
wrestlersname = Chris "Mr. F**K Authority" Evans
    height = 6'1"
    weight = 235lbs.
    hometown = Chicago Illinois
    alignment = Heel
    style = Dirty
    apperance = Chris Evans has half and half hair of pink, and 
black.... he usually wears different colored cargo pants, with black zipper 
pockets, unless the pants are black, then the zipper pockets are usually 
white. He wears a lot of band t shirts, you'll see him wear fishnet arm 
coverings from time to time, other than that, I guess you could call 
him a generic white boy.
    move1 = Chest Chop followed by Diamond Cutter
    move2 = Kick to the groin followed by knee to face.
    move3 = Takes off boot, and chucks it at opponent, only does this 
when desperate, if ref is looking he'll swiftly swing his foot so the 
boot slips off and sails towards his opponent, while his opponent is on 
the ground he'll put his boot back on, sometimes he doesn't get it on in 
time and turns right into a stiff punch/move from opponent.
    move4 = Three Stooges eyepoke followed by a uppercut with free 
    move5 =  Flip piledriver - Goes for a cradled piledriver and 360 
flips, landing opponents head dead on the mat, usually bounching him up.
    move6 = 450 Splash
    move7 = Goes to top turnbuckle and jumps down, landing feet first 
into opponents lower area
    move8 =  Kick to the groin, followed by brass knuckles to the face
    move9 = Five knuckle shuffle, with brass knucks.
    move10 = Confines of Defiance- Crippler Crossface
    finisher = The Defiance
    descripfinisher = Backwards Jeff Hardy style neckbraker
    managersname = 
    managersex = Please Chose One
    managerapperance = 
    interfere = Please Chose One
    howinterfere = 
    thememusic = "F**k Authority" by Pennywise
    entrance = (F**k Authority plays as Chris Evans walks out, fans 
reach for tags, Chris Evans spits on as many as possible as he walks to 
the ring, he gets to the end of the guard rails and extends his arms, 
turns his wrists up and gives the middle fingers, he then slides in and 
awaits his match.) 
    titlehistory = N.E.W. International, H.W.A. Tag Team Champion 2x ( 
Kurt Chavez, Jack Devargas. ), H.W.A. Middleweight, H.W.A. Honorable.
    background = Chris started his wrestling career upon joining a 
federation called the H.W.A., the H.W.A. had close ties with a federation 
named N.E.W., and N.E.W. had Chris's brother wrestling for them, Chris 
decided he'd give them a try, and he didn't do too bad, but after a 
while, he decided he didn't like how things were going, he quit, to go off 
to H.W.A., after a while, he went on hiatus there too, eventually, he 
came back, to experience the largest success of his career, winning two 
top notch singles titles, now he has a taste for N.E.W. again... so 
we'll see how things work out.
    anythingelse = That sample roleplay does not express my opinions or 
views... just me using some fuel for a sample roleplay.
agreement = Yes

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