Be Still and Know, Psalm 46:10, NIV

Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!

     What will it take before we are still at His feet? What must we go through, what must happen in order for us to stop being anxious, stop worrying, stop thinking, stop trying, stop doing and just be still?
     Sitting at the feet of Jesus is vitally important in our lives. It's as important as breathing, eating, and sleeping. We get caught up in doing so much that we neglect just sitting and listening to the Lord, and then we find ourselves overwhelmed, anxious, stressed, or just battling with unnecessary emotions and problems. But when we just take that time to sit and listen to the Lord, we are refreshed and find peace and direction for our day, for our lives.

     Just today I was walking around the house, overjoyed by what the Lord had been teaching me and showing me about His Holy Spirit, about being filled with His Spirit, and about waking up feeling renewed and refreshed. But as the day passed on, I remembered that I hadn't yet taken the time to read His word because I had to get out of bed and get ready for the day. I had taken a lot of time reading the introduction to a book and hadn't yet had time to read my Bible.
     I sat down and, actually, I can't remember if I opened up the word to read... I think I read part of 1 Peter 2. But then I started working on some Bible study homework for my women's fellowship, and then got side tracked into reading about stuff in the news online. Anyway, as time passed, that sense of joy and peace that I awoke with seemed to fade, and I found myself feeling anxious for no reason that I could recognize. When that happened, I began to pray, but never did I sit down and just listen for the Lord, waiting on Him to comfort me and refresh me. Instead I prayed quickly, trusting that He would do it as I went on with my day.

     Oh, but how important it is to sit and listen to the Lord! His is a still, small voice that speaks to us in our hearts-- When we are running around in a mad frenzie, or even just preoccupied with regular stuff, we don't fully hear His still, small voice and thus miss out on much blessing, I believe.
     The Lord convicted me tonight, after that day of just being worked and exhausted, that I needed to pray for more sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, so that I can discern with greater ability His still, small voice. He showed me that I keep waiting for a loud, clear voice rather than a still, small voice. This requires being still, waiting, and trusting patiently even when we don't think we're hearing something. And what we do hear, we need to act upon in faith and go with it, trusting that it's from the Lord (for He gives us His peace to move forward in it).
     The analogy that fits my situation at least is that of a person learning to swim. Our Bible study tonight was about the river of God's Spirit, that river leading to pleasure and joy in Him. And it came to mind that passage where the prophet was told to step into the river, and to go deeper, and deeper, and deeper until the water was over his head. And the Lord showed me that when you are learning to swim, when you're not familiar with the water, that you tend to struggle and panic and wave your arms around a lot, and thus you start to sink. But when you just relax and rest, you float.
     And in my newness to being totally led by the Spirit in every aspect of my life, I'm panicking and sinking! Sure, throughout my walk with the Lord I've walked by faith and sought to be led by His Spirit, but He's taking me deeper into the waters of His Spirit. No longer am I dipping my toes into it, but He's given me a thirst and a desire to plunge in headlong! But in that I often realize that I don't know how to swim really well and then I start to anxiously flail and start to sink. He's telling me to rest, relax, and I will float-- and He is carrying me. "Though the waters rise, they shall not overflow you."

     So take heart! "Why do you fear, O you of little faith? Have courage, for I am with thee." Your rod, and Your staff-- they comfort me. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. "Know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." Your lovingkindness is better than life; my lips shall praise Thee, thus will I bless Thee-- I will lift up my hands unto Thy name.
     Oh Lord, make me to be more in tune with Your Spirit, so that like a beautiful melody springing forth straight from the heart, Your words and Your heart for me and for others will spring forth readily from my lips. You are faithful, and also will do it. Thank You!

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