Pete Greenhouse: Here we are with The Strip, the television champion, who will be facing Predator tonight. STRIP, what do you have to say to the fans and Predator?

Strip: For those of you who don�t believe, for those of you who don�t know �

Hooooo Waaah

Predator, tonight, baby, tonight you will be stepping into the ring with the greatest Television Champ ever to set foot in the ring at Rebirth. You are stepping into the ring with the child of the Hubbel Telescope � a NEW-found-star. Oh, I�ve been here for years, rockin my peers, putting suckers in fear � so I hope you left your ego at home, because I�ll bruise it, I�ll shake it and in the end I�ll break it. You don�t have a chance against me, the powerhouse with finesse who�ll be recognized, soon, as the best.

And what, you wondered, did I tell my students? I told them that you can tell yourself that you are going to be good at something, that you will succeed, but if you don�t develop the skills to do it, you�ll end up like Predator � flat on your back, wondering what went wrong.

(Strip slides on his white-rimmed mirror-lensed sunglasses and turns his Patriot County High School ballcap backwards.The scene cuts back to the arena.....The light's cut off abrubtly, leaving people to sit and murmur about what's going on. The darkness, and silence, last for a couple seconds, and then a white light appears on the ramp. It's a single spotlight shining in the middle of the curtain. Smoke begins to fan out from under the curtain and all along the ramp. A mist like fog is created around the entrance. Suddenly the lights start flashing quickly and "Numb" by Linkin Park begins blaring over the PA.)

I'm tired of being what you want me to be
feeling so faithless
lost under the surface
I don't know what you're expecting of me
put under the pressure
of walking in your shoes

(The smoke begins to rise up, covering the entire entrance, all the while the music playing and the fans unsure of who is coming out)

[caught in the undertow / just caught in the undertow]
every step that I take is another mistake to you
[caught in the undertow / just caught in the undertow]

(Red pyro's shoot off as the song goes into the chorus, and a figure begins to rise up out of the smoke.)

become so numb
I can't feel you there
become so tired
so much more aware
I'm becoming this
all I want to do
is be more like me
and be less like you

(The music suddenly slows down, as if being dragged across the pavement. The figure in the smoke has his back to the crowd. He's wearing a black trenchcoat, with long blonde hair streaming down the back of it. That's all you can tell of the figure, as the rest of it is clothed in black. The figure throws his hands into the air, and more pyro's shoot off, and the music returns to normal time hitting the verse right on time.)

can't you see that you're smothering me
holding too tightly
afraid to lose control
cause everything that you thought I would be
has fallen apart right in front of you

[caught in the undertow / just caught in the undertow]
every step that I take is another mistake to you
[caught in the undertow / just caught in the undertow]
and every second I waste is more than I can take

(A plethera of pyros, in all different sizes and colors, fire off as the figure throws his hands to his side and begins make his way hastily down the ramp. All of a sudden something appears on the NEWtron... )

(Predator doesn't pay attention to the crowd, he's as focused as he's ever been, and it shows.)

become so numb
I can't feel you there
become so tired
so much more aware
I'm becoming this
all I want to do
is be more like me
and be less like you

(Predator makes his way into the ring, and stands in the middle of it. The lights are still flashing, leaving Predator and the crowd in the dark more often than not. The song begins to pick up in tempo, and the lights follow....)

And I know
I may end up failing too
But I know
You were just like me with someone disappointed in you

( the last word of the last verse hits the speakers Predator throws his hands up once again, sending off another plethera of pyro's. The song begins to fade out. Predator lets his trenchcoat fall from his shoulders and catches it right before it hits the ground. As soon as the trenchcoat falls from his shoulders there is a collective gasp. Predator has a completely new look. Predator is wearing a pair of black and red wrestling tights. Down the left leg, the red leg, is "Predator" writtin in italic black letters. Down the right leg, the black leg, is "Drop Shot" written in italic red letters. Predator is wearing a black shirt with a pitcure of himself on the front, and the word's "I'M FINISHED" in white letters across the back. Predator signals for a mic, and the ring announcer tosses one to him. Predator lets the music fade out, and then brings to mic up and begins to speak.)

Predator: You know, these past couple weeks have been most interesting. Week one, i step into the ring with one of the best wrestlers to ever step foot in a wrestling ring, Wulf, and i win.

(At the mention of Wulf's name the crowd erupts in cheers. Predator waits for the crowd to calm down before continuing to speak.)

