

Where's the Beef? (an April Fools' Day shamburgers)

"If April Fools' Day didn't exist, some kid would have to invent it. When else are we allowed - even expected to play practical jokes, cheat, and trick each other? Which brings us to these shamburgers. As far as fibs go, this sweet sandwich is a real whopper. Sure, it look like the real thing. but when your lucky fool takes a bite, his taste buds will be pleasantly deceived by the no-beef patties, special sauce, and sesame cookie buns. And while they're not exactly fast food, they are easy to make."


      1 tsp. vanilla extract
      1 cup margarine (2 sticks)
      1 cup sugar
      2 eggs, plus 1 egg for the cookie glaze
      2-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
      1/2 tsp. salt
      1-1/2 tsp baking powder
      2 Tbsp. sesame seeds
      green food coloring
      1 cup shredded coconut
      tubes of red and yellow icing
      12 large (1.5 ounces) or 36 medium (.6 ounce) peppermint patties
