Marriage is a work in progress. Like a garden, it needs to be nurtured continually so that love does not wither and die. Here are some suggestions to help you fill your marriage-garden with beautiful flowers.

Plant more flowers than you can pick

Concentrate on out giving each other. Serve one another in continually new ways. You will reap what you sow.

Water regularly

Bless each other with affirmations. Verbally recognize each other’s strengths, abilities, appearance and efforts.

Expose to the sun

Do whatever possible to encourage growth and development in each other. Rejoice in successes and challenge each other to keep learning and stretching. "Encourage one another and build each other up".

Feed the plants

Thoughtful gifts, treats, dates and vacations keep the plants growing.

Give hands-on attention to the flowers

Hold hands, hug, kiss and give back rubs or foot rubs. Touch with appropriate gentleness or passion. Some blossoms are more delicate than others, so make sure that the flower of your affection appreciates your advances.

Pull out the weeds

Sustaining grudges and irritations and neglecting small problems lead to bitterness, anger and distance. Talk about thorny issues and figure out how to root them out. Gently correct each other. Don’t stomp on failures or disappointments lest those seeds spread. "Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong."

Consult the Master Gardener. Read the Book of Life for directions on every phase of gardening

Apply Scripture to all areas of your marriage. "Be kind and tender-hearted to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything…with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts…And be thankful."




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