Prison Ministry - Prayer


Prayer is simply talking to God. We can communicate to God in these ways:

  1. Adoration - Praise God for who He is.  Psalm 67: 3.
  2. Appreciation - Thank God for His blessings to us.  Psalm 100: 4.
  3. Confession - Admit our sin to God, and claim His forgiveness.  Daniel 19: 4-5.
  4. Intercession - Ask God to act in the lives of others.  Ephesians 6: 18.
  5. Supplication - Tell God about your needs.  Philippians 4: 6.


Ask yourself:  What prayer(s) do I pray from the above list

  1. The most?
  2. The least?


How does your own Prayer Life stack up?

  1. Do you have a prayer notebook or list?
  2. Are you afraid to pray because the words aren't perfect, or that God won't hear me anyway?  Psalm 65: 2, Proverbs 15: 8, Matthew 7: 11 Romans 8: 26.
  3. How often do you pray?  1 Thess. 5:17.


Do you have unresolved conflicts?  Is there something hindering your interaction with God?  The Bible has some reasons why our prayers seem to fall on deaf ears.

  1. Secret Sin -  Psalm 66: 18.
  2. Selfishness - James 4: 3
  3. Lack of Mercy for others - Proverbs 21: 13.
  4. Conflict in the Home - 1 Peter 3: 7
  5. Doubt - James 1: 5-7.
  6. An Unforgiving Spirit - Mark 11: 25


Prayer is not only desirable, but essential.  We know that Satan trembles when he sees us on our knees.  Let's be effective prayer warriors by first cleansing our lives from sin. Spend time in God's Word, and in daily Prayer.  Expect God to do great things for you through the power of prayer.



  1. Prayer defeats the devil.  Matthew 18: 18.
  2. Prayer saves the unbeliever.  Acts 2: 21.
  3. Prayer edifies the believer.  Jude 20.
  4. Prayer sends laborers into the harvest.  Matthew 9: 38.
  5. Prayer heals the sick.  James 5: 13-15.
  6. Prayer guards against temptation.  Matthew 26: 41.
  7. Prayer brings peace.  Philippians 4: 5-7.
  8. Prayer changes the natural.  James 5: 17-18.
  9. Prayer overcomes the impossible.  Matthew 21: 22.
  10. Prayer brings the right things to pass.  Matthew 7: 7-11.
  11. Prayer imparts wisdom.  James 1: 5.
  12. Prayer reveals God's answer.  Luke 11: 9-10.
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