STAGE ONE    The Stage One Program is designed to help newly separated, divorced or widowed
                       persons.  It is an eight-week program of meetings with a small group and two
                       facilitators.  It is spiritually oriented and helps to identify the crisis and opportunities
                       facing you during these trying times.  For more information please call (408) 265-4040.

RAP                Rap Sessions are large group sessions including get acquainted time, announcements,
SESSIONS      refreshments, newsworth announcements, presentations on subjects of interest to
                       members (usually given by professions) and group discussion.  They are held on the first
                       and third Sunday of the month in the Holy Family Community Center.  The meeting
                       begins at 6:30 PM with a get acquainted time and refreshments, then announcements at
                       7:00 PM followed by the main speaker.  Sessions usually end by 9:00 PM.


Call (408) 278-5434

                       New Horizons now has an activity phone number listed above that you can call to listen to
                       a recorded message describing events for the following week.  The tape is updated on
                       Monday of each week.  You can also leave your name and phone number if you're
                       interested in finding out more about our organization or in obtaining a complimentary copy
                       of our newsletter.  One of our coordinators will contact you.  Thanks and we look
                       forward to hearing from you.  (04/25/02)

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