Prison Ministry Prayer List for Brandon Correctional Centre – March 2000
Prison Ministry Prayer List for Brandon Correctional Centre – March 2000

Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering. Hebrews 13: 3.

We would suggest that you pray generally for the inmates salvation, and the various issues such as forgiveness, guilt, loneliness, race relations, anger, worthlessness, bad news (no parole), loss of hope, fear (fear of man), sexual pressures, family, alcohol and drug addictions, etc. that they face when in an environment as such. Pray for those that are released on parole or day parole; that they will be able to function in the outside world again. Those that are already Christians need to be lifted up in prayer for strength to walk as a new Christian. Pray against the demonic influences that are present in this environment, and in the lives of the inmates. Pray for the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit to flow during the times of contact with the inmates.

We would also appreciate any material in the line of Christian books, pamphlets, magazines (such as Decision) and tracts that are pertinent to prison ministry, Bibles, etc. Please call Bob Ventura at 725-2733 if you have anything to donate. Thank You.

Pastor Bill Richards is spending prayer time with Peter before we minister in the prison. Chapel times are Tuesday – 8 p.m., and Wednesday – 7:30 p.m. Prayer times are Tues. – 7-7:30 p.m. This would be an excellent time to set aside to pray for this ministry.

There is power in prayer, and as volunteers we truly appreciate your prayers for the people listed below: GOD BLESS YOU AS YOU PRAY.

Bernie Mullins - BCI Chaplain; Peter and Bob - Volunteers ; BCI Staff (Superintendent and Board of Directors) and Guards. Other volunteers that come into the prison to do one on one, church services or Bible Studies. Menno W. – Christian in Stony Mountain Penitentiary (moved to Rockwood now) –I heard that he is on the sixth course of an eight course Bible Study – pray for his successful completion of this course, and pray for deliverance from the addiction of alcohol (started a program on Dec. 6th). Pray for his family, close friends that are supporting his walk with the Lord, and the victims of his crime.

Bob –Volunteer – Has a vision for a Christian Half-Way House, and Training Center for follow up with ex-convicts. Pray for wisdom as he works on a one on one basis with an inmate in the high security Section A every Tuesday afternoon from 3 to 4 pm. I am taking a break from the Tues. and Wed. night Chapel meetings to spend more time in prayer and seek God for direction in this ministry.

Peter – Pray for wisdom as he works with an inmate on a one on one basis in Section A every Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 7:30 pm.

Jeff – accepted the Lord October 12/99. Pray that he will take his commitment to the Lord more seriously.

Matthew - Christian – Has been released from prison, and is in Winnipeg. Pray that his walk with the Lord will be stable, and that he will get established in a church and employment.

Joe –Medication for Aids is helping him feel better. He needs to take his commitment to the Lord more seriously. He only has about two and a half years to live. Pray for a miracle healing in his life. His release date was Feb. 2, 2000. He went to Winnipeg to live with some friends, find a job, and appeal his case with the Welfare Board in Winnipeg – The medical side of Welfare turned his request down here in Brandon. Pray for direction and wisdom as he makes his way in a new environment on the outside.

Merle, Ed, Peter, Terry, Marty, Bobby, T.J. – anger; Bobby’s low blood sugar level, and family.

Harold – guilt from the past. Gorden – Pray for a change of heart – he says he will never change no matter how hard he tries. He struggles with past sins in his life. Pray for his wife to come back to the Lord again.

Ernest – February 1/00 he finished a program at Addictions Foundation for Manitoba, and went home (Brandon, Mb.) to be with his girlfriend and two children, and hopefully will get a job which he has applied for at Maple Leaf Hog Plant. He admits he has backslidden. Pray for his steadfastness with the Lord

Gary – Backslider Christian who wants to get things right with God. Tracey his girlfriend is now at the YWCA in Brandon, and awaits Gary’s release in March. Pray that they will be able to find work and a church here in Brandon if they decide to stay here, or wisdom as to where to go. Perry, Dale – guilt from the past, and unforgiveness. Note - Names may be changed, but the Lord knows whom it is that we are praying for. PRAISE REPORTS - Sometimes we may not know the outcome of our prayers, but we do know that the seed has been planted in their hearts and minds. God is in control, and through our faithful prayers, we will see victory. Curtis re-dedicated his life to the Lord, but needs prayer for suicidal thoughts. After praying for Gordon, he has had a peace come over him he never felt before. A winter coat, boots and gloves were secured for Joe who got out on Feb. 2nd. Bob and Peter (volunteers) are moving into Section A to do one on one ministry. Pray for this new adventure. Prison Ministry website –
E-mail - [email protected]

Quote of the Month – You please God when your walk matches your talk.

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