Zu:The Warriors From Magic Mountain
Directed by: Tsui Hark
Circa: 1983
Runtime: 95 mins

Before I talk about this movie.. Let me first say that I DID like it..
But as
IMDB.com so elequently states it.. This movie is WHACKED OUT.. Tsui hark must have been going through some sort of gay superman phase or something with this one.. And there's no possible way I could explain this movie.. It's just too "out there"  

The plot starts off with a series of battles by a series of multicolored armies. Yuen Biao Plays a soldier who is unwillingly pulled into a world of swords sorecery, and the supernatural. Sammo hung plays A soldier from another army that Yuen befriends. He also plays the character "Long Brows" who's mission is to supress the blood demon while Yuen and his friend hunt for the answer to defeating it.
Along the way he fights "Pot ghosts", Evil cult members, a "Blood Demon", and sexually repressed mountain woman.

It really is hard to describe this movie to someone who hasn't seen it.. Tsui Hark's vision is Brilliant, It's just he didn't has enough money to accuratlly film it.. Noticable "edits" and cheesy cel drawn animation drop this movie down a few notches. I'm also not a huge fan of "wire-work", but in this movie it was tolerable.

If your into something diffrent, check this one out. It's a fun battle against good and evil.                                

original movie poster
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