Husbands Love Your Wives

How many husbands really love their wives as the scripture says in Ephesians 5: 25-28, "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself".

We hear so much these days of break-ups, separations, divorce, and marriages where the woman becomes resentful, discouraged, and upset with her mate, and how he displays his love toward her.

A person could go into more detail on what the Bible says about love, but you can do that research yourself. I basically want to say a few words about what I have experienced or learned about loving my wife, and how she has spoken into my life concerning some things that I never knew about women, and what it is really like to really love a woman the way a man should You can learn a lot from your wife, if you will take the time to sit down and listen to her needs.

A man and woman were both made in God's image with very intimate sexual feelings that are aroused in one another through touch and feeling. Some men do not realize that a women can be aroused just as much as a man can, and have full sexual fulfillment, and enjoyment also.

A man needs to be sensitive to his wife's feelings, and needs to show love in a meaningful way in order to receive love in return. A couple can not be selfish in wanting only what they want, and when they want it. An intimate love relationship is a mutual thing between the man and woman that blossoms with time and effort on both partners involved.

A woman needs to know that she is loved by her husband. What are some ways that a man can show his love to his wife. Here are some things I believe are important and worth considering in a marriage relationship:

1. Tell your wife everyday that you love her and cherish her. AND more than just once guys or as the expression goes, "I told you so many years ago that I loved you". Tell her many times that you love her during the day.

2. Leave love notes here and there for her to read. This shows to her that you have a real interest in her well being. Cards, and flowers are necessary. Show as much as you can that you care for her.

3. Pray for her daily. I pray with my wife before we go to bed, and in the morning when we awake. Pray for each other at different times throughout the day.

4. We love to read to each other. There are some good books that are good to read together as a couple. Don't forget to read the Bible together some times also.

5. We hold each other in our arms when we awake, go to sleep, or when we see each other at the end of the day. In other words use as many opportunities as you can to be as intimate with one another as possible to hold, hug, kiss, and caress your wife. She needs to know that she is safe, protected, and held in esteem(Approved highly of or recognized as being of value to you)

6. Have at least one outing a week or more, where you go bicycling, walking, bowling, go out to eat, or whatever you like to do together.

7. Gentle, soft meaningful kisses is another way to show your love. You would be surprised what some gentle kisses, and hugs will lead into. :) :)

8. If you made vows at your wedding, get them out, and read them to each other after a beautiful candlelight meal. Also play soft romantic music in the background.

If you follow the above points(and I'm sure there are other things that you can think of than what is typed here), you men will find more pleasure and responsiveness from your wife that you would ever dream possible, and the both of you will have your needs met. I know from experience!

October 7, 2000 Bob Ventura

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