Rules suck!

Trade Regulations

Yes, I know. Rules suck. But I'm a freak, and therefore must have some. Bear with me, it's worth it.

If you want to trade with me, please at least do me the courtesy of filling out the following form and emailing it to me.
Your Name: This is so I know who to address. I'm not a stalker, I swear. eMail: Read the above.
Card You Want: Let's face it. You want something from me.
What you are willing to Trade it for: And I want something in return. It's only natural, right?
Address to your Trading Post: I am a web designer person, and a graphics maker. I thoroughly enjoy seeing what other people have, along with seeing what other TCG's they belong to.

Not a hard form, right? Anyway. Also, I have to ask you not to try and trade more than 3 cards with me at a time. I am ADHD, and get confused easily. 1

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