My wife Peggy put this together on September14, 2000

I was just thinking about something, and wanted to share it with you...

If today was the last day on earth, what changes would we make?

I think I would be laughing and smiling at everyone I knew. I would make sure that each person that was special to me knew that they were special to me. I would hug the people around me and tell them that this is the best day of my life and it is a GOOD DAY. Wasn't the sunrise beautiful this morning? I certainly wouldn't be negative about anything and to Gripe ....Why? ...So little time, so many people to Love. I would be searching my heart and thinking if I had hurt anyone and if so I would make amends and ask forgiveness. I would tell them that Jesus is the best thing that ever happened to me because he is Love. He taught me how to Love you...Yes you...even if at times you are un-loveable. He loves me at the times when I am un-loveable.......So I can Love you, just because you are you. You see, if this was the my last day on earth,. I wouldn't be worried about what tomorrow might bring...I would be happy with today...just being alive today, and being with the people God put in my path make a difference in their pray for them, and to be there for share the Love God put in my heart just for them this day. When the evening would come I would thank God for another beautiful day on earth. I would be hoping I had made a difference this day for someone who might not have had as good a day as myself. If everyone walked this path each day, think what a wonderful world we would be living in. We would all be loving each other. No need in any type of Evil schemes to get ahead in this world, after all this is the last day, but to share with each other Love and caring. At the end of this day we would all be basking in the overflow of love directed to us from each and every person we came in contact with. God is so Good to us. Please take a moment and think about it, and make the decision that when your eyes open in the morning. Say "God Thank You for another beautiful day." Today Lord I choose to Love others around me with your Love. Father fill my heart to overflowing. I will walk with you today Father and be alert to the needs in the people you send by. I will Love them Like you love me...And Father this is the best day of my life and it is going to be a GOOD DAY.

Be Blessed,

Peggy Ventura

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