Predator: Week two, i step into the ring with Simon Tyrell...

(A chorus of boos wash through the arena. Predator stands there with a smile so small that it barely curves his lips, but a smile none the less. Instead of letting them go on this time, Predator quickly interupts.)

Predator: ....who in my opinion is fully washed up. Then there was Strip, some kid i've never heard of. As you would expect,i'm doing pretty good, I handlitng both of them pretty well, while letting them duke it out some also. They were both getting in shots, but nothing i couldn't handle. Then i hit my finisher on Strip, send Tyrell to the mat, and instead of pinning strip i decide to play around with him. As most of you know, it came back to bite me in the but. Week three, last week, i face off against Harbinger. Now, this is someone i don't think i'm going to get along with to well while i'm staying in NEW. This is one cocky person. What makes it even worse is that he somehow found a way to make me tap out last week. That's ok though, i can admit defeat, and Harbinger i give you credit. I don't give Strip any credit at all, because he didn't pin me. He won the match that we were fighting in, but he didn't pin me. So tonight i get a chance at redemption. But before i talk about toni!ghts match up, i would like to comment a little bit on the look. It's new for the people who haven't kept up any with my career.

Predator: You see, this is the type of stuff i wore during my hay day's. This is the type of stuff i wore when the mention of my name struck fear into half of the people in the federation, and gave the other half giddy excitement. It was my opponents that would fear, and the rest of the wrestlers that would be giddy with excitement, because people never knew what was going to happen once i stepped into the ring. I would pull out all the stops, and would take you to the edge and back. I used to be at the top, in the main event, people used to either worship me, or hate me. That's the way it used to be. Now, most of you here, including announcers and wrestlers alike, are probably wondering what i'm doing telling you all of this. Well, i say all this for one reason only...because i'm back.

Predator: You're probabaly all like., "well of course he's back, he's been back for three weeks now." No, i'm talking about the guy I just described to you. The guy who struck fear, and pulled out all the stops, and most importantly won the gold. I have a chance to once again strap gold around my waist tonight, and even though it's the Television Title, it's a start. I'm going to take that title tonight, and then i'm going to continue up the ladder. I like starting at the bottom and working my way up, you seem to get more respect that way. I will eventually reach the top, and no matter who i've got to take out to get,i'm going to get there. If i have to go through my own DWO members, i'm going to get there, and it all starts tonight, when i once again face off against Strip. This time there's no one else for Strip to pin, to avoid having to take me down. This time Strip, you're mine.

(Predator throws the mic back to the Jack Darling, and sits for Strip to make his way to the ring.)

The arena grows dark, no sounds come from the arena speakers

Small flash pots pop on the stage of the NEWtron, creating a wall of smoke

Blue and Red lasers shine against the smoke, spelling three words:


A fast musical crescendo, featuring a piano, then drums of Prince�s Baby I�m a Star










Hey, look me over

Strip jumps through the smoke, wearing a large cape

Tell me do U like what U see?

He spreads his arms as the spotlight falls on him, revealing his name, in sequins, across the back of and the ramp lights from below, red, white and blue circles of color moving toward the ring, while smaller red, white and blue lights move up the edges of the ramp

Hey, I ain't got no money
But honey, I'm rich on personality

He spins on the ramp, stops and point shis belt at the spotlight, making it shimmer and reflect at the fans.

Hey, check it all out
Baby, I know what it's all about

Strip jogs, taking long steps, to the ring and jumps up on the apron

Before the night is through
U will see my point of view
Even if I have 2 scream and shout

Strip stands in the corner, outside, on the top and second rope.

Oh baby, I'm a star!

Oh oh woooo

Strips leaps from the top rope into the middle of the ring, landing with his arms out and cape open

Might not know it now
Baby, but I are, I'm a star!

Strip takes off his NEW Television Championship belt and bends forward at the waist.

I don't want 2 stop till I reach the top
Sing it! (We are a star!)

The music stops as Strip lifts the belt high and stops.

Four large, gold sparkler showers pour down from the ceiling, landing just outside each edge of the wrestling ring.

Strip undoes his cape and hands it to the ring attendant, then hands the title belt to the referee and mouths the words � "That�s Mine" to Predator and to the nearest camera.

