Mature in Christ, Philippians 3:15-16

"All of us who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. Only let us live up to what we have already attained."

     All of us who claim maturity in Christ should have this same view, as Paul says. What view is this? In prior verses we read that Paul counts everything he has accomplished in his own efforts or been born into by birthright as rubbish, lost to gain the knowledge of Christ (vs. 7-8). He also says that he strives for righteousness that comes from God, which comes from faith in Christ and not from works and the law, and that though he has not yet attained all that he hopes for, he continues to push on as a runner running to win a race (vs. 9-14).
     Yet this is not just an ideal standard that only the clergy should live up to; this is not something that only the "fanatics" prescribe to; this is how all believers who call on the name of Jesus Christ should view life. If any claims to know Christ and have a relationship with the true and living God, he will, by prayer and study of God's word, mature in time. Paul says as we mature, we too will view such things in the same light. And if you have any question about any of this, Paul says, God will surely make it all clear to you.

     The Holy Spirit also speaks to us through Paul, saying that we should live up to that which we have already attained. And what is it that we have attained? We have attained eternal life in Christ Jesus; we have attained salvation and forgiveness of sins; we have attained a right standing before God through faith in His Son. We ought to walk worthy of the calling we have received, making the most of every opportunity to share with a lost world that which God has done for us and in us.
     To live up to what we have already attained, to walk worthy of the calling we have received, means that we are not going back to our old lives of sin, and we are not compromising and living with "one foot in the world, one foot in Christ". Being that such a high price was paid to redeem us and free us from the guilt of our abundant sin-- the blood of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God-- would it be fitting that we not give our lives over in reckless abandon to the will and desires of God? If such an outstanding and awesome sacrifice was made to set us free, how can we not but give our lives as living sacrifices to the purposes of God? Anything but would be nothing less than heart-breaking to the One who gave His life to set us free.

     It is he who has given his heart to Christ, he who has devoted his life to the calling of God, he who makes it a priority to know God more and more-- it is he who will mature in the faith and become one who counts all things as loss when compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing our God and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is this believer which will hear, on that day not too far away, "Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with few things; I will put you in charge of many things" (Matt. 25:21,23). But he who squanders the precious time that God has given him will be rebuked for his laziness (Matt. 25:26+), and for his misuse of the time that God gave him to share the truth of God's salvation. For he did not help to gather a harvest unto the kingdom of God, but lived soley for his own pleasures. This believer, though saved, will weep for the loss that he has experienced, because his whole life will be burned away as wood, hay, and stubble. He is saved only as one escaping the fire (see 1 Cor. 3:12-14).

     This is surely not God's plan for us, that we live on the edge and make it to heaven by the skin of our teeth, as one barely escaping the fires of judgment. No, God has a life of abundant blessing stored up for us! When we give our lives to God fully, we are fully blessed! It is only when we compromise and live for our own pleasures, forsaking the will of God, that we will not only miss out on God's blessing in this life, but experience great anguish over our foolishness when we see God face to face and realize the eternal rewards we have squandered to gain temporal happiness.
     Jesus wants us to be aware that these things are real and true, that it is not only for a select few to live a life completely given over to Him, but that it is the norm, that we should all be living in such a way!

     A life of utterly selfless devotion to God is only a prayer away; take the plunge and say a prayer today!
God will hear you; He loves you and is waiting for you to call on Him!

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