All users, please read:

You can only post three lines of text in each comment box.  If you want to write more, please split your message up and use the "additional comments" boxes.  Otherwise, we won't be able to read all of your posting.

2.  Be warned:  I have much less server-space than Holt,
so your messages will be deleted more quickly (I can only store 50 messages at a time).  If you intend to copy or print any messages, please do it right away.....

3.  Even if you don't normally
post your email address along with your message, it would be helpful to do so now, because email is easier to use than this somewhat limited bulletin board format.  Thanks!

Best wishes on pending referrals and arrivals!!!!!!

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Disclaimer:  this page is not sponsored by or monitored by Holt staff.  It uses the Holt name only as an indication that Holt is the agency that most of the families using this bulletin board are working with.  Ideas and comments posted here are not attributable to Holt International Children's Services, and are the responsibility of the writer's themselves.  If you have comments or questions about this page or the comments expressed herein, please email [email protected].
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