I. UnderstandingForgiveness - God's forgiveness is complete.
God's forgiveness of my sins means He removes them from me and puts His own righteousness in their place. So, in His eyes, I appear to have never committed any sin.
II. Obtaining forgiveness - God's forgiveness is always available.
Jesus Christ is the perfect sacrifice for my sins. This means I can live in perfect fellowship with Him despite the fact that I have sinned. What I need to do is to honestly admit my sins to God as He shows them to me.
III. Reasons to Forgive - Because God has forgiven you, forgive others.
God's forgiveness is the pattern for me to follow in forgiving others. I need to forgive others as often as necessary, no matter how spiteful or cruel they have been to me. After all, God has forgiven me--and for far worse offenses.
IV. Results of Forgiving - Everyone benefits from forgiveness.
Even though forgiving others is an attitude, it will be reflected in my actions. Among other things, a forgiving attitude will keep me from my tendency of trying to "get even."
V. Situations for Forgiving - Forgiving requires effort.
Regardless of the situation, I need to begin with forgiveness in my heart. Then I need to act in a forgiving manner. If things don't seem to be working out properly--I need to keep on forgiving.
VI. Injustices and God's Control - God can prevent any evil from harming you.
Everything that comes into my life is controlled by God--even the bad things. They are all being used by God to make me more like Jesus Christ. This means I can thank Him sincerely in "all things."
VII.An Example of Forgiving Injustices - God uses both good and bad to develop your life.
Joseph is a great example of someone who reacted correctly to unfair people. He recognized the wicked intentions of others, but trusted in God to overrule their wicked plans.
VIII.Our Reaction to Unfair Treatment - Endure injustices patiently.
Jesus' crucifixion was the greatest injustice of all history. At this time, I need to follow His example of keeping silent before my accusers rather than trying to defend my actions.
IX. Unforgiving Emotions - Forgiving others keeps you from bad emotions.
If I have bitterness, anger, or malice in me, I probably need to forgive someone.Nursing bad emotions will not even things up, help the other person, or benefit me. It will only destroy me.
X. Unforgiving Actions - Forgiving others sidetracks destructive actions.
If I allow the wrong emotions to reside in me, I'll end up taking bad action. Truly forgiving others will stop this chain reaction.
XI. When You Have Offended - Interrupt your activities to make reconciliation.
My actions can really hurt others. If I do anything that causes them stress, I need to apologize and, at times, take additional steps of reconciliation.
XII.When You Are Offended - Initiate reconciliation when obstacles exist.
Most people either openly carry grudges due to offenses or they try to ignore them. If someone has sinned against me, I need to be forgiving and privately tell him that I forgive him. The whole incident will probably help us develop a better and deeper relationship.
FORGIVING Not Allowing Anything To Hinder A Relationship.

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