UGW Mexican Title History

El Paco Mu Cha Cho

Won the Title By defeating the Executioner in a UGW dark match.


Kage schooled boyed El Paco at Genisis after El Paco Won a 3 way match for the Light-Heavyweight Title Tournment.

El Paco Mu Cha Cho(2)

After Kage lost his 3 way match in the Light-Heavyweight Title tournment at Genisis, El Paco ran in with a shirt on his head and pinned Kage to win back the Mexican Title.


After El Paco was Pinned by The Executioner Kage ran down and got another 3 count to win the Mexican title once again.

Senior Loco

After Martin and Cyanide interrupted Kage and Pluto's Mexican Title match by killing both of them. Senior Loco ran down and pinned Kage.


After Loco won the belt Cyanide and Martin beat him up and left. Kamo, being smarter then Senior Loco, waited till Team Hell was long gone then came out and pinned Senior Loco.


During the same night Kamo won the title, he faced Adam ina singles match. Adam won the match then pinned Kamo a second time to win the Mexican title.


While Adam was beinging interviewed about his new title victory Kamo snuck behind him and Senior Loco came out and pushed Adam over Kamo. Kamo then schooled boyed Adam for the Title.

Senior Loco(2)

As soon as Kamo won the Mexican title from Adam Senior Loco hit Kamo with an Extreme Elbow and pinned him for the Title.


Senior Loco was celebrating his victory when Adam hit Loco with the Mexican title(ie cloth belt) and won the title for a second time.

El Paco Mu Cha Cho(3)

Found the Belt in a trash can and was proclaimed the new Mexican Champion.

Senior Loco(3)

After El Paco found the title he put it in a tree and called it a Mexican Title in a Tree match.Senior Loco, El Paco, Bo Jak, and Kamo were all in the match. Senior Loco pulled the Title out of the tree and won the belt.

El Paco mu cha cho(4)

After Senior Loco pulled the title from the tree, he fell over for some reason and el paco pinned him for the belt.


El paco then was school Boyed by Kamo.

Bo Jak

Bo Jak then kicked Kamo in the knee and pinned him for the title.

Senior Loco (4)

Senior Loco pulled Bo Jak back tot he ring as Bo Jak was trying o leave. Senior Loco hit a frogton and won the title.


When Loco won the belt he ran into a tree(don't ask me why). Martin was walking by and got poo on his shoe. While he was wiping the poo on Senior Loco's unconscience body the ref counted to 3.

The Ref

When Martin won the belt he thought the Ref handed him the title to wipe the poo off his shoe better. After Martin wiped the poo off his shoe he handed it back to the ref making the ref the new Mexican Champion.(on a side note the poo is still on the title.)


After the Ref won the title El paco rushed the ref. The ref moved out of the way and El Paco ran into the same tree as Loco did. Kamo then ran at the ref. The ref threw the belt at Kamo and ran away. Kamo took the belt and became a 4 time Mexican Champion. He then left and the match was finally over.

Senior Loco(5)

Senior Loco was tied to a chair so he would not run off with Team Hells Tag Team Titles.(why Team Hell gave Loco the titles is beyond and of us.) Anyways, while he was wtaching the titles he saw the Mexican title in a trash can. Kamo left it there to go get a bowl of rice. Loco broke free from the rope tied to a chair. He droped the Tag Team Titles and took the Mexican Title to become the new UGW Mexican Champion.

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