music selection: "Dream"

My "Gentle Giant" Friends

Hi! My name is Lauren

Hi! My name is Lauren. I was 12 years old in this picture. I have been an animal lover for as long as I can remember. Whether surrounded by kittens on my grandpa's farm, riding horses while vacationing, overturning rocks to search for lizards, visiting the zoo, or caring for my own pet dog and rabbit...I feel a bond with each creature.

When I was in 3rd grade, I was given a "Character Quality" Award for having a "Reverence for God's World". Animals have been the subjects for most of my artwork, and some of my collections.

My first love was for the lion. From the time I was 4 years old and saw them perform in a small circus, I have been fascinated by these majestic creatures. I have a growing collection of lions, and one of my all time favorite stories is The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis.

While vacationing with my family in Florida, I met a new animal friend; a graceful and "Gentle Giant"...the manatee. I was privileged to pet and interact with several in the wild. They were friendly and gently playful, gliding slowly through the water next to the boat dock where I'd come to meet them. They loved to drink the fresh, cool water trickling from a garden hose dangled over the dock's edge - this seemed to be what attracted them most; but they also behaved as though they enjoyed the attention we gave them. I came to the dock several times to sit with them for an hour or more. While drinking the cool water, they would often roll lazily onto their backs, leaving their smooth, round bellies above the surface of the water waiting for a bit of caressing. This may have been part of their natural behavior, but my imagination led me to believe that they were becoming as fond of me as I was of them. My parents sometimes tell me I have an overactive imagination, but without it, life would sometimes be pretty boring. I quickly grew to love these animals. They are beautiful in an odd a huge, blubbery mermaid.

Five to six manatees of all sizes gathered at the dock during my several visits. I recognized them by their individual characteristics; some had a thick covering of barnacles firmly attached to their backs (I named one "Barney"), some had the scars of a boat propellar injury, one had a nick in his tail probably caused by a boat propellar, one was huge and fat, and one was a baby.

During one visit, for a brief few moments, I slipped into the water with a life jacket on to float with the feel extra close to them. They didn't seem to fact my huge, fat friend swam up under me, giving me a momentary ride.

A swim with the manatees

I rated my few hours on this dock with the manatees as one of my best experiences during my Florida vacation...maybe even surpassing my day at Disney World. I may even go on to say that this was one of my best experiences ever.

The last thing I did before leaving Florida was say good-bye to the manatees. My parents drove me to the dock where I could find them, and I sat there one last time. I hated to leave. My treasured Florida souvenier is a silver manatee necklace that I will wear as a frequent reminder of my "Gentle Giant" friends. My swim with the manatees will be in my dreams and my memories forever!

Story by Lauren & Mom

petting the manatees

My special adopted manatee
HOWIE is a sleek, large (1,350 lbs.) male, known to winter at Blue Springs State Park in Orange City, Florida since 1971. One of Howie's favorite activities is to tip the research canoe -- complete with researchers!

A Note From Mom:

This seemingly simple experience was a beautiful one for my daughter, Lauren. I could see it in her eyes...the sheer pleasure and love for these marine mammals

It was touching for me, and I believe for others on that dock, to witness how she derived such great pleasure from being with these irresistible giant creatures. Although we have since learned that it is not recommended to have such close contact with them (which may cause them to lose their fear of humans), her extraordinary, brief contact may be beneficial to the cause of protecting the endangered manatees. This one experience will likely be what fosters a desire in her to learn more about the manatee. Perhaps she will use them as subjects in her artwork, become a spokesperson who educates others on the need to protect their well being, or become a future marine biologist as a result of her inspirational experience.

Manatee painting by Lauren
oil pastel - Sept. 1999

inspired by an original oil painting
"Manatee Haven" by Sherry Vintson

Lauren's Art
Animal Photo Album
educational & fun!
Hodgepodge Homepage
a fun place for families!
A Day In The Life Of A....
(based on our true story)

85% of living Manatees have been scarred by motorboats!

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"The West Indian Manatee, is now in severe danger of extinction. In 1989, the estimated manatee population in Florida was 1,200. The following year over 140 manatees died. Human causes were responsible for 75% of these deaths, and the single biggest cause of deaths was attributed to propeller cuts from boat engines. Manatees are very slow movers and sometimes sleep near the surface of the water. Motor boat encounters often result in severe injuries and broken bones. Manatee reserves have been set up, but mortality rates are still high, probably due to the popularity of motor boating and growth in Florida population. Manatees give birth only every three years or so. Unless drastic measures are taken, manatees could become extinct." The Marine Mammal Center
What Can You Do?

Visit the following links to learn more about the "Gentle Giants"
But before you leave to bookmark this site

Save the Manatee Club

Adopt A Manatee "Join the people who are fighting to keep manatees from passing into extinction."

Manatee Photographs by Phillip Colla

The Call of the Siren

Strategies for pursuing a career in Marine Mammal Science

The Wonderful World of the Manatee

Manatee Coast - Columbus, Ohio Zoo a wonderful new exhibit opening June 1999. It will be a privilege for us northerners to find these giant "mermaids" near our homes

Manatee-Gentle Giants of The Warm Springs

The Trouble With Manatees

Manatee Junction Discover the world of the "mermaid" by visiting this virtual undersea world.

The Whale Club A website for marine mammal enthusiasts of all ages.

Planet Manatee

Manatee Haven

Kids Only Manatees & Dugongs Very informative and well illustrated. Many of the illustrations could perhaps be used as a coloring book for children.

Manatee Anatomy Facts and Trivia

Manatee FAQ

Manatee Pictures

Manatee Sea World Animal Information Database

Manatee World

Animal Page - A Tribute to Manatees A few lovely pictures and a wealth of interesting information

Whales are nice but...Manatees are Wonderful!

Eliza's Manatee Gallery

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