City of the Living Dead
Directed by Umberto Lenzi

Don't get me wrong, I love zombie movies, they're my all time favorite horror sub-genre, but when you get zombies who look like they fell face first into oatmeal, you know something has gone wrong.

It all starts off with a news-reporter being handed a special assignment case. To cover some important fellow who is landing at the local airport.

Everything is going alright until an unidentified airplane lands with no pilot in the pilot chair. The plane gets surrounded by military personal and airport security .

Suddenly the airplane door opens and zombies rush out an attack veryone except for our fearless news-reported who runs off to get his wife.

The rest of the movie has the reporter running around trying to get to his wife and escape the oatmeal zombies. They eventually get rescued, but thats not the end. Stayed tuned after that to get the greatest twist ending in the world!!

Overall, this is the worlds shittest zombie movie. The special effects are shit, especially when a chick gets her nipple cut off.

But for 8 bucks what do you expect.
                                                 Reviewed by
Scott Davis

3 skulls!
not to bad.

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