Edmonton, Alberta

   Those present:-
as well as others,
including a few Earthlings, who had called this meeting



As we have reached an important point in the history of mankind, it was felt that some �final� requests should be made in an attempt to minimize wherever possible the effects of the imminent Great Cleansing, and to clarify some forthcoming events.

While reports and channelings of various kinds over the years have warned of future negative events, none appear to have pointed out that one can ASK for intervention or mitigation of such events. We discuss these matters on a regular basis with our Spiritual Guides, some of whom were present today, and who have effected many positive changes in the last year or so, making our lives easier and those of the One World Order increasingly frustrating.

We ask for the help of not only our own Spiritual Guides but also of those of all other beings on this planet to come together to help us in these matters. The number of guides allotted to each person attending this particular meeting varied from 23 to 52 - averaging 38 - not all of whom were present. [The availability of these Guides is not well enough known at the present time and this is a subject which should be studied in depth by all those who will comprise the Remnant]

Questions were asked at this special meeting on a wide variety of topics, but an attempt was made wherever feasible to combine as many queries as possible into one all-encompassing question. Requests are always made subject to that requested action being permissible, and for the greater good of mankind. The following is an extract from the dialogue that ensued.


1. Nostradamus had predicted a disastrous event from the skies during the month of July 1999: of what nature is this attack, and is it permissible to have this mitigated or nullified? [This was our most urgent question]

The quatrain reads: "In the year 1999, and seven months, from the sky will come the Great King of Terror. He will bring back to life the great king of the Mongols. Before and after War reigns happily."

None of the interpretations we have heard were confirmed. The source of the attack was confirmed as �alien� but from aliens on this planet. It was not an army, as generally translated, but rather an invasion of �VIRUSES� ��. This also indicates the opening of the fourth seal as described in the Book Of Revelations 7; 7-8.

This was to be an alien attack - but it was not from �outer� space. The aliens were on this planet and were transporting these viruses by shuttle into the upper atmosphere, where they were to be launched against us in July. We did not quite fathom how the �great king of the Mongols� was connected to the Reptilian race, most of which are underground on this planet, but it had no connection with China, Russia or the Far East. War was raging before (Kosovo): whose turn would it be �after� - somewhere in Africa? We did not follow up on this point.

None of the silver, gold or titanium colloids would be an effective protection against these viruses. Was there an element which would protect us? - YES. We checked the real Atomic Spiral (not the scientifically recognized Table of Elements) and found that it was 192.2 IRIDIUM!

We were not aware of Iridium being available on a commercial basis, but it was confirmed that healers could transmit this vibration to anyone who was suffering from this type of attack.

We went one step further and asked whether our request to have protection against all these viruses would be heard and acceded to. The answer was in the affirmative, that the attack would be negated and would no longer take place.

How this is done we always leave up to the Hosts of Heaven themselves, but it seemed that this would be similar to the failed attempt to set alight the Van Allen radiation belts some years back.

This is further proof that prophecy is a WARNING and that, unless action is taken to prevent the event from happening, it will occur. This was therefore a successful prophecy, not a �failed� one just because it would not happen in July as predicted.

2. The British-Khazarian families, through their various U.S. front companies, control all media outlets, and are slowly but effectively softening our minds to the possibility of starting a massively destructive nuclear war. The constant and ever-increasing levels of violence in everything from cartoons and video games to programs, films and music causes us as a society to adopt a warlike nature and attitude. This causes us to be easily led into situations where, if war is suggested, we gladly jump on the bandwagon. [Think of Kosovo!] Nations are destroyed NOT by war - but by the taxes that come afterwards. [Think of Kosovo!]

We asked whether the mighty nuclear cauldron which is brewing could be neutralized - that there be a peaceful solution to the Armageddon script.

In this connection we also asked that:

  1. the cloned armies, located underground or otherwise, be taken over immediately for the benefit of the planet rather than as a force against the people of this planet, as soon as they are activated;
  2. that the people of this world be prevented from asking to be controlled by the military (thinking they will be protected), allowing dictatorial powers to take over as planned
  3. that the people be enabled to retake control over their own military forces, and that these be hereafter used for defensive purposes only
  4. that the nuclear navies currently readied (as in the "Falkland War") by the Illuminati be taken out of commission before they can commence activities [South Georgia Island; Stewart Island New Zealand, and elsewhere]
  5. that, if this would be beneficial to mankind, that the full alert which was signaled in January by the RUSSIANS in the unified command of nuclear weaponry be withdrawn. [The placing of all nuclear forces under one command is a strategical preparation for ATTACK - not defence; this and moving strategic warheads on to its submarine base, as well as placing its Northern Fleet on alert, is just cause for alarm �.. especially in the U.S.A.]

The requests were accepted with exceptions: (a) nuclear war would eventually break out, but be contained within the Middle East this (?) year; (b) there was a neutron-type attack on New Yorkplanned for next year as well as possible Chinese intervention in the U.S. - without nuclear fallout; (c) None of the nuclear devices in Canadian dams (water supplies) would be activated.

We were concerned that Canada would also be involved as Europeans tend to look upon the whole of North America as "America", but it did not appear that we would be affected (unless there were errant explosions) and that Alberta would continue to be one of the safest places in the world in which to live and be the goal of many new immigrants.

3. It was discovered about two years ago that only one third of the Hosts of Heaven had ever incarnated, but that half of the remainder had the intention of so doing so during this historic transition. Evil was being removed to a different dimension on this planet, so that they could continue to fight their own Armageddon, while NWO officials and others would have �new occupants� - making it look as if they had had a sudden change of heart.

Asked that the Hosts of Heaven which have now reincarnated as the (walk-in) souls of One World Government officials and others be permitted to know their purpose on Earth and reverse the negative activities pursued by this group.

