What Are You Seeking? Luke 11:29

"And when people were gathered thick together, He began to say, This is an evil generation: they seek a sign; and there shall no sign be given it, but the sign of Jonah the prophet."

     Why did Jesus call the people of His day an "evil generation"? Because they sought a sign? No, rather, because they sought a sign, and did not seek God. They sought a sign in place of God. In verse 16 of Luke chapter 11 we learned that always seeking a sign from Jesus, the people were tempting Him to prove who He was to them. But they were not actually interested in believing in Jesus Christ-- Their hearts were so hardened that they even attributed His casting out demons to Satan. Thus Jesus would not give them any sign but the sign of Jonah the prophet: He would rise again from the dead on the third day after His crucifixion.

     How many times do we pray to God, asking Him to show us proof of His will and His plan for our life? I think we all do this quite a bit. But how many times do we already have a plan in our hearts, and we are asking God for a sign, hoping that this sign will confirm what is in our hearts rather than being open to what God actually wants to do? If He were to show us something that contradicts what we want, are we still willing to accept this sign?
     Our motive in asking for confirmation of His will should be just that: Seeking confirmation of His will. If we are looking for anything else, we ought not to be asking for signs. We shouldn't ask God for signs to confirm our will, or signs on where to go next if He hasn't placed anything upon your heart. If you were to do this, you could end up chasing the wind.

It is important to seek God--
If we do this with all of our hearts, He will be found by us. That is a promise from God Himself.
"When you seek Me with all of your heart, you will find Me."
Don't seek a sign, seek God.

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