Grand Canyon National Park

The weekend of week 6 was our big trip, the trip to Grand Canyon National Park. This trip was lead by Mr. De Young, the geology professor. He used this trip to teach his students, and the rest of us, about different rock formations in the canyon. Mostly we all went to take in as much as we could. Friday morning started very early and very very cold. While waiting to take the bus to the rim, we tried to keep warm in the 30 degree temperature by stretching out. The bus came, we warmed up, got to the rim, froze again, and started our hike down into the canyon. We were warned that the canyon hike is backwards of most hiking. We would climb down first, and when we were tired after climbing down, we had to hike up. Of course in the morning we all were saying we could do it no problem. That was when we started.

Our trip down to the Canyon started at around 9 in the morning. The sun was not very high in the sky and so the cast of the shadows on the rocks was just beautiful. The trail we hiked down was a set of switchbacks. As we walked down into the canyon, the view was just amazing. God wasn't kidding when, looking back at his work, He said it was good.

After a while, we stopped for a break. Each of us took our breaks in a different way. Some decided to sit and rest, and David took his break by having a little fun.


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