Table Topics
Conversation Starters

Cut regular sized index cards in half
Write one conversation starter on each card.
Fold the cards in half, & place in a nice glass jar with a lid to set on your dinner table.
If you want, label the jar "Table Topics"

Here are a few topics from our jar, as well as additional questions found in The Kids' Book of Questions by Gregory Stock, PH.D.
      1. If you could have a round-trip ride in a time machine and travel any distance into the past or future, where would you want to go?

      2. If you were alone and had only a few minutes to hide from crooks who were about to break into your house, where would you hide? What is the best hiding place in your house?

      3. If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?

      4. Would you like to have an identical twin? What about it would be best? Worst?

      5. If you woke up tomorrow and by magic were already grown-up and had kids of your own, how would you treat them differently from the way your parents treat you?

      6. If you could change any one thing about your parents, what would it be?

      7. Would you rather be very poor and have parents who loved you and each other, or be wealthy and have parents who ignored you and were always fighting with each other?

      8. Would you be willing to never again get any gifts and surprises if instead you could just ask for anything you wanted and have your parents buy it for you?

      9. If you were to be granted any one magical power you wanted, what would you pick?

      10. s can do more but have more responsibilities; children can play more but are often told what to do. Do you think kids or s have a better deal?

      11. If you could see into the future but not change it, would you want to do so?

      12. If you couldn't watch TV for a year, what do you think you would do with all of your extra time? Do you think you would by better off if you watched TV more or less than you do now? Why?

      13. If you could have either the ability to talk to animals or the power to see into the future, which would you want?

      14. How do you feel when you see someone who is disfigured or crippled? Could you be best friends with someone who was extremely ugly?

      15. What things scare you even though you know there is no reason to be afraid?

      16. If you had to pick a new first name for yourself, what would you choose?

      17. What Indian names would you choose for each person in your family? Why?

      18. Do you think it is fun to be a parent? If so, what do you think is the best thing about it? If not, why do you think people have children?

      19. If you became so sick that you would die if you didn't stay hooked up to a large life-support machine for the rest of your life, would you want someone to pull the plug?

      20. If you bought something in a store and the clerk gave you a dollar extra in change, would you say anything about his mistake?

      21. If you had a lot of money and could use it in any way you wanted, what would you do with it?

      22. Would you rather receive a gift you really wanted, or give your mother a gift she would absolutely treasure?

      23. What good book have you read lately?

      24. What is your favorite season of the year? Why?

      25. What is you idea of a dream vacation?

      26. What is the most enjoyable way for you to spend $25?

      27. If you could buy any rare collection in the world, which would you choose?

      28. If you could be anywhere for New Year's Eve 1999, where would you most want to be?

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