Jason: Strip leans out of the ring to talk to a fan � Oh Predator attacks him from behind. He's laying in chops, again, again. Strip is stunned � Predator whips him across the ring, clothesline - Strip down � he's rolling out of the ring.

SaraAnne: The crowd is going nuts, absolutely crazy � what a way to start off this show. Strip is kicking the ring apron and pointing at Predator, who's calling him back into the ring.

Brian: That's because Predator ambushed him, that coward.

Jason: Strip is stunned, and looks to be limping a bit � Predator is coming out after him � from behind, Strip is down again, Predator throws him into the ring and rolls in himself.

SaraAnne: I don't hear Strip talking crap now.

Jason: Strip is crawling, struggling to his feet � Predator putting the boots to him � Strip grabs the bottom rope, the ref pushes Predator away.

Brian: Now Strip will have a chance to get up.

Jason: Strip is pulling himself up the ropes, he's winded, leaning � clothesline over the top rope � Strip is outside the ring again � Predator is rolling Strip back into the ring. He's getting Strip up for the DVD.

SaraAnne: Strip has his ankles wrapped around the top rope � the ref is calling for a break � Predator steps away � Strip face-first into the canvas, he feet were still stuck in the ropes.

Brian: That's cheap, that's cheap!

Jason: Predator pulling Strip up, arm whip � POWER SLAM!!!! Predator hooks the leg



Kickout by The Strip.

SaraAnne: Strip, barely standing, courtesy of Pred.

Jason: He's pushed into the corner � chop to the throat � another chop- Predator throwing punches, a flurry of them � the ref breaks it .

Brian: Finally, Diamond Joe isn't doing his job.

Jason: Predator charges the corner � and hits the turnbuckles. Strip walking around the ring, holding the top rope, looking back at Predator.

Brian: That slowed Predator down in a second. Now when the Strip regains his senses �

Jason: He'd better do it quick, Predator is back on his feet.

SaraAnne: And Strip shows his true colors, ducking out of the ring down to the floor.

Brian: He's resting, dammit.

Jason: Predator is calling Strip back in, while Joe counts

SaraAnne: 7-8-9

Brian: And Strip back in, now back out.

Jason: Predator is stalking the ring, following Strip � he's starting to clap his hands.

(The crowd starts to clap, too � while stomping their feet.)

SaraAnne: Strip's looking a bit disconcerted � he's finally back in the ring.

Brian: he did that to shut the crowd up.

SaraAnne: The fans here in Boston love Predator.

Brian: Yeah, they love losers � the Bruins, Red Sox, The Patriots...

SaraAnne: Hey Hey Hey....The Bruins have made it to the playoffs every year but once, in the last fifty some-odd years, the Red Sox are the hands down favorite to win the World Series this year....And the Patrios have won the SuperBowl twice in the last three years....Thats about as close to a dynasty you're going to get these days!

Brian: (Blank Stare...)

Jason: Predator goes at Strip � Strip leans out of the ring � the ref pushes Predator back. Strip back in, starting to bounce on his toes. Here comes Predator.

Brian: Arm drag by Strip � Predator comes again � Arm Drag again

Jason: Predator stops for a second, looking Strip over. Then holding out a hand for a test of strength.

SaraAnne: Well, Strip did say he was stronger.

Jason: The two lock up � Predator is backing Strip against the ropes. The ref is calling for a break � But Strip steps away, they're chest to chest � head butt by Strip. Predator seems stunned.

Brian: Another head butt, and another.

Jason: Predator has some blood coming from the bridge of his nose. Strip kicks him in the gut � single arm bar by Strip � he kicks the back of Predator's elbow and forces him down for a leg-lock arm bar.

Brian: Strip is the wrestler, he just had to stop Predator's illegal tactics to show everybody.

Jason: Strip is pulling Predator's arm, pushing his feet against Pred's shoulder. Like he's trying to dislocate it. This looked like just another hold, but it seems to be a submission maneuver.

SaraAnne: The pain is apparent on Predator's face � he's gnashing his teeth, trying to find a way out.

Jason: Predator is rolling left, right, sliding around, trying to get out of this.

(A slow clap has started, speeding up every few seconds, growing louder.)

SaraAnne: The fans are trying to help him, too.

Brian: I don't see any in the ring.

Jason: Predator is getting to his feet, Strip still locked in, he's raising his arm in triumph � Strip lets go, Predator goes falling across the ring.

SaraAnne: Yay!

