable star images. A typical elliptical galaxy.



Moderately compact cluster of resolvable star images, 4-10’ in diameter. Typical globular or open cluster. May have bright central star or core.



Faint elliptical galaxy 4-10’ in diameter. No resolvable stars.



Typical open star cluster with diameter up to several degrees.



Open cluster, but individual star images too faint to be seen except with largest telescopes. Possibly centered on a faint, poorly defined elliptical galaxy.



Very large open cluster (Hyades, Pleiades) or stellar association, with a bright central star or cluster. For very large gravitational masses, the association of stars may not be obvious because of its large angular diameter. Most stars in the association would be individually resolvable.



Large stellar association, but individual star images would be extremely faint. Difficult to detect.





A typical globular cluster. This one is in the galaxy M31, the Andromeda Galaxy, one of our nearest galactic neighbors.



An example of an open cluster. Stars are found in compact clusters, loose clusters, and open clusters such as illustrated here. This is an example of what would be expected as the result of the gravity lens effect of a nearby SuperStar with a very large gravitational force.  No other explanation for the association of these stars is available.




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