Once upon a time there was a married couple whose names were Jack and Jill. Their marriage is a little difficult, because it was all up hill.

Jack is a very busy salesman traveling across the land, while his sweet little wife Jill looks out the windowsill waiting for her man.

Jack is very successful. His job demands most of his time, and energy. You could say it pretty well consumes his whole life.

Jill is a very faithful and loving housewife. She longs in her heart for a deep intimate relationship, which would involve good quality time every day of the week with her husband.

The problem is, that Jack only has one hour out of a whole week to spend with Jill. Jack tries to justify, that his time with Jill is quite adequate.

One of Jack's complaints, is that Jill feels so distant, and hard to communicate with at times. He can't understand where the break down is, in their marriage.

Jack needs to get his priorities balanced in his life, so he can have a more meaningful relationship with his cute little wife.

Hopefully Jack and Jill's marriage ends better than it begins.

Can a Christian have an intimate and meaningful relationship with God only one hour a week?

How are we, as God's people, going to be truly in-tune, and able to hear God's voice if we are not willing to spend good quality time each day with our Lord?

The church complains, about not knowing the plans and the direction that God has for them. Somehow, they feel that by showing up on Sunday morning for a one-hour man-made program, that they are doing God a real service. How could God be so fortunate?

God is not a one-hour marriage relationship. He dwells within us. We are the Holy Temple of the Lord. So, why are we as Christians looking for God to show up, when He already is living in us? It is not a matter of trying to find God. The reality is taking God with us wherever we go. Jesus didn't have to find His Father. He took His Father with him wherever He went.

"These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men". Matthew 15:8.

"A student is not above his teacher, nor a student above his master. It is enough for the student to be like the teacher, and the servant like his master". Matthew 10: 24-25.

We are told in scripture to imitate Christ. He is our true example of a successful relationship with the Father. If it worked for Christ, it will work for His followers. Amen

Bob Ventura

February 7, 2000

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