Jason: Strip rolls over and stands, adjusting his trunks, Predator pulling himself up by the ropes with that one good arm. Strip attacks! Stomping at that shoulder � The ref pulls him back, Strip with his hands up � Predator climbing � Strip attacks him again � Arm drag � elbow drop � elbow drop � Strip helps Predator up � European Uppercut!

Brian: I don't hear those good for nothing fans anymore.

Jason: Predator, whipped into the ropes, ducks a Strip clothesline and hits him with one of his own!!!! The crowd is going nuts, Predator for the pin.



Kickout by Strip. Predator hooks the leg.


kickout by Strip

SaraAnne: Strip's in trouble.

Brian: Predator pulls Strip up by the head � signaling for the Death Valley Driver. Strip rolls him into a crucifix pinning combination.



Kickout by Pred

Jason: Strip and Predator up � Predator with a tackle � he's dropping some bombs on Strip � Strip is covering up, the ref is pulling him back � Strip rolls over and � BITCH SLAPS PREDATOR while the ref is holding him.

Brian: HA!

Jason: The two are going to war � Predator with a kick to the gut, elbow to the neck � whips Strip off the ropes POWERSLAM!



Thr- NO kickout

SaraAnne: Predator is getting him back up, Strips head between Pred's knees

Jason: Big Powerbomb!!! Pulling him up again � ANOTHER POWERBOMB. He whips Strip into the corner, Strip crumbles

SaraAnne: I think he was going to go for the Drop Shot, but he's going for the pin.




Strip with his leg on the rope. The ref stops the count. Predator pulls him up � DEATH VALLEY DRIVER.




SaraAnne: What the �..

Brian: Strip knows where he is in the ring.

Jason: Strip is out of it but still alive. Predator stands him up in the corner � DROP SH.. Noooooooo

Prian: Strip moved � Predator hit the turnbuckle with his foot instead � probably impacted that knee.

Jason: Strip moves in from behind � kicks Predator's knee from behind. Elbow drop to the back of the knee � another and another � he's got a half-Boston crab on Predator, wrenching that knee.

Brian: He's doing this for the fans, they should at least give him some recognition � Boston Crab � in Boston

Jason: Strip is sitting down hard on Predator's back, pulling on that leg � Predator is reaching for the ropes � the crowd is starting to get behind him again.

SaraAnne: C'mon Predator!!!!!

Jason: Seems that Predator is hearing them, he's pushing himself up, Strip can't stay on his back � he has to let go!

SaraAnne: Whoopeee

Brian: You wish

Jason: Strip stays on that knee � elbow drop, elbow drop � Strip going for the -- FIGURE FOUR!!!! No, Predator grabs his head for the small package.



Strip grabs the rope.

SaraAnne: Who said Predator doesn't know how to wrestle?

Brian: Predator's up and limping � Strip comes at him � DROP SHOT, OUT OF NOWHERE!

Jason: Strip falls out of the ring. Predator goes out after him. Rolls him into the ring.


Kickout by Strip!

SaraAnne: His hurt knee probably didn't let him get enough THRUST.

Jason: Predator grabs Strip's throat � he's choking him not even trying to hide from the ref.

Brian: Cheating little �

Jason: Predator pulls Strip up � Sleeper hold � no � Strip bent over to keep Predator off balance. Strip hooks Pred's neck and leg.


NO! Predator kicks out. Strip is up first � he catches Predator in a reverse DDT � Stardust Neckbreaker. Pulls him back up � Single arm DDT. Strip for the pin �




Brian: Strip, locking in the Dragon Sleeper.

SaraAnne: Too close to the ropes � Predator is saved.

Jason: Strip is shaking his head � he goes to the top rope. Predator is up, runs over and grabs him � Predator climbs the ropes and gives Strip a couple shots to the gut...he sets him up for a suplex!!! A SUPERPLEX!!

Brian: If this connects this match is beyond over...

Jason: AND IT CONNECTS!!! But neither man moves! I think that was a kamakazi desperation move...Joe Diamond begins the count....

Joe Diamond: ONE!



Jason: Neither man is stirring....




Brian: Could it be?

Sara Anne: Not like this!!





Joe Diamond: ONE!...TWO!!!!.....THREE!!!!!


Jason: Strip kicked out just barely too late...and we have a new champion!!


(Joe Diamond drapes the title over Predator's chest and raises his arm, neither man having enough energy left to even move....)

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