The Professional
Directed by Luc Besson

I seriously forgot how cool this movie was until I watched it again. Jean Reno friggin rules!!

Leon (Jean Reno) is  an illiterate hitman, who befriends the daughter, Mathilda (Natalie Protman), of a family how gets killed by corrupt DEA agent (Gary Oldman).

The main focus is of Mathilda trying to get Leon to train her in becoming an assassin and the relationship between the two.

Leon does train her in a great scene. They are ontop of a apartment complex. Leon has his training weapon from when he started. Its a high powered rifle that can shot from a mile away.

Th egun is trained into Central Park where Mathilda shots a jogger with the rifle, but the ting is the rifle only shots paintballs.

you'd think in a movie about an assassin there would be tons of shoot outs but there aren't, only 2 main ones. The one at the beginning which is great and the one at the end, which is intense.

This is the very first movie of Natalie Portmans. I didn't even realize it was her until Star Wars Episode 1 came out.

Overall this movie is pretty damn cool, and if yo uwant to own it, go out and look for the uncut version called "Leon: Version Integrale". It has 26 more minutes in it then the American release.

For info on what missing;
Leon: The Professional

Scott Davis

5 skulls!
Fucking Awesome!

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