It was confirmed that this would be accomplished by September of this year.

4. German (and other European) farmers are being forbidden permission to grow certain (any) crops under new legislation [part of the planned food production control and depopulation plan] despite growing unrest about such whimsical controls.

Asked that the ban on food production under the name "Planned Economy" in Germany and other European countries be lifted, and that the general control over ENERGY and FOOD by the Illuminati [the principle tools for control over the people] be thwarted and all related laws, regulations and other enforcements be lifted.

5. Almost all voting equipment throughout North America is owned or controlled by one company (BRC), who confuse authorities to such an extent that they soon comply with the suggestion that this company do everything related to counting votes for them - the software can be used to manipulate the results!

Asked that the tampering of votes, electronic or otherwise, in all elections be henceforth blocked and all results required to be announced as actually voted.

6. Asked that it be no longer possible for a big business CORPORATION, owned or controlled by the Illuminati, to own a municipality, city or county, as is currently being carried out by elitist corporations such as PEPSI, COCA-COLA �.. in the name of �capitalism at its finest�. (This not to include non-profit corporations or similar organizations with a constructive agenda.)

7. Asked that plans to take the Internet �off the air� on 2000 01 01 (or any other time) be nullified.

8. Asked that plans to withdraw currencies in general on 2000 01 01 and thenceforth only permit the use of plastic (bank cards) be negated. Furthermore, to provide guidance to us as necessary on the introduction of a value monetary system (alternative banking system), to run concurrently with a barter system.

9. Asked that the people in general be given to understand that the "Y2K" problem is a ruse to take control of all monies issued, so that appropriate and timely action can be taken to counteract this plan. And that they furthermore be made aware that they should provide themselves now with whatever they can assemble together in readiness for the introduction of a barter system (goods and services) in the very near future.


10. Asked that the medical doctors of Alberta, who have now recognized their own college as a political puppet, be supported in their opposition to AMA policies, and that they furthermore be encouraged to consider HEALTH in all its aspects, with many different areas of practice (ie naturopathy, acupuncture etc) rather than as being the sole domain of their particular profession.

11. Asked that the Government of BC be prevented from regulating the full range of Chinese medicine therapies, including acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, making it the first place in Canada to do so. These �. "important health options �. Could be covered by Medicare(!)" according to the premier, Glen Clark.

12. Asked that the takeover by corporate conglomerates of the smaller dairy farms [�small cream producers'] in the Prairie provinces by the introduction of government regulations for compulsory upgrading facilities at very high cost be halted.

13. Asked that the seeds be now sown for a non-political �political� party in Canada which will develop into a self-governing, non-political Canadian government at both federal and provincial level, which will be a model for the rest of the world to follow.

14. That funds be channeled to us for the management of farms, crops and buildings, using advanced technology, for the benefit of the remnant and the relief of suffering, as/if conditions worsen and care of others becomes a priority.

15. Asked that we be made aware of how each and every one of us is to fully prepare for the CLEANSING of the planet.

16. Asked that the day be speeded up when the Prince of Darkness himself finally sees the Light, and Evil is finally set aside.

17. And finally, that GOD�S PLAN 2000 be implemented rather than Global Plan 2000.

All these requests were fully accepted with exceptions as shown below each question.

REVIEW of recent past requests

What we have already requested: mission accomplished, or was there a loophole in our request?

a) The chemical additive EDB (ethylene dibromide), manufactured in Edmonton, banned by the State of California, and added to aircraft fuel, which is then spewed out as contrails over major cities, rendered ineffective.

Add to this all other viruses, contaminants and poisons of all kinds, injurious to life on earth, especially BENZENE, which is being added to all pain relievers such as Aspirin/Anacin/Tylenol, as well as to an amazing number of food and drink items, including:-
Sifto Salt; Windsor Salt; Folger�s and Nabob Coffee; soda; brown sugar; Dairyland Homo Milk
Face creams, Oil of Olay
chemical contamination through sale of bed sheets impregnated with powdered form (Zellers and Martha Stewart), and
RICIN, added to the food supply - including EGGS, which causes arthritic pains [extensive list available]

b) Prevention of the implementation of a single US/Canadian currency [being pushed recently again by the C.D.Howe Institute - [a spokes-vehicle for the Illuminati] and by major Canadian corporations. [STILL BLOCKED]

The Canadian dollar has been suppressed to a ridiculously low level in order to persuade Canadians that they would be better off having a joint currency with the U.S.

c) Destruction of grain elevators halted ..... It is necessary now to block the expansion of U.S. based corporate giants into Canada . Also to support the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool in their bid not to become amalgamated with others, if this is in the best interests of the farmers and the consumer.
A program had been instituted whereby workmen would arrive unannounced at an elevator and destroy every part of the structure, including the concrete foundation, in such a way that not one single piece of reusable material was left! Vast concrete containers were simultaneously built to replace them under the control of a central organization ��.

d) The agenda and rituals of the meeting of the Illuminati to be held in Egypt on 11-12-13th August, accompanied by other members standing on important intersections of the major ley-lines, be made null and void, in particular the elimination of the activities of the lower 4th dimensional entities, the Reptilian race and their representatives here on this planet, and the dulling of the senses of the planet�s population in order to keep their activities secret and unsuspected. This was extended to all of their planned rituals on other dates and all other locations.

ALL THESE ITEMS were confirmed as still in effect, and expanded as outlined.

There were many more questions, but this was deemed sufficient for today. Often we are told that we have given them enough work to keep them busy for quite a while, so no further suggestions can be entertained ��� so we have learned to keep within acceptable boundaries! We think we are doing our job: how about you?

Thanks was given to all Spiritual Guides for their assistance in this process. So be it.


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